Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 273 Feng Yun is conferred

"Did Miss Feng finish it!?"

"Why did she do it so quickly?"

For a while, there was a lot of discussion.

In fact, not only Yan Buxi and the Qi envoy suspected that Jin Fang cheated.

Even Jin Fang privately believed that Chunyu Yan secretly leaked the questions to Feng Yun.

Now Feng Yun easily finished ten difficult questions before Yan Buxi, shocking almost everyone.

There was an uproar on Zhongba for a long time.

Several Qi envoys were whispering to each other, and some of them pointed their spearheads directly at Feng Jingting.

"Mr. Feng's daughter is so capable, and we didn't know it?"

Feng Jingting was afraid of being suspected of something, so he quickly bowed his hands and begged for mercy.

"This girl is married, and it's unacceptable to say more, unacceptable to say more."

Feng Jingting was weak in character, so someone asked:

"Is Mr. Feng going to draw a line with Twelve Niang?"

Someone else followed up and said: "Feng Twelve Niang worked hard for Jin, I don't know what Mr. Feng thinks?"

There are always people who don't want to take responsibility.

If Xinzhou is lost this time, the blame will be thrown out anyway. Everyone in the court has eight hundred minds, and Feng Jingting is overwhelmed.

Feng Jingyao looked over with a fierce look.

"Whether the answer is right or wrong is still unknown, why are you panicking? Are you fighting among yourselves before the result is out?"

He is always dignified, and his face is gloomy, and the voices around him are weak.

Someone tried to smooth things over: "I wonder how Mr. Yan is?"

Yan Buxi has not spoken for a long time, his eyes are wide open, staring at Feng Yun motionlessly, his lips trembling slightly, but he didn't say a word.

Chunyu Yan hooked his lips and waved his sleeves.

"Please ask Mr. Qi to check the answer."

Xiao Cheng didn't say anything.

Until the pen-carrying servant held Feng Yun's paper and placed it in front of him.

His calm face finally showed something strange.

Not to mention that Chunyu Yan's embarrassing questions required a lot of time and calculation, the five questions he asked were from Mr. Jiuling, each one more difficult than the other, and they were not easy to solve.

In the time it took Feng Yun to solve ten questions, Yan Buxi had just finished the five questions given by Chunyu Yan.

Xiao Cheng's calm face was unpredictable.

Under the attention of the crowd, he spoke calmly.

"The answers to the five questions I asked are all correct. Prince Chunyu's five questions, please compare them yourself."

Chunyu Yan gestured to Qu Ding without changing his expression, "You go and calculate."

Qu Ding agreed, cursing in his heart.

You were writing happily just now, but now you don't want to calculate yourself?

Feng Yun glanced at Chunyu Yan lightly, without saying anything.

After a moment of silence, thunderous cheers suddenly rang out on the field.

"Congratulations to the general's wife!"

"Congratulations to the victory of the Jin Dynasty!"

"Xinzhou belongs to the Jin State, and it is legitimate."

The Jin people shouted confidently.

Even if Chunyu Yan would cheat.

What about Xiao Cheng? He wouldn't leak the questions to Feng Yun, would he?

Chunyu Yan raised his eyebrows and faced the four seats.

"If both sides have no objection to the result, the third round will be valid."

He paused, smiled gently, and announced loudly.

"Two wins out of three rounds, Jin wins the prize, Xinzhou and its subordinate towns belong to Jin."

Yan Buxi's old face flushed red, and he stared at Feng Yun for a long time, then suddenly turned around, staggering, and walked towards the pillar of the meeting hall...

"I am ashamed of your majesty, ashamed of my mentor, and ashamed of my ancestors."

"I... have no face to live in this world..."

He murmured in a low voice, like a madman.

Someone screamed that it was not good.

Xiao Cheng quickly signaled to his left and right, "Stop him."

Several guards rushed out and stopped Yan Buxi.

He burst into tears and struggled to hit the big pillar and commit suicide.

Xiao Cheng lowered his eyes and waved his hand, "Carry him down."

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..." Yan Buxi was carried out of Zhongba by several guards, and his cries lingered for a long time.

How crazy he was just now, how miserable he is now.

Xing Dalang sighed a little.

He whispered to Feng Yun: "Madam, is Mr. Yan a person who seeks fame and reputation?"

Feng Yun didn't want to mislead him, so she smiled when she heard it.

"Mr. Yan is a well-educated man, with the talent of managing the world and rich knowledge, and he is not seeking fame and reputation."

"Then..." Xing Dalang was obviously a little confused, looking at his wife with bright eyes, full of admiration, "If Mr. Yan can be called a talent for managing the world, then Madam is superb and unparalleled?"

