Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 260: Fighting at All Costs

Pei Ran hesitated and said, "Let's go."

Feng Yun pulled down the curtain without hesitation, blocking the inquiring sight from outside.

drive! The carriage left slowly, and a burst of laughter came from the carriage.

Qi Shi and his party were preparing to leave.

Turning around after hearing the voice, Feng Jingting sighed lightly.

"Pei Ran really values ​​Twelve Niangs. If we had known this, we shouldn't have sent her out..."

Feng Jingyao withdrew his gaze and snorted coldly, "It's extremely stupid. If you don't give her to Pei Ran, how can Pei Mad care about her?"

In fact, this is not what Feng Jingting wants to say.

He thought about it, choosing his words and sentences.

"The Twelve Mothers are very beautiful. Even if they stay in Taicheng, they will be helpful to the Feng family."

Feng Jingyao looked at him with a stern face, "If you don't send her out, are you going to send Aying out?"

Feng Jingting choked his brother so much that he couldn't speak clearly, and his voice was like muttering, "That's not what I meant."

He also said: "A Ying is a virtuous and virtuous woman, beautiful and intelligent, and most filial. How can I be willing to be a father? I'm just, just thinking... Twelve Niang is talented and beautiful. If she marries into the Xiao family, she might be able to win Your Majesty..."

His eyes twinkled, but he didn't say anything clearly.

The new emperor came to the throne, and many parties were involved in the game. In the seemingly peaceful court, in fact, there was an undercurrent. Having a daughter who was favored by the emperor would be an added advantage to the family...

However, Feng Jingyao did not have the patience to listen to what she said and waved his hand.

"You have watched Twelfth Mother grow up. What talents do you have that you, the father, don't know about? It's just a talent that the Jin Ting gang put up to please Pei Madang. If that's all you have, , don’t go out and make a fool of yourself, and go back to Taicheng to take care of yourself.”

Feng Jingting made him blush with embarrassment.

"Ashamed. Ashamed."

Feng Jingyao glanced at the carriage going away, his eyes dim.

"The Twelve Mothers are beautiful, but they have a bad reputation and are not worthy of the queen. Even if she is beautiful, it is not a long-term solution. If you want to be dignified, generous, wise and sensitive, you still need A Ying, and more importantly, A Ying is obedient."

Feng Jingting's heart felt cold after hearing this.

Being obedient must be the reason why my brother picked Aying.

Only obedient children are easy to control.

"My brother has learned a lesson."


The carriage rumbled forward.

Feng Yun's gentleness in front of others faded away, and he leaned lazily on the soft pillow, talking to Pei Madang from time to time.

"Did the Queen Mother put the general in trouble just now?"

"No." Pei Ran hesitated and looked at her, "What did Yun Niang misunderstand?"

Feng Yun shook his head.

"I still have this ability to distinguish. The general's expression shows reluctance at first glance..."

Pei Ran took her hand.

Fingertips are cold.

He frowned, held her in his palm for a moment, slowly stretched out his arms, and pulled her soft body into his arms.

The man's body was warm, and Feng Yun leaned over comfortably.

"This time Xiao San has posed a big problem for Jin. If he loses, he will lose Xinzhou. If he wins, Xiao Cheng will definitely have unreasonable demands. What will the general do then?"

Pei Ran looked at her calmly, his dark eyes deep.

"Want to go back to Qi?"

He asked directly, without hesitation.

Feng Yun put his cold hands into his clothes and pressed them against him. He sighed comfortably and answered briskly, half in anger and half in laughter.

"What are you asking about? If you want to go back, you must go back with the general."

Pei Madang stared at this face as fair as jade, the frost in his black eyes gradually melting, he covered her hand and kneaded it a few times, then suddenly he picked her up and sat on his lap, holding her tightly.

The blood burned extremely quickly.

Thinking of that fragrant path brings me to ecstasy, my Adam's apple rolled up, and I couldn't wait...

Feng Yun noticed that the angry dragon had awakened and smiled lightly.

"As for tomorrow's topic, the general will have to prepare early. If Xiao Cheng dares to raise conditions, he must be prepared..."

Pei Ran grabbed the thin waist and lifted it up, with a calm expression on his face.

"not afraid."

So arrogant.

Feng Yun raised his lips crazily, wrapped his arms around his neck and said, "What if we lose?"

"call back."

"What if we win?"

His eyes darkened slightly, staring at her without saying a word.

Feng Yun asked: "Xiao San asked me, what will the general do?"

"Let him go."

"What if he doesn't leave? What if both Jin and Qi forces force the general to divorce his wife for the sake of family and country?"

