Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 266: The Depression is Even More Intense

In this era, the political situation was chaotic, but the thinking was relatively active. The trend of academic speculation allowed arithmetic to develop rapidly. Works such as "Nine Chapters on Arithmetic Notes" and "Island Arithmetic Classic" are even more amazing.

However, whether they are educated at home or privately, whether they are well-educated people or ordinary gentlemen, most of them still have four books and five classics, and very few are talented in arithmetic.

Being able to write articles does not necessarily require advanced knowledge of arithmetic.

However, Yan Buxi from Qi State was one of them.

He is proficient in all kinds of calculations and is a famous arithmetic master in the north and south. Xiao Cheng and Wen Xingsu were both his disciples at the beginning. Therefore, when this question came up, the Qi envoys smiled knowingly and were sure of victory, while the Jin side was relatively Speechless, I feel that the situation is over.

This is clearly unilaterally overwhelming.

Just like Pei Madang to General Black Bear of Qi Fang.

The competition is scheduled for tomorrow at Mao hour.

Qi Fang wants to clear the chessboard and set up barriers, but before the test starts, the arithmetic test questions are still confidential...

A group of Jin envoys, with worried faces, gathered in Cuiyu Hall, waiting for the Queen Mother to come out to discuss countermeasures.

Queen Mother Li has yet to arrive.

Several people waited for a moment, whispering.

"The chances of winning the third game are extremely slim, so we need to come up with a charter early."

"Do you think we will definitely lose?"

"Yan Buxi takes action and has almost no chance of winning."

"Losing Xinzhou means losing all face. I can't afford to lose this person..."

"When we return to Zhongjing, how should you and I explain to our colleagues, and how should we explain to the people of Jin Dynasty and future generations?"

"So what if you lose? The worst case scenario is that you won't admit it."

"No. If we start another war, we will waste people and money, and we are dishonest and dishonest. If we are willing to gamble and refuse to admit defeat, we will be ridiculed by the world..."

Everyone was discussing and waiting more and more anxiously.

In front of the toilet in the cleansing room, she clutched her chest and vomited until she was black.

Tang Shaogong asked the eunuch outside the door.

"My lords are all impatient. Where is the Queen Mother?"

Chen Xi drooped his eyelids, gave Tang Shaogong a helpless look, bowed and said:

"Sir, please wait..."

Tang Shaogong stared at the closed door with an indifferent expression and raised his voice slightly.

"The third game is related to the fate of the Jin Dynasty. Your Highness must not keep your ministers waiting for too long..."

Li Sangruo was already feeling uncomfortable, his stomach was churning, and he felt like he was going to die from vomiting. When he suddenly heard this emotionless urging, his eyes were as red as if they were dripping blood.

This Tang Shaogong must have been sent by her father to control her.

She is a chess piece.

A chess piece for her father to drive, no one cares about her life or death.

Thinking of this, Li Sangruo became angry, opened the door suddenly, and looked directly at Tang Shaogong.

"What's the use of looking for the Ai family? I can't find a capable person in Jin Dynasty who is superb in arithmetic? And you, aren't you a talented general and a prime minister, claiming to be a contemporary scholar? What can you order?"

Her face was pale, her clothes were messy, and she was cursing regardless of her manners.

The servants were so frightened that they lowered their heads and remained silent.

Tang Shaogong's face remained calm, neither angry nor refuting, he just said calmly:

"How about the Queen Mother go to the hall and say this in front of the envoy?"

Li Sangruo was immediately discouraged.

Looking at him blankly, he sneered again.

"I'm scolding you and humiliating you, why aren't you angry?"

When Tang Shaogong heard this, he looked at her slowly, "How dare I be angry with the Queen Mother?"

A word that was neither light nor serious was enough to remind Li Sangruo to pay attention to his identity.

A person's status determines when to be angry and when not to be angry. Even if you are the Queen Mother, you should not be presumptuous.

Li Sangruo felt miserable and slowly closed the door.

"Serve the Ai family to change their clothes."

If you are a chess piece, you must have the consciousness of a chess piece.

She knew what kind of queen mother her father liked.

Even if she is just pretending, she has to pretend to be what her father needs...


It snowed heavily in Xinzhou City that night and it was extremely cold.

Pei Man didn't go to the Huichun Restaurant at night, so Feng Yun ordered Daman and Xiaoman to close the courtyard door early, turn on the fire, lie down on the wooden couch, and lean on Ao Zai to read a book.

Not long after, Pinshu came over.

Standing under the eaves, he reported to Feng Yun.

"Cuiyu sent someone to call Dalangjun."

The last test will be tomorrow. The people in the Jin Kingdom are afraid that they will be too busy right now and ask Wen Xingsuo to go there late at night. Feng Yun can guess it without saying anything.

Wen Xingsu and Xiao Cheng were both his disciples.

The Jin envoy was struggling to his death and wanted to start from Wen Xingsu.

Feng Yun hesitated, opened the window, looked at Feixue's courtyard, and asked to read the book.

"If the gentleman doesn't come back, please come and let me know."

I came here because I was worried about Da Langjun's safety.

At this moment, looking at Twelve Niang's face appearing in the window, she was as white as snow, calm and indifferent, and she felt a little relieved.

"I understand." Pinshu bowed deeply to her, pulled his cloak over his head, and left in a hurry.

Feng Yun stood by the window for a moment.

