Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 243: Sanqiu Guijiu

Fang Fucai came to pick her up in person, which was enough to show that the Queen Mother valued the general.

The carriage drove into Cuiyu. Fang Fucai was always smiling on the way. He was a good waiter. He helped people get on and off the carriage and bent over. He was much more thoughtful than Daman and Xiaoman.

Feng Yun glanced at Xiaoman: "Learn from me."

Xiaoman looked at the smile on the girl's lips and felt a little uneasy. "A maid can't compare to Eunuch Fang. Madam, I am ashamed of you."

She was well-behaved.

When they went out, they didn't call her a girl, but Madam.

It showed Feng Yun's status and let people know that they had a backer.

After all, she was from Qi. She and Daman were a little afraid to meet the Queen Mother of Jin. They needed to carry the general out to keep her safe.

Daman was much more cautious. From the moment Feng Yun got off the carriage at Cuiyu, she was very careful to pay attention to the people around her. She was as nervous as Xiaoman.

Feng Yun was much more frank.

Wearing wide sleeves and loose clothes, and a soft fox cloak, she walked into the hall and bowed generously.

"Your Highness, the Empress Dowager, sees you."

She did not look up.

But she could sense that Li Sangruo and the civil and military officials in the hall were looking at her.

There was no sound in the hall for a long time.

Li Sangruo did not say anything, so she kept bowing without moving, and even the faint smile on her face did not change at all.

The Feng family's family education was very strict, and her mother had also restricted her a lot at that time. Feng Yun's etiquette would not let Li Sangruo catch any mistakes...

The Empress Dowager did not ask her to stand up for a long time.

There was silence in the flower hall.

Until Pei Jue's voice sounded.

"I asked you to come, and you said you were not feeling well. The Empress Dowager called you, and you responded."

This sentence gave Li Sangruo enough face and reminded everyone that his wife was "not feeling well", and if she continued to "bow down", it would be Li Sangruo's intention to make things difficult.

The words were neither light nor heavy, and they all concealed the love between husband and wife.

The bitterness in Li Sangruo's chest almost suffocated her.

Jealousy is the most crazy and disorderly...

At this moment, many resentful thoughts flashed through her mind...

She wanted to use the most cruel and evil way in the world to let Feng Shier Niang die in her hands, but what she wanted to see most was Pei Jue's disgust for her...

"Look, what kind of beauty is this? I am stunned." Li Sangruo narrowed her eyes slightly, and the smile on her face deepened a little, "Madam, please take the table."

"Thank you, Queen Mother."

The palace people were very sensible and placed Feng Yun's table behind Pei Jue.

Not too far from him, but it was not convenient to talk, unless he didn't have to be polite.

"Are you feeling better?" Pei Jue turned around and really didn't have to be polite.

Feng Yun didn't expect that he still had something to say outside.

She lowered her clear eyes slightly, her cheeks flushed, and gave him a look of hesitation, and answered with a hum.

"General, you miss me. I'm much better."

This soft and long little voice.

Pei Jue raised his eyebrows and said nothing.

It was just a short conversation of two sentences. The two said nothing, but it seemed that they said everything. When General Pei turned his head sideways, the scar on his neck, the general's wife deliberately covered it with a vertical collar, but still revealed the red mark, and the look that seemed to be angry and strange, was full of entangled ambiguous feelings.

The general's wife didn't say anything about what was wrong, but everyone present could see it clearly.

The general and his newlywed wife were very close.

The flower hall was very quiet. Except for the occasional sound of cups colliding, nothing else could be heard.

Li Sangruo's heart was cold, and she lowered her eyes and held the cup to hide her emotions.

Feng Yun pretended not to know the scrutiny of others and sat dignified.

In two lifetimes, she and Li Sangruo had not seen each other for many years.

Li Sangruo's expression didn't change much, but her eyes seemed to have become more weathered. She didn't have the confidence and calmness she had in her previous life. She was in her twenties, enjoying the supreme power of Jin State and the best care, but she looked very haggard...

Feng Yun didn't know if it was her own illusion.

She even felt that Li Sangruo's face showed a kind of sickness.

Under the embroidered clothes and heavy makeup, there was an unfathomable anxiety...

Feng Yun was familiar with this emotion.

She was like this in her previous life.

Li Sangruo glanced over: "Is Mrs. Feng from the Xuzhou Feng family?"

Feng Yun nodded: "Yes."

Li Sangruo smiled and said: "I have heard that the Xuzhou Feng family has a deep family background and extensive knowledge. I believe that Mrs. Feng is also proficient in poetry and books and is very talented?"

Feng Yun raised her eyes slightly, "The Queen Mother is too flattering. I am only a beginner in writing and not proficient in art."

She looked directly at Li Sangruo, and Li Sangruo also looked at her.

Feng Yun smiled softly, her eyes respectful.

In her previous life, Li Sangruo also said this, but she was not as polite to her as today. After praising her talent, she asked her to sing and dance in public.

Treat her like a prostitute.

This time Feng Yun waited for her next words, but Li Sangruo did not dare to say anything.

