Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 241 I feel inferior to you

In the courtyard next door.

The maids in cardigans and long skirts had nothing to do, playing hide-and-seek among the flowers and trees in the courtyard. While the hairpins were trembling wildly, each one of them had a beautiful figure. They joked and chased each other from time to time. It was a quiet and peaceful scene.

Any gentleman from an aristocratic family should be lucky to have so many beauties. I'm afraid he will have to linger among the flowers all day long...

But they were kicked out by their master.

Chun Yuyan sat alone in silence, his eyes slightly closed, his eyelashes trembling wildly, trying to hold his messy breath. Amidst the incomparably charming noise, his scalp was numb and he was gradually lost.

He thought he was a little crazy.

Crazy to the point of despair.

There is nothing more terrifying than a life that is extinguished, dark, and hopeless without a trace of light...

A person is standing alone in the dim light and shadow, his messy robes make his beautiful face look like a scene of flowers, and he is extremely romantic. But such a face, instead of leaning against the red and green trees, is actually sitting in the night light, hopeless and only filled with sorrow.

The bronze mirror reflected the young master's unparalleled beauty, with the harsh light gone, his face flushed, and his eyes like drinking ice.

Dignity and decency are torn apart, and there is no mask and disguise.

He was like a pornographic ghost whose poison penetrated his spinal cord.

"Feng Twelve."

Chun Yuyan gritted his teeth and fell into chaotic imagination and madness.

His dark and silent eyes were slightly closed, covering the ripples, and he was gritting his teeth in the endless pleasure.

"I really want to kill you."

There was a stagnant hoarseness in his throat.

My body was so sweaty that I felt like I had just been fished out of the water...

The chaotic voice had a terrible influence, making him feel a strange sense of confusion while he was struggling and sinking. The girl threw herself into her arms, entangled him, bit him, and called him. He hugged her tightly and pushed her to the end...

"Kill you!"


After the desperate gasping and shaking, he calmed down and his mind became clearer than usual.

He saw himself in the bronze mirror, sitting on a cold wooden couch.

My arms are empty without her.

The wind outside became louder, and the whimpering sound next door disappeared. It was so quiet that it seemed as if what I just heard was all an illusion...

Chunyu Yan raised his fingers and caressed his heart.

It was still beating violently and there was no reply from the afterglow.

The sudden feeling of shame made him extremely frightened.

He really did a big sin in his previous life, so God would punish him like this, right?

After sitting there for a moment, he spoke softly.


Sang You's figure appeared outside the screen, faintly visible through the candlelight.

"Why does the prince call for a servant?"

Chunyu Yan said: "Prepare water."

Sang You promised.

He heard the broken voice of his master.

But he didn't dare to ask and quickly disappeared outside the screen.

Chun Yuyan stood up from the table with a calm expression, and there were rapid footsteps outside the door.

Qu Ding's people hadn't arrived yet, but the voice arrived first.

"Your Majesty, is Your Majesty here?"

These counselors are very proud in front of nobles.

Yin You didn't stop him, but followed him and knocked on the door for him. He smiled and asked, "Mr. Qu, what good can you do?"

There was uncontrollable joy in Qu Ding's voice.

"Of course. Let's wait until we meet the Crown Prince..."

Chun Yuyan frowned slightly, looked sideways at the mask, picked it up and put it on, straightened his clothes, and sat upright with a deep voice.

"Come in."

The door creaked and the copper lamp flickered in the wind.

Qu Ding came closer, looked at the expressionless mask under the candlelight, and bowed slightly.

"Your Majesty, I have found out the news."

Chunyu Yan picked up the already cool tea cup and said, "Tell me."

Qu Ding walked to his side, lowered his head and whispered to him.

Chun Yuyan's eyes flashed with intense surprise at a speed visible to the naked eye. He slowly turned his head to look at Qu Ding. When he saw him nodding again, he choked. The sweat on his back was blown by the cold wind, and his whole body shivered.

After a long time, he gave out a cool smile.

"He is indeed a lunatic!"

He thought a lot about the truth behind Feng Yun's poisoning...

But she never thought that the murderer was herself.

"You dare to administer such strong medicine to yourself without fear of annihilating your descendants. You are cruel and vicious enough..."

Qu Ding sighed, "I can only find out so much at the moment. The medicine was definitely prepared by Feng Twelve's mother, but I don't know where she got the prescription. I asked an acquaintance of the doctor to see it. This medicine is very ingenious and extremely powerful." Violent, the medicine of tiger and wolf..."

He glanced at Chunyu Yan and sighed.

"Feng Twelfth Mother, you really didn't leave any escape route for yourself."

Chunyu Yan sneered.

That strange coldness penetrated into the seams of his bones without warning.

It seems to carry the residual warmth from the dream just now.

He gritted his teeth: "What a cruel woman."

In order to frame others, you can do this to yourself.

Feng Twelve said he was a pervert?

Compared to her, Chun Yuyan felt inferior.

Qu Ding asked: "What should we do now?"

Chunyu Yan looked at him calmly and said, "Sir, I promise that the reward will be no less."

Qu Ding smiled awkwardly: "This is not why I am just worried about the prince..."

"There's no need to say nice things." Chun Yuyan was silent for a moment, then suddenly laughed softly, as if he was in a good mood, "I wonder if Pei Wanzhi will be mad to death when he learns about this?"