She said the word "divorce" lightly.

In this world, women's status is low, and a man can abandon his wife and children by simply saying "the overall situation is more important". Not only will he not be criticized, but he may also gain a good reputation...

Feng Yun looked up with a mocking smile on his lips.

Pei Madang was also looking at her.

Eyes facing each other.

Pei Ran said: "We won't hesitate to fight."

Feng Yun chuckled, "You're right. Our generals won't play intrigue with them. If anyone refuses to obey, beat him until he is convinced."

snort! It was rare for Pei Madang to hear Feng Yun praise him.

He was a gentle and drunk hero, and his hands were fragrant with cartilage. He couldn't hold it back, so he held it with one hand and listened to her moans, feeling slightly moved.

"Does it still hurt?"

His voice was low and hoarse, and his breath fell on Feng Yun's ears.

Her heartbeat accelerated rapidly, she lowered her eyes and shook her head, "It doesn't hurt anymore..."

Pei Madang's dark eyes were like wildfire. He slightly lifted the hem of her skirt, spread her two long legs, let her sit on her, and comforted each other through the fabric.



He lowered his head and pecked her forehead.


"Who made you look like that..." She dragged out the last word, a little more delicate than before, her hands around his neck, rubbing and rustling, her voice low, "I like what the general said just now, I will reward you tonight?"

Pei Jue's face sank, and his arms tightened.

The strength was so strong that it seemed to strangle her to death.

Sweet words were said outside, to others, and there were few pleasant words in private. She had to use the word "reward" to anger him when she was talking to him nicely.

"General, don't you want to?"

Pei Jue's eyes were cold, staring at her.

It was like a trapped beast, falling into her trap, no matter how hard he struggled, it was useless.

He didn't say a word, lifted her soft waist and hips, mercilessly.

Feng Yun was scared to death by his collision.

She cried softly.

Don't you want to be gentle with women?

This was in the carriage.

"The general has learned bad things... so bold."

Pei Jue stared at her, "Yunniang asked for it."

His dark eyes were dark and ruthless, and his voice was hoarse, as if he was suppressing some monstrous torture, wanting to tear her apart on the spot, cruel and lustful.

Feng Yun's hair stood up, looked at the shaking curtain, and stepped back.

"General, are you sure you want to do it here? Aren't you afraid that others will hear it and scold you for being lewd?"

Others will scold you even if they don't hear it.

Who doesn't know that he, Pei Jue, has been blinded by a vixen?

Feng Yun was a little scared by his gaze.

The shadow of the last time was still there. He was so fierce and made her suffer enough. She was a little scared when she thought about it.

"The medicine given by the Puyang doctor is still in use. It's inconvenient. Please have mercy on me, general..."

She said softly, and the big hand on her waist tightened. Pei Jue lowered his head, as if he wanted to say something. She looked into his eyes and turned her head to the side. He held her earlobe in his mouth and bit it gently, moving it down along her neck and collarbone, ravaging her skin...

Feng Yun trembled slightly.

Being tightly wrapped by him in an extremely indecent posture, she dared not make a sound, and could only bite her lower lip hard...

Emotions gradually spread from that point...

Under Pei Jue's meticulous and serious skin, there was a lot of evil hidden.

He really had some tricks, which made her scalp numb and her heart beat wildly. In a moment, she lost her mind. She pinched his arm with rapid breathing and shook her head desperately, which was extremely unbearable.

"General, will the Queen Mother summon you to Cuiyu again later?"

He said he would not go, but Li Sangruo would not let him go.

What's more, they must discuss the test questions in the evening.

"It doesn't matter if you don't go." Pei Jue lowered his head and kissed her, "I've offended you anyway."

Feng Yun was slightly startled and closed her legs tightly, "Stop it..."

"No." In the end, he didn't do anything, but half coaxed and half forced her to sit, and gently pushed a few times, and the thin layer of fabric was completely transparent.

The hem of her skirt hung messily at her side, and she was like a blooming flower, letting him squeeze her. Both of them were wearing clothes, secretly getting close, and they were in a glamorous state under the bumps of the carriage...


The next day, Li Sangruo dressed up more charmingly, as if she wanted to compete with others for beauty. She wore a purple dress, a false bun, and a long red skirt that stretched to the ground. Two maids served her, with a face full of Xiaoxia makeup, a red flower on her forehead, and noble and cold.

As expected, there were envoys flattering her.

"Your Highness is gorgeous, no one can compare to you."

Li Sangruo knew that she was beautiful, so she stroked her hairpin and smiled. Just as she was about to speak, she heard someone whispering outside the door.

"Look, the general's wife is here."

