Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 248 He Really Knows How to Eat People

Shout at the top of your lungs.

Like an invisible spell, it spreads in the flower hall.

It is self-evident who the maid of Jiafu Hall belongs to...

Fang Fucai walked up to Li Sangruo, choked and knelt down: "Your Highness, this villain is also responsible for this matter, but no matter what, Xiuyin and Meiyin are also people from Jiafu Palace. If they get down from Tiqisi and spread the word... what is this like? talk?"

He glanced at Pang Gui accusingly.

"Tiqisi is for the imperial court to eliminate rape and punish evil, it is not a place where lynchings are abused..."

Pang Gui didn't dare to speak.

"General." Li Sangruo looked at Pei Madang with a cold look in his eyes, "Do you want to use Tiqisi to interrogate even the people in the Ai family room?"

Pei Ran remained calm.

She looked at the envoys present again.

"All my dear friends, please come and tell me."

When things have developed to this point, all the ministers already understand the whole story.

Pei Madang clung to this matter just because he wanted to give Feng Yun justice.

At this time, the focus of the conflict is only...

Do you want to show face to the Queen Mother?

Pei Ran: "His Highness just said that we need to get to the bottom of it."

The ministers wanted to give him a chance, but as soon as Pei Ran said this, those who wanted to speak shut up and waited quietly.

Li Sangruo's eyes were hot and he almost shed tears.

Too cruel.

This man is so cruel.

She sneered, picked up the cool tea in front of her, and drank it slowly.

"Then you should investigate the Ai family together. Throw the Ai family to Tiqisi together and torture them to see if the Ai family is the mastermind behind this."

This was said with some anger.

There was also some unspeakable embarrassment.

It's nothing more than gathering Pei Ran's army to force him to give in.

Pei Madang: "I don't dare."

He said he didn't dare, but his expression was cold.

He refused to give an inch.

Queen Mother Li looked at each other angrily.

The flower hall was silent and stagnant for a moment.

"For the safety of Her Majesty the Queen Mother and the reputation of the general's wife, this matter must be investigated and brought to light." A tall shadow suddenly appeared at the door.

It's Wei Zheng.

Two attendants supported him and walked in with pale faces, their arms trembling, and it was obvious at first glance that they had gone through a lot of hardships before they came back alive from the gate of hell.

"Your Highness..."

Wei Zheng walked to the hall, pushed away the guards, and knelt on the ground.

Looking up at Li Sangruo, his eyes turned red inexplicably.

"I almost missed seeing His Highness."

Li Sangruo frowned slightly, "What happened?"

Wei Zheng said: "My clothes were soaked by the maid's tea soup, so I left the table to change my clothes. In the dressing room, I noticed something strange about my body, but the door was locked."

He looked at Li Sangruo with burning eyes.

"I always remember His Highness's teachings. Even if the poison attacks my heart, I dare not act arbitrarily... After discovering the woman inside, I ran away through the window in desperation and jumped into the pond. I wanted to relieve myself. Unexpectedly, the water in the pond was deep and the poison was poisonous. My physical strength gradually failed and I almost drowned..."

He said it movingly.

Reciting His Highness's "teachings", I was not moved when I saw Mrs. Feng's beauty, but jumped through the window and jumped into the pond...

Isn't this Wei Zheng the Queen Mother's loyal dog?

The ministers looked at each other with complicated expressions.

Li Sangruo looked at his handsome red face and felt a little astringent for a moment.

Song Shou'an was seduced by Feng Twelve's beauty and ruined his future.

Pei Madang was even more confused by her, and he protected her like a heart, and he did not hesitate to fight for her.

Only Wei Zheng,

He had disliked Feng Yun in Huaxi Village, and even offended Pei Ran, who had been farming for a long time, and she failed to give him a good face when he came back. Now, even though he was poisoned by lust, he was not tempted by Feng Twelve Niang and risked his life by jumping into the water in the middle of winter...

Li Sangruo sighed: "Wei Aiqing got up and spoke."

Wei Zhengchang couldn't kneel down, "Xiao Xiao dared to attack the minister and Mrs. Feng at the Queen Mother's night banquet. This is clearly because he doesn't take His Highness seriously and wants to use the minister's hands to divert trouble to the east and trap His Highness in injustice... "

Li Sangruo's heart moved.

"What do you mean by this?"

Wei Zheng slowly straightened up.

"Something happened to Mrs. Feng in His Highness's garden, and if I am the culprit, can Your Highness be able to get away with it alone?"

"No. Everyone will doubt His Highness's intentions."

He asked and answered himself.

He gritted his teeth and looked around.

Finally, his eyes fell on Fang Fucai's face.

"If the traitor is not eliminated, how can His Highness rest in peace?"

Fang Fucai made him sweat on his forehead.

All ministers also have their own little plans.

