Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 274 Special Symbols

Emperor Qi's palace.

The atmosphere was extremely stagnant.

The competition that was originally a sure win had a subversive ending because of Miss Feng's stabbing.

At this moment, many envoys headed by Feng Jingyao gathered in the emperor's study room, and they were all embarrassed when Feng Yun was mentioned.

The rumored Feng Yun was a dull and perverse girl with no morals or talents. She was very unpleasant. After the death of her mother, Lu Sanniang, she almost disappeared from the sight of these big shots. If it hadn't been for Feng Xiao's marriage, she would have been out of sight. People present may not remember her.

However, just such a girl suddenly stepped in to help Jin win at the critical moment of the peace negotiation between the two countries, ruining all their plans.

The loss was unexpected, not only Yan Buxi couldn't accept it, but even they couldn't accept it.

If there was no second competition, they would suspect Chun Yuyan of cheating.

With the second competition...

They began to suspect that Emperor Qi had also cheated.

Yan Buqi was so angry that he hit a pillar in the parliament hall, and was forcibly carried back by the guards. He was several dozen years old, and cried loudly in the palace, but quickly calmed down.

First, it’s difficult to save face.

Second, no matter how he thought about it, he found this matter unbelievable.

In front of all the envoys, he questioned Xiao Cheng.

"Your Majesty, did you lose on purpose just to get Feng Twelve Niang back?"

Yan Buxi is highly virtuous and highly respected.

He said what others dared not say.

He cupped his hands again and stepped forward, "Your Majesty's love for Feng Twelfth Mother is obvious to all. It's not that I am deliberately making things difficult, it's not that I can't afford to lose, it's just that it's really hard to understand..."

Xiao Cheng was not angry.

Not to mention that the ministers would have doubts. If he didn't know it himself, he would probably doubt himself.

"I said no. My dear friends, do you believe it or not?"

The emperor suppressed his anger and explained. What could he say if he didn't believe it?

The envoys sighed, and Feng Jingyao was silent for a long time. Then he came out and presented a piece of calculation paper.

"This is the calculation paper that I managed to get from Jin. It's the calculation paper used by that young man A Zhou during the competition. Please take a look at it, your majesty and the princes."

Xiao Cheng looked at it for a moment, frowned, and asked Ji Xiang to take it down again, asking all the envoys to watch.

There were strange symbols written on the calculation paper, which were densely packed but very concise. They were completely different from the calculation paper used by Yan Buxi.

Everyone was shocked.

"What does it say on this?"

Nobody knows.

Azhou is a student taught by Feng Ziniang...

Feng Twelve Niang is also a member of the Feng family.

Everyone showed doubts and looked at Feng Jingyao one after another.

"Does it come from the Feng family?"

Feng Jingyao shook his head, expressing his ignorance.

"Then where did Feng Twelve-niang learn these appalling things?"

One of the envoys raised the calculation paper and looked at it repeatedly in the sky.

"It looks a lot like some kind of spell...could it be a magic spell?"

One stone stirs up a thousand waves.

Someone soon thought of an anecdote from Feng Yun's childhood.

"The death of General Xie Xian back then...the annihilation of Xie's army, did it come from this girl?"

The crowd was horrified.

They looked at each other with fright and worry in their eyes.

Feng Jingyao said: "It is true."

Back then, the Feng family almost burned Feng Yun as a monster because of this...

It was her mother, Lu Sanniang, who risked her life to save her.

Feng Jingyao's thoughts were long, and a chill appeared in his eyes unconsciously.

"My family is in misfortune, please forgive me."

Everyone said a few polite compliments and didn't hold on to Feng anymore.

Xiao Cheng, who was sitting in the main seat, was silent for a long time without speaking, with a gentle and dignified face, slightly pale.

He couldn't give the answer that everyone wanted, but he knew very well in his heart that Feng Twelve Niang was no longer the timid and soft beauty, but a spicy and dazzling man-eating flower.

Ask someone to take Yan Buqi back and have a good rest.

He didn't say another word.

"Your Majesty." Feng Jingyao broke the awkward silence in the study room and took the initiative to take responsibility. "The loss of Xinzhou City is due to the negligence of my duties. At this time, we must make a regulation."

Xiao Cheng looked at everyone with cold eyes.

"Whether it's peace or fighting, do you have any plans in your mind?"

All the ministers looked at each other.

The emperor captured the key point in one sentence.

The crux of the problem comes back again.

It's peace, it's fighting, it's at the heart of making decisions.

Feng Jingyao saw that the ministers were stealing, but they were not willing to come up with an idea. He snorted in his heart, but his face was calm.

