Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 244 Catching an adulterer

Li Sangruo swallowed the fishy smell in his throat and sat down on his head.

With a flick of his robe, his eyes were covered with dim shadows.

She said: "Madam, are you drunk?"

Feng Yun raised his delicate and beautiful face and smiled.

"Sanqiu Guijiu is well-deserved. I drank two more cups. Your Highness, please forgive me..."

When she raised her head, her collar was somewhat spread out, and the red marks that were specially hidden under the collar were exposed. It was extremely dazzling against the soft skin, as if someone had bitten it. You can imagine that the man was on her How crazy is it...

Li Sangruo's eyes darkened slightly, as if his heart was burning with anger. He forced a smile and scolded Fang Fucai with a sideways glance.

"Madam is a good drinker. Why don't you bring out the Ai family's treasures to offer to Madam? You idiot, if you don't treat her well, the Ai family will take issue with you."

Fang Fucai kept begging for mercy with a tired smile, and soon brought a bottle of wine with both hands, bent down and placed it on the table, then poured a full glass for Feng Yun himself.

"Please, ma'am."

How dignified is it for the eunuch serving Her Royal Highness the Queen Mother to personally pour wine for the general's wife?

If Feng Yun doesn't accept it, it means that he doesn't give Mrs. Li face.

Feng Yun raised his eyes and said, "I thank the Queen Mother."

Just as she was about to hold the cup, a warm hand stretched out to stop her.

Pei Ran shook his head: "Madam."

Feng Yun's lips curved.

"As the Queen Mother has given me, the general will allow me to be arrogant for once."

While others were trying their best to refuse to drink, she was rushing to beg for a drink...

Pei Madang frowned, looking at her cat-like lazy look, and wanted to see through her, but there was nothing in those wet eyes except a heart-stopping warmth.

Her eyelashes quivered, and her voice was light and airy.


It's like being coquettish.

Pei Madang calmly retracted his hand.

After a glass of wine, Feng Yun felt a little weak.

After sitting for a moment, she got up and went to change clothes. Xiaoman quickly came over to help her.

Cuiyu's flower hall was originally used for entertaining guests. Along the flower hall is a garden surrounded by rockeries. A few dozen steps ahead, you can see several side rooms, which are specially used for distinguished guests to change clothes and wash themselves.

There was a maid leading the way, and Xiao Man carefully helped Feng Yun over.

After entering the room, there was no one else around. Feng Yun suppressed the smile on his face, and the gentleness and tranquility disappeared.

Instead, there was a solemn look on his face.

"Xiao Man, close the door and don't let anyone in."

Xiao Man was stunned for a moment, "Girl, what are you going to do..."

"Be obedient." Feng Yun didn't have time to explain, so he held up the hem of his skirt and walked inside.

The place is scented with incense, has soap for washing, and is decorated in a very luxurious and luxurious manner. It is neater and more spacious than the bedrooms of ordinary wealthy people.

Feng Yun did not go to the convenience store, but looked around and checked the doors and windows.


Wei Zheng drank a lot tonight.

He had lost face that day and had no intention of chatting with his colleagues and saying some indifferent polite words. He drank alone with a sullen face and thought about his next fate.

Sanqiu Guijiu does not have the fragrance of osmanthus, but it seems to be particularly intoxicating tonight...

He was in a trance, and suddenly smelled a sweet fragrance on his nostrils.

There was a maid serving at the banquet. The maid slowly knelt down and called to Master Wei.

Wei Zheng raised his eyes, turned sideways, and let the maid serve the tea...

I don't know whether his title as the head of the Tiqi Division is too scary, or whether his stern face is just too sinister. The maid's hand holding the tea could not help but tremble. Wei Zheng frowned slightly, and was about to speak. The maid He accidentally spilled tea on his clothes.

"Master, please spare my life." The maid shivered nervously and turned pale with fear.

Wei Zheng waved his hand impatiently, stood up and went out.

People wore complicated clothes at banquets. This kind of thing often happened. He didn't think much about it. After leaving the flower hall, he was led by the maid to change clothes.

