Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 259 Playing dumb

The wooden door was ajar.

The light from the crack in the door fell on Tang Shaogong's cheek. The light and shadow were blocked by the door bolt, and turned into a snake head, extending to the corner of his mouth, like the tongue of a poisonous snake.

The winter was cold, and Feng Yun's back was slightly cold, and the corner of her mouth sank unconsciously.

"Thank you, sir."

She turned aside, "I'll wait for the general here."

Tang Shaogong bowed slightly, and acted according to the rules, and there was no fault to be found.

There was relative silence.

Feng Yun had the opportunity to look at Tang Shaogong's face carefully at this time.

Tang Shaogong also looked at her, expressionless.

The wind came, and the half-closed door opened just like that, pulling the two people in the light and shadow into sight.

Pei Jue sat behind the table, without moving.

His face was stern, his eyes were cold, and in the swaying lights, his figure was as tall and majestic as a mountain. The hand holding the Biyong sword seemed to be very strong, and the veins on the back of his hand suddenly appeared, and his handsome face was tense.

Li Sangruo was very bright and beautiful. She stood in front of Pei Jue's wooden desk and seemed to be saying something. When she heard the door open, she turned her head to see Feng Yun and gently stroked the hair on her temples. Her voice was clear and soothing.

"Your Madam is here. General, please don't embarrass me."

After saying that, he flicked his sleeves, raised his chin, and walked over leisurely.

Tang Shaogong stretched out his arm and signaled Feng Yun to step back and make way for the Queen Mother.

Feng Yun smiled coldly in her heart and silently stepped back a few steps.

Li Sangruo walked out, stopped beside her, turned her head and looked at her.


Feng Yun raised her head and looked at her, bowed and saluted.

"Your Highness, the Queen Mother, sees you."

Li Sangruo said in a faint voice: "Are you very proud now?"

Feng Yun hesitated: "Your Highness, the Queen Mother, I don't understand what you said."

Humph! Li Sangruo narrowed her eyes and snorted coldly, "The general is a real man, but you want to tie him to your skirt. What do you want?"

Feng Yun's eyes were clear and her expression did not change.

"Forgive me for being stupid and not understanding what the queen mother said."

She is very good at playing dumb. Li Sangruo looked at her lazy and charming eyes, and was angry for no reason, but her voice was very low, "You are not worthy of him at all, and you still want to control him?"

Feng Yun smiled and lowered her eyes with a little shyness.

"It is me who is too high for the general. The queen mother can rest assured that I will serve you well and live up to the general's love and respect."

Let her rest assured?

Does this bitch know what she is talking about?

Li Sangruo made her so angry that she rolled her fingers again and again, wishing to dig two big holes in her face on the spot, but Tang Shaogong's eyes were intimidating, and Pei Jue's eyes were staring at her like cold light.

She didn't dare.

She sneered twice, gritted her teeth, and left angrily.

"Farewell, Queen Mother." Feng Yun bowed and watched Li Sangruo's back stiffen for a moment, then slowly turned her head and looked at Pei Jue who came out, and asked him softly in front of Tang Shaogong.

"General, shall we go back to Xinzhou for dinner, or eat in the store before going back?"

She asked about something completely unrelated, as if she had no quarrel with Li Sangruo, and smiled slightly as she walked past Tang Shaogong, looking completely heartless.

Pei Jue looked at her, "It's up to you."

Feng Yun pursed her lips and smiled, "Then eat here, call Xiaoqi, Big Brother, and Brother-in-law."

Pei Jue: "Okay."

The two walked and talked, heading straight for the gate.

Tang Shaogong looked at the backs of the two people accompanying each other, and was silent for a long time before looking for Li Sangruo.

Li Sangruo was changing clothes in the side room, preparing to return to Cuiyu. The eunuch who was serving her was Fang Fucai's apprentice, named Chen Xi. He was a little reserved and not so well-behaved. I don't know what he said to make her angry, and she was kneeling on the ground begging for mercy.

Tang Shaogong frowned slightly.

"You guys go down."

After Chen Xi and the two maids went down, there was no one else in the side room, then he said:

"Your Highness should restrain your temper."

Li Sangruo's sneer was suppressed in her throat, full of hatred.

It was fine to teach her a lesson in the Li family before, but now she is the queen mother, and she has to listen to the teachings of a father's guest. How can this be.

"Uncle Shaogong is blaming me for not letting Pei Cong talk?"

Her tone was gentle, trying to suppress it, but the end tone was already a little angry.

Tang Shaogong's face did not change, as if he could not hear her abnormality, his eyebrows and eyes were straight without a change.