"No." Feng Yun looked at him, "You have to remember that there are people beyond people and there are heavens beyond heavens. Even if you reach the pinnacle, you can't be proud and complacent, not to mention that I just mastered more skills than Mr. Yan, which is nothing."

Xing Dalang's mind was clear, and he bowed his head and saluted.

"I will learn from you."

Yan Buxi's cries faded away.

In the silence where one could hear a pin drop, Chunyu Yan's lips curled slightly, and he smiled faintly to break the deadlock.

"The winner has been decided. However, the Queen Mother of Jin is kind and allows the envoy of Qi to make a request. It has nothing to do with state affairs. It is reasonable and the Jin side will not refuse."

His eyes slowly passed over Feng Yun and fell on Xiao Cheng, straightforward and sharp.

"Lord Qi, please?"

Everyone's eyes looked at Xiao Cheng.

With the Queen Mother of Jin's personal promise, at this time, any request made by the Qi side is reasonable as long as it is not excessive.

The Jin side, the Qi side, the Feng family, Li Sangruo...almost everyone's heart was hanging at this moment.

If Xiao Cheng asked for Feng Yun, how should he deal with it?

The Feng family wanted to stop him, but Li Sangruo wanted to push Feng Yun out.

She was thinking, if Xiao Cheng proposed it, how should she respond? If she agreed too quickly, she would offend Pei Jue, and even force him to turn against her on the spot...

But if she didn't agree on the spot, how could she force him to submit?

"Your Highness the Queen Mother!"

Before Xiao Cheng could speak, Feng Yun's voice suddenly rang out on the field.

Her voice was clear and gentle, and she didn't feel happy or angry. She didn't feel complacent because she had defeated Yan Bushi. Her figure was light, but steady and dignified, and she didn't look like a seventeen-year-old girl at all...

Without waiting for Li Sangruo to respond, she stepped forward and saluted the Jin delegation.

"Didn't the Queen Mother promise me that if Jin wins by chance, she will make me a first-class lady?"

The words shocked everyone.

The crowd was boiling again.

"First-class lady? The girl from the Feng family is so bold to speak."

"With her talent, she may not be unworthy of the title of first-class lady?"

There were waves of discussions, spoken in a low voice, but faintly heard, like a satire on Li Sangruo.

Her smile froze on her face. She looked at Feng Yun quietly waiting for an answer and sneered faintly.

"There is no first-class lady in our dynasty yet. I have to discuss with all the ministers and make a decision..."

"Your Highness the Queen Mother." Feng Yun smiled slightly, bowed deeply, and said, "A gentleman is one who keeps his word. Duke Wen of Jin won the city by withdrawing his troops, Zengzi killed a pig because of an actor, and Han Xin honored his benefactor as his mother because of a promise... Your Highness is the regent and acts on behalf of the state. You are a role model for the people of the world. How can you be fickle and inconsistent in your words and deeds?"

Everyone on the field nodded frequently.

Li Sangruo's cheeks were hot and her blood was boiling, but she was dumb and could not refute.

At this moment, Puyang Yi came out and stabbed with a good knife.

"Your Highness, Madam is right. The words of the Queen Mother are the face of Jin. How can you say one thing and do another and hit yourself in the face?"

After another pause, she raised her head and chest with a smile, and said loudly:

"What's more, our Great Jin has strong soldiers and horses, a rich country and a strong people. Can't we afford a first-class national lady?"

The first-class national lady, such a title, along with the rewards to be given, must include thousands of acres of fertile land, countless gold and silver, and piles of cloth...

It's not just a title, it also requires real gold and silver.

Li Sangruo's throat was sweet and fishy, ​​and she looked back at Puyang Yi quietly.

"Pingyuan, you really make me proud."

Puyang Yi seemed not to hear her anger, and was happy to hear her voice, and bowed to her.

"Thank you for your praise, Your Highness. Pingyuan is flattered!"

Li Sangruo was so angry that her body trembled, her blood rushed backwards, and her heart ached for a moment. She felt that the piece of meat in her stomach seemed to have reacted and was beating...

Her eyes went dark, her fingers scratched the corner of the table, barely calmed her mind, and showed a smile that was uglier than crying.

"Feng Shier Niang won the victory for Jin State, and it should be so."

She was riding a tiger and it was difficult to get off.

Acknowledging "First-rank Lady" at this time could at least save some face for herself-

At least, she could prove to the world that the Queen Mother was capable, and it was she who arranged Feng Yun as a trump card to deal with Yan Buxi, and it was she who planned and commanded.

It was not that Feng Yun won this game by accident, which had nothing to do with her layout...

That's all.

