Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 268 Fighting for a man

Wen Xingsu looked at this woman who stood at the pinnacle of power in the Jin Dynasty, but was stubborn, cruel and vicious, and said calmly:

"Wen is ashamed. If anything is found out, I will let the Queen Mother punish me."

Li Sangruo smiled.

Is it possible that the Tiqisi could not forge a fake letter?

If she wants him to have it, he will definitely have it.

"General Wen is a gentleman, and he probably can't imagine what methods the Tiqisi uses to investigate cases..."

Half drunk, she had a faint smile on her lips, and she almost stopped hiding her inner emotions, looking like she wanted to say something but couldn't.

"There is no benefit in going against me...Why doesn't General Wen agree with me?"

Wen Xingsu lowered his eyes, "Wen is a student of Mr. Yan. Students are not as good as teachers, and they don't fight with teachers. Why does the Queen Mother make things difficult for me?"


Pretending not to understand?

Li Sangruo looked at him and smiled, with ripples in her eyes.

"The Jin Dynasty is strong and powerful, and it can afford to lose Xinzhou. How we conquered it from the Qi people in the past, how we can get it back in the future, it all depends on whether I want it or not. Even if we lose it, it doesn't matter. What I meant just now is..."

She dragged her voice and laughed lightly.

"General Wen is a handsome man. It would be a pity if he lost his life for such a small matter..."

At this point, she lowered her voice, as if with a hook, hinting to Wen Xingsu that the "obey" she said actually had other ways.

"Does General Wen understand my intentions?"

Wen Xingsu pursed his lips tightly and said nothing, which made Li Sangruo more interested.

She flicked her silk sleeves, slowly stood up, and walked towards Wen Xingsu...

Wen Xingsu's eyes were slightly lowered, and his black eyes were deep.

In his boots, there was a dagger.

In fact, he didn't need a weapon to kill Li Sangruo, but the knife could be used as a more convenient tool for hostage.

Wen Xingsu didn't look at Li Sangruo, and his mind was quickly deducing the different consequences of each action...

The phoenix-embroidered shoes finally caught his eye.

Li Sangruo didn't notice the danger at all, and lowered his head with interest...

"General Wen."

Wen Xingsu looked up, his eyes stern.

Just at this moment, a servant screamed outside the door.

"Pingyuan County Lord, you can't go in."

"Get out! I have something urgent to do to my aunt, why can't I go in?"

Puyang Yi was arrogant, and rushed in aggressively. If any blind guard wanted to step forward to stop her, she would not dodge or avoid, but directly bump into him. The guard was frightened and retreated repeatedly, fearing that he would touch her and hurt her, and then he would be in trouble...

Puyang Yi relied on this trick to pass quickly, broke into Li Sangruo's room, and pushed the door open.


A sharp shout interrupted Li Sangruo.

It also interrupted Wen Xingsu's movements.

Wen Xingsu took his hand back and resumed his sitting posture. Li Sangruo also straightened up, turned around coldly and looked at Puyang Yi who broke in, with a fierce look in his eyes.

"How dare you break into my bedroom without permission? How can you not know the severity of the situation?"

Puyang Yi looked around and frowned in confusion.

"Bedroom? What kind of bedroom is this? Isn't this the place where my aunt asked the Tiqisi to interrogate General Wen?"

Li Sangruo choked her and couldn't say anything to refute for a while.

When power expands to a certain extent, you can get whatever you want and do whatever you want, and you can no longer listen to opposing opinions. But Li Sangruo thought of her mother, the princess, and her own sister-in-law, and had to suppress her temper.

"No matter where this is, the plain is not a place you should break into without permission."

She frowned and put on the airs of an elder.

Puyang Yi smiled slightly, curling the corners of her lips, "This time I came to Xinzhou, it was my aunt who invited me to go with her, and my mother asked me to accompany my aunt, so naturally I have to accompany my aunt..."

Since it's a companionship, how can it be called trespassing?

She has been arrogant since she was a child, not following etiquette, and has her own twisted logic. Li Sangruo sneered in his heart and his expression calmed down.

"Aunt is doing serious business, not private affairs, you don't need to worry about it..."

"But I'm looking for my aunt for private matters."

Li Sangruo frowned, "You go down first, and we'll talk later."

Puyang Yi glanced at Wen Xingsu shyly, "Aunt, I'm in a hurry."

Li Sangruo looked at her steadily, becoming more and more impatient, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

Puyang Yi's eyes shyly slanted down slowly, landing on Wen Xingsu's body, biting her lower lip and hesitating for a moment, and suddenly knelt down in front of him, facing Li Sangruo.

"Aunt, please help me." Li Sangruo was startled, and looked down at him. "What's the matter, please tell me clearly." Puyang Yi raised her head slightly, her voice clear and firm: "To be honest, Pingyuan has long been interested in General Wen, and wants to be his wife and spend the rest of his life with him..." Li Sangruo was caught off guard, her pupils shrank slightly, and she stared at Puyang Yi for a long time without saying a word. Wen Xingsu's silent face finally moved, and he looked at Puyang Yi in confusion. Puyang Yi twisted the corner of her clothes and continued: "It's just that before I had time to report to the elders at home, I heard that my aunt had summoned General Wen, so I was distracted and rushed into the palace without caring about anything... Please, aunt, let General Wen go because Pingyuan has been a widow for many years, and has suffered bitterness and depression for the rest of his life. It's not easy to see the one he loves." It means that she was the one who liked him first, and as an aunt, she should not compete with the younger generation for a man. Li Sangruo sneered when she heard it.

