Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 263: Rising Step by Step

When Li Sangruo got the news, she walked forward with her skirt twirled, almost tripping. With the help of several eunuchs and palace maids, she managed to stand steady, her voice trembling with anger.

"Where is Shao Cheng? Go ask him what he is doing?"

The eunuch was so scared that he bowed his head and dared not raise his head.

"Reply, reply to the Queen Mother, the Grand Herald has not been completed yet, it will be soon, soon..."

"Idiot!" Li Sangruo shook her sleeves vigorously.

She breathed hard to calm down, but she couldn't help it.

"I will go and see it myself."

Tang Shaogong followed her silently, without saying a word.

Shao Cheng was in another room in the corridor, with guards guarding the door, and the surroundings were quiet.

Seeing the Queen Mother coming, the guards bowed their heads and saluted. Li Sangruo waved her hand and walked in with a cold face. She saw Shao Cheng sitting motionless with a piece of paper in his hands, as if he had lost his temper.

"Shao Qing, what are you doing?"

Shao Cheng heard the angry voice of the Queen Mother, turned his head back in surprise, and hurriedly saluted.

"Your Highness the Queen Mother."

Finally, he trembled and presented the paper in his hand to Li Sangruo.

"Please take a look, Your Highness."

Li Sangruo looked down, "What is this?"

Shao Cheng did not dare to raise his head, "The method of restoration written by Qi Jun."

Before noon, Qi Fang's "Autumn Scenery of Rivers and Mountains" was restored. In order to verify the authenticity, Xiao Cheng even stamped a private seal on the painting, making the painting certain.

At the same time, he wrote down the restoration process in detail and sent someone to hand it to Shao Cheng.

And politely said, "For reference by Mr. Shao."

This gentleman's demeanor, cultivating morality and not being bound by enemies, made Shao Cheng admire and ashamed.

"I think my humble servant is a person of great learning and I always look down on others. Today I know that there are always people who are better than you."

He sighed deeply and bowed again, "Forgive me for my stupidity. I am no match for the Lord of Qi. Please punish me, Queen Mother."

The servants in the room also knelt down and apologized with Shao Cheng.

Tang Shaogong looked past Li Sangruo and looked at the table.

Shao Cheng's restoration of "Autumn Scenery of Rivers and Mountains" was half completed. Although he didn't know much about this industry, he could imagine how tedious and complicated it was. Shao Cheng was already fast and tried his best.

Seeing that Queen Mother Li was angry, he reminded her coldly.

"Your Highness, calm down. Things have come to this point. Prepare for the next competition."

Li Sangruo glanced at him and suppressed the anger in her heart.

"Let Luo Dian and Ruan Pu do it. I'm not feeling well. I'm going to take a rest."

She didn't want to face defeat, especially after she said those big words in public, she had no place to put her face.

Tang Shaogong seemed to see through her, and he agreed and followed her out.

There was no one else on the corridor, and he whispered again:

"Your Highness has been very impatient in the past two days, you should reflect on yourself."

Li Sangruo was angry, and her face changed when she heard the voice, and she turned back suddenly.

"I will not be impatient if Uncle Shaogong has done the things for me."

Tang Shaogong was silent, "Your Highness, I don't want Fang Fucai to die. If you want to save people, you must wait for the opportunity. And..."

He looked down slightly, sweeping across Li Sangruo's flat belly.

"You can't be impatient, Your Highness, wait patiently."

"Wait, wait, wait, how long do you have to wait?" Li Sangruo was angry, holding her throat and biting her teeth.

"I've had enough of this life..."

Tang Shaogong looked at her calmly, "Is it that Your Highness can't stand the absence of Fang Fucai, or the absence of Song Shouan and his ilk?"

Li Sangruo paused suddenly.

She never thought that Tang Shaogong would ask such a blunt question.

No one is so bold.

But he was so calm, so indifferent to her feelings.

It was like a knife cutting open her heart and asking the right questions.

She had been restless these days because she had insomnia every night and had difficulty falling asleep. When she finally fell asleep, she would have some messy dreams. Sometimes she dreamed that the baby in her belly was born, calling for her mother, and was stabbed to death by her father with a knife, covered in blood. Sometimes she dreamed that Song Shouan stood in front of the bed and begged her for mercy...

She wanted to get rid of the burden in her belly quickly, but with the peace talks in the works, she had to appear in front of people every day, so she couldn't act rashly at the moment.

These troubles were in her mind, and she couldn't sleep well, and her temper became more and more irritable, but Tang Shaogong said that she was thinking about men...

Useless person!

I don't know what my father trusts him.


In the meeting hall.

The restored "Autumn Scenery of Rivers and Mountains" was displayed.

Because the picture was not dry yet, the servants lifted it carefully, but even so, it was still amazing at first glance.

The focus of this painting is the rich autumn atmosphere, layer upon layer, autumn colors are connected, autumn is on the trees, autumn is on the ground, yellow leaves are autumn, flowing water is also autumn, pedestrians are in autumn, autumn is in the courtyard. In the restoration of ancient paintings, it is not difficult to make the paintings look brand new, but it is difficult to "repair the old as it is" and retain the original flavor.

The autumn colors of Jiangshan are seriously damaged, and the paper is still crumpled and diseased, which is extremely difficult...

Xiao Cheng did it, changing the new without changing the flavor, and the painting's essence is not changed.