The Queen Mother did not consider it as being overly polite to ask a concubine with no status to dance and sing...

But to the wife of the general, she would not dare to be so presumptuous even if she had no sense of propriety.

"That's great."

Li Sangruo said, glancing at Pei Jue vaguely.

"The death anniversary of the late emperor is coming soon. I am going to copy some scriptures to offer to the emperor's tomb. If you are free, come to Cuiyu in the next few days and accompany me to copy scriptures."

Pei Jue frowned.

He thought she would refuse, and she should have refused.

Unexpectedly, Feng Yun said, "Your Highness, if you don't mind my poor handwriting, I will obey your order."

Li Sangruo smiled, and the lungs that were almost rotten and melted by pain seemed to be injected with a touch of warm spring water, which made her feel much better.

Pei Cong lowered his eyes and raised his cup to drink.

Feng Yun only saw the back of his head, thinking silently, lowered his head to pick up chopsticks, and tasted the delicacies on the table.

Roast chicken, pickled goose, rolled fruit cakes, beautiful dishes and beautiful scenery, should not be missed.

She ate very beautifully, her slender white knuckles stroked the celadon white cup, her movements were elegant and graceful, like a picture of a lady in the misty rain, it was really "a glance to kill a scholar".

Li Sangruo clenched her fingers, and there seemed to be a fishy smell rolling in her throat. She was so nauseous that she wanted to vomit just by looking at the food. She tried to suppress it, and felt dizzy in an instant.

She supported herself on the table and slowly stood up.

"My dear ministers, please enjoy your meal slowly, don't be restrained, I will be back soon."

Morning sickness is really uncomfortable.

She angrily thought about the little bastard making trouble in her belly, and her face inevitably changed. Her smile became much uglier. She left the table under the pretext of changing clothes.

"Your Highness, please stay!"

Feng Yun's voice was behind her.

Her soft words made Li Sangruo's heart palpitate, as if she was saying something sarcastic.

But when Li Sangruo turned around, she saw a face full of worry.

"Your Highness, are you feeling unwell?"

Li Sangruo forced a smile: "No."

Feng Yun said: "It seems that I was overthinking. I thought..."

She hesitated and smiled softly, "I am rude. Please forgive me, Queen Mother."

She did it on purpose.

Li Sangruo was so angry.

But her stomach was blocked in her throat. She didn't have time to speak. She hummed and covered her mouth. She barely managed to hold back from vomiting on the spot, but her expression was clearly visible.

She was going to vomit!

She was going to vomit!

Li Sangruo walked very fast.

The ministers looked at each other, and after a moment, they started talking again.

It was as if nothing had happened.

Feng Yun thought about Li Sangruo's expression just now.

For a queen mother who could make a fuss over a cold, what reason did she have to hide her unwellness?

This "illness" was probably shameful.

Feng Yun stretched out a foot slightly and rubbed it on Pei Jue's back.


Pei Jue turned back with the cup in his hand, "Madam."

Was the tone unfriendly? Feng Yun was affectionate, and a curve appeared on the corner of her lips, like a greedy little fox.

"I want to drink the Sanqiu Gui wine on your table."

"Sanqiu Gui wine" was the name of the wine on the table. Feng Yun heard this name from them just now, and felt it was extremely elegant.

Pei Jue frowned, "What kind of wine does a woman drink?"

Feng Yun said, "I want it."

Her cheeks were flushed, and she was charming and coquettish.

The sound of the word "ma" was careless, as if it was a subtle hook that would break a person's bones.

Shangshu Cao Lang, who was talking to his colleagues, trembled. Seeing the woman's wide sleeves fanning the slightly cold wind, as if carrying fragrance, he suddenly stuttered...

No wonder the general spoiled her and would rather offend the queen mother than keep this woman by his side.

Such a beauty, which man can resist it?

Pei Jue really handed over the pot of Sanqiu Gui wine, with a cold look, as if he was dissatisfied with the lady, but his tone was indescribably doting, "Drink less."

"I know." Feng Yun said, "I won't lose the general's face."

Pei Jue stared, and said with a pinch of gold: "One mouthful."

Feng Yun smiled lightly: "How can one mouthful be enough? I'm greedy for this, I want to eat more."

I don't know if it was because of the night light, her jade-like white cheeks were faintly flushed, and the serious words made Pei Jue's blood fluctuate.

This woman!

The corners of his mouth tightened, and he poured her a small half cup with a cold face.

Feng Yun took a sip, tasted it, and smiled.

"Good wine."

Li Sangruo saw her charming look when she came back.

Her fair skin was abnormally flushed, and she held her cheek with her hands, looking at Pei Jue with soft eyes, as if water could drip out.

The always cold General Pei stared at his young wife with slightly angry black eyes. That was the look a husband gave his wife, complaining and helplessly doting...

The way the two looked at each other made Li Sangruo's heart swell.

What made her even more angry was those well-dressed ministers. As they pushed the cups and passed the cups, their eyes seemed to be glued to something, and they looked at her from time to time. (End of this chapter)

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