Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 247 The Night is All Around

Chun Yuyan arrived late at this time. He brought a birdcage from somewhere and signaled his servants to present it to the Queen Mother, speaking softly.

"I'm late because I was waiting for this little thing. Did you miss anything?"

Everyone sat back in the flower hall, the food and wine were cold, no one was eating, and the atmosphere was stagnant and low-pressure. Even his cousin, the Queen Mother, didn't look good. She looked more like a funeral than a banquet.

"What are you doing? Trial by the three agencies?"

Li Sangruo had no intention of arguing with Chun Yuyan at this time, and his eyes narrowed.

"Give me a seat."

There was a smile on Chun Yuyan's eyebrows, watching the little bird fluttering in the cage with its round eyes, swaying its beautiful feathers, completely unaware of the dangers in the world, lazily curling up his lips and smiling, sitting elegantly Come down.

The people in the room were as silent as a cicada.

Chun Yuyan didn't see Feng Twelve.

After learning what had just happened, he smiled lightly.

It's poison again.

Chunyu Yan asked Dahong Shao Cheng beside him, "Who does Her Majesty the Queen Mother suspect?"

Shao Cheng was a little embarrassed and said, "My son, I don't know about this."

Chun Yuyan twitched the corner of his mouth and caressed the mask on his cheek, "I should have come earlier if I had known there would be such excitement."

Shao Cheng didn't raise his eyes. The prince's body was filled with the fragrance of a fresh bath, and he was dressed in a luxurious brocade robe. Who knew what he was doing just waiting to get a bird for the Queen Mother? -

There is a constant flow of people in the garden. Palace maids, soldiers, eunuchs, guards, news came in from time to time, occasionally triggering a discussion, but most of the time, people were silent.

When Pu Yangyi went to the side room to see Feng Yun, she was lying on the brocade quilt, half-closing her eyes, sleeping lazily, as if she had no idea that the people outside were already crazy about her.

"Little ancestor, you can sleep well."

Feng Yun raised his eyes, his unintentional movements showed his enchantment.

"What can I do if I don't sleep?"

"Shouldn't a frightened bird be scared to death?"

Feng Yun pulled the lapel of his clothes and sat over to salute Pu Yangyi.

Her dress was loose, her hair was a little messy, her cheeks were flushed, and the marks on her neck and collarbone were exposed, which made Puyang Yi's eyes burn.

"Don't, don't, don't get up. You lie down and don't get up." She sat down on her own, "Fortunately, I am a woman. If I were a man, I would sweep the floor politely when I saw you, worse than a beast..."

Feng Yun smoothed his black hair and let it hang down from his shoulders, making his appearance more supple.

"It's a joke for the county magistrate."

"Alas." Pu Yangyi looked at her and hesitated, "When I was a child in the palace, I often heard people talk about these dirty things. My mother said that in this world, women are the only ones who are not tolerated. Especially women. They are from the palace. They have learned some skills in flattering men, and they focus on pleasing men and taking food from the mouths of similar people..."

Feng Yun smiled softly.

She didn't speak, just looked at Pu Yangyi.

The two looked at each other for a moment, and Puyangyi saw her own appearance in her eyes.

"I talk too much."

"The county prince has a charming temperament."

"Then tell me about your eldest brother later?"


The night is all round.

In the dark room, a maid whimpered softly.

It's like it's stuck in the throat, and it sounds extremely squeaky.

"Manager Fang, didn't you say that no one will come to investigate..."

Fang Fucai's eyes were cold, "Only by learning to shut up can you save your life."

The maid's tears hung on her eyelashes and she trembled with her voice.

"In cross-examination, what should I say?"

Fang Fucai said: "Just follow what the Za family told me."

The two maids lowered their heads, and their whole bodies were tense with tension.

Fang Fucai saw it with extremely cold eyes.

"Don't be afraid. Even if something goes wrong, your family and the Zajia family will take good care of you..."

The maid was only afraid a moment ago, but now she is terrified.

Say what will take care of their families.

In fact, they are threatening the lives of their families...

Warn them not to talk nonsense.

The two maids looked ashen and said, "My maid understands."

The maids, servants, and guards in the garden were all subject to interrogation.

Watching them being led to the flower hall, looking like they didn't know how to place their hands and feet, Fang Fu followed them silently with his eyes lowered, and his heart was beating.

In a daze, he remembered what Feng Yun said to him when he went to pick someone up at Chunyu Pavilion today.

She said: "Eunuch Fang is a transparent and wonderful man who does things neatly and neatly. No wonder he is appreciated by Her Majesty the Queen Mother. I am afraid that my family members and future generations will follow my father-in-law to enjoy the blessings."

He is a eunuch, where will his descendants come from?

At that time, he thought Mrs. Feng was just a casual compliment.

It turns out not to be.

What she said was ironic.

After calculating their plans, they were willing to enter the game and use it to attack the enemy.

If he is involved in this matter, the Fang family will suffer...

Both he and the Queen Mother underestimated Feng Twelve Niang.

I thought she was relying on her face, but I didn’t know what her real intentions were.

