Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 269: At first sight

When she woke up the next day, the world was white.

When Feng Yun opened her eyes, she saw Pei Jue lying on the side of the bed, standing like a piece of wood, which frightened her so much that she stopped yawning.

It was freezing cold, and he didn't even pull her quilt to cover him?

Feng Yun subconsciously reached out to feel his breath.

He was still breathing!

Only then did she feel relieved, got up on tiptoe, put the quilt on him, put on her clothes and asked Xiaoman.

"When did the general come?"

Xiaoman lowered her voice, "The general came not long after Dalangjun left. Maybe he met him outside the door."

Wen Xingsu left after Feng Yun fell asleep.

She was a little confused at the time and didn't notice Pei Jue coming back at all.

"Let the stove boil some ginger soup. When the general wakes up, give him some."

Xiaoman smiled and went downstairs.

Feng Yun asked Daman to help her wash up, and when she went back, she bumped into a pair of dark eyes.

"Did I wake you up?" Feng Yun asked.

"No." Pei Jue's eyes were clear, and he didn't look like he was tiring. He pulled open the quilt and sat up.

"What time is it?"

"It's still early. General, sleep a little longer."

"No more sleep."

Pei Jue looked at her, his voice tired and hoarse.

"Why did you get up early?"

When she had nothing to do, she would sleep a little longer to prevent people from disturbing her...

Feng Yun smiled and said, "Aren't you going to the meeting hall to watch the third round of the competition? Of course I have to get up early."

Pei Jue looked at her deeply.

"Stay in Chunchu Hall today. Jin can't win, so why bother to watch."

Feng Yun looked at his cold face, and her heart sank slightly, with a feeling that a storm was about to come.

Pei Jue usually didn't interfere with her.

He said so for no reason.

She said, "But I want to go and see."

The two looked at each other for a moment, and Pei Jue's icy face relaxed.

"Take all the guards with you, don't run around."

Feng Yun was overjoyed, "I obey your orders!"

Zuo Zhong, Ji You, Ye Chuang and other guards were all in the outer room. The stove was boiling hot soup, steamed white flour buns, and some pickled vegetables were placed on the table. Everyone ate with red faces.

Seeing Pei Jue and Feng Yun walking out together, everyone saluted in unison, put down their bowls and chopsticks, and was about to leave.

Pei Jue said, "There's no rush. Let's talk about it after you finish eating."

Everyone looked at each other, with smiles in their eyes.


They liked to eat in the lady's yard. It was better than the food in the camp. Not only was it delicious, but the general would also be particularly kind...

After breakfast, Xiaoman came in with a smile on her face, carrying a rosewood tray and holding it in front of Pei Jue with both hands.

"General, drink soup."

Pei Jue frowned.

The guards were also stunned.

The general thought he was in good health and strong, but he never liked to drink these things.

"No need." He really said so.

"Drink." Feng Yun came over with a smile on her face, "I saw you in the morning, you were almost frozen into an ice cube. The cold air entering the body is terrible, it will damage the kidneys."

Pei Jue looked at her.

Feng Yun blinked, and then blinked again.

The expression on Pei Jue's face was inexplicably stiff.

He was almost tormented to death by the Yang dryness, how could he not be able to bear a little cold?

"Drink it. It's specially prepared for you."

Feng Yun walked towards him with a smile on her face. Pei Jue finally lowered his head and gulped it all down.

The guards were very stunned.

Feng Yun didn't notice it at all, and found a wool scarf and put it around his neck.

"It's cold, wear it."

Pei Jue:...

At this moment, he felt that in Feng Yun's eyes, there was no difference between him and Aozai.


The envoys of Qi State also arrived at the meeting hall early. When it was time to check the results, everyone was excited, but Xiao Cheng looked calm, and he could not see his emotions.

When he got off the carriage at the meeting hall, he looked at the strict security everywhere and asked Xie Congguang with his head down.

"Is everything arranged?"

Xie Congguang said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, it will be foolproof."

Xiao Cheng hummed and said nothing more.

In order to prevent the Jin army from attacking and the other party from suddenly sending troops when the peace talks failed, both sides had made sufficient preparations today.

There were more guards around Xiao Cheng, and the Qi army outside Mingquan Town also advanced three miles forward. On the contrary, the Jin army was also the same. The large army was on high alert and almost surrounded the meeting hall...

The envoys of both sides met, but they asked about each other's well-being and talked and laughed, just like visiting relatives during the New Year, and there was no tension at all.

In today's competition, Qi side was sure to win.

Feng Ying also looked proud, and brought her maid into the meeting hall, her back straighter than the first day.

Li Sangruo was standing there, waiting for her.

"I have heard that Madam Feng of Lord Qi is a beauty, and today I see that she is indeed as good as her reputation."