The maid said nothing the whole time.

Wei Zheng was thinking about something and didn't notice that he had gone a little far. It wasn't until the door opened, the maid stepped back, and he walked in drunkenly that he realized something was wrong.

There's someone inside.

This wing is actually connected to the next door...

The thin wooden screen is half hidden and half visible. On the other end is a woman, shadowy and shadowy, with the fragrance of the wind filling her face.

Wei Zheng subconsciously opened the screen.

The woman had a cold face and looked at him without blinking.

"Master Wei, is he too drunk?"

The provocative words scared Wei Zheng to death.

"Why is Madam here?"

Feng Yun's eyes turned cold, "This is exactly what I want to ask Master Wei. What benefits did Queen Mother Li give you?"

Wei Zheng looked at the woman in front of him in surprise and felt inexplicably embarrassed.


Before his voice fell, his expression changed.

He felt a faint burning sensation in his lower abdomen. He thought it was the wine burning him, but now he tasted it carefully, but it was wrong. Qi and blood surged downwards, blood flowed backwards, and there were insects and ants gnawing at his internal organs...

In particular, the beauty in front of him had a cold look on her face, as if she was in love with her, and he reacted almost instantly.


Wei Zheng was greatly frightened.

He specializes in some shady activities in Tiqisi, and is well aware of the dirty tricks in the palace. He certainly understands what Feng Yun said.

Li Sangruo tampered with his wine.

And the tea soup that accidentally wet my clothes was not an accident.

"Madam..." Wei Zheng's eyes were red, his whole body was tense, and his voice seemed to be struggling from between his teeth, cold and angry.

"How dare Wei dare to be rude to Madam? What happened today was not Wei's original intention."

Feng Yun sneered, "Did Empress Dowager Li coerce you?"

Wei Zheng shook his head, his throat was irritated and he felt a little bitter.

"It's okay if it's coercion. At least, I can listen to her reason in person..."

Li Sangruo didn't say anything to him, he just wanted to harm Feng Yun by hooking him up. It was a good plan to kill two birds with one stone in order to repay his resentment for leaving midway that day.

Wei Zheng suddenly felt heartache.

He had liked Li Sangruo...

Even if he left midway that day, he didn't dislike it completely. But his feelings for her became complicated. There are fears, concerns, Luo Yue's influence, considerations based on children, and a deep fear of Song Shou'an's fate...

In other words, what he avoided was the kind of shady relationship, not Li Sangruo.

He once liked her so much that he lost himself. Even though he knew that she was keeping a good reputation in the palace and was in conflict with Song Shou'an, he still didn't change his original intention. He acted like a housewife all day long. He was jealous of Song Shou'an and fought openly and secretly with Fang Fucai because of her.

She saw his affection and infatuation in her eyes, but she always just regarded him as a dog...

Call him when you need him.

Occasionally give him a bone and let him kiss it.

It’s no longer needed, and I won’t even abandon it…

Immediately sacrifice him and kill him.

It is conceivable that if he really offended Feng Yun, would Pei Madang let his blood splatter on the spot?

Wei Zheng didn't need to think about it to know that Li Sangruo had given up on him.

At this moment, his life depends on the woman in front of him...

Wei Zheng's back was covered with cold sweat, and he bowed his hands.

"Ma'am, please give me some advice. What should Wei do in the current dilemma?"


At the banquet, there was a lot of drinking and drinking.

The ministers happily talked about the peace agreement and the advantages and disadvantages of the two countries. Some people advocated delaying it until the beginning of spring, taking advantage of the high morale of the Jin army to continue to attack the city and seize territory. Some people advocate a ceasefire and restoration of people's livelihood.

"General." Li Sangruo picked up the cup and cast his eyes casually on Pei Ran.

"The Ai family still doesn't know the general's intentions?"

She looked intently, not mentioning what this "intention" meant.

Pei Madang raised his eyes: "The food and fodder are wasted and the morale of the army is unstable, which is not good for our government."

