Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 258 Tit for tat

For a moment, Li Sangruo almost cried.

In fact, she doesn't need anyone to tell her why Feng Twelve is here, she has the answer deep in her heart.

It's Pei Ran.

Pei Ran took her with him and could not leave her for a moment. He gave her this kind of peace and tranquility, allowing her to sit in the penthouse and drink fragrant tea without fear of wind and rain during such important national events.

Only she is pitiful.

Without a husband to protect me, I still have a child at my knees...

He looks extremely noble and has a sharp look, but in fact, his back is cold and it's all a disguise.

If possible, who wouldn't want a little bird to be by the side of his beloved?

Li Sangruo stared at Feng Yun blankly, then looked past the open door of the main hall, trying to find that tall figure...

Tang Shaogong looked at her with a dull expression and lowered his eyes.

"Your Highness, the time has come, you should go in."

Li Sangruo gritted his teeth secretly, took two steps, and turned to take another look.

"Ao Qi, what's going on?"

A woman's intuition is very keen. She can see that Ao Qi is more attentive to Feng Yun than a nephew is to his aunt.

Tang Shaogong took a look and said calmly, "He has been guarding Feng Twelve Niang for a while, so his affection is different from others."

"More than that? This intimacy is as close as..."

A pair of little mandarin ducks.

Li Sangruo didn't say anything, but hummed, "Didn't Ao Qi just get engaged to A Zhi? How could he act so recklessly?"

Tang Shaogong: "His biological father and biological uncle are there. Why don't the Queen Mother discuss state affairs first?"

Ao Zheng and Pei Madang were both here, but they didn't care about Ao Qi like this. What did they have to do with others?

The words were neither salty nor bland, and it stung Li Sangruo's heart.

This Tang Shaogong!

For her father's sake, she treated him a little less favorably and called him "uncle". He actually regarded her as her uncle. He wanted to discipline her at every turn but didn't take her seriously...

If it weren't for the fact that there was no suitable person around him at the moment, Li Sangruo wouldn't want to see Tang Shaogong's debt-collecting face.

It's better to be Fang Fu, who knows how to look at faces and how to please people...

Li Sangruo was so angry that his teeth itched, and he felt a little discouraged when he thought of Fang Fucai who was imprisoned by Wei Zheng.

Tang Shaogong is needed now, so bear with him first.

"The Ai family knows."


At this moment, Feng Ying was sitting in the side room not far away.

She has no control over what to say to the parliament and any disputes between the two countries, and she will not think about it deeply.

All she could think about was what she saw.

I saw the envoy praising Feng Yun for his talent and his reputation as a child prodigy.

I saw my uncle’s smile and my father’s embarrassment.

And Xiao Cheng.

When he looked at Feng Yun, there seemed to be fire in his eyes, burning crazily, hot and bright, but the expression on his face refused to show any change, it was light, pretending as if he really didn't care...

She wanted to laugh.

Brother Xiao San would also have this day, which was beyond her imagination.

Those who are sanctimonious, those who are cold and reserved, just because the person in front of them is not the person in their heart?

Feng Ying closed her eyes slightly and said, "Ningxiu, close the window."

"It's not fair." Ningxiu was the steward of Fanghua Palace and the most favored by Feng Ying. She hummed in a low voice: "The Twelfth Mother is the wife of a minister, but she can show off her prominence in front of others, and the head of the house and the prince are still polite to her. Angry, even the prince has changed, the way he looks at her is nothing like before..."

Feng Ying gave her a cold look.

Ningxiu immediately shut up. Seeing that her master's eyes were sad and not angry, she pursed her lips again.

"She is a minister's wife, and my wife is the emperor's wife. I don't know how much more noble her status is than her. The prince and the head of the family also want to be disciplined, so why should they be polite to her? Madam can only sit here, and Twelve Niangs Why go out and show off..."

It depends on her husband to give her dignity.

Feng Ying moved her mouth, swallowed it back, and said calmly:

"If you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb."

Feng Ying scolded Ningxiu and chuckled at the end.

"She is my sister. She is glorious, and my face is also shining."


The time has come.

The main hall door closed heavily.

The debate, in which both sides held their own opinions, lasted for a long time. Kind words and beautiful words were said in turn, but no one was convinced and no one was willing to give up Xinzhou.

During this period, the servants served tea, and someone came out to change clothes during the interval. After such an hour, the patience of both parties was exhausted, and their words gradually became clear.

"All the elites of our Jin Dynasty are in the Beiyong Army, and we are currently setting up troops in Xinzhou. We have already achieved success in one battle, so why are we afraid of fighting again? If your country is not convinced, you can come again..."

"The Northern Yong Army is famous all over the world, and we admire it very much. I only heard that the Jin Dynasty's treasury was exhausted and its financial resources were scarce. The deterioration of people's morale was also caused by internal and external troubles. When it came time to fight, Jin was under siege by my army of 500,000. , People eat horse chews, how many days can the food and grass last?”

"Hmph! It's useless to talk about an army of 500,000. We were completely defeated in Bingzhou. How dare you accept the challenge? You said that my treasury was depleted. Have you repaired the mess left by Emperor Yanping?"

"Our Daqi land is fertile, the people's hearts are aspirational, the money is abundant, and good men are not afraid of death. At worst, the fish will die and the net will be broken, and the nine tribes will die..."

"What a strong tone. Among the three kingdoms, Qi has the largest population and millions of people need to eat. Are your aristocratic families willing to support so many soldiers and so many civilian soldiers who don't have enough to eat?"

