Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 257 Eat delicious food

In the years that Xiao Cheng and Feng Yun have been together, he has never seen such a smile.

Feng Shier Niang was shy and pure when she was a girl, and she would not look at men with such eyes.

She returned to Qi from Jin State, and she had experienced the hardships of the world. There was no light in her eyes. Even if she smiled, it was like a layer of impenetrable gauze, and it didn't seem to be from the heart.

In front of Pei Jue, her smile was charming, warm, and mature, like a ripe berry, which can drip honey with a light touch, which is very tempting...

Xiao Cheng's understanding of the relationship between men and women is actually very shallow. He has not thought deeply about what kind of love is love, what kind of love is love.

But in this scene just now, Feng Yun looked at Pei Jue, and Pei Jue treated Feng Yun, the atmosphere that others could not interfere with instantly hit his soft spot.

There was silence around him, and Xiao Cheng's body seemed to be cooling down.

He did not speak or move.

Watching the two people slowly approaching.

Pei Jue was silent, and the coldness flashed in his eyes, which almost no one caught. Feng Yun was even more generous. Seeing Xiao Cheng and the two elders of the Feng family, he bowed and saluted with a smile.

"Hello, Lord Qi, hello, uncle, father."

His expression was gentle, as if there was no grudge.

It was like taking her husband back to her mother's home to visit relatives.

Pei Jue saluted each other, and he said nothing.

Feng Jingting said, "Why is Twelve Niang here?"

Feng Yun smiled dully: "My daughter accompanied the general."

Feng Jingting wanted to say something, but swallowed it back.

He knew that his elder brother didn't like Feng Yun, and wanted to scold her, saying that she shouldn't come to such an occasion, but she was not under his control at the moment. A woman should obey her husband after marriage. With her husband by her side, it was not his turn as a father to teach her a lesson...

"What a coincidence! Are you all here?" A light laugh came in, inexplicably with a little bit of evil air, and immediately broke the ice of this stiff scene.

Chunyu Yan was dressed elegantly, walked briskly, and laughed melodiously and joyfully. A mask half-covered his face, adding to the mystery.

"Why are you all here in the cold wind?"

After asking, he seemed to have just seen Feng Yun and smiled.

Facing the Feng family and the envoys who were looking over here, he brushed his fox fur coat and introduced her with a very generous and graceful manner:

"You all see this magnificent and elegant conference hall, which was built by Feng Twelve."

He did not call her the general's wife.

His tone was very intimate with Feng Yun,

and he did not even shy away from the presence of Pei Jue and Xiao Cheng. His narrow peach blossom eyes were full of smiles, and he approached her without any shyness.

"Of course, this prince is also her partner."

Feng Yun bowed politely, "No, no, sorry to make you laugh."

Chun Yuyan raised the corner of his mouth, "No need to be modest. Once you are modest, others will really not take you seriously."

Such sarcastic words would not be said by others in formal occasions, but Prince Yunchuan is not a normal person. He almost told others directly that no one should take Feng Shier Niang seriously.

Although Yunchuan is a vassal state, it is rich, wealthy, and has good friends. This Prince Yunchuan seems to be more capable of turning the tide than his father, King Yunchuan. Even if King Yunchuan doesn't like the prince, he can't do anything about him. Many people in Yunchuan once thought that according to the nature of this prince, he would kill his father and seize the throne, and even waited for that day.

However, a few years later, nothing happened.

Chunyu Yan traveled around the countries all year round and rarely returned to Yunchuan, which invisibly avoided conflicts with the King of Yunchuan. He seemed to be very patient and waited for his father to die before succeeding him...

In short, the special existence of Yunchuan and a special Yunchuan prince dominated this special peace meeting.

But such a rebellious Yunchuan prince actually supported Feng Shier Niang openly and secretly.

The reputation of beauty as a disaster has probably been rooted in people's hearts.

Feng Yun leaned against Pei Jue and smiled at Chunyu Yan.

All around were praises, saying that the Xuzhou Feng family had good family education and raised such an outstanding girl. Feng Jingyao had a smile on his face, but his eyes were cold, and Feng Jingting was so embarrassed that he wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

The news of Andu offering beauty had spread a long time ago.

These people didn't show it at all, but every word seemed to slap him in the face.

In the fake greetings, Xiao Cheng raised his eyes slightly, "It's almost time."

He was the emperor, of noble status, and did not need to wait for anyone to greet him. He glanced at Feng Yun casually and walked over expressionlessly.

Pei Jue glanced inside and looked down at Feng Yun, "Yun Niang is waiting for me in the ear room."

Feng Yun smiled faintly and said, "My husband, go by yourself."

She would call him "my husband" in front of others, gentle and modest, with the manners of a woman from an aristocratic family, dignified and elegant, and well-mannered, never making any mistakes, and also giving Pei Jue enough face.

Pei Jue looked at her and his mouth corners pulled slightly.

Without saying much, he turned back to look for Ao Qi.

"Take care of your aunt."

Ao Qi was in a good mood.