Qu Ding couldn't figure out what his master was thinking, but when he heard him say this, he felt a little panicked and felt that it was not a good thing...

Qu Ding touched his nose and thought of another thing.

"I also found out about Jiang Ji."

Chun Yuyan raised his eyes, "Is it her?"

Qu Ding looked at him and cupped his hands, "I dare to ask the prince, if Jiang Ji is Lian Ji, what will the prince do?"

This matter is very delicate.

Despite Chun Yuyan's eagerness, he wanted to find out Jiang Yin's identity and checked again and again. But from Qu Ding's point of view, the prince didn't understand what he wanted to do or how to do it, so he delayed and delayed... …

Otherwise, with his stubbornness towards Feng Twelve Niang, wouldn’t Jiang Yin have come back to the house long ago?


Chunyu Yan's narrow phoenix eyes moved slightly, and after a long time he said:

"Both her parents are dead and she is helpless. I cannot stand by and watch."

Qu Ding:......

that's all?

Qianxun Wanxun just wanted to find her and take care of her food and clothing to repay the kindness he had shown her?


Pei Madang's physical strength is far beyond that of normal people.

Even if he kept it, Feng Yun was a little confused.

People walking on the road of greed and depravity are like stepping on steps, stepping on them step by step until there is no bottom line...

The wind stops and the rain stops.

Pei Madang pulled off the cloth and looked at Feng Yun while panting, his eyes red.

He got it, but didn't get it all. This woman always had a way to make him feel uncomfortable. Not being able to fully possess her feelings was like a cat's paw in his heart, coming out to scratch from time to time and killing him.

But I can’t blame her...

He moved his eyes downward, looking at the thing that was still unsatisfied after being released, and then touched the teeth marks all over his neck, and asked in a hoarse voice:

"Are Yun Niang satisfied?"

"General, go quickly, don't waste time!" Feng Yun's face was pressed against the pillow, his eyelashes fluttering slightly, his eye circles and the tip of his nose were red, his lower abdomen was heavy, he was breathing heavily, and his cheeks and ears were hot. It seemed to be burning.

Pei Madang pulled away and went to find Huo Zhezi.

The candle on the blue and white lampstand lit up, and the firelight made the porcelain warm and gleaming. It also reflected Feng Yun's pretty face like the rain on the mountainside. Her appearance was charming and enchanting, her long hair was wet and slightly messy, and she lay there soft and weak. Curling up like I can't stand the cold...

Pei Madang walked back and hugged her waist with complicated thoughts and rubbed her, "I'm very happy..."

"..." Feng Yun leaned back slightly, took a look at his strong body, pulled down his dress to cover himself, and weakly let out a vague curse.

"Come on, hurry up, I can't even look at you."

Pei Ran:......

Ruthless means her.

Dislike it after using it.

It's like they're just dewy ducks.

It's pleasant when you're having fun, but you don't recognize it when it's over.

Pei Ran's eyes were cold.

"wait me back……"

Feng Yun stroked Luo's swollen belly, his face full of resistance from exhaustion.

"Don't come back tonight."

Pei Madang grimaced, grabbed her feet with his big hands, and held her feet hidden under her skirt. Feng Yun trembled all over, curled up his toes in fear, and narrowed his eyes in warning, "General, don't act like this!"


Even if you get a bargain, you still behave well.

Pei Man grasped her ankles and pulled her close, lowered his head and circled her, looked at her eye to eye for a moment, kissed her sweaty cheek, and went to the clean room without saying a word.

Feng Yun heard the sound of water and knew that he was washing up and preparing to see Li Sangruo, but he could no longer muster the energy to say harsh words.

Of course, it's actually not that sour.

I even want to laugh a little bit...

Then she actually laughed out loud.


When Pei Ran came out, Zuo Zhong, Ji You and others all lowered their heads.

"Let's go." His voice was a little hoarse.

But his face remained normal, as if nothing had happened.

Zuo Zhong looked up at him.

"General, do you want to go back and change your clothes?"

It's ridiculous to say that there are no clothes belonging to the general in the Spring House, and the wife has never thought of preparing anything for the general, let alone staying with him sincerely.

Pei Ran looked down and closed his cloak.


Ji You felt aggrieved for the general, "My subordinates will pack up tomorrow. Can you help the general bring some clothes?"

This time Pei Ran did not refuse and strode ahead.

Ji You and Zuo Zhong looked at each other, and then looked at the general's straight back. They couldn't tell his emotions. They always felt that there was something strange, but they couldn't explain it.

He asked Zuo Zhong in a low voice, "General, are you really not going back to change your clothes?"

There is a cloak to cover it, but when you take it off when you go to the main hall, won't you see the folds of the robe in a mess?

Is it inappropriate to attend the Queen Mother's night banquet like this?

Zuo Zhong also felt it was inappropriate.


He looked back at the courtyard in the dark night.

"If the lady thinks it is suitable, then the general will be suitable."

Ji You seemed to understand, watching him suddenly laugh and wink.

"You said our wife is really capable, is this possible?"

Zuo Zhong was silent.

If someone had told him in June last year that the general would be pestered by women for sexual pleasure before he was in a hurry to travel, he would not have believed it.

Sex makes the mind dim, but the ancients were honest and did not deceive. (End of chapter)

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