Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 239 Waiting for him in the room

Xiao Cheng's palace is on the other side of the Zhu River.

After an illness, Xiao Cheng lost a lot of weight, but his elegance and nobility remained unchanged. He was dressed in plain clothes without an imperial robe. Sitting upright, he was still like an orchid and a jade tree, a famous celebrity, and a bright moon in the world.

Xie Congguang came in dejectedly. After the ceremony, he babbled for a long time, feeling a little frustrated.

"The general was so impulsive that he almost ruined something big."

Xiao Cheng's eyes were gentle and he seemed to smile.

"General Xie is devoted to the country and his loyalty and bravery are commendable. What is wrong with him?"

That day, the emperor crossed the Zhuhe River at night to meet Feng Twelve Niang. Xie Congguang had heard this from others, but he was a military commander and his mind was not that delicate. The emperor's palace was very deep, so he did not think that Feng Twelve Niang would really be the emperor's. Heart and liver meat.

Thinking of Feng Ying crying and being slapped on her knees, he, a great man, felt uncomfortable for the emperor.

"Mrs. Feng was wronged today."

Xiao Cheng frowned, expressionless.

"Did she hit someone?"

she? who?

Xie Congguang was stunned for a moment before he realized that the "she" he asked in a gentle tone was Feng Yun.

Why doesn't he care about his beloved Mrs. Feng?

Xie Congguang touched his forehead and nodded.

"Hit him, hit him hard."

Xiao Cheng's heart trembled slightly.

A person like Feng Yun would hit people in public and utter arrogant words?

If it hadn't come from Xie Congguang's mouth, Xiao Cheng wouldn't believe it.

Xie Congguang didn't know what the emperor was thinking, so he added another word.

"Mrs. Feng comes from the Feng family in Xuzhou. She is good-looking, quiet and elegant. She could have been in the palace for a big job. But today's incident will inevitably lead to some bad news... Your Majesty should be more cautious."

Xie Congguang had no objections to Feng Ying as queen before. Like other ministers, he believed that the emperor should establish a central palace early to rectify the country's foundation.

But he also heard what Feng Yun said.

"Mrs. Feng's identity is inappropriate."

After that, he added: "Your Majesty is at the peak of the Spring and Autumn Period. For the sake of the country, you should recruit more beauties to create heirs for the royal family."

These words were usually spoken by civil servants, and Xiao Cheng's ears were ringing with noise. He never thought that a general like Xie Congguang would one day persuade him.

He smiled faintly.

"Ai Qing, you actually have time to worry about me. It seems that the new concubine in Bingzhou is not pleasing to the eye?"

Xie Congguang was speechless.

Xiao Cheng sighed, "I wish it were so easy."

Xie Congguang was stunned.

The emperor's eyes were filled with crushed emotions, and his voice was muted, vague yet firm.

"Go down. I'm a little tired."

Xie Congguang sighed secretly, begged for mercy and left.

The smile on Xiao Cheng's face slowly froze, and he held the tea cup with his eyes down and raised his head.

"Thanks to Xiao San's righteousness of not marrying, I was saved from jumping into the fire pit."

Feng Yun's voice seemed to appear in his ears.

Xiao Cheng's scalp was about to explode.

He had a severe headache, so he took out the porcelain bottle, poured the pills inside into his mouth, and drank heavily.

Water stains dripped down his chin, and it was cold, but it could not dispel the swelling and tightness accumulated in his chest...

Heart pounding.

Suddenly it was Feng Yun crying.

Desperate sobs came from the abandoned palace, causing jackdaws to scurry around and fly up to the high eaves of the palace.

Those scenes that he had never heard of or seen in his previous life were filling his mind like crazy...


"You are my wife."

Xiao Cheng held his head, sweating profusely from pain in the nightmare hallucination.


The elegantly furnished room is filled with precious incense.

Feng Ying lay on the bed without moving, her long hair hanging on the pillow, like a dead person.

The maid carefully applied an ice handkerchief to her face.

The scarf fell on his face, and it hurt like a knife cutting flesh.

Mrs. Chen could not help but tremble as she watched from the side, but she remained motionless.

"Be good, tell grandma if it hurts..." Mrs. Chen seemed distressed, holding her cold hand and rubbing it constantly.

"Mom, my daughter is fine." Feng Ying raised her eyes, "Compared to today's humiliation, what is this pain?"

"Do you still know that it's humiliating?" Mrs. Chen complained very much. She wanted to poke her forehead. Seeing how injured she was, she endured it and said angrily:

"That little bitch has no good intentions. You always say good things to her in front of my father..."

Feng Ying was silent for a moment, her eyes wet.

"She is my eldest sister after all. I watched her fall into the fire pit without helping her, and even married the man she loved. She hates me, and she should..."

"You are stupid." Mrs. Chen glared at her.

She was so humiliated on the small street of the Assembly Hall that she wanted to take a knife and cut Feng Yun into pieces. How could she hear her daughter's words of defense?

"She smells like a fox. If she is not sent to the enemy camp, she will be a disaster sooner or later. Just like her short-lived mother, she will have to stain the lintel of the Feng family. What do you think your father and I are doing? Not for you sisters..."

Feng Ying's face tightened and she became increasingly unhappy.

"Mom, stop talking. I want His Majesty to know. I don't know what to think..."

Mrs. Chen became even more angry when she heard Xiao Cheng.

"You let that little bitch get hurt like this, and you still care about him? I think he doesn't have the slightest bit of love as a couple when he treats you..."


