Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 256 Feng’s Favorite

Wanting to die and being cruelly abused and worse than death are two different things.

Fear accelerated her blood flow and stimulated her desire to live. Even the depression and anger of wanting to die were gone.

She wanted to live, to live completely, or... to die completely.

She said: "What can Li Sangruo give you?"

Tang Shaogong bent down and looked at her, "You can't give her what she can give."

"What I can give, she can't give."

Tang Shaogong seemed to be bewitched, and there were subtle changes in his pupils.

He didn't seem to be moved by her at all, and the sneer on his face was deeper than before.

"To be honest, I have thought about what it feels like to be this beautiful flower..."

Tang Shaogong pinched her chin, raised it, and looked at her reaction with satisfaction, "But I would rather see you struggling, with no way to survive and no way to die. That would be more satisfying than getting your body." happy……"

His hand was very strong and he pinched her face mercilessly. Her delicate and fair skin immediately turned crimson, and blood spots could be seen under the skin.

"That's not what I mean." The fear of falling into the abyss almost made her suffocate, "I mean Mr.... He has an extraordinary bearing... He is not like an ordinary lackey of the Li family... Such a person must have his own desires. , I may be able to help you, sir..."

Extraordinary bearing? Tang Shaogong had heard many compliments, and this sentence made him laugh.

"You are a female prisoner of the Qi Kingdom. You cannot protect yourself. Even Pei Madang has rejected you. What do you have left?"

He lowered his head again, gritted his teeth and said in her ear: "Silly boy, why don't you think about how I can get you out of the house under Pei Madang's nose? The Queen Mother wants you to die, and without you there will be no her. You say Should Pei Ran choose you or the Queen Mother? "

Feng Yun knew what he said was right.

She has nothing.

But when people are in a desperate situation, they can only find ways to save themselves.

Even if you are talking nonsense, you must fight for yourself.

"Sir, why don't you send me back to Qi, and you will get more... Qi Jun and I were childhood sweethearts, and our love is as deep as the ocean... He sent people to look for me many times, but they were all blocked by the general... If you can help us Whatever you want, whatever you want... he will give it to you..."

Just like a gambler, when she loses everything, facing the machete that is about to cut down, her mind no longer has the judgment of right or wrong of winning or losing, only the instinct is driven, not wanting to miss a chance.

"Or, sir, please give me a happy life, so that I can be freed and the Queen Mother will no longer have any future troubles..."

Tang Shaogong looked at him.

He pinched her neck and smiled coldly.

She couldn't breathe, her brain fell into complete chaos, her whole body seemed to become lighter, and her body slowly fell into the abyss...

In the terrible darkness, I seemed to hear countless people fighting, screaming, and wailing in pain.

She curled up to a stiff body and was stretched...

In the boundless despair, she saw the light.

She was saved.

After landing from floating, what she saw when she opened her eyes was Pei Mad.

Majestic and cold-looking.

The Piyong Sword was dripping with blood and fell on the bluestone, condensing into a pool of black color.

She got a chance to breathe, and called out with red eyes:


Once again, she was rescued by Pei Ran, and she escaped from despair. At that moment, she thought about Xiao Man's death and all the past.

She wanted to live a good life, and she had a lot of heartfelt things to say to Pei Ran...

Pei Madang didn't respond to her, turned around and left.

It was Ao Qi who brought her back to the general's mansion...

Her body was too soft to move, and it was Ao Qi who carried her on the soft couch. She didn't speak during the whole process, but Ao Qi said a lot of unpleasant things that Feng Yun could no longer remember.

The two attitudes of the young man in his past life and this life were like two different people, so that when she recalled Ao Qi's insults and scoldings, the scars were healed and she forgot about the pain, and she no longer felt uncomfortable at all.

Not long after that incident, Feng Yun was sent back to Andu by Pei Ran, and then taken to Tujiawu Fort by Ren Rude, and then back to Qi...

The last time he heard Tang Shaogong's name in his previous life was when Xiao Cheng told him after returning to Qi.

He said that Tang Shaogong was ordered by Prime Minister Li Zongxun to kill everyone in his family. No one in his family of more than 20 survived.

In fact, she never understood why Li Zongxun ordered to be executed despite being a member of the Li family...

Tang Shaogong said a few words in front of Pei Ran and bowed his hands.


Turning around, he saw the woman at the door of the inner room.

Sharp eyes came through, and Feng Yun tried his best to restrain himself, his face expressionless.

Tang Shaogong looked at her, glanced at her, and said hello.

"Mrs. Feng."

His voice was low, a little cold, several degrees higher than in the secret room in his previous life, and very calm.

Feng Yun stared at this person, smiled slightly, and returned the courtesy, but said nothing.

Tang Shaogong left.

Feng Yun stood there for a moment, then suppressed his nausea and walked slowly over.

Ao Qi was eating, and Pei Madang was silent.

The dining table in the store is a bit narrow, and both my nephew and uncle are tall and slender, especially Pei Mang, who is even more majestic, with broad shoulders and a broad back, and a thin waistline. Where he sits, he looks pitiful against the dining table...