Two Qi guards walked past the door and restrained their comments.

"She is so beautiful."

"Why didn't your majesty want her, but wanted Madam Feng?"

"The general still has good taste..."

Li Sangruo clenched her palms slightly, pretended to be casual as she lowered her head to drink tea, and narrowed her eyes.

"Have the questions from Qi Fang been submitted?"

It was agreed yesterday that both sides would hand over the questions they had written to the middleman, and then exchange envoys to check the questions, and finally the prince Yunchuan would reveal the answer.

Chen Xi said, "I don't know."

Li Sangruo's face changed immediately.

"You don't know anything, what's the use of you? Go, kneel at the door, don't make me upset."

"Yes." Every time at this time, Chen Xi missed Eunuch Fang very much.

He bowed and walked out, and saw Feng Yun walking in from the other end of the council hall.

The general was not by her side, and she was smiling and calm.

Such beauty is worthy of being called the most beautiful in the city, right?

Chen Xi sighed silently in his heart and knelt at the door with his head down.

Feng Yun took a look, not knowing that he was being punished because of him, and kept walking forward. The "U"-shaped corridor had no privacy, and the person opposite could be seen at a glance.

Feng Jingting stood under the corridor with a loving face, holding a food box in his hand, and walked up to her attentively when he saw her.

"Twelve Niang."

Feng Yun stopped and looked at him.

Feng Jingting noticed that she had a bad look on her face and smiled unnaturally.

"I heard that you caught a cold a few days ago and you're not feeling well. This is the ginseng soup your mother cooked..."

Feng Yun glanced at him and said, "My mother passed away a long time ago."

Feng Jingting was embarrassed, "Stepmother."

"Doesn't Madam Chen never cook?" Feng Yun asked, "There are no outsiders here, so there's no need to pretend to be a loving father and a filial daughter. If you have anything to say, just say it."

Feng Jingting lowered his voice and said, "Jinfang test questions..."

Ha! Feng Yun laughed before he finished, with the corners of his eyes slightly raised, and asked in confusion, "When you sent me out of the city that day, you didn't tell me that you wanted me to go to the Jin camp to be a spy, a spy?"

Feng Jingting blushed.

"My son still blames his father?"

Feng Yun chuckled, "I feel sorry for you. You can't speak in the Feng family, but you have to rely on your uncle to have a place in the court. Now that the two countries are negotiating for peace, you have to be shameless to beg your abandoned daughter. It's really sad. …”

Feng Jingting said: "My father couldn't help himself regarding Andu's matter..."

Feng Yun said oh and smiled.

"Then tell me first, father, what is the title of Qi Fang?"

Feng Jingting didn't expect that she would ask so directly.

"Your uncle and Your Majesty have personally decided on such a major matter. How could you tell me?"

Feng Yun said: "Then before my father wants to claim credit on my behalf, why don't you think carefully about the private things that even your uncle won't tell you? How could Jin tell me a Qi person?"

"This..." Feng Jingting felt that what she said made sense.

Feng Yun: "Father, you have to use your brain more as a person. Otherwise, even if you are the prefect, you will still have to rely on nepotism if you want to be promoted. Isn't it shabby?"

Feng Jingting made her talk so hard that she couldn't straighten her waist.

Every sentence is shameful, but every sentence is true.

Feng Yun said: "Although I don't know the questions on both sides, I know that in today's test, even if I know the questions in advance, it will be of no use."

The questions used for betting competitions must be improvised on the spot. What’s the use of preparing in advance?

Feng Jingting looked embarrassed.

He did not expect to be taught a lesson by his daughter today.

I didn’t even expect that I would not be able to escape even after being taught a lesson.

Feng Yun looked at him deeply, turned around and left.

Ao Qi stood outside the ear room, watching her from a distance.

When he saw her coming, he asked, "What did your father tell you?"

Feng Yun: "Let me spill the beans."

Ao Qi was stunned and chuckled, "I know this question, even if everyone knows it, I'm afraid I won't be able to get past it."

Feng Yun looked at him sideways, "Do you know the title?"

"Naturally." Ao Qi smiled and said mysteriously.

"In the world, only my uncle can win this game."

I’ve been very busy this month, and I’ll be even busier during the Chinese New Year, and I’m late again~~

Feng Yun: I understand, I understand. It’s time to prepare the New Year’s money, right? mom……

Pei Ran: Mother-in-law.

Ao Qi: ...I dare not shout.

Chun Yuyan: Let me teach you, like this, speak louder, mother-in-law, and ask for lucky money.

Erjin: There are so many people rushing to show their filial piety, why don’t you hurry up and get some money? ?

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