Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 240 No sense of propriety

Pei Madang was thrown back and took a step back.

It was like being hit in the heart by a ball of soft fireworks.

Feng Yun covered his ears and stole the bell. He refused to aggrieve himself at all. He lay in Pei Madang's arms and tugged at his clothes without any rules. Pei Madang was not wearing armor. He had loose clothes and loose belts. He had black hair and a crown of jade, and his robes were very complicated. .

She was a little annoyed because she couldn't untie it, so she simply gave up and slid down to pull on his belt.

"Tsk, tsk, go see the Queen Mother and dress like this..."




Pei Ran sighed slightly, hugged her and lowered his head and asked:

"Mother Yun, don't you trust me?"

Of course it's not...

If a man really wants to mess around outside, he can be stopped for a while, but not forever.

She wasn't worried, she just didn't want to make Li Sangruo too happy.

It was difficult to see Pei Man's eyebrows clearly in the darkness, but Feng Yun sensed his inquiring intention and slightly curved his lips, "I miss you, the general."

There is incense burning in the room, and it is Feng Yun’s homemade laughing lotus.

At first it felt a bit bland, but once I got used to it it turned out to be extremely elegant.

Pei Madang initially thought that Feng Yun was unhappy and was torturing him, but he soon discovered that it was not...

She means it...

That soft hand released him lightly, without even bothering to take off his clothes, and used such force that it seemed to break him.

Pei Madang grabbed her hand and said, "Waist waist."

"Don't you want to?" Feng Yun asked him, his breath fell on his neck, like a devil's long tongue, making the unseemly hard thing stagger around, forcing him to speak.

Pei Ran gritted his teeth, "What do you think?"

The beast is eager to break free, jumping and jumping, what else can I say?

Feng Yun seemed to be confused and deliberately hummed: "After all this time, I don't know what the general is thinking. How can I guess what the general thinks?"

Pei Man tightened his hands, held her waist and pressed her in front of him, "I want to kill you."

His whole body was as stretched as a wooden stake, and his voice sounded more like it was squeezed out from between his teeth.

Feng Yun felt that he was very inhuman, so he liked to watch him gradually transform into a ferocious beast, then trace his outline in detail, and listen to his miserable breathing...

"Then what are you waiting for?" Feng Yun chuckled.

Pei Ran didn't speak, as if his internal organs were being eaten by insects, he subconsciously put it in her hand, suddenly grabbed her waist, picked her up, and they both fell on the couch.

He lay underneath, and Feng Yun hit him hard, letting out a low cry of pain, pressing up, grabbing his hair, and biting his neck.

"General..." The two of them were entangled, and she sucked and bit hard, as if she wanted to taste something. Pei Ran pinched her waist, and in the slightly painful itching, the muscles were as tight as stones.

"I come."

It's too late.

He couldn't stand her ink marks.

Feng Yun refused and pressed his arm.

"I can do it myself."


She sat on Pei Madang, sliding back and forth, and after struggling for a long time, her neck was almost bitten by him, and she couldn't get in...

"No, why not... What did the general eat to grow up..." She seemed anxious and angry, her whole back was about to break due to soreness, and she didn't want him to help. As long as he offered his hand, she would brush it off. If you drive away, you have to compete with yourself and get stuck together.

But she really can't.

"Yunniang." Pei Madang's inner fire was completely aroused, almost drenching her. He gasped softly. He picked up her waist and pushed her down. They changed positions. He bent his knees and lowered his head to rub her small breasts. Auricle, "I'll come..."

"Well..." Feng Yun closed his eyes subconsciously and put his hands on Pei Ran's shoulders. She was wedged inch by inch, and the feeling of invasion made her whole body tense up, and her body trembled slightly in his palm. It took a long time before she let out a whimper, and grabbed his hair and neck randomly.

Pei Madang couldn't bear that she was so crazy, he panted even more, and his self-control completely collapsed.

Compared with her residual poison, he has been affected by impotence disorder for a long time, and actually needs relief more than she does. Since she has to pester her, she can't be spared now.

"Be patient."

"I can't bear it." Her breathing was soft and long, and her moans made people go crazy.

The two people were squeezing each other like they were at war. Feng Yun gradually felt that he was in danger. He was out of breath and pushed him, but he had no strength. His body was sinking and falling under his control, and he felt as if he was about to fly. .

There are no lights in the room.

Darkness deepens feelings in subtle ways.

For a moment, the light from the eaves lamp came in dimly.

a mess.

Pei Madang's robe fell to the ground, and Feng Yun's dress didn't take off either. He just lay on his back in the fabric, half of his body covered by the corners of his robe. They couldn't see each other's entanglement as they rose and fell, hiding their shame. But it adds to the extravagance.

"Don't do it..." Feng Yun was a little flustered. She felt that Pei Madang was very violent today, as if he was sincerely trying to hurt her. He had no scruples and became more cruel every time. She opened her eyes wide in horror, "Brother, take the cloth." Cloth……"

"No need." He said, "I have discretion."