A first-rank lady with a false rank is nothing.

Thousands of miles of fertile land and tens of thousands of pieces of cloth are not worth gambling with reputation.

"Mrs. Feng Twelve, listen to the announcement." Li Sangruo swallowed her teeth, slowly raised her chin, and looked at Feng Yun coldly, almost biting her teeth.

"General Feng's wife has the talent of Qi Zi, the virtue of Fu Hao, the model of gentleness, kindness, and peace. She is virtuous and kind, and has a noble character. She is specially granted the title of the first-rank state lady. When I return to the capital, I will respectfully ask for the imperial decree, honor her with respect, and reward her."

The voice was not loud, but every word was clear.

Feng Yun listened to it with a smile from beginning to end, and then saluted.

"Your Highness, the Queen Mother, thank you for your kindness. May the Queen Mother live a thousand years."

It is impossible for her to live a thousand years.

Feng Yun could imagine how much Li Sangruo hated her at this moment, and she wanted to tear her apart, but she had no way to deal with her...


She was awarded the title of First-rank Lady of the State, so she couldn't be offered up to "seek peace" right after the award. Jin was still the victorious party. If Xiao Cheng had any shame, he wouldn't dare to ask for the newly-awarded First-rank Lady of the State of Jin. If Li Sangruo had any shame, she wouldn't dare to accept it.

Congratulations came one after another.

The more happy the people of Changmen were, the more tormented some people were.

The Feng family looked at this scene in astonishment, watching Feng Yun receive the award without any psychological preparation. For a moment, they didn't know whether to congratulate her decently or to bite the bullet and scold her for "taking the enemy as the king, shameless."

All this happened too fast.

Whether it was Pei Cong, Chunyu Yan, or Xiao Cheng, they didn't expect it to be like this...

Chunyu Yan smiled and looked at it, and when the dust settled here, he turned around and looked at Xiao Cheng.

"King Qi, it's your turn."

The words that hadn't been said just now could no longer be said.

After a moment of silence, Xiao Cheng spoke calmly.

"This is a serious matter. I need to discuss it with the minister before making a decision. Why don't you wait for me for a day, my prince?"

Chunyu Yan turned his head and touched the Jin envoy, whispered a few words, and turned his head to agree.

"Today's competition is over, and tomorrow we will sign a formal letter of credence and form a permanent alliance under the city."

Neither Jin nor Qi had any objections.

The guards and servants escorted their masters and left the table.

Feng Yun was also ready to leave.

Before leaving, he did not forget to tell Xing Dalang to take away the prize of the third game - the golden abacus.

The abacus was of course not made of all gold, but it was still very useful for Xing Dalang, the little butler.

The group was talking and laughing. As soon as they entered the corridor, they saw Pei Jue.

He was accompanied by Zuo Zhong and Ji You, no one else. His eyes were very quiet, dark, and seemed to be jumping with sparks.

Feng Yun walked to the side, bowed, and asked with a smile, "Is it proud of you?"

Pei Jue looked at her and said, "I'll be back later."

Did I wait here to say this?

Feng Yun was a little dissatisfied, "You didn't congratulate me."

Pei Jue: "Congratulations, the first-rank lady of the country."

Feng Yun shook her head slightly and laughed. "If you can't hear happiness, then you are unhappy. General, don't like me to be in the limelight?"

Pei Jue looked down at her. He was tall, and his handsome face looked particularly serious.

He wanted to say something, but there were people coming and going around, so he fell silent.

He didn't speak, but stretched out his arms to hold her waist, pulled her closer, and took the opportunity to raise his sleeves to tidy up her hair, and lowered his head to kiss her forehead.

"So, are you satisfied?"

Feng Yun was stunned.

Is it moral corruption or recklessness?

He kissed her in public?

She is still very dignified and quiet in front of others, okay?

Feng Yun's face was slightly hot, and her ears were red. Pei Jue didn't have any expression. He looked at Ji You who couldn't help laughing beside him, and said with a sullen face:

"Go back to the camp."

Feng Yun looked at the back of the person who was leaving in big strides, curled her lips, stroked her hair and smiled, and led a group of people to leave in a mighty manner.

Outside the crowd, Xiao Cheng stood at the end of the corridor, watching her quietly.

My dears, I got up at six o'clock today to catch the plane. It was really too late, so I updated this chapter. I wrote it down here and will make it up later. I hope my sisters don't mind...

Feng Yun: I'm not satisfied. I want the antidote.

Ao Zai: What kind of antidote is so delicious, I want it every day. I don't want to eat cat food anymore, I want the antidote!

Ao Qi: (shocked) Baby, don't mess around, brother will go catch fish for you now!

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