Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 251 Opportunity not to be missed


It was late at night, and the lights in Li Sangruo's room were still bright.

She sat on the edge of the couch, gently caressing her belly with her fingertips, then slowly raised her head and stroked her long, falling hair.

The hair was wrapped around her fingertips, and thick black blood condensed in her eyes...

She wants to kill someone.

I've never wanted to kill as much as I do now.

"I have suffered such a great humiliation today, and I will repay it a thousand times a hundred times in the future."

She gritted her teeth and spoke bitterly.

"Your Highness, your words are wrong."

With a low sigh, the man standing next to him said calmly: "The chess game has not even started yet, and His Highness revealed the bottom first. If Your Highness doesn't lose, who will lose?"

These words went straight to the bone. Li Sangruo raised his eyes, a chill rising on his face.

"I just like him, am I wrong? I just like him. Who makes you refuse to help me. If you had asked me to marry Pei Ran, how would I be today..."

Her eyes were all red and bloodshot, pitiful and fragile.

But the man didn't seem to have any sympathy, and his tone was still cold.

"If His Highness had married Pei Mang earlier, he would not be here today. The person who is in charge of the imperial court, who is inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people, may be the third lady..."

The third lady is her sister.

When I see her now, I have to kneel down.

Li Sangruo let him choke and looked at each other for a moment.

She seemed to be dying, her hands falling limply.

"Uncle Shao Gong, what should I do?"

"Your Highness should listen carefully to the words of the Prime Minister." Tang Shaogong's lowered eyes were filled with deep coldness, "Without the love of children, you are the real Queen Mother. Otherwise, you will always be just a hunting ground on the winter solstice, Baba The girl from the Li family who is waiting for Pei Ran to look back at you."

Li Sangruo lowered his hand feebly.

Tears were like bursting from a dam as he looked at the man in front of him.

"If the love between children is a stumbling block, then Pei Wanzhi is not far from death."

She suddenly laughed wildly, laughing unbridled.

"He's in love with that bitch, he's in love!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Li Sangruo's smile was very crazy.

Everyone in the entire courtyard was kicked out by her.

No one will hear it.

She smiled extremely sadly, smiled, and suddenly fell on the quilt, folded her arms with her hands, and shed tears silently.

"Did father expect this? He expected that I would lose so badly that he asked you to come over and watch my jokes and laugh at my disobedient daughter?"

Tang Shaogong was silent and said nothing.

He is Li Zongxun's most effective adviser. He has watched Li Sangruo grow up and knows her temper well.

There is no way to talk calmly until she has made enough trouble.

"Father is right..." Li Sangruo choked.

When you are tired of scolding and shouting, calm down.

"I can't understand him... I know nothing about the husband I have admired for many years. Uncle Shao Gong, kill him, let father kill him. I never want to see him again, and I don't want to see him with Feng Twelve mothers love each other..."

Tang Shaogong then asked her: "Your Highness, do you know why the late emperor chose you?"

Li Sangruo raised his head and let the tears flow.

Tang Shaogong said: "It is precisely because of your relationship with Pei Ran. The late emperor entrusted His Highness and his children to Pei Ran. Because of this relationship, he will definitely pay attention to military affairs. Although he has a heavy army, he will not do anything rebellious."

Li Sangruo: "It's nonsense."

She did not believe that the late emperor did not admit her into the palace and give her a distinguished position because he liked her, but because she liked Pei Mad...

What's more, Pei Madang is not a human at all.

He is not a man who values ​​love and justice.

"It's so ridiculous, does father believe it?"

"The Prime Minister will naturally believe it, because it is the Prime Minister's arrangement." Tang Shaogong's voice was low. From his expression to his tone, he seemed mysterious and incomprehensible, and his voice was also lowered.

"My servant has come to Xinzhou. The Prime Minister has something to tell His Highness."

Li Sangruo stared at him and looked at him as if he was dying, "Tell me..."

Tang Shaogong said: "It's not just His Highness who has feelings for Pei Ran. Pei Mad also has feelings for His Highness. The Prime Minister asked Your Highness to relax. Even if the sky falls, Pei Mad will not hurt His Highness..."

The corners of Li Sangruo's mouth twitched, then twitched again, as if he had heard a big joke.

"That nanmu bracelet was the one my father got for me, right?"

Thinking of the embarrassment she made in front of Pei Ran, Li Sangruo's face became a little distorted.

"My father deceived me like a three-year-old child. He thought I would still believe these words?"

"The Prime Minister did not coax you." Tang Shaogong said: "Your Highness does not need to believe in me, but you must trust the Prime Minister. Even if General Pei has no affection for Your Highness, the Prime Minister will let him have affection for Your Highness."

"Where does father get his confidence?"

Tang Shaogong smiled but did not answer.

Li Sangruo looked at his expression and suddenly smiled strangely.

