Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 265: A plan for everything

On the middle dam of the meeting hall, a huge chessboard has been drawn, and many people are watching.

There is a lot of noise.

People nowadays are suffering, empty, boring, and hopeless in the future, so gambling games are widely spread.

This kind of competition is different from the kind of painting restoration that requires quietness and avoidance. Most people can't understand the former and it's hard to appreciate the fun, but this can easily arouse the excitement in the heart...

How passionate and bloody are the two countries fighting?

No one wants to miss the opportunity to watch it live, and almost everyone in the meeting hall gathered in the middle dam.

The most powerful martial artist on the Qi side is Xie Congguang.

But Xiao Cheng didn't let him fight, but called a young general.

First, Xie Congguang is a veteran, and he may not lose to others in physical strength, but compared with the young Pei Jue in endurance, he is no match at all.

If you can't beat Pei Jue, you must know yourself.

Second, Xiao Cheng is confident that the winning or losing of the Jin side's questions will not affect the final result, and he is not afraid of losing this game.

The gongs and drums sounded.

The stadium was completely silent.

The envoys and attendants of the two countries stood in confrontation.

Pei Cong stood in the cold wind, expressionless.

"General Pei, please."

The young general of Qi Fang was also surnamed Xie, and was a close follower of Xie Congguang.

As a military general, he had heard a lot about Pei Cong's deeds, and he clasped his fists and bowed his hands, performing the etiquette of a junior, with a lot of respect in his eyes.

Pei Cong also clasped his fists and returned the salute.


Xiao Xie had a nickname called "Black Bear General". He had a strong back and waist, and he looked like a man as strong as an ox. He warmed up early and made preparations. In such cold weather, he walked to the stone chess with bare arms and a corset, picked it up with force, and walked towards the huge chessboard.

It was written on the stone chess that it weighed one hundred.

Pei Jue was much taller than the Black Bear General, but in terms of size, he was not as "strong" as him. In comparison, he looked thinner and more handsome. He was not shirtless either. He just slowly untied his cloak, threw it to Zuo Zhong, and walked over in the soft armor.

His speed was neither fast nor slow, but every step made people nervous.

Aura is sometimes not determined by appearance. His good looks did not affect his awe-inspiring power.

He walked towards the heaviest "stone chess" placed on the side of the field, bowed slightly, grabbed the iron ring on the stone chess, and lifted it up with a little effort...

It was written on the stone chess that it weighed 200.

A sigh sounded on the field.

Ji You was so excited that he waved his fist.

"Who would not be convinced by his unparalleled divine power?"

Zuo Zhong pulled him and shook his head.

Ji You laughed softly, "I couldn't help it."

The competition hall Zhongba was an open area. Everyone could watch the game. Some were far away, some were close, forming a big circle.

Feng Yun also stood outside the court to watch the gambling game, separated by a layer of guards.

Last time in Bingzhou, she saw Pei Jue move a large stone that four people could not lift without changing his expression, so she was not too worried about the result of this competition...

She just felt a little sorry for Pei Jue's waist...

If she knew that Jin Fang would ask such a question and require him to exert great strength in public today, he should have saved that little strength last night, and she would not have let him work so late. People did not sleep well, and they still did such physical work. Who could stand it?

The cheers on the court continued.

The man who exerted himself was very masculine. Her eyes followed the crowd and looked at Li Sangruo.

Li Sangruo did not notice her. His eyes were completely on Pei Jue in the court. He was attracted to it and almost burst into light.

"The general will win!"

She was very concerned about her face. She just lost a game and needed Pei Jue to help her save face.

Therefore, amid the cheers of the whole hall, she was a little out of control, her cheeks were slightly red, her eyes were full of affection, and she forgot her identity as the queen mother.

Tang Shaogong coughed lightly and walked closer to her.

"Your Highness, have you thought about it? What should you do if Qi wins twice?"

Li Sangruo was disturbed by him and his face sank.

"What can I do? Xinzhou was originally Qi's land. My Great Jin has already obtained five cities, so it is not a loss. What's more,..."

She glanced at Tang Shaogong, "I said that the loser can also make a request to the winner..."

Tang Shaogong is usually a person with almost no expression, but when he heard Li Sangruo's words, he was moved and frowned slightly.

"Then your Highness is ready, how do you propose the conditions?"

Li Sangruo thought of Prime Minister Li, and then looked at Pei Jue on the field, and sighed.

"Uncle Shaogong's words are embarrassing for me. I am not a person who makes decisions arbitrarily. This matter needs you to sit down and discuss and decide."

Tang Shaogong also looked at the field.