Feng Ying couldn't bear to hear such words.

"Your Majesty treats me very well and never treats me badly. We are harmonious as husband and wife. How come there is no love between us?"

Seeing her displeasure, Mrs. Chen stopped talking, "You, why did I give birth to such a disgraceful thing like you..."

Sometimes scolded and sometimes angry, Mrs. Chen was full of complaints.

Feng Ying remained silent, silently holding back her tears, looking pitiful.

Mrs. Feng looked at her daughter's red and swollen cheeks, and a thought suddenly occurred to her. She took the handkerchief from the maid's hand, motioned her to go down, and waited for the door to close before saying:

"Your father went to the parliament that day and accidentally found out some news..."

Feng Ying's face hurt when she spoke and she didn't dare to make a big expression. She asked stiffly: "What?"

Mrs. Chen sat closer and whispered in a breathy voice:

"Do you know how that bitch managed to please Pei Mad, coax him into marrying her, and coax Xiao San into being obsessed with her?"

Hearing her say that Xiao San was obsessed with Feng Yun, Feng Ying frowned unhappily and became impatient.

"Mom, Your Majesty has a difficult reason, please don't keep talking about it..."

"What's the reason? Isn't it lust?" Mrs. Chen looked at her daughter's face and sighed secretly.

"My mother is not saying that you are not as good-looking as she is, but this little vixen has the means to seduce men. Look at her charming and flirtatious attitude, can't she take away the soul of a man?"

He lowered his head again and said in a low voice:

"Did you know that she has a kind of ointment that makes men fall in love with her..."


Pei Ran was going to the banquet at Cuiyu Palace.

He changed his clothes in the camp, tidied up his appearance, took Qian Sanniu and a few guards, and rode to Chunyuyuan.

None of the ministers took their families with them, so naturally he couldn't take Feng Yun there.

Privately, he didn't want Feng Yun to follow him, and he didn't want to involve her in that whirlpool.

But he had to say it himself.

When Daman saw him coming, he called to the general, lowered his head and retreated to one side.

Xiaoman was actually more enthusiastic than her.

"The general is here? Girl, the general is here."

Pei Ran hummed and walked in with his long legs.

The embroidered curtain is rolled up high, and it is slightly cold and transparent.

Feng Yun was facing the bronze mirror and dotting makeup at the corners of his eyes.

She usually dresses very plainly, but this time she has dressed up in a good way. She has jade muscles and waist, a charming figure, and plump breasts, showing off her voluptuous appearance. At a glance, you can't appreciate the beauty...

Pei Ran stopped.

Breathing slightly tight.


Feng Yun seemed a little surprised when he saw Pei Ran in the mirror.

Raising her eyebrows, she walked over gracefully, with a smile on her red lips, and slowly put her hands around his neck.

"I heard from Mr. Pingyuan County that there is a night banquet in Cuiyu?"

Pei Ran looked at her grand dress and asked, "Yunniang wants to go?"

Feng Yun shook his head, his smile as gentle as that of his most demure wife.

"Today I had a conflict with the Feng family in Mingquan Town. Although the turmoil was finally calmed down, after all, I caused trouble for the general. How can I dare to eat and drink shamelessly?"

Pei Ran frowned, "You are not trouble."

"The general will trick me."

Feng Yun wanted to kiss him.

She disliked him for being too tall and was dissatisfied.

"General, stay down."

Pei Ran lowered his head slightly, and she pressed his neck and nibbled on his lips.

His lips were soft and a little cool.

With this peck, he nibbled hard until it was ruddy and swollen, and then he smiled with satisfaction.

"General, go quickly, don't keep the Queen Mother waiting."

Pei Ran lowered his head and looked at her. Her soft and delicate figure was like a delicate flower that could not bear to be pitied, which made his heart skip a beat.

"Why are you dressed like this?"

So cold.

It's really cold.

Dog man, can't you speak with some warmth?

Feng Yun laughed, "I heard that Prince Chunyu lives next door. I haven't visited him yet. I happen to have some accounts to check with him. I'm about to go there..."

It's already dark, why don't you go find Chun Yuyan to check the account?

And dressed in such a seductive way?

Pei Man gently held her shoulders with his fingers.

"Chun Yuyan will also go to Cuiyu Night Banquet."

Feng Yun was startled, with disappointment in his eyes, and glanced at him wetly.

"One general is not enough, why should we even call for Prince Chunyu?"

Pei Ran:......

Feng Yun went to kiss him again.

Much gentler than before, it landed on his chin and neck in small pieces, and her little hands tugged at his clothes randomly, gradually biting towards his collarbone.

"Has the general not given me the antidote for several days?"

"Yunniang." Pei Madang's breath was gone, and his breath was extremely hot.

"It's too late. You wait for me in the room. I'll come when the dinner is over."

"No." Feng Yun said in a low voice: "You go into the palace to accompany the Queen Mother. I want to be poisoned. Can I find someone else to go to?"

"..." Pei Man's waist tightened greatly.

Feng Yun noticed it, put his head on his chin, rubbed his Adam's apple with his tongue, and bit lightly, "right now."

Pei Bang breathed heavily, lowered his head and pulled her away, looking at the ripples of light in his eyes, his voice was hoarse, "There are people outside, waiting for me..."

Feng Yun smiled slightly, suddenly walked over and extinguished the candle, and threw himself on him, hugging his waist.

"If you turn off the lights, no one will see you."

I really thought I had already updated this chapter and have been writing the next chapter...

wait a moment wait a moment

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