"Don't worry, Master. With all the troops from across the country on the Northern Expedition, you won't be able to live in peace..."

"Then you all need to think about it. If we fight again, it will be a battle to destroy the country. Our Jin Dynasty can win An'ing, Andu, and Xinzhou, but why can't we win Taicheng?"

The envoys of both sides argued back and forth, deducing the way to establish the world and the survival of the country. They argued until their faces were red and their mouths were full of saliva. When they were excited, some even stood up, pointed at each other's noses and cursed, and they were just about to roll up their sleeves to fight.

"Everyone, can you listen to me--" Xiao Cheng suddenly spoke.

Facing the envoys of Jin, he stood up from the table, one hand behind his back, with the demeanor of a mastermind.

"Mencius said: Fighting for land means killing people all over the field; fighting for cities means killing people all over the city. This is what is called leading the land and eating human flesh, a crime that is unforgivable by death."

He looked around again and said coldly.

"War is for the emperor and the country. Chaos is for the common people. The evil of the people is the death of one person. The evil of the monarch is the corpses everywhere. Today, both sides are sitting here together to save the world and eliminate decline, not to argue."

Everyone nodded frequently.

"When the nest is destroyed, how can the eggs remain intact? If this war continues, neither country will benefit, and it is really not right..."

"Since both sides are unwilling to give in, I have a compromise."

The candlelight on the high platform illuminated Xiao Cheng's handsome face, which was a little pale and blurry, but his voice was calm and melodious.

"Everything in the world is given by the common people. Why don't both countries ask God's will together? See how God answers?"

The envoys of both sides looked at him.

Ao Zheng bowed and said, "What good plan does the King of Qi have? Why don't you speak clearly?"

Xiao Cheng glanced at Li Sangruo opposite him, with a faint tone, a gentle face, and a slow speaking speed that made people feel tortured.

"Both sides bet on three questions. Winning two will be considered a victory. How about it?"

Everyone was in an uproar.

The trend of gambling was prevalent in the Jin and Qi dynasties. From the kings and ministers to the common people, it spread like a poison. The more chaotic the world was, the more gambling habits reached their peak. People are in danger of losing their future, so they pursue instant enjoyment and even indulge themselves to avoid the difficulties of reality...

Qi's Yanping Emperor Xiao Jue is a person who loves gambling very much. He is so obsessed with it that he promotes people who are good at gambling. It is ridiculous.

Xiao Cheng is a gentleman and has never been ashamed of doing such things.

After becoming emperor, he even issued an edict to prohibit gambling with wealth, money, wives and daughters as chips. Today, in the peace talks between the two countries, he openly wants to "determine the outcome by gambling?"

Xiao Cheng smiled faintly: "In this way, the dispute can be settled and the friendship between the two countries can be achieved."

Qi was silent.

Jin whispered to each other, some nodded, and some shook their heads.

Feng Jingyao said: "I have heard that your country has many talented people. I think it will not be difficult for you..."

Isn't this a provocation?

Li Sangruo smiled, "Lord Qi's proposal is very good, but I want to change the rules."

Xiao Cheng chuckled and raised his hand to signal, "Queen Dowager, please speak."

Li Sangruo glanced at his own envoys, and his eyes vaguely swept over Pei Jue, and said lightly:

"No matter the result of winning or losing, it is inevitable to hurt the harmony. How about this, the winner will get Xinzhou. The loser can make a request to the winner. It does not involve national territory or political affairs. The winner should agree within the reasonable range."

It sounds reasonable and reasonable, which makes both parties save face.

Pei Jue's black pupils shrank slightly and looked at Xiao Cheng.

Xiao Cheng lowered his eyes and saluted, "Queen Dowager is kind."

Such a bold proposal, the two highest authorities coincided and finalized it with a smile. The other envoys in the hall said a few embarrassed words and it was not convenient to object.

Li Sangruo asked, "Who will set the questions?"

Xiao Cheng smiled, "For the sake of fairness, Jin will set one question, Qi will set one question, and the remaining question will be given to Yunchuan."

Everyone's eyes fell on Chunyu Yan's hand.

His face was covered by a mask, so no reaction could be seen, but he did not object.

Pei Jue sat quietly, as calm as an outsider.

He has always been taciturn, and others did not think much about it. He was immediately interested in the bet proposed by Xiao Cheng, and they discussed it with their own opinions...

In the end, both parties agreed that in order to give each other enough time to consider, the test question bet would be set on the next morning.

After the meeting, they bowed and said goodbye and came out of the main hall.

Feng Yun sat under the window of the ear room, watching the people talking in groups of three or two. When everyone left, she found that Pei Jue had not come out yet.

"Where is your uncle?"

Ao Qi frowned, "Go and see."

Feng Yun looked at her, gently gathered her skirt, and walked out of the ear room leisurely.

Feng Ying came over and stood in the corridor waiting for Xiao Cheng. When she saw her, she bowed, then came forward to serve her affectionately, asking about Xiao Cheng's well-being.

Xiao Cheng looked at her, his dark eyes were deep, but he didn't say much.

Feng Yun walked over without looking away, as if he didn't see them, and followed Ao Qi slowly.

Unexpectedly, at the door of the main hall, he was stopped by two guards with swords drawn.

Tang Shaogong slowly came out from the inner room, cold and gloomy.

"The general is talking to His Highness, Madam, please wait." (End of this chapter)

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