Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 253 The beginning of peace talks

It was not even time for the formal peace talks.

There was a huge clepsydra at the main entrance of the meeting hall, slowly counting the time.

But any alliance meeting was based on strength and status. The Queen Mother of Jin insisted that the Emperor of Qi was late and disrespected her, and the envoy of Qi was angry, but he could only hold it in.

In the court, they were both in high positions and their words were decisive, but when they sat at the negotiation table, Feng Jingyao had to apologize with a smile to maintain his dignity.

The defeat of the Qi army on the battlefield forced him to "be a man who can bend and stretch".

At this moment, when both sides sat at the negotiation table, there were at least 200,000 troops stationed outside Mingquan Town. If there was any disturbance, all the efforts made during this period would be in vain and they would be dragged into the quagmire of war again.

Li Sangruo relied on Pei Cong to be fearless, and seeing that the Feng family was powerful in Qi, she had no face.

However, she was just ruthless. Did she really want to leave the table and not talk to Qi? She couldn't make the decision. No one cares about her when she is showing off her power. If she really quits, Pei Jue will be the first one to disallow it, and the second one will be her father Li Zongxun.

The Queen Mother of Jin was furious in the meeting hall.

The imperial guards from both sides inside and outside the meeting hall were on full alert.

The people could not get close to the meeting hall. Today, the whole Mingquan Town was under martial law, but the local people were still waiting there early in the morning, standing on tiptoe to look inside through the guards...

Feng Yun's shop was only a hundred steps away from the meeting hall. A row of imperial guards was not far from her shop. Ge Yi brought a few small square stools, and several people sat at the door, drinking tea and talking while watching the movement of the meeting hall.

Nan Kui was convinced by Feng Yun.

"If Madam had not made plans in advance, we would not have been so convenient."

Chai Ying said: "Our foot shop was full of people early, and people rushed to come even if the room fee was five times the price..."

Feng Yun smiled but did not answer.

To feel the important affairs of the country up close, what is the room fee?

"Here he comes."

"The King of Qi is here..."

The Prince of Southern Qi, a famous scholar in the world, was a famous romantic figure in the Qi clan before Xiao San became emperor. Many people came to see him. The noise of the people outside became louder, and the crowd kept squeezing in. The imperial guards roared several times with sharp weapons in their hands before they quieted down.

Even Nan Kui and Chai Ying looked over.

A carriage drove over from the other end of the council hall, with guards in front and escorts in the back. The jade-inlaid body was so luxurious that it attracted people's attention all the way and stopped at the door of the council hall.

Feng Ying had been waiting there early, greeted him, and bowed.

"Your Majesty, I welcome you."

Feng Jingting also came out of the hall. When the curtain of the carriage was opened and he saw Xiao Cheng's face, he breathed a sigh of relief and bowed.

"Your Majesty. The time is coming. The envoy of Jin has been waiting in the hall for a long time."

Xiao Cheng nodded.

A long leg stepped out, and the solemn and handsome face had the majesty of an emperor, but also a slight sickness. The eyebrows were starry, the nose was straight and the lips were thin. The elegance and nobility seemed natural, which made people think of the long scroll of mountains and rivers with bright and clear moon. Such a demeanor could make Xiao Cheng stand in front of anyone without losing a bit.

Feng Yun noticed that the atmosphere around him was stagnant.

Nan Kui and Chai Ying also subconsciously changed their faces.

She smiled.

All women who saw Xiao San were like this.

She had seen many such scenes in Taicheng, and many moments when girls were moved by Xiao San...

She herself was once one of the admirers, an insignificant one.

"Your Majesty, the Queen Mother Jin was angry, I'm afraid she would give him some face..."

Feng Jingting told Xiao Cheng about Li Sanruo's attitude in advance, in order to prepare him mentally.

After all, he was the emperor, why should he look at other people's faces. What if he couldn't restrain himself and turned the table on the spot?

Xiao Cheng nodded, but his face was expressionless.

He actually never took Li Sangruo seriously...

Although the trajectory of this life is very different from that of the previous life, the people are still the same people, without any change.

Xiao Cheng knew that without Pei Cong and Li Zongxun, the Jin State was just a piece of rotten tofu, which would fall apart with a punch.

The Queen Mother of Jin was just a puppet.

She was not his opponent.

Xiao Cheng slowly stepped onto the steps and suddenly stopped.

In full view of the crowd, his eyes passed over the three layers of guards and looked at the woman sitting outside the restaurant.

Feng Ying and Feng Jingting also looked over.

They couldn't see each other's expressions clearly.

Nan Kui and Chai Ying subconsciously held their breath and whispered:

"Madam, is the King of Qi looking at you?"

Feng Yun pulled the corner of his mouth and gently stroked the tea lid, "No way."

Nan Kui whispered something, and suddenly covered her heart, "It turns out that being stared at will also speed up your heartbeat..."

Chai Ying was stunned at first, and then sneered softly.

"This Qi Jun is too handsome..."

"That's the third son of Xiao."