What's the point?

Pei Gou is the most unreasonable in this matter.

Feng Yun didn't want to miss the show if he couldn't get up tomorrow.

She pushed him.

Her strength was so weak that it was useless. She screamed, bit his shoulders and neck, and forced him to come out. Then she found a piece of cloth and wrapped it around him to feel at ease.

"Okay." She nuzzled him like a cat.

Qingmei and well-behaved, as if the little beast just now was not her.

Pei Ran suddenly thought of Ao Zai.

She was delaying his time to go to Cuiyu, imitating Ao Zai's act of coquettishness.

But what if he knew she was delaying? He had no say when the arrow was on the string, so what else could he say about her? If he says one more thing, he should be scolded for not being a human being. He has to rely on her to achieve anything.

"General, when you see the Queen Mother later, what if I ask you to stay overnight?"


"The Queen Mother has an edict, can you disobey it?"


"It's broken, it's broken... General, can you please be gentle and slow down? Are you so anxious... are you in such a hurry to see Queen Mother Li?"

"Nonsense!" Pei Ran lowered his head and lightly rubbed her forehead twice, as if to coax her, but also to briefly accumulate strength for the next wave of conquest.

Feng Yun's body was trembling and swaying, and he thought to himself that it was lucky that the cloth was wrapped around him, otherwise he would have killed the person with his cruelty.

"You are in such a hurry just to see Queen Mother Li...ah!"

After receiving a heavy blow, she unconsciously screamed and bit him, her charming voice lingering to the extreme.

Pei Man did not dodge or evade, letting her go crazy, lifting her waist and sinking her waist, showing no mercy...

Feng Yun's whole body felt like he was soaked in warm water, his whole body was hot, his ears were full of random sounds, numbness accumulated into a sea, until the embankment burst, his toes stretched out, and he made a long humming sound...

"Back then, Li Zongxun wanted to get married and approached my father to discuss it." Pei Ran gasped and spoke suddenly.

This was the first time Feng Yun heard him take the initiative to talk about Li Sangruo.

She became interested, stopped making trouble after eating and drinking, and looked at him with slightly narrowed eyes.

"Then what?"

Pei Madan frowned and said, "My father agreed."

"how about you?"

"I'm in the camp." Pei Madang's palms moved downward along the rounded arc, and he brushed the robe hanging down from his body, looking for the fragrance, and slowly twisted it, "I didn't participate."

"But there's no objection, right?" Feng Yun took over, his breathing that had just calmed down gradually became faster, and the embers rekindled, biting him tighter, "The parents' orders, the matchmaker's words. If something hadn't gone wrong along the way, Li Zongxun's appetite If you want to grow up and rise to the top, has the general married her? "

Pei Ran said nothing.

In the dark night, I could only hear him panting like an ox.

"You say, you say..." Feng Yun made him unable to speak complete sentences, and his cheek was held by his broad palm, unable to move.

He leaned over and kissed her, kissing her softly and comfortingly. At the same time, he lowered his waist and deeply fed her trembling body. His strong and strong texture almost melted her through her clothes.

Feng Yun moaned softly, unable to tune.

This man is like a plowing cow!

He had considered marrying Li Sangruo, that must be the case...

She wanted to see Pei Ran's face clearly and see his expression.

Unfortunately, I turned off the lights for stimulation, and all I could hear was gasping.

"Everything in the world is impermanent." Pei Madang said suddenly, "I don't know either."

"Why don't you know? The general is a traditional and conservative person. If she doesn't marry the emperor, you will marry her. You may have children now. Depending on the general's temperament, he will definitely treat her like he treats me now... love her , protect her, treat her well... no, definitely treat her better than me..."

"No." Pei Ran said.

This time for sure.

Feng Yun: "Why not? After all these years, hasn't the general still guarded his body like a jade for others?"

Protect yourself like jade?

Pei Ran seemed to smile.

He rubbed his sweaty chin against her temple hair, breathing heavily.

"For the waist and the waist."

"Bah." Feng Yuncai didn't believe the man's sweet words on the bed. She exerted a little force, and the man almost choked her and let out a dull groan.

"Yunniang, please don't..."

"Don't you want to see the Queen Mother quickly? Let me help you." Feng Yun hugged his neck and squeezed him out. Pei Madang wanted to give her some color, but he was a woman who was born with a lot of skills. The ability to drive him crazy.

He gritted his teeth and held her waist, paused for a moment and lowered her again.

Feng Yun couldn't hold on anymore and tried to struggle, but he pushed him back hard. His whole body was strung up and he couldn't make a sound, so he let him be nailed there.

"Pei Gou..."

She wanted to curse, but Pei Man didn't give her a chance. He took her feet and put her in a semi-curled position. He turned over, grabbed her soft waist, and pressed his whole body against her back, breathing erratically. The ground was plundered so fast that Feng Yun could only scream and could no longer talk nonsense... (End of this chapter)

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