Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 246: Thorough Investigation

Li Sangruo's words were filled with the anger of a man who had lost everything.

It was as if this layer of intangible window paper was suddenly pierced.

Feng Yun was faintly excited. He noticed that Pei Madang's body was tense and felt that he was simply going crazy.

Forcing him to express his position in front of his old lover would be more uncomfortable than killing him, right?

"I have no such intention."

Pei Ran's expression was indifferent, and his tall body stood majestically.

"I am loyal to the imperial court and have no second thoughts. I have never failed to live up to the last wish of the late emperor Tuogu. I wonder why your highness said this?"


Are you pretending not to understand?

Li Sangruo said: "Since you are loyal, why do you disobey the Ai family?"

Pei Madang said: "I am not Wei Zheng, let alone Song Shou'an. The late emperor entrusted me with a lonely job, and I am entrusted with the imperial edict to assist the country. I should be loyal to state affairs, not sexual affairs."

Li Sangruo's expression changed.

"What did you say?"

Pei Ran looked coldly, "I have married a wife, and the couple is in harmony. If Your Highness is willing to bless you, I should also bear in mind the last wishes of the late emperor, guard the borders for the Jin Dynasty, support the country for Your Majesty, and dedicate myself to the court. If Your Highness is unwilling..."

Li Sangruo burst into tears suddenly, "What will you do if I don't agree?"

Pei Madang: "If you can't be a good minister, then you will be a sinful minister."

Li Sangruo shook his body, in disbelief.

She stared hard at Pei Madang's dark eyes, unable to see through them.

"General, have you thought about it? Instead of being blessed with descendants and shining in history, you would rather become a traitor and commit treasonous acts for a woman?"

Pei Madang stared at her, word by word.

"It's not a rebellion, it's King Qin."

Words that are almost emotionless and rude.

It was as if Li Sangruo's last layer of fig leaf had been torn away and opened in front of him.

Her lips trembled slightly, "Pei Lang is so cruel."

Pei Ran: "This is what I have said. Where to go, His Highness will decide."

Li Sangruo's throat was sore, dry to the point of tearing, and painful, as if it was going through his limbs. He wanted to vomit, but couldn't.

At this moment, she finally understood that her father was right.

A general with a heavy army, excellent military ability, bravery and good at fighting is a man-eating lion.

You can't rely on the loyalty of the other party.

Loyalty can change.

Once he can no longer be her subordinate, Li Sangruo, and can no longer be used by their Li family, they must find ways to get rid of him.

Otherwise, it will eventually become a serious problem.

"Go ahead."

Li Sangruo casually threw the nanmu bracelet into the basket, his tone was surly and indifferent, but a smile appeared on his face.

"Seeing the love between the general and his wife, the Ai family is also happy for the general. In any case, the general can be considered married, and there are no rumors in the capital that the Ai family has ruined the general's life..."

This statement makes people feel uncomfortable, but there is nothing wrong with it.

At the same time, she also expressed her attitude and made a choice——

Bless Pei Madang and make him a good minister instead of a sinful minister.

Feng Yun felt that Li Sangruo, who had calmed down, looked like a rival.

Just now, he almost cried and knelt down in front of Pei Man to beg for mercy. What did he say?

"Thank you, Your Highness."

Pei Madang always spoke concisely.

Not wanting to get entangled with Li Sangruo anymore, and not wanting to let Feng Yun secretly watch the excitement, he just walked past Li Sangruo with Feng Yun in his arms and stepped out of the threshold.

Not far away, there were envoys and followers in twos and threes.

People in general like to watch the excitement. No matter how serious these people appear on their faces or how pleasant their words are, they actually want to see other people's jokes and see if the general's wife is having an affair with Wei Zheng...

Who would have expected to see this scene?

The Queen Mother lost control and went crazy. What she said in the room could not be heard clearly by people outside.

But such a plaintive voice had already aroused everyone's curiosity.

Waiting solemnly, when Pei Madang came out of the room with Feng Yun in his arms, they all came forward to express their condolences:

"Is Madam okay?"

"There is nothing to worry about but nothing to do."

Pei Madang hid Feng Yun's face under his cloak and walked through the middle.

Unexpectedly, Feng Yun didn't want to calm down at all. He put out a drunken little face and suddenly pointed to the wing in front of the ministers.

"Master Husband...the dressing room...there is a door within the door, and there is a door within the door...just like the secret labyrinth..."

She said it coquettishly.

Others just thought she was drunk and couldn't see the way, and she talked drunkenly.

Someone was laughing lowly.

Feng Yun added: "I didn't run around. The maid in the garden brought me in. The house is connected to another room. I wanted to come out the same way, but the door was locked and I couldn't get out... I just I can move forward, but the house is filled with incense, which makes my head dizzy, and I gradually can't remember things until I am found by my husband..."

She talked in random directions, seemingly drunk, but she provided a lot of information.

The garden maid took her to the dressing room.

She wanted to leave, but the door was locked.

What happened?

Everyone was curious.

How did this bizarre "disappearance" happen?

Where did Master Wei go?

"Mother Yun." Pei Ran didn't want Feng Yun to be watched and given advice in public. Whatever the reason, he didn't want to embarrass her.

"We'll talk about it when we get back."

"Master Husband..." Feng Yun originally wanted to make trouble with only three points of wine, so how could he avoid it at this time?

Besides, she doesn't care about face at all.

Only if you are shameless can you scratch Li Sangruo's face.