Feng Ying was wearing a veil, and her face was not clearly visible, so how could she be a beauty?

Hearing this, she knew that Li Sangruo had something else to say.

"The Queen Mother is too kind."

Feng Ying bowed to Li Sangruo, raised her head, smiled slightly, very sincerely, and even had a light in her eyes.

"I have been in Mingquan for three days, and today I have the honor to see the Queen Mother's true face. This is the real beauty of the country, the lotus flower is not as good as it, I am ashamed to see it, and I am ugly..."

Li Sangruo smiled with her eyebrows raised, "Madam Feng is really good at complimenting people. She is beautiful and has such a clever mouth, no wonder she is liked by Lord Qi."

Feng Ying agreed and smiled shyly.

"This is not a compliment. I am not good at talking and cannot describe even one tenth of the Queen Mother's appearance. Moreover, appearance is only external. The Queen Mother's talent is unique. Who can compare with her..."

Everyone likes to hear good things and compliments.

Li Sangruo and Feng Ying are no exception.

The two exchanged some polite and flattering words, and they seemed to get along very well. They hit it off right away.

Li Sangruo almost subconsciously pointed the finger at Feng Yun.

"Madam, such a beautiful lady, how could she have such a sister?"

Feng Ying smiled awkwardly, "Did the elder sister cause trouble to the Queen Mother?"

"That's not the case." Li Sangruo raised her eyelids, "Sitting in my position, who can trouble me?"

He paused again, glanced at Feng Ying and smiled:

"I just heard that Qi Jun intends to take her back? I feel bad for Madam."

Feng Ying was frightened and couldn't guess the intention of Li Sangruo's words. She smiled and said:

"If my husband has such intention, I won't ask. Our family also misses the elder sister very much. It is a great blessing to be able to reunite with the whole family."

Li Sangruo smiled, half true and half false.

"Then I hope Madam, you can get what you want soon?"

"Together with the Queen Mother."

The two smiled knowingly and left.

Li Sangruo looked at the slender back: "This Madam Feng is a gentle and lovely person. I don't know why Pingyuan said she was very cruel..."

How could Chen Xi understand this?

He responded in a low voice:

"Your Highness, will you tell Mr. Tang about your plan with Lord Pingyuan?"

Li Sangruo glanced at him.

"I am the Queen Mother."

She wanted to turn the tide with her own ability and win back Xinzhou.

Let Pei Jue, her father, and the people of the world take notice of her. She didn't want Tang Shaogong to interfere.

It was the hour of Mao.

Both sides sat down.

The person sent by Qi to compete was undoubtedly Yan Buxi.

And the name written on the list submitted by Jin was a completely unfamiliar name.

"Azhou, who is Azhou?"

When someone asked, Li Sangruo curled her lips lightly.

"A servant in Lord Pingyuan's mansion. He happened to have studied mathematics with you for a few days, so let him go on the battlefield and try it."

Chun Yuyan remained silent.

But there was an uproar in the room.

One envoy was so angry that he slammed the table in front of him.

"Is Jin insulting Mr. Yan? Even if they knew they were no match for him, they shouldn't have sent an unknown servant into battle."

"Yes! This is disrespectful to Qi."

The Jin envoy was originally reluctant to let Li Sangruo use a servant, but now that things have come to this, they can only throw the pot into the pot. It's a gain to be able to anger Qi and see them get furious.

"How can this be disrespectful?"

"You Qi army are only allowed to use unknown people to compete with our general, but we are not allowed to pick up a servant to suppress your Mr. Yan?"


This word sounds extremely annoying.

"What a big tone!"

"It's better to be big than to play dirty tricks and be shameless, right?"

"It's a fair competition, how can we play dirty tricks?"

"You set the math questions, how can you guarantee that your Mr. Yan will not know the questions in advance, and test yourself, how is it different from stealing?"

"Nonsense! The questions were set by Mr. Qu Ding, who lives in Yunchuan. You don't even trust the prince of Yunchuan?"

The Jin envoy was silent.

Chunyu Yan looked at the two sides with a faint look, and smiled slightly.

"It's true."

He said: "Today's test questions were all set by Qu Ding of Yunchuan, and the whole process was supervised by this prince. There is no such thing as leaking the questions, and no one has the guts to leak the questions."

He said it clearly and slowly, but it was loud and clear.

Qi Fangdu praised the prince for keeping his promise and putting integrity first, and the prince is trustworthy.

Jin Fang had just said a lot of doubtful things, and now that Chun Yuyan had come forward, it was inconvenient to say anything more.

The scene became quiet.

Chun Yuyan glanced at the burning incense on the table and smiled faintly.

"If everyone has no objection, let's start."

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