"I understand. Father has changed his mind. He no longer wants to kill Pei Manang, but he wants to coax me into winning over him?"

Tang Shaogong sighed secretly.

"Before the Bingzhou incident, the Prime Minister wanted to get rid of him. Only by cutting off the roots can we avoid future troubles forever. But now the situation is very different..."

His eyes darkened, "Your Highness also saw it. Pei Madang's reputation in the army was even worse than before the war. He was admired by many in the government and the public, and the morale of the Northern Yong Army was even greater. He was not killed in Bingzhou. He has lost his best opportunity and has no other option but to win over and benevolent..."

A big stick can't kill him.

Then be kind to him and give him candy.

Li Sangruo laughed, "Father has such a deep calculation. Am I the Queen Mother? I am a clown, I am the chess piece in my father's hands!"

Tang Shaogong pondered for a moment, "It's all my fault that Deng Guang, that loser, disrupted the Prime Minister's plan."

Li Sangruo sneered, "Why don't you say it's all the fault of that Feng Twelfth Mother? If Deng Guang hadn't coveted her beauty, he wouldn't have messed up and died in Bingzhou..."

Tang Shaogong sighed deeply, "So beauty is a disaster, and Pei Madang may not end well if he falls into her hands..."

Li Sangruo thought about his words and nodded inexplicably.

"I won't let them end badly. I will listen to my father from now on."

Tang Shaogong glanced at her, "His Highness has done so many things that were disobedient to the Prime Minister, and the Prime Minister has never blamed His Highness... The Prime Minister just wants to make His Highness understand one thing. In this world, the Prime Minister is the only one who truly loves His Highness, and His Highness should treat everything as the Prime Minister It’s so important…”

Li Sangruo smiled lowly.

"Didn't I regard him as the most important thing? If I didn't regard him as the most important thing, why would I have entered the palace..."

Tang Shaogong frowned after listening to her cliché.

Li Sangruo raised his head again.

"Since Uncle Shao Gong is here, please do me a small favor."

Tang Shaogong cupped his hands and said, "Your Highness, please speak."

"Get Fang Fucai out." Li Sangruo paused, his lips slightly curved, "Or, let him die in there and never speak."

Tang Shaogong was about to nod.

Then she said: "Wei Zheng hates him so much that he will definitely impose severe punishment. No matter how strict his mouth is, Fang Fucai, an old guy, can't bear the punishment. I can't let him find out about my pregnancy."

"What?" Tang Shaogong gasped, "What did Your Highness say?"

"I'm pregnant. Song Shou'an's."

Li Sangruo couldn't get rid of the evil in his stomach, so he was not afraid of letting Li Zongxun know about it, so he shook it all to Tang Shaogong with a sad smile.

"Send Song Shou'an away by the way. I don't want to see this bitch slave again. Any more breath he takes will be a blasphemy against me."


Feng Yun slept with Ao Zai in his arms.

The quilt was warm, and Ao Zai refused to leave even after dawn. He stayed by her side, turning his belly lazily, and played alone for a long time.

The cub has grown to be quite big, and it still likes to nudge her with its furry head as it did when it was a child, wishing it could be stuffed into her arms.

"Don't make trouble." Feng Yun didn't sleep very well last night. He closed his eyes and didn't want to get up. He stroked Ao Zai's back hair with his hand and didn't bother to open his eyes. "Let sister sleep a little longer."

Ao Zai licked her hand.

She smiled, turned over, and continued to sleep.

The soft couch suddenly sank.

When Feng Yun noticed that Ao Zai was not at his side, Pei Man's hand had already touched his shoulder.


He wasn't touching her.

Just pull the quilt over her.

Feng Yun turned back sleepily and yawned.


Pei Ran hummed.

Feng Yun: "Yesterday I told Xiao Rong to pack up. Is the general here to take her to the parliament?"

Pei Ran said: "I thought you would make trouble and go with me."

Feng Yun: "I told my brother last night that I would go with him today."

Pei Ran paused slightly, and the coldness brought by his fingers brushed her cheek. Feng Yun shrank reflexively, and his whole body was pulled into a hard chest.

The tent swayed slightly, and Feng Yun's already loose clothes couldn't bear the disturbance. They slid down his shoulders, and a piece of black hair poured down. His slender snow neck, rounded shoulders, and skin as delicate as porcelain fell into Pei Madang's eyes instantly...

The girl lying on her back on the embroidered mattress was as soft as if she had no bones.

Even a modest gentleman can be tempted into a hungry wolf, let alone Pei Madang.

The lean arms supported her sides, and the tall body almost completely enveloped her. The sense of danger and oppression was heart-stopping.

Feng Yun didn't push him or speak, he just smiled.

Slowly she crossed her long, thin white legs and wrapped them around his waist.

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