"I dare not blame your Highness. I just respectfully advise your Highness that at this critical moment, it is best not to act on impulse, so as not to ruin the Prime Minister's plan."

"Prime Minister, you will use my father to pressure me..."

Li Sangruo was holding back her anger and wanted to ask him who was more important, the Prime Minister or the Queen Mother, and whether she should listen to the Prime Minister or the Queen Mother.

But she still didn't dare.

Identity and titles are just decorations, and only strength is really useful.

After three years in the court, she knew very well what her value was.

"Shao Gongshu taught me that I was just angry that he brought a woman to the council hall openly. He knew that I was unhappy, but he had to bring that bitch out to flaunt it in the streets. Isn't this a slap in my face? What else is it?"

Tang Shaogong frowned, "He didn't bring someone else, but his wife."

Li Sangruo wanted to endure it just now, but she was completely furious when she heard this.

She looked at Tang Shaogong impatiently, with a cold tone.

"Who is Uncle Shaogong talking to? Why is he against me everywhere?"

Tang Shaogong was silent for a moment.

He stood up slowly and bowed in front of Li Sangruo.

"Everything I say and do is for your Highness' sake. If your Highness thinks I am in the way, I will return to Zhongjing today and resign from the Prime Minister..."

Li Sangruo almost fainted from anger.

Is this a threat to her?

Prime Minister Li is a man who is so suspicious that he even doubts his wife, but he trusts Tang Shaogong to the core.

Tang Shaogong has made great efforts to advise Li Zongxun over the years. He also leads the Li family's troops. The number of these troops is said to be hundreds, but the exact number is probably only known by him and Li Zongxun.

Tang Shaogong knows far more secrets of the Li family than Li Sangruo.

In front of Li Zongxun, Tang Shaogong is more respectable than her.

She gave in.

"I was rude just now, please don't blame me, Shaogong uncle, and don't mention it in front of father. Father trusts Shaogong uncle the most. Anyone can resign, but Shaogong uncle cannot."

She bowed.

Tang Shaogong still had that lukewarm expression on his face.

"Your Highness, please remember that the Prime Minister's words about winning over the general are winning over, not coercion or intimidation. Your Highness's step-by-step pressure will only backfire."

Li Sangruo smiled and said, "According to Uncle Shaogong, I shouldn't have kept him just now, but I shouldn't have questioned him, right or wrong?"

Tang Shaogong agreed.

Then he glanced at her indifferently.

"Your Highness should learn more from Feng Shier Niang. Men just fall for her tricks."

Li Sangruo was choked again, and her throat itched with hatred.

Learn from that bitch? How could she, the dignified Queen Mother, learn those methods of flattering men?


The chef of Changmen Canteen was from Yutangchun, and she cooked several delicious dishes.

Feng Yun invited Wen Xingsu and the father and son of the Ao family to come together, and found a secluded room to talk while eating.

Ao Zheng was worried about state affairs, and asked Pei Jue right away:

"Your Highness asked you to stay just now, but did you discuss tomorrow's test questions?"

Pei Jue said indifferently: "No."

Ao Zheng stroked his beard, "I just discussed with Ruan Pu, Luo Ding and others, and we will meet again at Cuiyu tonight. Does Wang Zhi want to go with us?"

Pei Jue said: "I am just a warrior, so I will not participate."

Ao Zheng felt that he had something to say, and his face was not very good. He asked suspiciously:

"Does Wang Zhi dislike Xiao San's proposal? I also thought about it just now. Xiao Cheng may have selfish motives, but the Queen Mother..."

He looked around vigilantly, dipped his chopsticks in wine and wrote the word "stupid" on the table, then smiled bitterly, sighed, and shook his head.

"It's hard for a woman to accomplish anything when she's in power."

Ao Qi was a little angry when he learned the truth, "Our dynasty clearly has the upper hand. If we win the battle, we can speak for ourselves and force Qi to surrender. Why do we have to pay attention to diplomatic relations and friendship? It's fine if we have three questions as a test, but the loser can also make demands... What if the demands are too much?"

Ao Zheng looked at him, "What if the loser is us?"

Ao Qi made him speechless.

This is why the envoys of both sides did not oppose Li Sangruo's proposal.

The test questions have not been released, and the outcome is unpredictable. No one knows whether they will be the loser.

With Li Sangruo's words, no matter what the result is, it will not be criticized...

Feng Yun only then understood what Pei Jue was worried about.

With Li Sangruo's personality, of course he would not mention that for no reason.

Just now in the meeting hall, Pei Jue obviously had a dispute with her because of this.

On the way back to Xinzhou, she saw Pei Jue was going to ride a horse, so she took his arm and shook her head, then smiled lightly and dragged him into the carriage.

"General, please talk to me."

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