Li Sangruo smiled and said, "So, the general wants peace?"

Pei Madang: "Although the country is big, if it is warlike, it will perish."

Li Sangruo smiled lightly.

"No wonder the general can win the hearts of his soldiers."

In the eyes of her and many ministers, Pei Madang was brave and bloody, and loved killing and conquest. This kind of person was naturally warlike and relied on fighting to support his troops. Once peace is negotiated, where will the value of the general come from?

Li Sangruo glanced at him and said softly, "General, you serve your country, you look so clean."

Pei Madang didn't seem to hear the compliment. He held the cup with his fingers, raised his head and drank without saying a word.

At this time, a maid hurried into the flower hall and was shocked.

"No, no, the general's wife has disappeared in the garden."

Li Sangruo said in a deep voice, "There are no rules. Please explain clearly, how come the general's wife is missing?"

The maid said: "The general's wife seemed a little drunk. She went to the garden to change clothes smelling of alcohol. The maid watched her go in, but just now, the lady's personal maid came out with red eyes, looking for someone everywhere, saying Madam is missing..."

After saying that, he looked a little hesitant and his eyelids trembled.

"But maid, the maid saw Master Wei going there too. I wonder if she met the general's wife..."

She didn't say anything, but she pointed accurately.

Once people find out that Feng Yun and Wei Zheng are together, she won't be able to explain it clearly even if she has a thousand mouths.

Li Sangruo glanced at Pei Ran, raising his voice for fear that others might not hear.

"Nonsense! How could Master Wei be with Mrs. Feng?"

The maid shrank her neck nervously, "Maybe the maid was dazzled and saw something wrong, I don't know..."

The atmosphere in the flower hall suddenly became tense.

It doesn't matter if you are wrong, the truth is never needed to spread rumors.

Li Sangruo turned around and asked Fang Fucai: "What are you doing standing there? Why don't you send more people to find the general's wife? This garden is not small. If you slip and fall, there will be three advantages and two disadvantages. What will happen?"

Fang Fucai bent down and saluted, "I understand, you villain!"

The maid took Fang Fucai down, and there were messy footsteps outside. Li Sangruo watched Pei Ran leave the table without saying a word, his eyebrows slightly raised.

"Sanqiu Guijiu is indeed intoxicating, and Ai Jia also smells a bit drunk. Let's go out for a walk and help find Mrs. Feng by the way."

As soon as she left, some people left the flower hall on the pretext of changing clothes or going out for some fresh air.

This garden is so big, how could such a good lady just throw it away?

What was the purpose of the maid hinting to Master Wei?

Everyone was very excited when they thought of General Pei's face, and rushed out to find out what was going on.

It's a bit cold at this time of year, the cold wind is blowing in the garden, and the leaves are rustling.

Li Sangruo came out with a few palace attendants, searched symbolically in the garden, and went straight to the wing.

There was a faint sound inside.

A thin, soft, restrained vibrato came out through the layers of barriers like a low whimper, making people blush...

It's Feng Yun.

The drunken voice was charming and graceful, like an overflowing moan.

The garden was quiet, and no one spoke for a while.

There was a trace of cruelty in Li Sangruo's eyes, and he motioned to Fang Fucai calmly.

"Open the door."

The door was bolted from the inside. Fang Fucai pushed it twice but did not push it open. He directed two small yellow doors to hit the door.

Xiao Huangmen took the order and rushed forward.

The door opened in response.

The cold wind poured in, and the scene slowed down strangely.

The two people in the room hugged each other tightly. The moment the wooden door was knocked open, the tall man took the woman into his arms. The woman seemed to have no bones, as if she was about to melt in his arms, too soft to stand.

Li Sangruo strode over the threshold and saw this scene.

The sneer froze on her face, and she felt like being struck by lightning.

Not Wei Zheng?

The man turned his head and stared at her coldly, holding the back of the woman's head in his palm, letting her lie on his chest, her breath slightly unstable.

"What does your highness mean?" (End of this chapter)

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