Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 252: Popular


Ao Zai squatted far away.

He was eager to try and growled lowly.

It's like this every time Pei Ran comes.

Feng Yun's eyes curled up, and he didn't show any emotion about it. He pursed his dry lips, smiled at Ao Zai, and said something about Pei Ran.

"What did the general do? He scared Ao Zai."

"Are Yun Niang afraid of me?" Pei Madang held her tightly in his arms, unconsciously stroking her temples with his chin, speaking in a calm voice.

A coldness flashed across Feng Yun's eyes very quickly, and then he smiled, hooked one hand around his neck, turned his head and bit his chin.

Don’t be afraid of practicing what you do.

Feng Yun often feels that the body is stronger than words when communicating with Pei Madang, so those who can communicate with the body speak less.

She was dressed thinly, with a soft and thin dress lined with black hair, which outlined a graceful slender waist. She was like the fox demon in Wei Zhi Tan who can suck the man's masculine energy, tightly entangled with Pei Mad, and in His body undulated with arcs that made people tremble physically and mentally.

Pei Man's breath became heavier and heavier, and he slapped her hard on the buttocks. Hearing her moan, he asked in a low voice:

"You drank last night. Are you angry with me?"

"No." Feng Yun fiddled with his clothes. Hearing his hoarse voice and his uncontrollable lust, Feng Yun chuckled, "The general gave me a bad breath. How could I be angry with the general?"

This is sour.

Duplicitous but not pushy.

"The general does not want to be an enemy of the Queen Mother, let alone be disloyal to the court. I know that the general was forced by me to say those words yesterday... How can Feng's daughter be so virtuous and worthy of being so valued by the general? I drank last night to reflect on myself..."

The low, smiling voice was full of self-mockery.

After saying that, he glanced at Pei Ran.

"I won't do this next time. I will avoid her from now on. Even if Queen Mother Li deliberately tries to harm me, I will swallow her anger and not provoke her..."

She said what Pei Ran might say to her first, sincerely leaving him speechless.

Pei Ran pursed his lips coldly, and as expected there was no sound.

I didn't know what I was thinking, just looking at her like that.

"Isn't the general happy that I'm so obedient?" Feng Yun asked, biting his ear.

Pei Man placed his palm on her back, tightened it slightly, lowered his head and caught her mischievous lips and tongue, and kissed her fiercely.

A strong sense of male aggression surrounded him.

Feng Yun closed his eyes.

This wooden couch was very light, and it was fine for Feng Yun to use alone. Pei Madang kept creaking and creaking when he was struggling like this. He looked overwhelmed and looked even more intolerant of abuse than Feng Yun.

Pei Ran stopped suddenly, kissed the tip of her nose with a heavy breath, and seemed to have no intention of continuing.

Feng Yun opened his wet eyes and kissed him back.

"It's too late, why don't you come over at night?"

Pei Madang hummed softly.

Feng Yun chuckled and pressed against him, "I came here so early in the morning. I thought the general was not satisfied with his desires and was in a hurry..."

"That's right."

"Is the general satisfied?"

"What do you think?" Pei Ran took her hand and stared at her with dark eyes.

Eyes facing each other.

Feng Yun smiled, trying to find something in the man's eyes.

It's a pity that it was so cold and indifferent, like an ancient well, that she couldn't see through it.

"I really want to strangle you to death." He said suddenly.


Sometimes Feng Yun felt that Pei Madang really hated her.

In the past, this feeling was stronger, but after the wedding in Bingzhou, it became lighter. But occasionally his mood fluctuated, and Feng Yun felt that the hatred had always been hidden in his heart. With a little provocation, it resurfaced.

It seems that she made people anxious last night.

Feng Yun chuckled and raised his hand, "The general still refuses to believe me. Then I swear..."

Pei Mann pulled her hand down hard and combed her long hair with his fingers.

"Take Xiao Rong with you and go to the meeting hall with me."

Feng Yun was startled and looked at him in surprise. Seeing the man's serious expression, he immediately nodded with a smile on his face.

