Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 264 Tea Talk and Tea Affairs

He changed his title.

Feng Yun was slightly surprised, then smiled.

"Why not?"

Xiao Cheng's eyes lit up. Xu's status as an emperor did not allow him to make too big an expression. He just smiled slowly and glanced at Xu Chi beside him.

"Come with me."

He was in front, Feng Yun was behind, and they walked to one side in public.

In order to prevent the plum blossoms from falling in the melon field, Feng Yun stood at the corner of the corridor.

"Say it right here."

This is just the right place to avoid Feng Ying's gaze, allowing her to think wildly, but it also allows her and Xiao Cheng to be exposed to the corridors on the other three sides, so that anyone passing by can see clearly.

Xiao Cheng turned around.

A pair of eyes that are clear and far away, like the distant moon in the sky, so clear yet unclear.

"Did your congratulations just now come from your heart?"

Feng Yun stood upright and looked at him calmly.


Xiao Cheng's face just turned happy when he saw her smile.

"I don't care whether Shinshu belongs to you, but if you win, you won't have to make excuses to bring me back together. I can get rid of you now, which is worthy of congratulations."

Xiao Cheng lowered his head and smiled.

He wasn't surprised by her answer.

During these days of illness, he had been able to straighten out his thoughts.

After being reborn, I found that most things remained the same as they were in the previous life, except for Feng Yun who had changed.

It was Feng Yun's change that led to other changes.


He raised his eyebrows, and there was a hint of unconscious tenderness in his starry eyes.

"Then you are willing to come with me, not just to piss off Feng Ying, right?"

Feng Yun was startled and laughed.

It turns out that Xiao Cheng is very aware of the intrigues between women.

He could guess all these little details. How could he not see through that Feng Ying had the intention to harm her?

It's just that he doesn't want to know and doesn't care.

"None of them." Feng Yun lost his emotions and saw things clearly. He was no longer controlled by his emotions. He was now at ease in front of Xiao Cheng.

"I was just thinking that after the peace negotiation, you and I can't stay away from each other as usual, right? After all, I am the Feng family and you are the son-in-law of the Feng family..."

The sound of son-in-law of the Feng family made Xiao Chengjian frown slightly.

He wanted to be the son-in-law of the Feng family, her husband.

Seeing that he was silent, Feng Yun added: "In a big way, you are the emperor. In a small way, you are just my brother-in-law. I am also planning to end the peace talks and take Pei Lang back home to make up for the unfinished ceremony. ? Sigh, after all, these relatives need to be recognized, why make it so ugly..."

She said it lightly.

It's like he can really let go of his grudges.

Xiao Cheng didn't want to believe it, but he had to believe it.

She had even forgiven Feng Jingting, so how could she resent him for so long?

"Okay." Xiao Cheng's attitude was far different from that night in Zhuhe, where his love was as deep as the sea. Maybe it was because there were so many people in the meeting hall, or maybe he really thought about it, his expression was light, distant and gentle.

"A Yun can't think so. It's my wish to turn war into jade and silk."

Feng Yun smiled and did not answer.

Eyes facing each other.

The Xiao San in front of him is Xiao San from Taicheng.

Feng Yun seems to be a little girl from Taicheng.

Nothing has changed.

It seems like everything has changed.

Xiao Cheng's voice suddenly dropped, faintly hoarse.

"This serious illness has given me a very long nightmare..."

He stared at Feng Yun with dark eyes, as if searching, and sighed.

"I actually dreamed about our previous lives..."

Feng Yun felt a little cold and stared at him without making a sound.

Xiao Cheng stood next to the corridor pillar, with a tall and straight posture, and his eyes were deep and difficult to distinguish.

"Ayun, I actually married you in my last life."

Feng Yun stood stiffly, "Really? I am so unfortunate."

"It's indeed unfortunate." Xiao Cheng said: "I dreamed that I didn't treat you well and caused you to suffer a lot and suffer a lot..."

Feng Yun asked: "Then what will happen to me?"

Xiao Cheng frowned slightly, "The ending for you and me will be very unbearable."

Feng Yun didn't know if he was really dreaming or if he was deliberately trying to test something. At this moment, his heartbeat accelerated slightly.

"It's just a dream, don't take it to heart."

"Is Ayun dreaming?" he asked.

The smile on Feng Yun's face paused slightly and he shook his head.


Xiao Cheng stared at her closely, his dark eyes reflecting the skylight hanging in front of the corridor, and his mood was unstable.

"Will you dream of me?"

Feng Yun said slowly: "I'm stupid. I just dreamed something and when I woke up the next day, I forgot all about it."

"It's a pity." Xiao Cheng looked at her with pity, his eyes full of tenderness: "I hope you will also dream about me. Even if you dream about me in the dream."

Feng Yun laughed and didn't answer.

Xiao Cheng's heart was heavy.

At that moment, when his eyes were entangled with Feng Yun in the air, he saw her hesitation and surprise.

For the first time, he felt a deep fear.

Will Ayun be like him and come back from rebirth...

It is precisely because I know too much affection from my previous life that I become so unfeeling after my rebirth.