Li Sangruo is like an ant simmering in a frying pan...

Left and right are not.

Wei Zheng handed her a ladder.

But when she got up the stairs, she had to kick Fang Fucai out of the frying pan...

She had no choice but to abandon her car to save her handsome man.

Li Sangruo hesitated for a moment, gathered up his clothes, and said calmly:

"Pull it down. Make sure to get to the bottom of it."

The maid rushed forward in panic.

"Eunuch Fang, Eunuch Fang..."

Fang Fucai closed his eyes, sighed, and stopped talking.

The maid asked the guards to drag her out of the flower hall, crying until she almost fainted.

"The maid will explain, the maid will explain now..."

In the end, people's desire to survive still prevailed.

A maid suddenly struggled vigorously and turned back to Pei Mang, looking for help.

"General, spare your life!"

"General Manager Fang ordered us to do it..."

"Our families are all in the hands of Manager Fang. If we don't do what Manager Fang says, Manager Fang will operate on our families."

An opening.

The other one also gave up.

"General, help..."

"My maid and my wife have no grievances. They have no intention of causing harm. They were all forced by Manager Fang."

"I still have my parents and younger siblings at home. I don't want to die, let alone watch my family die..."

This shout stirred a hornet's nest.

Fang Fucai's expression changed drastically.

The ministers were in an uproar.

Li Sangruo's expression was solemn, and his eyes fell steadily on Fang Fucai's face.

"Dog slave, what do you say?"

Fang Fucai looked at her, his fat white face trembled twice, and then he knelt down with a plop.

"It's all nonsense, Your Highness, it's all nonsense. These two bastards are talking nonsense and slandering the villain's reputation..."

"Really?" Li Sangruo looked at him.

Only then did Fang Fu come into contact with that cold and stern gaze, and beads of sweat rolled down his forehead, "Your Highness, you are aware of this. I have great respect for Master Wei and Mrs. Feng, and I have no intention of harming them!"

Li Sangruo had a sullen face.

"It wasn't you who caused the harm, could it be that it was the loss of the family?"

Fang Fucai stared at her blankly, speechless.

Li Sangruo is the Queen Mother and the emperor's biological mother. Her father holds great power. So what if everyone accuses her?

As long as she doesn't admit it, everyone is farting.

She is the person with the highest authority here.

Only by protecting the Queen Mother could he survive.

Li Sangruo looked at Fang Fu and calmed down, his eyes darkened a lot.

"If it affects the reputation of the Ai family, you should fight. Huh! Everyone is pretending to be stupid in front of the Ai family. This one is not, and that one is not. The Ai family doesn't know which one is. Let you handle it."

She looked at Wei Zheng, full of trust.

Wei Zheng accepted the promise, stood up, and looked at Fang Fucai with cold eyes.

"Wei knows very well what Eunuch Fang's character is. But now there are witnesses who insist that he was ordered by Eunuch Fang to act. I'm afraid... I have to trouble my father-in-law to go with Wei?"

Fang Fucai's cheek twitched and he shouted that he was wronged.

Pei Ran was silent, his brows and eyes sharp and cold.

Li Sangruo glanced at him, secretly frightened.

Wei Zheng said: "Here comes Eunuch Fang."

Fang Fucai shouted to the heavens and the earth and asked the Tiqisi people to take him down.

Li Sangruo was sitting there, with a heater beside her, but she still felt cold, not as cold as ever.


The night is rich.

On the way from Cuiyu Huichunguan, Feng Yun rode in a car and Pei Madang rode a horse. The two were not far apart and did not talk to each other.

Along the way, I heard Puyang Jiu's voice.

He is a talkative person, and he especially wants to talk more when encountering something like this.

Unfortunately, he had no willing listeners.

Pei Madang carried Feng Yun into the carriage and said nothing. Not only did he not have a good look towards him, but he also seemed to have something missing towards Feng Yun. Feng Yun was probably unwell and had no words. The couple was in silence. People are shocked.

Puyang Jiu felt that these two couples were a perfect match.

He retreated to the next best thing and asked Zuo Zhong.

"Did something happen in the flower hall that I don't know about?"

Zuo Zhong shook his head.

Puyang Jiu hissed, "Aren't you satisfied with the results of the thorough investigation?"

Zuo Zhong shook his head again.

Puyang Jiu: "Are you, the general, dissatisfied, or is your wife dissatisfied?"

Zuo Zhong grimaced and lowered his voice.

"The Puyang medical officer doesn't know, and I don't know either."

Puyang Jiu thought about this and looked at Pei Madang several times. He didn't sigh until the carriage stopped at the Chunyu Pavilion.

He became friends with Pei Wangzhi only after committing a great sin.

He naturally followed in and wrote a prescription for Feng Yun.

Pei Madang didn't come in. He walked Feng Yun to the door and then rode away.