"Subordinates take orders!"


Mingquan Town is extremely lively today.

The inspections at each level were also more careful. Pei Madang rode in front, and Xiao Rong sat on Feng Yun's carriage, his eyes wide open along the way, and his excitement was visible to the naked eye.

When the carriage stopped and her feet landed on the ground, her tears began to fall.

"It's like a lifetime ago."

During these days of being captured, she actually did not suffer much, especially since the peace negotiation was on the agenda. Her situation was much better. There were several maids in the room waiting on her, answering all her requests.

But no matter how well-dressed and well-fed, one cannot be happy.

At this moment, standing outside the parliament hall, I felt that the wind blowing over me was free.

Sometimes I cry and sometimes I laugh.

Without saying much, Pei Ran handed the horse's reins to the guard, turned around and nodded to Feng Yun, and went straight inside.

"Congratulations, Your Highness."

Feng Yun smiled at Xiao Rong and saw Ao Qi walking towards him.


A very normal name was called out by Ao Qi in a low and gentle voice, with a hidden and taboo-like ending for no reason, "Just leave the person to me."

Xiao Rong turned around when he heard the sound and looked at Ao Qi.

A tall young general, he wears armor and looks very heroic. He has sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes. His facial features are also very good, but the lower lip of his philtrum is slightly upturned, which makes him look stubborn. His temper does not seem to be very good, and his eyes are not very good. A bit fierce.

"Okay." Feng Yun smiled at Ao Qi and saluted Xiao Rong.

"Goodbye, Your Royal Highness, Princess."

Maybe it was because Ao Qi was around. Xiao Rong looked at Feng Yun's smile and suddenly felt that the way he shed tears just now was too childish.

We are all about the same age, and she is a majestic eldest princess. How can she be so fragile?

She wiped away her tears and raised the corners of her lips with a smile.

"Goodbye, Feng Shi Ayun."

He bowed to Feng Yun again and said, "Thank you for taking care of me during these days."

Feng Yun rolled his lips, said no more, and turned back to his store.

Xiao Rong stared at her back for a long time, then turned around and found Ao Qi looking at her too.

The young man's brows were slightly furrowed, and his eyes were full of manic depression. Only when he looked at Feng Shi Ayun, he was fierce and eager.

Xiao Rong's mouth twitched slightly and he raised his eyebrows.

"You like her too? Like my royal brother?"

Ao Qi glanced at her and pursed her lips, too lazy to say anything more.

Xiao Rong whispered, "I dare not admit it."

Feng Ying was just ten feet away, and the carriage had just stopped.

Wearing a white gauze hat on his head, which barely covered his face, he was supported by two maids as he stepped out of the car.

She saw Xiao Rong first and called out in surprise.

"A Rong..."

Xiao Rong turned his head when he heard the voice and recognized her. He was stunned but also full of surprise.

"A Ying..."

As she spoke, she wanted to rush towards Feng Ying, but was stopped by Ao Qi's horizontal sword.

"Your Highness the Princess."

The hard cold light of Huanshou's sword flashed, and Ao Qi's voice was very impatient.

"Follow me, please."

The unique youthfulness of the young man was revealed in his disdainful eyes, which was very annoying.

He called her "Your Highness", but actually he didn't take her seriously.

Xiao Rong grew up in Taicheng and was loved by thousands of people. If she hadn't had the experience of being captured this time, she would have been furious because of this look.

Fortunately, he has grown a lot. He only glanced at Ao Qi hatefully and then looked back at Feng Ying.

"Aying, wait for me."

She turned back step by step.

"Ah Rong." Feng Ying took a few steps forward, stopped, and comforted her with a lump in her throat.

"Don't be afraid, Ah Rong, I will always be waiting for you and accompany you."

Xiao Rong was actually not afraid.

She made a face at Feng Ying, smiled slightly, and turned her head inexplicably to take a look at Feng Yun.

One smiled and said goodbye to her, while the other cried and reassured her.

