Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 276 Beautiful Night

Daman took a shortcut through the back door and blocked Feng Jingting in the alley outside Chunyu Courtyard.

"Master Fu, please stay."

Feng Jingting lifted the curtain and was shocked to see it was Da Man.

He pulled the ignorant children, stretched their necks and looked around before asking Daman.

"What do you want from me?"

Daman saw that his frightened expression was mixed with an obvious guilty conscience, and he suddenly felt that he had guessed wrong.

Feng Jingting was not completely unaware.

Perhaps he had already guessed that she was not the daughter of Jin Zhitong, the man in charge of the palace, but the biological child of A Ling, the poor actress he abandoned.

Twelve Niangs are right, this is a man who looks well-dressed and high-sounding, but is actually weak and incompetent. He couldn't get past his eldest brother, he had no status in the Xuzhou Feng family, and he couldn't afford to offend Mrs. Chen's natal family. He was afraid of the Yingchuan Chen family, and he still wanted to be a master with his tail between his legs.

"Master Fu." Daman bowed deeply to him.

"Last time Uncle Jiang came to the maid to ask for the girl's beauty prescription, Jinguike. Did the Lord know about it?"

Feng Jingting's eyes flickered, "Why do you ask this?"

Daman didn't say anything and slowly approached the carriage. He had a slim figure and a thin layer of gloom on his face. He seemed to be thinking about something. After hesitating for a long time, he took out a letter from his sleeve and presented it with both hands.

"Please give it to Madam, Mr. Fu."

Feng Jingting looked at her.

The woman's sleeves are smiling in the wind, she is beautiful and graceful. At first glance, her eyebrows are exactly like Feng Yun.

His tone softened a bit.

"Stand closer, I have something to ask you."

Daman lowered his head when he heard the sound and approached with a dull expression: "Please give me your orders!"

Feng Jingting hesitated for a moment, then frowned and looked at her.

"Has your girl been acting strange lately?"

He raised his head in surprise, looked at him, and then quickly lowered his head.

"No, the maid didn't notice anything. The girl acted as usual."

Feng Jingting hesitated for a moment and slowly took out a piece of paper from his sleeve.

"Come and see, what's the spell on it?"

When Daman saw the numbers written on it, which were the ones used by girls to teach Xing Dalang arithmetic, Daman's heart skipped a beat, and he pretended nothing was wrong and smiled with his lips pulled up:

"Jun Hui said. This is not a charm, it is the abbreviation of the number to be learned. The girl said that it is easy to calculate in this way. Many people in Zhuangzi have learned it, and Xing Dalang has learned it the best."

Feng Jingting raised his eyebrows, thinking about her words, "Seriously?"

Daman bowed deeply and said, "The maid dare not deceive the Lord."

"I'm sorry you don't dare." After Feng Jingting finished speaking, he lowered the curtain, and the voice came from across the floor, "Go on, learn to be smart, and don't let your girl find out the clues. She is very sharp now, which is very different from usual. , keep an eye on it.”

For a time, thousands of thoughts were entangled in Daman's mind. She stood stiffly and watched the carriage gradually go away. The wheels made a wheezing and creaking sound under the weight of the car body. Feng Liang and Feng Feng came from the carriage. Zhen’s playfulness and laughter...

They were so happy and wanton in their father's company.

Her nasal passages suddenly felt sour, and tears almost fell.

This feeling comes again.

Injustice, injustice, despair and helplessness, and fear of the unknown...

After a moment, she wiped her eyes and turned away.


The concierge of Chunguan is very busy today.

As soon as they saw off the three masters Feng Jingting, celebrities from Xinzhou handed over greeting cards.

These celebrities from aristocratic families usually have high self-esteem, but Feng Yun's title of "general's wife" alone will not make them think highly of her from the bottom of their hearts. But she became famous after a battle in the parliament, and no matter how famous a person was, she still had to look up to her.

Of course, some people want to find out the truth.

They didn't believe that the Feng family girl had amazing arithmetic skills.

Most people who come to send invitations will attach a gift list.

The concierge next handed it over to Feng Yun, but they all refused.

Later, the concierge stopped taking any action and only responded politely.

"Madam said that she has not been in good health recently, and she is afraid that she will be exposed to the noble lady after her illness has passed. I will wait until I recover in the coming day and then come to visit you."

After sending away these well-known celebrities, Feng Yun took Ao Zai to hide in the house, with a book on her knees, a pen in her hand, and her plan written on the paper.

Arranged neatly, visible at a glance...

At this time, she missed her mother very much.

Lu Sanniang really taught her a lot of things. Although she died early, the subtle influence in her childhood had a great influence on her. Many things she had forgotten in her previous life because of the love between her children were actually engraved in her bones. Picking them up one by one still has endless use.

"What are you writing?"

Pei Madang went straight inside, took off the cloak and handed it to Qian Sanniu.

