Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 249 Extremely Uncomfortable

Feng Yun patted her side with a smile in her eyes.

Wen Xingsu hesitated for a moment and sat down beside her.

He stood straight, very well behaved.

Feng Yun wanted to laugh.

Big brother is really twisted.

When will such a modest gentleman find a sister-in-law?

She lowered her voice and asked him in a low voice:

"Big brother, what do you think of Pingyuan County Lord?"

Wen Xingsu was stunned, with a little embarrassment on his face.

Feng Yun smiled and moved closer to observe his expression, very close.

In front of Wen Xingsu, there is always a little girl who has not grown up in her heart, who will be naughty and playful, and more casual. Wen Xingsu made her ears hot and her heart beat faster, but Feng Yun thought he was shy because of Puyang Yi, and her voice was much lighter.

"What is there to be embarrassed about? We are brother and sister, come on, tell me."

Wen Xingsu opened his mouth, but no sound came out, and then smiled bitterly.

"Yaoyao, don't worry about me."

The siblings knew each other's emotions without having to elaborate.

The goddess has a heart, but the king has no dream.

Feng Yun no longer interfered with her brother's emotions.

But she noticed that Wen Xingsu's avoidance and evasion were not directed at Pingyuan County Lord, but at her.

"What's wrong, brother? Don't be estranged from me, okay?"

She leaned forward and looked at Wen Xingsu carefully. Thinking of her heartache after he passed away in her previous life, the emotions in her eyes were so strong that they could not be dissolved.

Wen Xingsu felt her breathing and was a little breathless.

"Yaoyao, aren't you drinking medicine?"

There was a medicine bowl on her table, and Wen Xingsu had just watched her drink it with his own eyes.

Now he smelled the alcohol and realized that something was wrong.

"It's wine. Hush..." Feng Yun took out some dried meat from a few drawers, gave some to Aozai, and put the rest on the table, then took out the wine pot hidden in the quilt, shook it, and whispered: "Don't let Xiaoman hear it, he will nag again later."

"How can you drink in your body?"

He frowned, took off his usual gentleness, and his eyes were cold and scary.

Feng Yun said: "I like the osmanthus wine in my elder brother's cellar, and I stole some and put it in the room."

Hesitated for a while, she reached out and pulled Wen Xingsu, and apologized very obediently.

"Don't be angry, I... I feel so uncomfortable, I want to get drunk."

Her voice was soft, and Wen Xingsu felt sweaty and his throat was tight even though she did nothing but smiled at him.

"Where do you feel uncomfortable?"

Feng Yun smiled, with loneliness and desolation in her eyes.

"Everywhere feels uncomfortable."

Li Sangruo might feel uncomfortable seeing her, but who knows, she will also feel uncomfortable when facing Li Sangruo again in this life.

Every step she takes is a gamble of her life.

She must resist the strong fear in her heart to be able to be "free to move forward and backward" in the eyes of others...

Wen Xingsu asked: "Are you angry with Pei Jue?"

"No." Feng Yun's face showed no emotion, and she was always smiling. "It's obvious that he is angry with me, so he won't let me in."

When Feng Yun told him what happened tonight, Wen Xingsu's heart was numb and heavy. First, he was nervous that she was so bold, and second, he felt sorry for her risking her life.

"Don't do this next time. It's not worth it to gamble yourself. No wonder Pei Jue is angry. If it were me, I would be angry with you."

"You won't." Feng Yun laughed.

The eldest brother has never been angry with her. His good temper often makes Feng Yun reflect on herself, whether she is too irritable.

Wen Xingsu's throat choked slightly, and it took a long time to relieve from the depressed mood.

"You feel bad because you didn't bring down Li Sangruo?"

Feng Yun was startled and shook her head, "I'm not that stupid."

"So, your original goal was not to bring down Li Sangruo, but Fang Fucai?"

"Yes, but not."

Wen Xingsu looked at her calmly, his eyes soft.

Feng Yun said: "It's true that I want to bring down Li Sangruo the most, but I don't have the ability to bring her down at the moment, I can only cut off her minions. As long as Pei Cong is still a minister of the Jin court, she is still the Queen Mother who rules the court. As long as Pei Cong doesn't want her to fall, I can't bring her down."

Tonight's events are very clear.

Li Sangruo sacrificed Fang Fucai, and Pei Cong let her go.

Both sides took a step back and settled the matter peacefully.

This proves that Pei Cong didn't want to make things too extreme.

In fact, Pei Cong knew better than anyone that the mastermind who wanted her to have an affair with a man in public and thus embarrass herself was not Fang Fucai, but Li Sangruo.

He knew that she knew, and she knew that he knew that she knew. She didn't ask him, and he didn't tell her. They both knew it but didn't reveal it.

Feng Yun suddenly smiled, and her eyes were inexplicably sour.

"Are you thirsty, brother? Drink some."

Wen Xingsu's throat moved slightly, "No, you don't drink it either."

Feng Yun filled Wen Xingsu's cup and stuffed it into his palm.

"Drink. Wine can relieve all worries."

