Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 262: Boasting to death

Since they met, even if they fight, they have never been as cold and awkward as this moment.

The atmosphere dropped to freezing point, and the low temperature in Feng Yun's heart all faded away, and his face turned cold.

"Tell me what you want, maybe I can help you?"

"You help me?" Chunyu Yan curled his lips slightly and snorted coldly, "What kind of heart do you, Feng Twelve, have? You have never had me in your heart, why have you ever cared about my life or death?"

"I'm not your mother, I don't care whether you live or die..."

"If you want, I can. Mom!"


Halfway through his words, Feng Yun suddenly realized that there was something in his words just now.

"What kind of heart am I?"

"What do you think?" Chun Yuyan walked towards her, lowered his head, and said in a very low voice: "If you are cruel and poison yourself, what will you do to others?"

Feng Yun suddenly raised his head and his eyes changed slightly.

She didn't expect that Chun Yuyan would have known about this for a long time.

"The prince is really a good man, and the Feng family is ashamed of himself. Speaking of this at this time, what does the prince want to do?"

Chun Yuyan looked at her coldly.

Almost pissed off.

"Do you think this prince will use this to blackmail you?"

Feng Yun neither admits nor denies it.

Just looking at him like that, the corners of his eyes were cold.

Chunyu Yan said sarcastically, "You are so angry. Could it be that you are still thinking about your old lover and want to get back together with Xiao San?"

As if he was afraid that she wouldn't understand, he spoke coldly.

"If Jin wins, Xiao San will definitely ask for you. Do you think Queen Mother Li will agree?"

It turns out that anyone with a discerning eye can see it?

The three-question test is extremely cunning.

"These are things that the Crown Prince should not consider at all." Feng Yun was not in the mood to fight with him, and said in a cold tone, "The Crown Prince has his own choices, and I have no right to blame him. But please don't put self-interest in my head. Not being favored by the prince..."

His voice was not loud, but he drew clear lines every word.

People came and went in the corridor from time to time, so she didn't have time to pester them, so she turned around and left.

"Feng Twelve." Chun Yuyan gritted his teeth and looked at the slender figure, "Can we still do the partnership business?"

Feng Yun's back was slightly stiff.

Pause for a moment, slowly turn your head and stare at him.

"No more."

She walked very quickly, and Sang Jiao and Yin You quickly stepped aside and lowered their heads to wait for her to walk by. Then they looked helplessly at their master,

The eyes are red, the corners of the mouth are pursed...

If it weren't for the mask covering him, I don't know how furious he looked.

The Crown Prince has a naughty personality, and he never expected to meet someone even more naughty.

If the business is not done, it will not be done...

Moreover, people give up very freely, and those who can't let go will clenched their fists, angry to death, and powerless...


At first, the Jin envoys did not realize the risks.

Li Sangruo even expressed his stance in public.

"Prince Yunchuan is my biological cousin, so naturally he is attracted to me."

The person in charge of the restoration on the Jin side was Dahonglu Shao Cheng. His family has been scholarly for generations. His grandfather is the famous calligraphy and painting master Shao Shiquan. His family owns two ancient painting shops and is very famous in Zhongjing.

Generally, such a large family will have its own inheritance and uniqueness in the restoration of calligraphy and painting. Shao Cheng himself is also good at calligraphy and painting. Restoring a painting is a piece of cake when he has the materials...

It can be said that this question asked by Chun Yuyan is very subtle...

After all, Xiao Cheng's "Records of Broken Things" would not come out until the fifth year of the first year of the lunar calendar.

Today, very few people know that Xiao Cheng’s restoration skills are so exquisite.

Not only did he not offend the Jin Dynasty, but he also made both parties feel that he was defending himself.

With such ingenuity, how can it not be unfavorable in the business world?

Li Sangruo leaned lazily on the soft couch, "My dear friends, just put your hearts in your stomach. As long as you win this game, you can win two out of three games, it's no problem. This Xinzhou City will be officially returned to the Jin Dynasty."

The envoys were happy to say complimentary words about "the Queen Mother is wise".

Pei Ran left silently.

Feng Yun did not wait in the wing and went back to her small restaurant.

Wen Xingsu and Ao Qi were also here. The three of them were drinking tea and talking around a small red stove.

"Uncle..." Ao Qi saw Pei Mang coming and quickly put down the tea cup and stood up.

Wen Xingsu also saluted, but Feng Yun sat there a little lazily, as if he was competing with himself whether to stand up and "greet the husband respectfully".

"Sit down." Pei Ran saw through her and pressed his hand.

"Thank you, General." Feng Yun's expression was gloomy, and he didn't look good.

Pei Madang sat down, straightened the corner of his robe, and asked casually, "Do you think who will win between Jin and Qi?"

There was silence on the table.

The outcome has not yet been decided, this is a very sensitive statement.

Pei Man lowered his eyebrows and lowered his eyes, slowly taking a sip of tea.

"But it doesn't matter."

Wen Xingsu was silent for a moment and said, "Qi Fang."

This is a completely different answer from the Jin mission.

