Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 254 The Emperor's Gambling Game

Qi Fang was also in the small meeting hall.

This conference hall is at the other end of the conference hall, far opposite the Jin side.

Feng Ying sat on one side, serving tea and water to Xiao Cheng and the Feng elders, and was very considerate.

Feng Jingyao mentioned that the last peace negotiation was fourteen years ago, when the states were merged.

The envoys were puzzled.

I don't know who suddenly mentioned General Xie Xian.

"While General Xie is still alive, how dare the people of Jin not be afraid of Qi?"

As soon as Xie Xian's name came out, the hall suddenly became silent.

The decline of Qi seems to have started from that war.

Feng Jingyao coughed lightly, took a sip of tea, and said: "It's normal to have pauses and pauses. There is no need to have too high expectations for the Jin side and to delay the war."

Everyone nodded.

Xiao Cheng's expression did not change, and he said calmly:

"I have a plan. I just want to see if Jin should do it or not."

Feng Jingyao knew that the emperor had an idea and was not a brainless person like Yanping Emperor Xiao Jue. He was even more imperial than the deceased Prince Huairen Xiao Zhuo.

The Feng family has been a family of ministers for hundreds of years, and has gone through many ups and downs. With the establishment of the country by the Xiao family, the roots are well understood.

"What's your Majesty's plan?"

Xiao Chengdao: "The peace proposal is in the word "harmony". Jin side does not agree to our proposal. Jin side does not agree to the proposal. If we fight back and forth, no one will be able to convince anyone. The peace negotiation has reached a deadlock. Is it possible to ask for it again? A big fight?"

He smiled softly and said, "If Jin doesn't want to fight, then we have to make peace. At that time, I propose that the two sides bet on three questions. Whoever wins will get Xinzhou. It depends on whether Jin Fangyun agrees..."

Feng Jingyao asked: "Who came up with the title?"

Xiao Chengdao: "One question from Jin, one question from Qi, and one question from Yunchuan."

It sounded extremely fair, but Feng Jingyao thought it was child's play.

"Is Your Majesty confident in persuading Jin to approve it?"

Xiao Cheng asked back: "Is Shangshu Ling confident that Jin will make concessions and return Xinzhou to me?"

This statement stumped Feng Jingyao.

Xinzhou is currently an area occupied by the Jin State. It is more difficult for people to spit out the meat in their mouths than to reach the sky.

Therefore, whether Xiao Cheng's method succeeds or fails, it is actually a glimmer of hope sought in a desperate situation. If the Jin State agrees, of course it is good. If they disagree, there is actually no greater loss.

Feng Jingyao said: "The plan can be accomplished. But how to persuade Jin to agree is a problem."

Feng Jingting sat on the sidelines for a long time. As the emperor's father-in-law, he felt that he could make a statement, "In my humble opinion, I can start with both."

Xiao Cheng asked: "Master Fu, tell me."

Feng Jingting said: "First, if I want to find my unfilial daughter, I might start with Pei Madang. Second, the Queen Mother of Jin is arrogant and competitive. When I find an opportunity, I provoke her and just ask her if Jin Ting dares to bet... "

Xiao Cheng smiled.

Feng Jingyao's face fell.

He had always looked down upon this unsatisfactory younger brother, and his tone was harsh.

"The Twelve Mothers refuse to acknowledge you, yet they are trying to persuade Pei Madang for you? That's outrageous."

Feng Jingting's ears turned red, "Brother, Ayun expressed his stance that day, and our father and daughter have also settled their differences..."

Feng Jingyao hummed, not wanting to say more to him.

But when he looked at Xiao Cheng, he showed a complicated smile.

"Your Majesty." He held his hand, "I think it would be a good idea to start with the Queen Mother of Jin..."


Li Sangruo walked out of the dressing room with the support of two palace ladies.

The meeting hall is a "hui"-shaped structure with a straight wooden corridor that allows you to see the opposite side at a glance.

She saw Xiao Cheng standing at the other end of the corridor, with a face like a crown of jade and eyes as bright as lacquer. The splendor of a noble son of a noble family was really eye-catching.

Li Zongxun said to the outside world that he was from the Li family in Longxi.

In fact, starting from his grandfather, they were just a side branch of the Longxi Li family. In the past, the main family could not speak in the clan. It was only in Li Zongxun's father's generation that they made great contributions due to the change of dynasty, and the kite turned over and changed its face.

But the heritage of a noble family is cultivated by generations of descendants. Li Sangruo came from a noble family, but he yearned for a more prominent family, such as Yuan Xie Wang Xiao of Southern Qi.