It's so cold.

Xiaoman came over and said, "Girl, don't stand for too long. You'll catch a cold soon and you'll have to drink some soup again."

She was young but very talkative. She talked about Feng Yun almost every day, for fear that something bad would happen to her.

Feng Yun smiled and bent down, hugging Ao Zai.

"Close it."

Daman was making her bed when she suddenly asked:

"Is the general coming at night?"

Feng Yun thought for a moment and said, "No."

Whether he wins or loses tomorrow, according to Pei Man's temperament, he probably won't give up Xinzhou easily.

Therefore, many people may be waiting tonight for the signing of the covenant tomorrow, the end of the war, and prosperity...

But in fact, at this moment, the situation was turbulent, and both Jin and Qi would be ready for war at any time, ready to start the war again at any time...

Feng Yun sat down again, and she couldn't concentrate on the book.

She was silent for a moment, asked Xiaoman to bring the cloak, put it on her shoulders, and pushed the door out without saying a word.

Aozi followed her silently and slid over.

"Hey..." Xiaoman wanted to stop him, but failed.

Then he complained, "Girl, look at Aozi!"

Feng Yun turned around and looked at Aozi.

"Let it go."

Xiaoman choked.

Daman also stood up and looked at the backs of the man and the beast...

"Sister, the girl can't do this, she is delicate..."

"You follow her, remember to light the lamp."

"Oh, okay."

Xiaoman held the lamp behind her and saw Feng Yun walking slowly in the garden, without any purpose, just like taking Aozi for a walk.

The flying snow was like cotton wool, flying all over the sky.

The girl walked in the snow, her steps were light, graceful and elegant, her dress fluttering gently, like an elf in a white world.

"General's wife is so elegant."

A cold laugh came from the top of the wall.

Feng Yun looked up and squinted slightly.

On the other side of the wall was Chun Yuyan.

He leaned on the wooden ladder, holding a wine jar in his hand, lazy and comfortable, his white clothes fluttering, the whole person seemed to blend into the snowy night, looking unreal.

"The prince has crossed the line." She said.

Chun Yuyan's starry eyes narrowed slightly.

"I drank my wine, but I didn't provoke you at all..."

Feng Yun raised his hand and pointed to the wall he was leaning against.

"The ladder is almost at my eldest brother's house."

Chun Yuyan choked.

The depression became more intense.

"Feng Twelve, you are blind, but your heart is blind too? You know how this prince treats you, but you have to make me uncomfortable, right?"

Feng Yun said: "I'll just talk about the facts. Isn't that how you should talk to businessmen?"

Hmph! Chun Yuyan curled his lips slightly and suddenly hooked his finger at her.

"Come. I'll tell you a few words in private."

Feng Yun stood there, motionless.

"Prince, you can speak directly if you want to."

Indifferent, alienated, drawing a clear line.

Chun Yuyan smiled coldly, "Isn't it just that Jin Fang lost a game? Can't I give it back to you?"

After not seeing Feng Yun move for a long time, Chun Yuyan's smile slowly stiffened.

"Feng Twelve, are you really going to break up with me?"

Feng Yun frowned slightly, "I have no relationship with the prince."

Chun Yuyan was so angry that his teeth itched.

"I'll ask you one more question. Do you really not come over and ignore me? Even if you will miss something, you don't care?"

Feng Yun paused and smiled, "What does the prince want to say?"

Chun Yuyan said, "Qi Fang's test questions, don't you want to know?"

This is his trump card.

Feng Twelve is the most realistic. Whenever he deals with her, he talks about benefits. As long as the benefits are enough, she will give in...

Thinking so, Chun Yuyan felt a little relieved. He looked at Feng Yun with certainty, waiting for her to smile and give in, and make peace with him.

Unexpectedly, Feng Yun straightened her cloak and said calmly:

"What does the gambling game between Jin and Qi have to do with me?"

Before she finished speaking, she turned around, took the lantern from Xiaoman's hand, and strode back.

"Twelve! Feng Twelve!"

Chun Yuyan was caught off guard. Looking at the back figure that was getting farther and farther away in the wind and snow, he could hardly believe it.

"Did he take the wrong medicine?"

Qu Ding looked up at the wall and sighed softly.

"Does the prince know why Feng Shier Niang is like this?"

Chun Yuyan was confused and looked back.

"You say."

Qu Ding said: "Because she values ​​the prince."

Chun Yuyan smiled coldly.

Qu Ding laughed again, "Ordinary people don't talk about feelings, so they won't be angry. Anger is because of feelings."

Chun Yuyan squinted at him, and the corners of his lips curled slightly.

"Old thing, you are the only one who can lie!"

She came over from reading in the middle of the night, and her tone was very worried.

"The eldest son hasn't come back yet. Girl, you have to think of a way..."

Feng Yun hasn't fallen asleep yet. She is sitting by the window and reading with Aozai.

Hearing the sound, she sat quietly for a while and stood up.

"Change my clothes for me."

Xiaoman asked: "Girl, are you going to find the general?"

Feng Yun smiled and said: "Go to Cuiyu."

Chun Yuyan: So she is angry because she loves me.

Feng Yun: ...

Chun Yuyan: The atmosphere has come to this point, why not just admit it?

Feng Yun: What is there about you that is worthy of my love?

Chun Yu Yan: tall, rich and handsome.

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