"You don't believe me?" She bit her lower lip, gently hugging the man's neck amidst the noise around her and the cold night breeze, and said with extreme grievance.

"Master Husband, someone wants to harm my's true..."

"I feel so uncomfortable... If my husband hadn't found me in time, I don't know what would have happened..."

Pei Ran's Adam's apple rolled.

He didn't want to ruin her reputation.

But there was a glint in Feng Yun's eyes.

she wants.

Pei Madang tightened his arms and glanced at the crowd coldly.

"Just wait, my husband will make the decision for you."

Pei Man asked Xiao Man to open the room next door, and carried Feng Yun into the inner room to lie down, letting her and Da Man take care of him. Then he went out, looked at the crowd in the cold wind with a cold face, and bowed to Li Sangruo.

"Under my nose, someone is actually trying to harm my wife. This is tolerable, but what is intolerable? If I can't uphold justice for my beloved wife, Pei Madang is in vain. Please give me your permission to thoroughly investigate Cuiyu!"

Before his voice fell, he bowed his hands to the ministers without waiting for Li Sangruo's reply.

"Until the matter comes to light, I invite you all to sit down and not leave."

The ministers looked at each other, and their expressions changed immediately.

Is Pei Ran going to investigate each of them indiscriminately?

How unreasonable!

Isn't that too arrogant?

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Ruan Pu, the minister's servant, was the most offended.

He cupped his hands and asked sternly: "General, what do you mean by this? My wife is ill, and you suspect that we all have evil intentions?"

Pei Ran didn't talk to him.

Looking at Li Sangruo who said nothing.

"Such filthy things should never be tolerated in Your Highness's palace. Your Majesty, please investigate Cuiyu thoroughly and restore my wife's innocence."

Li Sangruo looked at him, his nails squeezing his palms, almost digging into his flesh.

He was forcing her.

Just a few words for a woman, and the Queen Mother's face will be trampled under her feet, and the envoys will be here to watch her jokes...

"Why would the general go to war?" Li Sangruo forced a smile, "If the matter gets too big, it will harm my wife's reputation. Others don't care about the truth. Once the rumor spreads, the general will be embarrassed..."

Pei Madang said: "I have nothing to fear."

There is a stalemate.

At this time, Pang Gui ran over from not far away.

He was running out of breath, huffing and puffing like he was pulling a bellows.


"Master Wei fell into the pond. The servants just fished him out and he was unconscious. I beg Your Highness to find an imperial doctor for consultation and save the life of Master Wei..."

Fell into a pond?

The general's wife "disappeared" in the garden.

Master Wei fell into the pond and almost drowned.

There was a buzz in the garden, whispers and whispers.

Li Sangruo tasted the astringent taste in his mouth, and a fishy-sweet taste rushed straight into his skull.

"Call the doctor."

Puyang Jiu came here with his father Puyang Li.

The tense atmosphere in the garden was once again pushed to a climax by the arrival of the imperial physician.

After Puyang Li saw Wei Zheng's situation, he told everyone.

"Master Wei was poisoned by adultery, and the old minister woke up after giving an acupuncture..."

Li Sangruo was horrified, "That's ridiculous! How could there be such filthy things in the Ai family's garden?"

Puyang Li lowered his head and said nothing.

The Puyang family has been practicing medicine for generations and is known for its medical skills.

This imperial doctor is valuable because of his character.

No explanation is the best explanation.

Seeing Puyang Li's expression, the ministers believed that Wei Zheng had really been poisoned by adultery.

What made Li Sangruo even more embarrassed was that Puyang Jiu came out of the dressing room with half a pack of residual incense in his hand and handed it to his father.

Puyang Li fanned the wind with his hands and sniffed for a moment, then his expression changed drastically.

"Your Highness, this incense has also been tampered with. I'm afraid the general's wife is not drunk, but poisoned..."

Puyang Jiu said again: "Excuse me, General. Please send someone to bring the wine flask that Madam and Master Wei drank from to my father for inspection. Maybe the wine is also poisonous."

Pei Ran said expressionlessly, "Zuo Zhong."

Soon, wine and glasses were brought over.

Puyang Li's way of testing wine is simple and crude.

He directly poured out half a cup of the remaining wine, observed the color and smell, and then tasted it with the tip of his tongue.

"Do you want to try it?"

He said to Puyang Jiu.

Puyang Jiu did as he was told, then his expression changed slightly, he looked at his father and nodded.

Puyang Li sighed and bowed before Li Sangruo.

"Your Highness, there is indeed poison in the wine of the general's wife and Master Wei."

There was an uproar in the garden.

The ministers who were just watching the excitement felt their spines tingle.

It can force the general's wife to moan shamelessly, and force Wei Zheng to jump into the pond to keep his innocence. What kind of obscene thing is this?

What if someone wants to harm them?

They may not have Wei Zheng's determination.

No one is afraid of the dark hands hiding in the dark.

Ruan Pu, the minister's servant, was the first to stand up. He bowed and saluted:

"Your Highness, the general fights for the country and goes through life and death. If there is such a treacherous villain who harms the general's wife and is not punished, it will only chill the hearts of all soldiers."

All the ministers nodded.

"Please order the Queen Mother to conduct a thorough investigation of Cuiyu!"

At this point, if Li Sang doesn't want to investigate, he can't.

She glanced at Pei Ran and sneered.

"Check, let's get to the bottom of the Ai family." (End of chapter)

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