In his uncle's heart, he was someone he could trust...

So he took a few quick steps, stepped forward and bowed, "Nephew understands."

Pei Jue looked at him, pursed his lips tightly, and strode in.

"Feng Twelve." Chun Yuyan did not leave, and smiled at Feng Yun calmly, "You have caused me so much trouble."

Feng Yun was puzzled, "I wonder what the prince means?"

Chun Yuyan's eyes drifted over, as if he was hiding something on his mind, and his eyes seemed to be absent-minded as he looked at her.

Ao Qi reminded, "Prince, the time has come."

Chun Yuyan slowly retracted his eyes and snorted, "I will settle the score with you later."

As arrogant as he is, did he suffer a loss at the hands of Jiang Yin and feel unhappy? Feng Yun raised his eyebrows with a complicated look, "I haven't settled accounts with the prince yet? What did the prince do to Jiang Ji? When I went out just now, I saw that she was absent-minded. Is it the prince..."

"I didn't do anything." Chun Yuyan thought of the hug just now, and felt a little guilty. He couldn't wait for Feng Yun to finish speaking, and brushed his cloak and went to the meeting room without looking back.

Feng Yun stared at his back and asked Ao Qi.

"Look at him, is he a little guilty?"

Ao Qi: "He has no good intentions."

Feng Yun didn't hear clearly, "What?"

Ao Qi pouted, "Aunt, be careful of this man."

The seventeen-year-old little brother is also a man. The natural sense of smell of male creatures will allow them to quickly identify who is the enemy when courting. Ao Qi is doing the same to Chun Yuyan at this moment, with clear barriers.

Except for the uncle, they are all enemies.

"Aunt, come with me to the side room to sit for a while."

Only envoys can enter the main meeting hall, but both sides are accompanied by subordinates and escorts, so they are assigned to rest and guard in their own side rooms.

One on the left and one on the right correspond to the two envoys' entrances to the main hall. Each side room has a window to facilitate the delivery of documents.

The drawings drawn by Feng Yun herself know the structure better than anyone else.

She asked Ao Qi, "Will you go in with me?"

"I'll go with you." Ao Qi was very happy, with a refreshing smile on his face, and took Feng Yun in to find a seat near the window, "You sit down, I'll go get you some fragrant food."

"...What did you say?" Feng Yun doubted her ears a little.

Shouldn't the words "get some fragrant food" be said to children or Aozai? Why did Ao Qi say it, and to her, in such a doting voice?

Luckily, there was no one else around.

Feng Yun's eyebrows moved slightly, "Speak properly."

Ao Qi just couldn't help but laugh when he heard the voice.

"I treat you like a cub, too."

She said, he was like a big cat.

He used this sentence to stop her.

As expected, he was still a teenager, unwilling to suffer any loss.

After saying that, he went out and brought two bags of cakes and dried fruits like a magician. These snacks were not suitable for such occasions. The eyes of other people in the ear room were all staring, but Ao Qi pretended not to see them and stuffed them into Feng Yun's hands like coaxing a child. He also poured tea and water in person, serving her like a princess.

"Tell me what you want."

Feng Yun said, "No, General Ao, you don't have to be polite."

Hearing her unfamiliar address, Ao Qi looked over with dissatisfaction. His eyes were wide open, like an acupuncture cub that was dissatisfied after being stroked by her for a long time. Feng Yun couldn't help but raise her lips.

Ao Qi saw her smile and smiled too.

"Is it delicious? My father brought it from home, and my mother made it by hand."

Feng Yun was stunned.

If such a loving cake went into her stomach, wouldn't Mrs. Ao be angry to death if she knew?

"It's delicious." She was very considerate.

The cakes were sweet, sticky and soft, very similar to the yellow rice cakes she had eaten when she was a child. When she took a bite, they were sticky and sticky, and when she bit them, they would stretch into strings. When she was a child, her mother would make them for her. She was naughty and deliberately stretched the cakes into long strings, which eventually fell onto her clothes, causing her mother to scold her. Then she bent down and gently wiped them for her, and warned her not to let anyone see them, and she would scold her for being unruly.

Feng Yun ate them and actually tasted some of the flavors of her childhood.

The taste of her mother.

She lowered her eyes, and a trace of mist appeared in her eyes.

Ao Qi looked down and said, "What's wrong?"

Feng Yun didn't want to say more, and smiled slightly, "The cakes are delicious, I'm very touched."

Ao Qi's chest tightened, as if countless little people were cheering in his heart, and he felt his cheeks burning and his ears burning.

The love of a young man is pure and passionate, and a single sentence can easily move all his emotions.

"If it tastes good, eat more. After you finish, I'll ask my mother to make more."

Because he was happy, his voice was full of laughter, and his eyes were sticky as if they were filled with honey.

Li Sangruo came late on purpose, walked out of the Jinfang Small Meeting Hall, and saw Feng Yun at a glance. His mind suddenly rang, and the emotions that he had suppressed with great difficulty burst like a flood, and he stopped with a cold face.

"Why is she here?" (End of this chapter)

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