Feng Yun listened to the two concubines' discussion and did not avoid Xiao Cheng's gaze. She looked at him with a smile, and also looked at Feng Ying and Feng Jingting beside him. Her eyes were bold and calm. No one knew what she was thinking.

Xiao Cheng pursed his thin lips tightly, withdrew his gaze with a tired face, and walked in.

Every time he saw Feng Yun, he couldn't help losing his composure, and would be confused between his past and present lives.

The woman who had been intimate in that way, looking at her from a distance, but not close...

Feng Jingting bent down slightly, looked at Xiao Cheng's face, and waited for him to walk in, then stood up and looked at Feng Yun.

"Let's go."

Feng Ying didn't seem to hear her father's words. She stood there, looking at Xiao Cheng's tall back, and the loneliness faintly revealed under the skylight, her eyes were cold, as if her heart was cold.

She couldn't go to the hall to listen to the peace talks.

It was Madam Chen's idea to wait here early today. Showing virtue is one aspect, but mainly in such occasions, it shows status. Not the Queen, but similar to the Queen.

But just now in front of others, Xiao Cheng didn't even look at her for a second...

Feng Ying smiled softly, turned her eyes coldly, and glanced at Feng Yun through the light veil of the veil.

From a distance, she bowed her head and bowed, and entered the meeting hall silently.

Nan Kui was stunned, and the melon seeds in her hand didn't smell good.

"Madam, she showed you good intentions? Am I seeing things?"

"No." Feng Yun said: "If I slap her face a few more times, she will still cry and say, Sister hits you well."

Puff! Nan Kui laughed, and Chai Ying laughed too.

"This Madam Feng is really amazing."

Feng Yun said: "How can someone who wants to be a queen not have this kind of heart?"

Several people talked in a low voice.

Jiang Yin, who was sitting on the side, was very silent.

Feng Yun glanced at her and didn't ask more questions.

Her mind was all in the meeting hall...

She couldn't be sure whether the short-lived peace would come.

After all, the peace talks in the previous life were held in Andu, not Xinzhou, and the situation was completely different from today.


This was the first time Li Sangruo met Xiao Cheng.

She was a little surprised before she saw his face clearly.

Although he was late and Qi was in a weak position, Xiao Cheng's calmness and composure, even his calm demeanor, still attracted her.

It had been a long time since she felt the slight numbness rising from the soles of her feet and penetrating her heart. She had seen too many handsome men, and there were many tall and handsome men in the Jin Palace Tiqi, but when she saw Xiao Cheng, Li Sangruo couldn't help but look at him a few more times. Such appearance and nobleness were hard to find in the world.

Almost subconsciously, she looked at Pei Jue again.

The familiar eyebrows and eyes were like those carved by knives and axes, without any hostility, only coldness and calmness.

Shouldn't the love rivals be particularly jealous when they meet?

How did they manage to remain calm?

Li Sangruo sneered in his heart.

Suddenly, he felt that this was not a negotiation table between Jin and Qi, but a vulgar drama of two men fighting for a woman, and he was the clown watching...

No one knew how the Queen Mother of Jin was in a storm.

After a brief greeting, the two sides got straight to the point.

The proposal had been written long ago, and the two sides exchanged and discussed their own requirements and negotiation matters.

A preliminary intention had already been reached, and there were not many points of dispute in the peace talks.

The point of dispute was Xinzhou, including Mingquan Town where the meeting hall was located.

Qi wanted to take back Xinzhou and govern it across the water from Jin. For this reason, it was willing to compensate by increasing the annual tribute, and at the same time open several ferry crossings in Xinzhou and Fuzhou, and give benefits to Jin in other aspects.

For this reason, Qi wrote in detail in the proposal that it would give up the convenience and advantages of Xinzhou in governing Jin.

After several rounds of discussions on what was feasible and what was not feasible, no agreement was reached.

The envoys of both sides returned to their own small meeting halls to rest, drink tea, and discuss.

The servants brought up the food one after another.

The Jin envoy praised the chef of the council hall, and the hall was full of joy.

The only person not seen was Pei Cong.

Li Sangruo knew that he went to the next door, and Feng Shier Niang cooked for him. He couldn't leave for such a short time, so he went there eagerly.

She sneered again.

"Giving up Xinzhou, what do you think?"

The Jin envoy put down the drink tray and shook his head.


"Your Highness is kind and honest, and you really don't know that Qi is a thief."

In order to take Xinzhou, the Jin army sacrificed so much, how could they give up just like that?

The increased annual tribute promised by Qi could be taken back at any time, but the land under their feet was real. More importantly, Xinzhou was the main channel for communication between the north and the south, and this deal was a loss no matter how you calculated it.

It was impossible to give it up, but the words had to be said more pleasantly.

After all, Xinzhou was the territory of Qi before the war.

Li Sangruo watched their discussion with a relaxed expression, his heart was up and down, and he kept looking at the threshold.

I even think that there is nothing wrong with continuing this war...

If Pei Jue goes to the war, he won't be able to spend all day with Feng Shier Niang. When the time comes, every strike he makes will be for her son's kingdom...

She suddenly stood up impatiently, "Everyone, do as you please. I'm going to change my clothes."

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