She is like a bamboo shoot.

If you peel off one layer, there will be another. If you don’t peel it off to the end, no one will know what’s inside.

Unfortunately, he woke up too late.


The two maids were escorted to the flower hall. They knelt down and began to cry. They followed Fang Fucai's instructions and said they were innocent and didn't know anything about anything.

"The maid became a little warmer when she saw Mrs. Feng's kind face, and took her to the dressing room. She didn't know that the incense was poisonous..."

"The same goes for the maid. When she poured the tea, she accidentally spilled it on Master Wei. How could she have known that the wine was poisonous..."

"Your Highness is aware that a maid will never harm the General's wife..."

The two maids kept kowtowing.

The whole hall was silent.

Li Sangruo glanced at Pei Mang calmly.

"Xiuyin and Meiyin have been waiting for me for some time. They have good conduct. The Ai family doesn't think they can do such dirty things..."

Pei Ran said nothing, sat alone, aloof and indifferent.

Fang Fucai hesitated and stepped forward to bow.

"Your Highness, I have an idea."

Li Sangruo said, calming down his impetuous breath, "Tell me and listen."

Fang Fucai said: "What the villain brought to Mrs. Feng was the fine wine collected by His Highness, and what was ordered in the dressing room was the nectar that His Highness loved. It was out of good intentions. I'm afraid... someone wants to drug His Highness, and it's some evil. It was a mistake, let Mrs. Feng and Master Wei take the blame..."

Li Sangruo's eyelids twitched slightly.

It’s better to have Fang Fucai.

She suppressed her emotions, looked at the surprise on the faces of the ministers, and asked pretending to be puzzled:

"You mean, someone wants to harm the Ai family?"

Fang Fucai lowered his eyes, "That's exactly it."

"This is unreasonable." Li Sangruo's face darkened, "Who would be so bold in front of the Ai family?"

There was silence all around.

Fang Fucai hesitated before saying, "Could it be...Song Shou'an?"

If he didn't have to find such a person at this time, Fang Fu would never mention Song Shou'an's name.

But at this moment, there is no better scapegoat than Song Shouan.

Fang Fucai watched the Queen Mother change her face and sighed: "You don't know what you all know. Song Shou'an was greedy and indiscriminate, engaged in favoritism and dereliction of duty. He used the name of Ouchi Tiqisi to run rampant in Xinzhou, and even tried to belittle Mrs. Feng. In anger, Her Majesty the Queen Mother, I found him and are investigating."

He cupped his hands again and said to Li Sangruo righteously:

"This guy used to travel in the palace and accumulated some lustful power. He placed his own spies around the Queen Mother, so he could fish in troubled waters in the garden and take the opportunity to take revenge on the Queen Mother, the General, Mrs. Feng, and Chief Wei..."

It's really perfect.

As long as the bad guy is Song Shouan, it makes sense.

"Song Shou'an can direct such a meticulous poisoning case in prison, but Eunuch Fang is so incompetent in charge of the inner palace. The first one should be beaten to death."

Fang Fucai smiled awkwardly, "It's the villain who is incompetent. The villain is just guessing...reasonable speculation."

Pei Ran raised his eyelids slightly, "How about bringing Song Shou'an to the hall and confronting him face to face?"

Li Sangruo's heart suddenly tightened, "There's no need to ask him. A sin slave can't cause any trouble."

Pei Madang didn't look at her, nor did he push her to death.

The tall body turned slightly and faced the two maids, his eyes containing murderous intent.

"To be honest, there is still a glimmer of hope."

General Yama has a reputation for being neither cold nor hot, enough to make his maids tremble with fear.

"What the maid said is entirely true. I hope the general will understand."

"Pang Gui." Pei Ran pursed his lips and his voice was extremely cold.

"I heard that the Ouchi Tiqi Division is the best at interrogating and recording confessions?"

Pang Gui, a thief, heard this and responded with his hands raised: "To tell you what the general said, an ordinary traitor and a villain can live in one hour. Those with a stricter mouth can live in two hours. A strong man with a thick mouth and a tight mouth can't survive three days. Even his parents’ sexual intercourse can be explained one by one.”

The words were vulgar, but not funny.

Everyone here has heard about what Tichisi did.

This was the purpose of Li Zongxun's formation of Tiqisi to restrain the ministers. But Li Zongxun, who was far away in Beijing, probably did not expect that his daughter would do such a stupid thing.

Before Pang Gui's voice fell, the expressions of the two maids had changed.

They walked in Jiafu Hall and understood what Tiqisi was.

Even though he was paralyzed with fear.

"General, General, please spare your life. What the maid said is true. The maid was wronged..."

There were bursts of wailing in the palace.

Pang Gui knew exactly what to do at this time.

"Whether it is true or not, you will understand after a visit to Tiqisi." He walked over to get the person, and at the end he gritted his teeth and said in a very low voice: "It's causing harm to our boss, I see how itchy my skin is... "

The maid shivered with fear, and finally looked at Fang Fucai for help.

"Mr. Fang, help, Mr. Fang, please help us..."

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