He waved his hand again, signaling for him to retreat.

Qian Sanniu responded, bowed down and walked a few steps. He didn't know what he was thinking, but suddenly turned around, took a look at Feng Yun and Pei Man, and said he was serious.

"General, I took a look at the questions. There are several of them, and I can do them too..."

Pei Ran was startled.

Feng Yun burst into laughter.

"If I had known you were so capable, I wouldn't have let Azhou go. If you were to take over, you would be able to make the general look good."

Qian Sanniu chuckled and touched his forehead.

"Then I'm definitely not as good as that boy Azhou. He's so smart. At such a young age, he's already the deputy general manager."

Feng Yun glanced at Pei Ran and said, "So, do you think it's not a good job to serve the general? Or is it that the general treats you badly..."

Pei Madang tensed his back and glanced over coldly. Qian Sanniu was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat and quickly bowed and begged for mercy.

"The villain doesn't dare. The villain just said casually that the general treats the villain very well... The villain is willing to serve the general for the rest of his life without any resentment."

Seeing how nervous he was, Feng Yun stopped teasing him.

"Go down, follow the general, you will have a chance to show off..."

Qian Sanniu breathed a sigh of relief.

The general's look just now made him almost think he was going to die on the spot.


Pei Madang had always left things to chance in Feng Yun's village. Although there would be scouts coming to report, he never interfered or asked questions as it did not involve safety.

Therefore, even if I heard that Feng Yun asked all the servants in Zhuangzi to study and learn arithmetic, I would not take it seriously.

It’s just for everyone to have fun, how much can we learn?

However, Xing Dalang's performance today shocked him.

Qian Sanniu's words just now are even more surprising.

In this era, people who are capable and knowledgeable are respected. Being able to write and do calculations is the exclusive domain of children from aristocratic families. In order to pass on the inheritance, aristocratic families also love to hide their secrets...

Feng Yun had no reservations and was really preaching and teaching.

Pei Madang looked at her, leaning forward to fiddle with the charcoal of the red stove. His slender wrists were as smooth as jade, flawless and beautiful. He suddenly strode forward, hugged her from behind, took away the heavy tongs, and squeezed them lovingly. He squeezed her hand and said, "I'll do it."

Feng Yun looked at him with his head sullenly, holding her with one hand and stirring the coals with the other. The fire reflected his handsome face, and his breath fell on his cheeks. He didn't speak, but he clearly felt his strength. Powerful, the arms and body give people a sense of solidity and stability, which makes them feel particularly at ease.

She asked with a smile: "General, if you want to learn, I can also teach you."

Pei Ran glanced sideways at him, his dark eyes deep, "Me?"

"That's right." Feng Yun poured him a cup of hand-warming tea with his own hands and said with a smile: "Three cows can master their skills in a short time, let alone the general."

Pei Ran frowned.

"That's all, as long as you can do the math."

He's not in charge anyway.

Feng Yun's smile deepened, "Don't worry, it's easy. Once the general knows the techniques, he can learn to keep them very quickly."

Pei Ran didn't really want to learn, but he swallowed his refusal silently in the young lady's clear and moving eyes.

"Okay, let's talk about it later."

The two looked at each other.

Suddenly I felt that the good night was lingering and charming.



They made a sound at the same time and stopped at the same time.

"you say."

"you say."

They spoke in unison again, then looked at each other, and Feng Yun laughed.

"You tell me."

Pei Ran put his arms around her, hesitating in his brows and looking very serious.

"My sister is bringing my father to Xinzhou, saying she wants to meet her in-laws."

The news was unexpected.

Feng Yun's eyelids twitched. He couldn't tell whether it was because he was nervous or something else. His mouth was a little bitter and he asked him, "Why is it so sudden?"

Pei Madang said: "It coincides with the Xinzhou Peace Conference and the end of the war. The time is right."

Feng Yun didn't say anything. Pei Madang looked at her with a dazed smile and thought of something else before he said something else.

"You don't have to be afraid, I'm here."

Feng Yun was not afraid.

With her reputation like that, she had already prepared to be rejected by the Pei family.

It just happened so quickly, she wasn't prepared, and it wasn't within the plan.

After all, the marriage between the two was originally just for the Bingzhou war.

Today's trend is getting further and further away from the past life...

"Then, what do I need to do so that I won't embarrass the general?"

She hesitated and asked seriously.

Pei Madang held her hand tightly. The small hand was cold and soft in his palm.

"You don't have to do anything. There are no rules in my house, and neither does the bride."

Feng Yun saw that he was not joking and laughed.

"That will be arranged by the general."

Xiaoman had already prepared water and was waiting. He was happy to see the girl and the general talking and laughing. When he came in, he asked the general when he would take a bath.

Feng Yun looked at Pei Madang, and his cheeks suddenly felt hot.

"General, I have been tired for several days. Please take a shower and rest early."

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