Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 261: Autumn Scenery of Rivers and Mountains

It was rainy and gloomy in Mingquan Town today, which cast a layer of gloom in the hearts of everyone in the council hall.

Fighting is a play, a gamble, and the stakes are Xinzhou City. It is not a big deal. Whether it is to leave a name in history or to be despised by the world is like a big stone weighing on the hearts of envoys from both sides.

The conference hall was quiet and low-pressure, and the candlelight on the high platform was still dim.

The envoys from both sides held the black lacquer box and brought the bookcase to the center. They were inspected by the envoys from both sides and then handed over to Prince Yunchuan. After reading, they sealed it and hung it on the beam to show solemnity.

The order of questions will be determined by drawing lots.

The entire process is fair and open, and there is no way to cheat.

Feng Yun was sitting in the side room, waiting for the results like most people.

Ao Qi specially prepared a brocade pillow today, which he could sit on or lean on. It was soft and comfortable when he leaned on it. Feng Yun slept late last night and felt sleepy when he leaned up.

The atmosphere in the penthouse was tense.

Everyone's eyes are looking forward to the main hall...

Only Feng Yun was drowsy.

Ao Qi sat opposite her, poured a cup of tea, and looked at her silently in the scent of tea. He felt happy in his heart. He thought about how happy it would be to sit quietly with her in the years to come, and he gradually became a little lost...

"General Ao."

Ye Chuang's sudden voice frightened Ao Qi and almost knocked over the tea cup.

He was shocked and came to his senses, with a thin layer of cold sweat running down his back.

"do what?"

Ye Chuang frowned.

I knew this kid didn't have any good intentions...

Seeing Feng Yun also opening his eyes and looking, he coughed, suppressed his teasing remarks to Ao Qi, and said with a serious face:

"The news is out."

Ao Qi was very nervous, "How?"

Ye Chuang said: "The first announced test question is from Prince Yunchuan. We and Qi Fang don't know yet."

I didn't expect it would start from Yunchuan.

Everyone thought that Yunchuan would stay until the end and become the finale.

The decisive point was originally also in Yunchuan.

After all, both sides of Jin and Qi will definitely have problems that are beneficial to themselves.

Everyone was a little surprised.

Feng Yun asked: "What are the Yunchuan test questions?"

Ye Chuang frowned and said: "It seems to be repairing a broken ancient painting, called, Autumn Colors of the Country. The prince has two paintings, one of which is a fake, and both are damaged..."

The atmosphere in the ear room suddenly became stagnant.

Everyone is racking their brains to think of any talents who can restore ancient paintings here who can be used to compete with Qi State.

Feng Yun suddenly stood up without saying a word.

"I'm going to change."

Xiao Man stood at the door and hurried over to wait after hearing the sound. However, seeing the girl's sullen face, her expression seemed to be filled with deep displeasure, and she couldn't help but feel panicked.

Xiaoman asked her in the dressing room.

"Will Jin lose this question?"

"Yes." Feng Yun said firmly.

Xiao Man took a breath, "Why?"

Feng Yun glanced at her, with a hint of coldness on his face.

"This is Xiao San's strength, unmatched by anyone."

Xiao Sanlang can be called the first famous scholar in Southern Qi. It is inevitable that he is knowledgeable and talented. But few people know that he is not only good at poetry, calligraphy and painting, but also has a hobby - restoring ancient paintings and relics.

The objects he restored are amazing.

People today don't know that around the fifth year after Xiao San became emperor, he consulted classics, recruited celebrities, and personally wrote a restored book called "The Record of Broken Things".

He also wrote in the book, "Cherish things as you love talents."

In other words, he is a man who enjoys the satisfaction of restoring old things. He has extensive knowledge in restoration and possesses the natural resources and knowledge passed down by a wealthy family. In this game, he has a great chance of winning.

Coming out of the dressing room, Feng Yun washed his hands and gradually calmed down.

When she returned to the penthouse, she saw that gentle and smiling face again, as if the sudden emotion on her face just now was just an illusion.

Ao Qi breathed a sigh of relief, " everything okay?"

Feng Yun shook his head, "Nothing."

Ao Qi took off a small bulging cloth bag from his waist and stuffed it into her hand.

"The dried fish prepared for Ao Zai is baked until crispy. If you want to eat it, you can take a bite..."


How could Feng Yun be in the mood to eat at this moment.

She smiled perfunctorily, "Thank you brother for Ao Zai, let's keep it."

Ao Qi was pure and innocent, unaware of Xiao Jiujiu in her heart. She smiled and sat back again, looking towards the direction of the meeting hall, frowning and worried.

"I'm afraid I'm going to lose this round."

Feng Yun hummed, as calmly as if he didn't hear it.

The door of the conference hall opened, and the envoys from both sides came out to discuss.

Because the repair requires materials and cannot be completed immediately, there is a long rest period until the end.

Restoration materials will be prepared by the issuer.

Feng Yun watched Chun Yuyan come out of the meeting hall, and directed his servants to carry the materials over and hand them to the envoys from Jin and Qi.