She even rejected him completely contrary to common sense and married Pei Ran without hesitation.

Does she know that Pei Ran died tragically because of her?

For those who don’t know, Pei Madang was still alive when she died.

After all, they are wild mandarin ducks, not a real couple, and they cannot be reunited in the coffin even after they die.

"What are you talking about?" A voice came in from the side.

The two of them turned around and saw Pei Mad's tall figure standing on the edge of the circular water channel. His shadow was reflected on the clear water, as cold as frost.

Feng Yun smiled and saluted him, "Master Husband."

Pei Man slowly stepped onto the steps along the gravel paved by the small water channel, walked towards Feng Yun, approached her, gently put his arms around her waist, and tightened his possessive palms.

"Why does your Majesty want to see my wife?"

Xiao Cheng stared at his hand on Feng Yun's waist, his face, which was still sick, became a bit paler.

He curled his hands slightly and slowly, slowly drew out a smile.

"General, please forgive me. It's rare for me and your lady to meet each other. I just want to talk about old memories when we were young. General, you won't mind, right?"

He is a humble gentleman, and even his insinuations are very subtle.

An ordinary person would have to say a few high-sounding polite words.

However, Pei Madang is not an ordinary person, and he does not pride himself on being a gentleman.

He stared at Xiao Cheng coldly, with flames blazing and rolling in his bottomless black eyes.


After saying these two words in a nonchalant manner, he held Feng Yun's hand and turned around without giving him any face.

No farewell.

All that is left is that look that makes one's scalp numb...

Jixiang saw Xiao Cheng not moving for a long time, walked over and whispered: "General Pei is really a martial artist, he doesn't show any etiquette."

Xiao Cheng looked at the pair of figures leaving together, pursed his lips, gathered his cloak and walked along the corridor.

The corridor is endless as far as the eye can see.

Pei Madang and Feng Yun turned around and walked into the wing side by side.

As soon as the person enters, the door closes.

The guards and servants on both sides smiled and said nothing.

Xiao Cheng stood still, thinking about what would happen to them in the inner room. His heart felt like a sieve pierced by the tip of a knife, and his head began to hurt violently...

He stretched his forehead and lowered his eyes, only to see Feng Ying walking slowly.

She smiled and asked, "Has Your Majesty convinced my eldest sister?"

Xiao Cheng frowned and asked unhappily: "What's the matter?"

Feng Ying saw his pain.

Every time I see it, I feel sad, ironic and lucky at the same time.

She said: "Isn't your majesty determined to get my eldest sister back together? Right now, there are three test questions. It's not a problem for us to win the Jin Dynasty. That is to win Xinzhou, but we can't meet the conditions... If the eldest sister knows that your majesty can't Taking her away must have made me feel anxious..."

Xiao Cheng stared at her.


Not a word was spoken.

Feng Ying stared at him until the back of her neck felt cold, and said in a low voice: "I am also very eager for my eldest sister to return to Taicheng and reunite with her parents and relatives..."

Xiao Cheng: "Really?"

Feng Ying's eyelids twitched slightly.

Xiao Cheng's clothes were fluttering in the cold wind, and his expression was surprisingly calm.

"Yes, but I am helpless." Her eyes were watery, innocent and fragile.

The face that had been beaten by Feng Yun had gone away, but there were still traces of it, which could not be covered by the gauze. It was looming in the wind, as if it was accusing Feng Yun of his evil deeds.

"I know that my eldest sister hates me. But I really want to make amends with her and serve His Majesty together. The three of us will last forever..."

Xiao Cheng hesitated, "Are you telling the truth?"

Feng Ying raised her hand to cover her heart and said in a low voice, "I swear, I mean every word."

He slowly walked forward, looked at Xiao Cheng and said: "A Ying used to be young and ignorant. Because she couldn't help her love for His Majesty, she didn't know that those appeals were to seduce her brother-in-law and also hurt her eldest sister. Fortunately, My eldest sister’s slap woke me up that day..."

She lowered her head, revealing a section of her white neck.

"A Ying is so ashamed. No wonder His Majesty looks down on her... It's all my fault."

Xiao Cheng said nothing.

At the other end of the corridor was the chatter that refused to stop.

The entire meeting hall was discussing the upcoming competition.

The defeat of Jin and the victory of Qi seems to have become the common understanding of everyone...

Xiao Cheng suddenly became irritable.

Feng Ying is right.

If you win and get Xinzhou, what you lose is the chance to get Feng Yun back...

In the past, he would have chosen the former without hesitation, but now he was upset about it.

"Your Majesty?" Feng Ying said a lot of words. She saw Xiao Cheng standing in the wind, his face changing. He didn't know what he was thinking. He felt a little awkward and twisted the corner of his clothes.

"Did I say something wrong?"

Xiao Cheng came back to his senses and looked at her lightly.

"There is no need to belittle oneself."

After speaking calmly, he turned and left.

Feng Ying raised her eyes slightly and her body became cold.

It's a pity that he didn't pay attention to her revealing her sincerity.


A gong sounded.

Yunchuan's attendants were shouting along with the sound of gongs.

"The second round, step by step, will start in a quarter of an hour." (End of this chapter)

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