Pei Jue carried a huge stone in his hand, his lower body was stable, his face was solemn, and he once again ushered in an uproar in the whole hall.

He looked at the light in Li Sangruo's eyes and said lightly:

"Xinzhou was conquered by Pei Jue. When he was fighting, he did not listen to the orders of the court and acted on his own. Why do you think that he will obey orders and hand over Xinzhou?"

Li Sangruo was shocked.

In her opinion, Tang Shaogong was really annoying. He knew how to rub salt into her wounds.

Since Fang Fucai was no longer around, Li Sangruo felt uncomfortable every day. She was used to being served by him. Suddenly changing someone else, she couldn't adapt to anything...

She sank her face and her joy faded away.

There was no doubt that Pei Jue would win this round, but the deciding round was Qi's problem. With Xiao Cheng's intelligence, there was no way she would give Jin a chance.

This was completely different from what she had thought beforehand.

Jin Fang won and won Xinzhou. She, the empress dowager, had outstanding political achievements. She was a wise empress dowager recorded in the annals of history and became famous in history. When Xiao Cheng came to ask for Feng Yun, she agreed first as a favor and forced Pei Madang to submit.

Wouldn't that be killing two birds with one stone?

Who would have expected that the problem would be Yunchuan.

Her cousin...

Li Sangruo became angry when he thought about the last game he lost, but he couldn't find any fault with Chun Yuyan.

Before setting the question, she tactfully told Chun Yuyan what skills the ministers had. Shao Cheng was quite diligent in his calligraphy and painting career, but Chun Yuyan couldn't help him...

As for Xiao Cheng...

Li Sangruo saw Xiao Cheng sitting firmly in front of the Qifang formation.

He has an elegant temperament, graceful appearance, and an imperial style in his behavior, which has a unique charm. However, he is such a handsome and elegant man, and she feels a little cold in her heart at this moment...

Is it really a chance encounter in the corridor?

Could it be that he was just trying to convince her to agree to win or lose based on three questions, so that he could take back Xinzhou without spending a single soldier.

Could it be that she had expected it wrong.

Isn’t Feng Twelve Niang what he wants?

"The general wins!"

A loud shout brought Li Sangruo back to his thoughts.

At this time, there was thunderous cheers in Zhongba.

Not only was Jin Fang happy, but Qi Fang also expressed his congratulations.

Because it was all expected, they were very calm.

Feng Yun stepped forward and took out a handkerchief to wipe Pei Ran's sweat.

He was tall, so she wiped hard, "Lower."

Pei Man glanced at her, his eyelashes trembling slightly. In front of the envoys from the two countries, he lowered his head to the woman, letting her wipe his neck and forehead, and pat the dust on his shoulders. The tall and indifferent general suddenly became The obedient big dog appeared, and the beast looked down at it, leaving no one moved.


Li Sangruo stood up suddenly, flicked his sleeves, turned around and left with his maid.

The performance of Queen Mother Jin suddenly changed the atmosphere of the originally lively stadium.

The Jin envoy was embarrassed, while the Qi envoy could not hide his interest.

Feng Yun seemed to be unable to see anyone else, and only saw this "beast" in his eyes.

"Are you tired?" she asked.

As you can imagine, it was not easy for him to move chess with huge rocks back and forth.

It is the mind and the body that are tired.

Pei Ran was surrounded by everyone and showed no expression.

"Okay." He exchanged glances with Feng Yun, turned around and caught Chun Yuyan's gaze in the crowd.

"Your Majesty, you can announce the next question."

Chunyu Yan curled his lips and said, "Congratulations, General."

His tone was cold and a little weird, and when he saw that Feng Yun didn't get close to him like usual, he felt very alienated and completely different from the other two.

Chun Yuyan walked to the field and announced as the middleman.

"In the second game, we improved step by step and Jin won."

The reaction on the field this time was much weaker than when he won just now.

Everyone is waiting for the question of Qi Fang in the decisive game...

Chunyu Yan had a smile on his lips. He turned around after a long time and asked someone to take out the test questions from the cantilevered beam. His gorgeous clothes and robes showed his splendor.

"The third game is Qi Fang's test question. It's called: Calculate the Inexhaustible Strategy."

If Jin Fang's test questions are a martial arts test, then Qi Fang's test questions are a literary test.

Qi Fang will set up customs clearance barriers on this middle dam, and the condition for opening each barrier is to answer a question correctly. The twenty barriers are twenty arithmetic problems. Jin and Qi are facing each other. Whoever reaches the end first and wins the pick in the middle will win. (End of chapter)

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