There was a discussion in the meeting hall just now, but Wen Xingsu didn't say a word, so it was only here that he dared to say more.

Pei Ran didn't react at all and looked sideways at Feng Yun.

"Where are you watching, Yun Niang?"

"Me?" Feng Yun and Wen Xingsu looked at each other.

"I believe in you, brother."

Ao Qisheng was afraid that his uncle would be unhappy, so he smiled awkwardly, "I think there is a chance of winning or losing five points, what does uncle say?"

What an uncle’s little puppy.

Feng Yun glanced at this guy who had no position.

What about the one who said Jin would lose earlier?

Pei Ran said nothing.

After a moment of hesitation, he said to Ao Qi:

"You don't have to stay in the meeting hall this afternoon, go to the camp."

Ao Qi's throat tightened, and he felt that the tea and snacks in front of him were not fragrant. He bowed his hands and said, "Yes..."

He asked again: "Uncle, please give me your instructions."

Pei Jue raised his eyes and seemed to look at Wen Xingsu, and said indifferently:

"Tell Helian Qian and the six generals of the orange, yellow, green, blue and purple armies to prepare for battle."

Ao Qi was immediately excited, "I understand! I will set off now."

The meaning of the words was very clear.

Xinzhou must not be lost.

Even if Jin lost, Pei Jue would not give up Xinzhou.

Ao Qi took two pieces of cakes from the food table and stuffed them into his arms, and left directly.

Wen Xingsu remained silent.

Feng Yun did not speak either, and looked at Pei Jue with a pair of gentle eyes, with a calm expression.

"General, are you sure about Jin's questions?"

She remembered that Ao Qi said that no one could surpass his uncle.

Pei Jue hummed indifferently.

That is, lose one question and win one question.

The key to victory or defeat lies in the questions that Qi Fang asks.

Since Xiao Cheng has made all the preparations, how could he ask questions that are favorable to Jin?

Feng Yun smiled, "Fill your stomach first. Otherwise, you will be too sad and unable to eat."

Pei Jue looked down at him, his mind changing.

Wen Xingsu saw the exchange of glances between the two of them, and felt very uneasy sitting here, so he stood up and said goodbye and left.

Xiao Man was sensible, followed him out, and closed the door,

The surroundings became quiet.

Pei Jue then asked her, "Are you still uncomfortable?"

Feng Yun didn't think so much at first, her mind was on the competition, and she was guessing what questions Qi Guo would ask. When she heard his words, her ears were hot, and she thought of what happened last night.

The dog man seemed to be unapproachable, cold and self-restrained on the surface, but he was very bad in private.

When he was in the carriage, he was a little tempted, but he held back and didn't do that ridiculous thing in public. He went back to the room and dismissed the attendants. He grabbed her hand and had sex with her before she could take a bath. The thing was so hard and big that she couldn't hold it firmly. It burned her palm. She thought he was relieved temporarily and the matter would be over after going to the camp. Unexpectedly, when she came out of the bath at night, she saw him sitting on the couch waiting, with Yuhu ointment beside him, and he wanted to help her apply the ointment himself.

Feng Yun couldn't stand this...

Before the ointment was applied, her whole body trembled in his hand.

She finally coaxed him to use the cloth strips. After a thousand difficulties, she was exhausted and her back ached, but he was still not satisfied. He didn't know where he got the mania from. He picked her up and tossed her until the fourth watch.

Feng Yun's bones were about to fall apart, and she was in a state of unconsciousness. When he carried her to wash, she was conscious and limp. She only knew that he was serving her, applying medicine, dressing, and tucking her into the quilt...

Later, she had strange dreams all night, all about that thing...

"I won't do this next time." Pei Jue was not a person who couldn't control himself, but he had asked her several times last night, which was really a bit cruel and a bit absurd.

He sat down beside Feng Yun, took her hand, and shook it. His face was calm and no emotion could be seen, but his voice and attitude were low and considerate.

"Are you angry?"

"Nonsense." Feng Yun broke her hand free, picked up a piece of cake, ate it slowly, chewed it slowly, and said lazily, "The general served well and did a better job. I like it very much."

Pei Jue made her speechless.

Feng Yun felt that she looked like a scumbag now. Is it a revenge for this person's previous life? Let him feel the anxiety and loss, and the feeling of being lost.

Pei Jue saw that she ate like a little mouse and ignored him, so he picked a piece of cake to feed her.

Feng Yun looked at him, took his hand and bit it slowly.

The two of them were silent for a long time.

One feeding, the other eating.

Perhaps because they sat too close, their breathing could be heard. Feng Yun's mind kept thinking of Pei Jue's appearance last night, his heavy breathing, fierce and savage. And when he pinched her waist and sprayed, he tilted his head and squinted his eyes, panting heavily, so sexy...


The shout outside the door startled Feng Yun.

What is she thinking?

She quickly swallowed the cake in her mouth and sat up straight with a cough.

Pei Jue stroked her back and turned back unhappily.

"What's the matter?"

It was Zuo Zhong who came to report.

"The Autumn Colors of Jiangshan, Qi Fang has completed the restoration." (End of this chapter)

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