Feng Yun sat in the ear room for a long time, waiting until Chun Yuyan came out of the second room, and then blocked him in the corridor.

"I'm wondering why Xiao San is so confident. It turns out that his trump card is the prince."

Chun Yuyan was busy for a while and was in a hurry to go to the convenience store. Feng Twelve came out halfway and stared at him with a displeased face. He was stunned for a moment and then smiled.

"I asked who was so bold, it turned out to be you..."

He waved his hand to signal Sang Jiao and Yin You who were following him to step back, and then approached Feng Yun.

"You came to me secretly, not because you missed me, but because you blamed me. Feng Twelve, you have no conscience."

Feng Yun looked at him with a cold face, his expression unchanged at all.

"The Crown Prince is the middle man between Jin and Qi, so he should raise the issue from a fair standpoint, but what about you? How can you be so biased?"

The wind was strong in the corridor, and drizzle drifted in, which made the young lady's face look particularly ugly. The corridor was unobstructed, making it very inconvenient to talk.

Chunyu Yan's brows darkened and he laughed in a low voice.

"The question was asked by a wide audience, so why is it biased?"

Feng Yun sneered, "Not to mention that the world's famous families moved south, Qi's level of calligraphy, painting and restoration is obviously higher than that of Jin. Let's talk about you, the prince..."

She raised her eyes, her eyes showing a bit of coldness.

"Having done business with Xiao Cheng so many times, don't you know that he is one of the best?"

Chun Yuyan: "If I say I don't know, will you believe me?"

"Do not believe."

"I don't believe it either." Chun Yuyan laughed, looked at her leisurely and said, "When Xiao San was still King Jingling, I did ask him to restore a few paintings. His skills were truly outstanding..."

Feng Yun's eyes became even colder, "So, you guys agreed?"

"Of course not." Chun Yuyan said with a half-smile: "But I recently collected two paintings of Autumn Landscapes, and it's hard to tell whether they are authentic or not. After Xiao San became emperor, it was difficult for him to restore them. In order to avoid disappointing the famous paintings, I took this opportunity to Opportunity, just kill two birds with one stone.”

Feng Yun remained motionless, with a smile on his face.

"The prince is also a turtle in the urn, he was just used by Xiao San. Let's make a bet. These two paintings must have fallen into the hands of the prince, and he will definitely guess that the prince took this as the title..."

"What's there to bet on?" Chun Yuyan was not surprised, and even showed a look of understanding.

"The authentic paintings of the autumn colors of the mountains and rivers were once hidden in Prince Jingling's Mansion."

Feng Yun saw his disapproving look and was so angry that his teeth itched.

"So, I misunderstood Your Majesty. You were not fooled, but you were willing to fall..."

Chun Yuyan frowned slightly. He obviously didn't like being ridiculed like this. He suppressed his usual smile and cast his eyes coldly on Feng Yun's face, with an indistinguishable coldness.

"Do you want Jin to win?"

Feng Yun looked at him and said nothing.

Chun Yuyan sneered,

"Xinzhou is not yours, and the Kingdom of Jin is not yours."

His tone became more and more serious, and in the end, the words were almost bursting out from between his teeth.

"If you lose Xinzhou, you, Feng Twelve, can win your freedom. What's wrong with that? I think you are short-sighted and don't know what is good or bad. Feng Twelve, I am here to help you!"

"Help?" Feng Yun laughed out loud.

Then she bent her eyes and looked at him coldly.

"Don't you feel guilty for saying this?"

"It's not a loss." Chun Yuyan looked into those beautiful dark eyes, as if strong liquor had been poured down his throat. A burning tingling sensation burned all the way from his throat to his heart, and his voice became deeper and deeper.

"Who is winning for? It's Queen Mother Li. Don't you hate her? She poisoned you under Cuiyu, have you forgotten?"

"so what?"

"If you lose Xinzhou when you are sure of victory, Queen Mother Li will be ridiculed by everyone in the world. Aren't you happy?"

"Why should I be happy? Don't say it so beautifully, you are just doing it for money. A piece of autumn scenery restored by the Emperor of Qi himself was completed in a hall that attracted the attention of the world, and it was also related to the ownership of Xinzhou... Various factors overlapped Plus, you can imagine how much this "Autumn Colors of the Country" will be worth in the future."

There is essentially no difference between making Xiao Cheng proud and making Li Sangruo frustrated.

However, Xinzhou was conquered by Pei Madang and the Beiyong Army. It formed a perfect relationship with the five towns of Andu and could take care of each other. Its geographical location was extremely advantageous.

If one day, Pei Madang and Jin Ting part ways, this is the best place to garrison.

If we lose Shinshu today and want to fight back, we don’t know how many sacrifices we have to make...

Feng Yun could not explain these thoughts.

But she was so disgusted with hypocrisy that she sneered, her words sarcastic and sharp.

"What benefits did Xiao Cheng give you?"

She was so aggressive that Chun Yuyan's expression also changed. His gloomy eyes were as cold as the cold water of the Qiu River.

"What benefits do you think he can give me? He can't afford the benefits I want!"

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