The soft little hand magnified the touch.

There was a heat that seemed to crawl on his back, with a little itch, making him sensitive. Facing Feng Yun's eyes, his heart beat with her breathing.

The two were too close, so close that he began to hate himself. In such a pure look, he would actually have those low-level desires.

"Yaoyao, this is not in accordance with the rules."

"You and I, brothers and sisters, are now living in a foreign land. We are each other's only relatives. If my brother avoids me and tells me the rules in everything, how lonely and sad I would be?"

The tone was soft, and the breath was the fragrance of wine.

Wen Xingsu: "Yaoyao..."

His throat was choked with sobs.

Feng Yun's eyes were burning, with a smile on her face, but more of a melancholy that could not be dissolved.

When people are vulnerable, their emotions are surging, and the emotions in their eyes are also revealed.

Tonight, she obviously won so beautifully, but the whole person was so fragile that she could not bear a single blow. Maybe it was the drugs, maybe it was the wine, her head hurt as if it was about to be torn apart.

"Brother, can you let me be unbridled for once? These wines can't hurt my body, but not drinking them will hurt my heart."

Wen Xingsu looked at her eyes, as if he was scalded, his pupils shrank sharply, and he raised his head and drank it all.

Seeing him like this, Feng Yun felt even more uncomfortable.

He was originally the Ningyuan General of the Southern Qi Dynasty.

He was a high-spirited and vigorous Confucian general. In his previous life, he and Pei Cong were in the south and the north, and each was called a god of war. Who wouldn't say that General Wen was talented and had outstanding military exploits, enough to write the Spring and Autumn Annals.

But now he is nestling in Xinzhou City, with an awkward identity...

It's all because of her.

Feng Yun can't say that he doesn't feel guilty.

Even if she was thinking about Wen Xingsu's life and didn't want him to repeat the same mistake, this was not what she wanted to see him like.

It shouldn't be like this.

For a man, the loss of will may be more painful than losing his life.

"Brother, did I do something wrong?"

At this time, Wen Xingsu's emotions were very complicated and his voice was hoarse.

"Why are you blaming yourself again?"

Feng Yun didn't know at all how much torture her soft eyes and sincere emotions were to men. She half-opened her eyes and whispered softly.

"Brother, you are an eagle. You should soar into the sky, not land in a magpie's nest and learn to sing like a happy bird... Brother, shouldn't I keep you by my side?"

"Silly boy, it's not you who keeps me, it's me who wants to stay." Wen Xingsu raised the corners of his lips and looked at him warmly. The warm light of the fire was on his elegant face, and he looked noble and graceful, as if the desires and disputes in this world had nothing to do with him.

"I will fight for what I want. If I don't fight, I don't want it. Don't worry about me, otherwise, I will worry about you in return. You and I are brothers and sisters, it's endless."

Indifference is a temperament that can make Feng Yun feel at ease.

She nodded and smiled. Not noticing Wen Xingsu's tense body, in order to keep calm, his legs were even trembling slightly, which was actually no different from Pei Jue when he was driven crazy by desire.

"I believe in my elder brother."

Feng Yun stretched out her head.

"Then touch my head."

Wen Xingsu's pupils shrank slightly.

Feng Yun took his hand and put it on her head, just like when she was a child, she wanted him to touch her like a puppy, and her head kept rubbing in his palm.

But she was not the Feng Yun of her childhood. Her black hair was soft and smooth, like the softest and most delicate hook, wrapped around Wen Xingsu's palm, sliding, and gradually hooking into his heart.

For a moment, Wen Xingsu was in a trance, so trance that he thought of the rainy night in the manor of Zhuhe, and heard the sound of her and Pei Jue entangled. He wanted to hug her tightly and do those things worse than beasts...

"Brother." Feng Yun didn't see him move for a long time, and raised his eyes dissatisfied.

"You are still angry, right?"

Wen Xingsu came back to his senses, rubbed her head with his palm, and smiled compromisingly.

"You. Why are you still a child?"

Feng Yun smiled: "In front of my brother, I am a child."

Wen Xingsu straightened the corner of his robe, and his body turned sideways to her without leaving any trace. His back was full of dense tension, and his voice was still calm.

"Child, you shouldn't be willful. If Wei Zheng is bewitched by Li Sangruo, how can you get away tonight?"

Feng Yun has thought about this possibility.

But she will not give up such a good opportunity for that extremely low possibility.

"If that's the case, I'll just treat it as a dog bite. But I don't think Wei Zheng is that stupid. People are greedy, and as long as they have a little bit of reason, they know what to do best for themselves."

She looked at Wen Xingsu with a smile on her face.

In front of him, she was less scheming, and the charm of her facial features was weakened. Her face was innocent and her eyes were clear, but it was very distressing.

She was only seventeen.

Wen Xingsu clenched the wine cup slightly.

"Empress Dowager Li is insidious, jealous, arrogant and stupid..."

After a pause, his eyes suddenly turned cold, "If Yaoyao doesn't want to see her again, my brother will let the queen dowager die tomorrow..."

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