With this kind of thought, she regarded Xiao Cheng as extremely noble.

When I thought about the relationship between Xiao Cheng and Feng Twelve Niang, I became even more thoughtful.

With a smile on her lips, she greeted him.

"Qi Jun."

With jewels and jewels and a high bun, the Queen Mother is magnificent. Compared with her grand demeanor, Xiao Cheng looks more noble and elegant.

"Queen Mother."

The two of them saluted each other on the corridor, and no one avoided it.

There were guards not far away who saw him and stood far away, not daring to come over.

Li Sangruo thought this was a good time, smiled, walked sideways to the railing of the corridor, and looked at the garden with only desk chairs and tables.

"The conference hall was prepared in a hurry, and some flowers were missing. If this garden had been full of flowers, Qi Jun and I would have been in a different mood today."

Xiao Cheng stood with his hands behind his hands and followed her gaze.

"At this time of year, all the flowers have faded."

Li Sangruo laughed, "This is actually not a problem for you and me. Winter flowers and summer snow, as an emperor, don't you want it?"

Xiao Cheng frowned slightly.

At the same peak of power, he and Li Sanruo have different desires.

"Does Mr. Qi know that this meeting hall was created by Feng Twelve Niang?"

Xiao Cheng looked calm and said, "I have heard a little bit."

Li Sangruo smiled softly.

"It's a pity. Mr. Qi should have had a good wife, but things went wrong..."

Xiao Cheng did not look back, "The Queen Mother came to me not to tell me these sad things, right?"

Jixiang behind him lowered his head.

It was obvious that His Majesty wanted to find Li Sangruo for something, but His Majesty did not mention it at all, and just lifted up the Queen Mother Jin when they "ran into each other"...

Compared to his master, this Queen Mother was still inferior. Jixiang thought about this and lowered his head even more, fearing that the Queen Mother Jin would see his thoughts.

Li Sangruo obviously would not pay attention to a servant.

She looked at Xiao Cheng and said, "I originally thought that the King of Qi would go against all odds and return the prisoners from Qi, as stated in the proposal..."

Xiao Cheng seemed to not understand what she said, and said lightly:

"It is customary to exchange prisoners. We have reached an agreement with your country before the peace talks. Is the Queen Mother going to change her mind?"

Li Sangruo smiled, "The King of Qi understands what I am talking about. Feng Shier Niang was the wife of the King of Qi. She was captured in Jin during the war. Like your sister Xiao Rong, she should be returned after the peace talks. But the list of prisoners I saw did not include Feng Shier Niang's name. Why is that?"

Xiao Cheng smiled and said, "The Queen Mother also said that the world is a waste of time. Since Feng Shier Niang is already married, how can I force her?"

Li Sangruo sneered secretly.

Men are the best at saying one thing and thinking another.

Li Sangruo said, "Why doesn't the King of Qi add a list of prisoners? If I am satisfied, I might agree?"

Xiao Cheng narrowed his eyes and looked at her, but did not speak this time.

This means that if Qi gives up the claim to Xinzhou, she will include Feng Shier Niang in the list of Qi's captives. Once the alliance is signed, it will be difficult to regret it...

Xiao Cheng: "Isn't the Queen Mother afraid that the general will not agree?"

Li Sangruo smiled and said, "It's just adding a name. How can the general find out?"

Xiao Cheng's eyebrows suddenly revealed a smile.

Looking gentle and noble, but actually extremely contemptuous.

"The Queen Mother's plan will not work. I don't even bother to do it."

Li Sangruo noticed the emotions in the other's eyes.

This Xiao Cheng looked down on her and almost put the word stupid on her forehead.

She was a little angry.

But it was not easy to get angry on the spot.

Holding back the breath, she sneered, "The beautiful wife, Qi Jun doesn't miss it?"

Xiao Cheng said, "What about missing it?"

Li Sangruo chuckled, "Xinzhou City and the beautiful wife, Qi Jun must choose one."

Xiao Cheng also smiled: "I want the beauty. I also want the city."

Li Sangruo was surprised by his arrogance and raised his eyebrows.

"The arrogance of the Qi Jun is far greater than that of me."

Xiao Cheng said: "As long as the Queen Mother agrees, you and I can both get what we want, why not?"


Feng Yun was in her own store next door.

Nan Kui and Chai Ying were like two excited little quails in front of her, staring at her closely.

After leaving the boudoir and staying outside for a long time, Nan Kui became less soft and more aggressive. The same was true for Chai Ying, who became more capable and efficient. Compared with a while ago, she was completely different.