"I believe that since His Majesty has just ascended the throne, it is not appropriate to start a large-scale war. Moreover, Xinzhou is currently under the actual control of the Jin court. If we want to fight, the price we have to pay is far greater than that of Jin."

Xiao Cheng asked: "Then what Shangshu means is peace?"

"Peace is the most precious thing."

Feng Jingyao made the final decision, and the others didn't want to fight, so they all agreed.

Xiao Cheng thought for a while and then asked: "Do you have any ideas about a request that can be made to Jin?"

Feng Jingyao's face looked better than before.

"Ask the Jin court to exempt the defeated people from annual tribute."

Someone reminded, "The annual tribute is related to national affairs. It is not among the requirements."

Feng Jingyao glanced at him with a cold face.

"What do you think Mr. Sun has to say?"

Sun Shicai was also a major contributor to Xiao Cheng's rise to power and was trusted by Xiao Cheng.

He said: "Besides taking the opportunity to get your legitimate wife back for Your Majesty, I can't think of any other more useful request."

Feng Jingyao sneered when he heard this.

"What's the use of a mere woman?"

Sun Shicai retorted, "You are an uncle, you look down on your niece so much... Others who don't know the truth would think that Feng Shier Niang was a wild child of your Feng family."

After that, regardless of Feng Jingyao's expression, he bowed to Xiao Cheng.

"Your Majesty! A virtuous wife can consolidate the family. A general can stabilize the country. A good minister can stabilize the country. Feng Shier Niang's talent has been witnessed by your Majesty and the others today. If your Majesty gets Feng Shier Niang, she will be a virtuous wife, a virtuous queen, and a good minister who can help the country and restore it to safety."

"Ridiculous!" Feng Jingyao shouted, "The country of my Great Qi is actually in the hands of a woman?"

Sun Shicai was not willing to be outdone.

"All people are raised by women. The Shangshu Ling looks down on them so much. Does he have no mother in his family?"

This Sun Shicai was also very poisonous.

Feng Jingyao was so angry that his stomach was soaring, but he had to pretend that nothing happened and argued with him calmly, giving examples to explain the pros and cons.

The two were about to quarrel.

"Enough!" Xiao Cheng suddenly spoke, his thin lips curled into a self-deprecating smile, "Who gave you the confidence to think that if we want it, they have to give it to us? You seem to have forgotten that she is not a girl from the Feng family who can be manipulated, but the wife of the general of Jin State, a first-class lady."

Everyone was silent.

They all looked a little embarrassed.

Feng Jingyao might have selfish motives, so he didn't want Feng Yun to come back. But those who supported Sun Shicai and said that they wanted Feng Shier Niang back, weren't they trying to please the emperor?

Xiao Cheng looked a little tired: "A forced melon is not sweet. You should think of something else."

After that, he pressed his palm on the table and slowly stood up.

"I am a little tired, I will go back to rest for a while. You can sort out a set of rules and give them to me for review."

Looking at the emperor's pale face, the ministers said in unison.

"I obey your order."

The ministers left.

Xiao Cheng called Feng Jingyao to the inner hall.

"Mr. Jiuling, have you ever been a teacher in the Feng family school in Xuzhou?"

Feng Jingyao bowed his hand and said, "Your Majesty, no."

Xiao Cheng frowned and said, "In today's world, the only one who can easily beat Yan Buxi is Mr. Jiuling."

It was because of this doubt that when Feng Yun and Yan Buxi were competing, he specially asked several difficult mathematical questions left by Mr. Jiuling.

Unexpectedly, Feng Yun still gave the answer without any mistakes.

"Your Majesty." Feng Jingyao knew what Xiao Cheng was doubting, and sighed, "I am also a fishbone stuck in my throat about what happened today."

After that, he bowed to Xiao Cheng.

"The Feng family raised such an unfilial daughter, causing Da Qi to lose Xinzhou. As the head of the family, I have no choice but to take responsibility."

Xiao Cheng waved his hand.

Although the few people led by Sun Shicai just now had some hidden meanings in their words. But he kept Feng Jingyao here not to investigate the responsibility.

"Mr. Feng, think about it, Twelve Niang has a talent for mathematics since she was a child?"

Feng Jingyao shook his head, and said in a humble manner, "When she was three years old, the tutor praised her as a child prodigy, but it was just because she knew a few more words than others. For the sake of my father, he was polite. It was others who spread rumors and took them seriously."

Xiao Cheng raised his eyebrows slightly.

"I am curious about the meaning of those symbols?"

The emperor's confusion was also Feng Jingyao's confusion.

"I am ashamed. When my brother comes back from Xinzhou, maybe we can see the answer."

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