Since she felt that Feng Yun was no longer so annoying, she would often unconsciously examine the various conflicts and contradictions she had with Feng Yun in the past...

Since Feng Yun shouldn't be treated like that, then whose fault is it?

The little sister who stands up for Feng Ying?

No one is at fault for why they have been hating each other for so many years.

Xiao Rong still couldn't come up with a clue.


The main hall of the meeting hall.

The Jin and Qi sides set up the left and right tables, each occupying one side.

There are no complicated carvings on the table, but it is made of fine wood. It looks very solemn and majestic.

The woman at the top of the Jin Dynasty was dressed elegantly, with slender eyebrows and gorgeous beauty. She was none other than the Queen Mother Li Sangruo.

The Jin envoys sat down one by one.

Pei Madang was placed second to the right of Li Sangruo.

Qi Fang was accompanied by more than ten envoys brought by Shangshu Ling Feng Jingyao, and the county governor Feng Jingting was also among them.

The emperor of Qi, Xiao Cheng, was missing.

There is a round red sandalwood table in the middle. In addition to the scribes from the two countries, there is Yunchuan, the middle man.

This table order was determined after repeated discussions for a long time before the peace talks. The routine was slightly changed, which can be regarded as full respect for both parties to the peace talks.

Yunchuan Crown Prince Chun Yuyan was not late this time. He sat down in the middle and asked with a smile:

"Qi Jun hasn't arrived yet?"

Li Sangruo chuckled lightly, "The time is coming, and Qi Jun has not arrived yet. Could it be that I, the Jin Dynasty, are not sincere enough?"

The Empress Dowager came in person, so her sincerity was certainly enough.

It was clearly a mockery of Qi's unruly behavior.

Feng Jingyao's face wrinkled slightly, he glanced sideways at his younger brother Feng Jingting, then bowed and saluted Li Sangruo.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me. Your Majesty has been suffering from cold a few days ago. He has been ill for a long time and has been feeling unwell. There has been some delay..."

"Really?" Li Sangruo knew about Zhuhe and looked at him with a smile, "Then it's okay to wait. However, the Ai family has many physical inconveniences. They can wait for up to a quarter of an hour. If Qi Jun doesn't come, the Ai family will be waiting soon. "

Her every frown and smile showed off the magnanimity of a superior, even if she was a bit sarcastic, Qi Guo had to hold back.

Because Jin was the victor.

It was also the man beside her who gave her the confidence to say such things while sitting here today.

The more Li Sangruo understood this, the more uncomfortable he felt.

She wanted to look sideways at Pei Ran.

But thinking of Tang Shaogong's words, he endured it again, lowered his eyes, and took a sip of water to prevent himself from losing his composure on such an important occasion.

"General." Zuo Zhong came over, lowered his head and whispered to Pei Madang, "Madam said that she prepared a drink for the general in the restaurant, and took a nap during the meeting to let the general pass."

Pei Ran hummed.

There was not a single word, but it cut into Li Sangruo's heart like a knife.

She secretly clenched her fists, feeling angry suddenly in her heart, and smiled coldly.

"Shang Shuling, the time has come. Is your country playing tricks on the Ai family?"

Seeing the treasures' requests for more updates, Erjin was really powerless. First, the Spring Festival is approaching, and there are a lot of things at home, and then I have to go out for four days at the end of the month. It is inconvenient to write, so I need to save a little in advance to avoid interruption. So, during this period, I will try my best to make two updates, and when I am done with my busy schedule, I will hurry up, okay?

Feng Yun: Who doesn’t know you? When the busyness is over, the New Year will be over. Spring is here, and it’s time for you to feel sleepy.

Erjin: The best known mother is Ruo Nu.

Feng Yun: Then you, my dear mother, should also be considerate of your daughter and cure my illness. If I don’t cure this disease, my readers will dislike me.

Pei Jue: Actually, the pharmaceutical factory has too much stock recently...

Feng Yun: Great, you want to promote it vigorously and dispense medicine everywhere, right?

Pei Jue: ...

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