On the contrary, Jiang Yin did not change much. She was still taciturn, gentle and smiling, but her voice was basically not heard in the store. She was so silent that she had no sense of existence.

Feng Yun saw her picking vegetables, walked over slowly and smiled.

"How is it? Are you getting used to it?"

Jiang Yin whispered, "I'm fine. It's easy to be with Nan Ji and Chai Ji."

"That's good." Feng Yun smiled and was about to leave when she heard Jiang Yin say, "That prince sent someone to look for me again."

Feng Yun asked, "You want to follow him?"

Jiang Yin thought about it and nodded, "I refused. I said I want to follow the lady."

Feng Yun couldn't help laughing.

Chun Yuyan was repeatedly defeated in front of Lian Ji, whom he had been thinking about. He must be very angry, right?

She was in a good mood suddenly.

Thinking about the relationship between the partners, she decided to help him.

"Looking at people through the mask is a level lower. Why don't you take a look at the prince's face first, and then make a decision?"

In Feng Yun's view, Chun Yuyan was a man with extraordinary looks, and he was also the prince of Yunchuan, who was rich enough to rival a country. He had good looks, money, status, and liked her so much. Jiang Yin had no reason to resist...

Unexpectedly, Jiang Yin shook his head.

"The prince won't show his appearance to others easily."

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows, "He won't show it to you?"

Jiang Yin: "He told the eunuch."

Feng Yun said "oh" and was about to say something when he saw a tall figure in a loose silk ribbon and fur coat stepping through the threshold. He was dressed in a luxurious and very attractive outfit...

If it wasn't the prince of Yunchuan, who else could it be?

"The prince came just in time..."

As soon as Feng Yun's chuckle came out, two more people appeared behind Chunyu Yan.

One had a cold face and a meticulous expression.

One was a handsome young man with a slight smile.

It turned out to be Pei Jue and Ao Qi.

The guards were all outside. Ao Qi walked in and looked at Pei Jue's face, and smiled: "I heard that my aunt prepared delicious drinks, so I followed to eat and drink."

Feng Yun smiled and agreed, asked Nan Kui to come over to greet them, and then signaled Chunyu Yan to follow him.

Chun Yuyan was very amused, with a smile on his lips that he couldn't hide. He bowed to Pei Jue and followed her.

"You look very healthy."

Feng Yun turned his body to look at Jiang Yin in the distance.

"Jiang Ji wants to see the prince's face. Is the prince willing?"

Chun Yuyan's smile suddenly disappeared.

He didn't have a chance to talk to her at the banquet last night. Thinking of the harm she suffered, he came to visit her. Unexpectedly, the girl in front of him had a ruddy complexion and fair skin. Not only was she not affected at all, but she also helped him?

Chun Yuyan looked her up and down.

"Feng Twelve, are you sick?"

Feng Yun thought his words were very strange.

"Don't be ungrateful. I just sounded out the prince, Jiang Ji is still a little curious about the prince..."

She smiled softly, "Use your beauty to conquer her."

"Yun Niang." A cold voice interrupted, Pei Jue's tall body covered her like a shadow, and when Feng Yun turned around, he was already standing beside her, looking coldly at Chun Yu Yan, his eyes were as dangerous as those of an enemy in front of a battle.

"The drink is cold."

"Really?" Feng Yun gave Chun Yu Yan a look, feeling like a big matchmaker, "Prince, go to the tea room and wait."

Chun Yu Yan glanced at Pei Jue, curled his lips and smiled, "Okay."

Just when I was satisfied, I heard Feng Yun's voice with a little helplessness.

"Talk to Jiang Ji nicely, the prince doesn't have many advantages, you have to be good at using them."

Chun Yu Yan narrowed his eyes, "What did you say?"

Feng Yun pointed at the mask on his face, "Don't be stubborn, you are not that shameful. I can only help you here..."

Pei Jue raised his eyebrows slightly.

Chun Yuyan was so angry that he clenched his teeth.

For a moment, he really wanted to kill this woman.

He lost so many children and grandchildren for her, and she wanted to eat his matchmaker?

"Feng Shier, you really dare to say anything."

Feng Yun felt that he hated him inexplicably, and was too lazy to pay attention to him. She turned her head and took Pei Jue's arm.

"I don't care about you. You can go or not! General, let's go."

Pei Jue subconsciously opened his arms, put his arms around her waist, and protected her like a calf in his arms.

Chun Yuyan watched the two of them walk away together, and kept silent for a while with a gloomy face.

He snorted coldly and actually walked towards the tea room. (End of this chapter)

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