Puyang Yi didn't come earlier or later, but he came at this time. Is there no ghost in it?

She said: "My aunt understands my little daughter's concerns and won't punish you this time. Go down. General Wen is suspected of collaborating with the enemy and treason, and Tiqisi is investigating..."

"Auntie." Puyang Yi bowed, "Pingyuan would not dare to embarrass auntie with her children's affair, but now that the peace talks between Jin and Qi are in progress, Qi is not an enemy, and General Wen is originally from Qi, and everyone has fathers and relatives. Even if there is indeed an exchange of letters, it is nothing more than missing family members, so how can we talk about collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country? "

Li Sangruo was impatient to listen to her nonsense anymore.

"Pingyuan, you go down first and don't interfere in state affairs."

If you can't say it, put a big hat on her.

Pu Yangyi never paid attention to these things, and she didn't dare to be so brave in front of Li Sangruo...

But at this moment, she was also a little angry.

"My aunt is the Queen Mother, so what kind of person does she need? Why bother to fight with Pingyuan? It would be ugly to tell her, right?"

"What did you say?" Li Sangruo didn't expect that she would be brave enough to point it out directly and sneered.

"Do you know that based on your words just now, the Ai family can punish you?"

"Then let's do this, aunt, and convict me and General Wen together. In this way, it can be regarded as a worry about going to Pingyuan."

"You..." Of course Li Sangruo didn't dare to punish her.

The eldest princess is the authoritative figure in the entire royal family. As long as the surname is Yuan and not Li, she will always be noble.

"You are so naughty, aren't you afraid that I will complain to your mother?"

Pu Yangyi slowly stood up, stood up, walked to Li Sangruo, and bowed deeply.

"Isn't aunt worried about competing with Qi? What if Pingyuan has a way to help aunt win tomorrow's game?"

Li Sangruo was startled and sneered, "You?"

Pu Yangyi hesitated slightly, "Yes. It's up to me."

Of course, winning the third game was more important than taking care of Wen Xingsu.

Li Sangruo raised his Yunxiu and asked calmly, "What's the best strategy in Pingyuan?"

Puyang Yi's eyes flashed slightly and she glanced at Wen Xingsu.

"I have conditions. If I want to win, my aunt must also listen to me..."


The wind is cold and the moon is cold.

When Wen Xingsu came out of Cuiyu, he saw Feng Yun standing on the other side of the covered bridge. It was already early in the morning, under the silent night light, she was waiting under the snow-covered eaves with her clothes flying, wearing a thick cloak.


When Feng Yun saw him, he strode out and broke into the snow.

"Waist..." Wen Xingsu's throat was slightly choked, and he took a few steps quickly to pull her into his arms.

When he was in Cuiyu, he thought about the consequences a lot.

The worst thing is that he will never see Ayun again.

When the gentle woman fell into his arms, the urge to survive the disaster made him unable to hold back. He hugged her tightly, not wanting to separate at all.

"Yaoyao, after the peace negotiation, you can come with me."

Feng Yun noticed that his body was tense and did not struggle. He let him hold him and asked with a slight smile.

"Where to go?"

Wen Xingsu: "Stay away from the court and away from disputes."

Feng Yun smiled, raised his eyes slightly, and looked into Wen Xingsu's deep and tired eyes.

"Brother, there is no place like that in this world. As long as there are people, there will be disputes. As long as we live, we have to be controlled by the court..."

Wen Xingsu lowered his head and looked at her.

Feng Yun smiled again and said:

"If you want not to be controlled by others, if you want not to be troubled by disputes, you must have a greater say..."

Wen Xingsu's brows were condensed, and he stared at her woman in the wind and snow quietly. Her whitened face and smiling expression were so soft and yet so tough.

"It's the eldest brother who is stupid."

Wen Xingsu finished speaking word by word and gently stroked her hair.

"To protect you, the eldest brother can't just be the eldest brother."

Only a loving heart is not enough. Only the power of loving can protect her.

Feng Yun's words were like a heavy hammer that opened Wen Xingsu's heart. They fell hard and suddenly enlightened him. He looked at her with twinkling eyes and held her hand.

"Let's go home."

The two returned to Chunyu Pavilion and screened away everyone. Wen Xingsu sat Feng Yun down by the fire. After her body had warmed up, he asked warmly:

"Did you find Mr. Pingyuan County?"

Feng Yun smiled, nodded, and shook his head.

"It's true that I found her. But she helped me not out of love for me, but out of love for my eldest brother."

"Then what she said..."

Thinking of Pu Yangyi's sudden confession, Wen Xingsu frowned slightly, "Is it also taught by Yao Yao?"

Feng Yun explained how Pu Yangyi should deal with Li Sangruo, and also told her that different reactions should have different responses, but she actually did not say this because she did not want to use emotions to kidnap Pu Yangyi.

But Wen Xingsu didn't make it clear, so she didn't know what he was referring to.

"Yes, brother, what do you think? Did it make Queen Mother Li speechless?"

Wen Xingsu stared at her face for a long time before smiling.

"Yes. The waist is very powerful. With just a few words, the Queen Mother is unable to resist."

Pu Yangyi: You may not believe it, but when it comes to fighting over a man, I dare to do anything to get him, and I’m not afraid of anyone. Let alone drag him to bed, even if he does, I will drag him to bed tonight. Come down...

Feng Yun: I admire you.

Pu Yangyi: Then will you betroth your eldest brother to me?

Wen Xingsu: ...please forgive me!

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