Feng Yun saw that there was a lot left in Pei Madang's bowl, so he bent down and filled Ao Qi with a bowl of fermented rice balls.

"Xiao Qi eats like a turtle."

Ao Qi looked up with a hearty smile, "I'm not a cat."

"You're a big cat."

She was joking, but Pei Ran remained silent, and Ao Qi's eyes flashed with joy.

Ao Zai liked him, and no one could replace him, not even my uncle. He decided to treat Ao Zai better in the future...

Feng Yun was actually looking for something to say.

Pretending to be casual, he joked a few words and then looked in the direction Tang Shaogong was leaving.

"Who was that person just now?"

Pei Madjun's face was calm and his eyes were cold, "A diner in the Prime Minister's Mansion."

Feng Yun asked: "Then why did he come to see the general?"

Pei Ran was silent.

Ao Qi looked up at his uncle and hesitated to speak.

"For Cuiyu's matter..."

In Cuiyu, Pei Ran rubbed the Queen Mother's face. The Queen Mother's face is not good-looking, and the Prime Minister's Palace's face is naturally not good-looking either...

Feng Yun smiled lightly and said: "Are you here to accuse the general? Or are you talking nonsense?"

Ao Qi looked at Pei Ran's cold face and sighed almost inaudibly.

"I don't dare to accuse, that is, say..."

say what?

He didn't take it.

Feng Yun's anger hung in his throat. He waited for a moment and chuckled.

"The Queen Mother hates me. The person the Prime Minister's Office doesn't want to let go should also be me, right?"

Ao Qi's throat choked, "I..."

He wanted to say that he would protect her, but he couldn't.

"Don't worry, aunt, uncle is here."

Feng Yun still laughed, just laughed.

Ao Qi has a childish mind and is still a big kid.

He didn't know that because of his uncle's presence, she would have more troubles, and there would be endless traps and persecutions in the future. The more Pei Madang defended her, the more jealous and angry Li Sangruo became. Prime Minister Li The government will put more pressure on...

Unless there is a complete break, sooner or later we will fall back on our old ways.

"Is the time coming soon?" Her eyes were dim, and her expression showed a trace of boredom unintentionally.

Meeting Tang Shaogong in advance made her agitated for no reason.

Looking at the remaining food in Pei Man's bowl, he frowned.

"Eat quickly, don't waste it."

Ao Qi: "Yes."

He is a person who can shine with a little sunshine, and the fermented rice balls are very fragrant, so he eats them up quickly.

Pei Madang was very slow, and his polite and polite manner did not match his cold military uniform at all.

Feng Yun had a smile on his face, but there was a sense of depression in his heart and lungs, as if it was stuck in his throat and he couldn't get rid of it.

"Yunniang." Pei Madang put down the bowl and looked up with a gentle gaze, "Follow me."

Feng Yun was slightly startled, "Where to go?"

"Meeting Hall." Pei Ran said.

Were you thinking about this in silence just now?

Feng Yun was very surprised.

Although she is unwilling to depreciate herself, she still knows that her identity is sensitive. When Pei Ran married her, there was a lot of gossip. He probably didn't want to bring her to the public.

What's more, he has never wanted her to see Xiao Cheng. Their past would make Pei Madang feel embarrassed...

She smiled and said, "Is it appropriate for me to go?"

Pei Madang seemed to be aware of her emotions, and suddenly reached out his hand, covering the back of her hand, and squeezed it slightly.

"Let's go."

Feng Yun didn't move. Pei Ran stood up and pulled her up. He didn't seem to notice Ao Qi's gaze. He held her waist and pulled her into his arms. He lowered his dark eyes and looked at her, "I won't say anything. No one dares."

The big hands on her waist were very strong, as if they were going to crush her.

Feng Yun clung to him passively and smiled helplessly.

"The general is not afraid, and I don't care."

Peace negotiation is a game, just like a war without smoke.

Maybe you can seize the opportunity to strengthen yourself and not be a lamb to be slaughtered...


In the assembly hall, the next round of negotiations is about to begin.

Several scribes were nervously arranging documents on the desk outside the door.

The envoys from both sides entered the main hall one after another, lowering their heads and talking in twos and threes, and the atmosphere was solemn.

Accompanied by Feng Jingyao and Feng Jingting, Xiao Cheng came out of the Qifang Assembly Hall and saw Pei Ran and Feng Yun walking through the gate of the assembly hall. When they crossed the high elm threshold, Feng Yun's skirt After tripping, Pei Ran bent down and pulled her up. Feng Yun looked at him with a smile, with deep admiration in his eyes...

Xiao Cheng stopped and narrowed his eyes.

That stupid woman Li Sangruo wanted to add her name to the prisoner exchange list...

Pei Ran now bringing people to the meeting hall is tantamount to informing both Jin and Qi about the identity of General Feng Yun's wife and her position in his heart...

"Feng's exclusive favor with the general is true."

Someone who was not afraid of death whispered something.

The surrounding atmosphere became inexplicably cold. (End of chapter)

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