Puyang Jiu looked even more puzzled.

"Mrs. sister-in-law, did you have a quarrel with brother Wang?"

Feng Yun smiled and said, "I don't dare."

Puyang Jiu:......

He vaguely felt something, but couldn't put it into words.

Feng Yun, on the other hand, had already thought about the consequences when she chose to do this. Pei Madang would be angry, which did not surprise her.

Someone led Puyang Jiu in. She went to bathe, change clothes, and incense the room first. The filthy smell brought by Cuiyu faded away from her whole body. Then she sat on the couch, leaning on the soft Ao Zai, and let Puyang Jiu do it for her. Ask for pulse.

She was very calm. The more Puyang Jiu checked her pulse, the more uneasy she became.

"Mrs. sister-in-law, have you taken medicine properly these days?"

Feng Yun smiled and said, "I will listen to the medical officer's instructions."

Puyang Jiu looked unconvinced, "Seriously?"

Feng Yun glanced at the maid beside him.

"Xiaoman and Daman can testify."

Puyang Jiu then breathed a sigh of relief, "My wife, I must take good care of myself. I hope you can help the Pei family as soon as possible."

Feng Yun thought of Pei Ran's stern face and smiled.

"Does the General like children?"

"I like it." Puyang Jiuzhen said with certainty. Looking at Feng Yun's beautiful face, the smile faded slightly and he was slightly surprised.

Did she notice something?

It had been a while since she had been married to Pei Ran. Her body was damaged and her stomach was not moving. If he said this again, it would probably embarrass her, right?

"Sister-in-law, there is no need to worry. It depends on fate to have children. Sooner or later, they will happen."

Puyang Jiu is not very good at comforting people.

Tried my best.

Feng Yun's lips curved slightly, but his expression was relaxed.

"Thank you, Medical Officer Puyang. I saved it."

Puyang Jiu sighed.

He used to worry about his brother's crotch, but now he worries about his brother's wife's belly. Why is it so difficult for him to practice medicine in his life? No wonder his father scolded him for being useless...


Wen Xingsu waited outside the door for a long time.

Walking back and forth alone, Wen Ya's handsome face could not hide his anxiety.

He waited for Puyang Jiu to say goodbye and leave before he came to see Feng Yun.

"What happened in Cuiyu?"

The news of Wen Xingsu was so fast before the incident spread?

Feng Yun was slightly surprised, "How did my elder brother know?"

Wen Xingsu said, "When you got into trouble in Cuiyu, Pingyuan County Lord sent someone to tell me."

He looked at Feng Yun worriedly, frowning deeply, and his handsome face was solemn.

"My elder brother didn't take good care of you, and let Yaoyao be bullied again."

"Why not?" Feng Yun chuckled, and a barely perceptible obscurity flashed in his eyes.

"My elder brother, for me, had a conflict with his own mother, broke up with the Feng family, became estranged from Xiao Cheng, and could never return to Qi..."

Home, country, parents, brothers and sisters. Wen Xingsu gave her his heart, and for her, he had stood on the opposite side of all people and things in the past.

If this is not considered a sacrifice, Feng Yun doesn't know what other sacrifices there are in the world.

Even if it was Pei Jue, the man who had embraced her before the banquet, and had fought with Li Sangruo for her in Cuiyu, could he betray everything for her and disregard everything?

Wen Xingsu could do it, but Pei Jue couldn't.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be angry about it.

Cuiyu was forced by her...

She used the title of the general's wife to put Pei Jue on the spot and forced him to the opposite side of Li Sangruo.

Pei Jue had to be coerced by her, supporting her in front of everyone and saying harsh words in front of Li Sangruo. But he didn't want to be manipulated by her in his heart. Look, he left Cuiyu angrily.

Of course, Feng Yun didn't care.

If General Pei was so easy to be turned against, he wouldn't be Pei Jue.

A little progress at a time is good, and she is very satisfied.

Wen Xingsu saw her silence, and there were still many puzzles in his heart.

"So, Fang Fucai was taken away by the Tiqi Division, but Li Sangruo was still not hurt at all..."

"What does the general think?"

"Why did he... not enter the house just now?"

He thought to himself, "Is it because you have been living in Chunchu Pavilion, and he is a little unhappy?"

After all, Chunchu Pavilion is Wen Xingsu's house.

Yaoyao is already married, and although he hopes that she will live here forever, Pei Cong will inevitably have some thoughts...

Feng Yun looked at his brother's worried eyebrows and suddenly chuckled.

"Brother, sit closer and talk, I won't eat people."

Everyone was worried about these two people, only they were calm.

Feng Yun: It's not a big problem. I didn't finish it today. Come back next time.

Pei Cong: I'm not a bead.

Feng Yun: You are a pig.

Pei Cong: ...

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