Soon, the half-repaired painting by Shao Cheng was also carried down.

Everyone tasted and watched in turn.

There was a lot of noise and discussion.

But no Jin envoy dared to say that Shao Cheng was stronger.

Chunyu Yan sat in front of the wooden table, dressed in gorgeous clothes, with a straight posture, but the eyes under the cold mask were blocked, half bright and half dark, and no emotion could be seen.

"If you have no objection, this prince will announce the result."

The hall was silent.

Chun Yuyan's eyes swept across the envoys from both sides.

"In the first round, "Autumn Scenery of Rivers and Mountains", Qi Fang won."

The Qi envoys saluted and congratulated each other, while the Jin envoys looked sullen, one more unhappy than the other.

The Queen Mother of Jin was nowhere to be found, and the Shangshu Pushe Yuan Pu was maintaining dignity.

"I admit defeat."

He stood up, saluted, admitted defeat, said a few flattering words, and said to Chun Yuyan:

"Please announce the second question, my lord."

According to the order of drawing lots, the second question came from the Jin side.

Chun Yuyan said: "The Jin side's question is called: Step by step promotion."

This time it was the Qi side's turn to be in an uproar, while the Jin side sat still.

Yunchuan servants on both sides came to the table one after another and distributed the diagrams and contents of the second test to the envoys of both sides.

This is a competitive test transformed from chessboard gambling.

However, chessboard gambling is a literary test, and this one has become a martial test.

Before the competition, the guards would draw an enlarged chessboard in the middle of the meeting hall, which is the middle dam of the "U" shape. Different official positions were placed on the chessboard, from small to large, from petty officials to prime ministers. Stone chess pieces of different sizes were placed on both sides of the chessboard, and each stone chess piece was marked with different weights, ranging from 100 jin to 300 jin.

The winning or losing of this game is determined by the weight of the "chess" of both parties.

The big stone chess pieces can move three or five steps, and the small stone chess pieces can move one or two steps. The side that "becomes prime minister" first will win.

The rules are very simple and crude, in line with the style of the Jin Dynasty game.

Everyone present is a smart person, and they will understand it at a glance.

This game is tailor-made for General Pei.

Jin must win.


Feng Yun had lunch in the restaurant before coming here.

When he entered the meeting hall, Feng Ying came to greet him.

When he saw her yesterday, he didn't dare to come forward, but he was much more generous today.


She lowered her eyebrows and eyes, still looking modest, but she was proud of Qi's victory. She seemed to be brighter, her steps were brisk, and the light veil of her hat could not hide her joy.

"Your Majesty won."

Feng Yun glanced at her and stopped silently.

Feng Ying raised the corner of her mouth and said softly: "I didn't expect it to be so smooth. We won the first game, and it was Yunchuan."

Chuckling, half-truthfully, "I thought that if Qi lost, His Majesty would ask Jin for people, and my elder sister would be able to return to Qi with us as she wished..."

She used the word "as she wished".

Feng Yun smiled contemptuously.

"Do you think it's still useful to provoke me like this?"

Feng Ying used to use this trick. If she didn't want Feng Yun to do something, she would emphasize that she liked it very much and had to do it. After several times, Feng Yun became annoyed and stopped doing it...

"You are obviously afraid that I will return to Qi, so you want to show your magnanimity. Feng Ying, I want to return to Qi, you can't stop me. I don't want to return, and I can't be invited back even if I carry a sedan chair. Put away your little abacus. If you have time to talk nonsense to me, you might as well spend some time thinking about how to sit on the throne of the queen..."

"Eldest sister..." Feng Ying showed an innocent expression.

Looking at her, he suddenly bowed and saluted Xiao Cheng behind her.

"Your Majesty."

The voice was extremely aggrieved.

Feng Yun had heard enough in his previous life, and he was too lazy to watch such tricks in this life.

"Do you think I care about Xiao San's opinion? Fool, the only person who cares is you."

Feng Ying lowered her head and said nothing.

Xiao Cheng walked silently behind Feng Yun.

"I won't do that, whether I win or lose."

As soon as he said this, the surroundings were silent.

The guards behind him were surprised.

Feng Ying was surprised.

Even Feng Yun was a little surprised.

She slowly turned around and looked at him.

This was the first time the two of them looked at each other closely since that night in Zhuhe.

Feng Yun had no interest in paying attention, but because Feng Ying was by her side, her eyes were almost glued to them, and she wanted to find something from the clues...

If she didn't help her, it would be unreasonable.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty."

She said with a smile, and there was no malice.

"Today's game is eye-opening."

Xiao Cheng's eyes sparkled.

He had heard a lot of compliments just now, but because he knew he would win, he didn't feel any special joy, only tiredness, and it was not even as satisfying as repairing "Autumn Scenery of Jiangshan".

But the admiration in Feng Yun's eyes comforted everyone.

He smiled lightly, "I don't deserve it."

Feng Yun: "You are too modest."

After a few words of casual conversation, the solemn atmosphere was swept away.

Feng Ying looked at them quietly, lowering her eyebrows, and her face under the veil was cold.

Feng Yun noticed it, but Xiao Cheng didn't.

He walked forward a few steps, looking like a beautiful jade, with a clear and pleasant voice.

"Madam General, can you please have a word with me?" (End of this chapter)

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