Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 277 Not a Gentleman

Xiaoman went out happily, and Daman came in silently, changed the mattress, and went down with the old one in his arms.

Feng Yun noticed that her eye circles were red and she seemed to have cried, so he didn't ask any questions.

Just now, Feng Jingting came back from blocking Feng Jingting. After finishing their conversation, he lowered his head and returned to the room. He came out now.

Feng Yun could do nothing to persuade him.

There are many things that you have to figure out, experience, and get rid of on your own...

You have to hit every wall in the world by yourself. Only when you find it hurts will you look back.

In the past few days of negotiations between Jin and Qi, even though only the envoys were at the forefront, fighting with Qi Fang in a battle of wits and courage, Pei Madang, as a general, was not easy either.

After preparing water, Feng Yun pushed Pei Mang to take a bath, and he followed his instructions.

The door of the clean room was closed, and Feng Yun leaned on the soft couch, preparing to read for a while. Unexpectedly, as soon as he turned to the second page, he hurriedly came out of the inner room, wrapped in a cloak, revealing a large area of ​​his muscular body. The speed was very fast, as if it was something important, and his face was so serious that Feng Yun sat up in shock.

"What's wrong?"

Pei Ran didn't speak, walked closer, lowered his head seriously, looked at her and asked.

"What were you going to say just now?"

Feng Yun:......

When he interrupted me, I almost forgot to say it.

She closed the book and calmly told him what happened to Feng Jingting today.

Pei Ran asked: "Do you want to go back to your parents' home?"

The word natal family makes Feng Yun feel a little awkward.

But seeing that water was still dripping from Pei Madang's head, he was too lazy to say more.

"I don't want to pay attention to them. But the current situation makes it difficult to turn against them directly, and I don't want to embarrass the general."

Pei Ran hummed, "I'm not embarrassed. It just depends on your wishes."

After a pause, he added: "It just so happens that my family is coming over to meet me."

Feng Yun frowned subconsciously.

According to Pei Man's personality, he disdains contact with the Feng family. He might be bored even by looking at them more than once.

But now, he is willing to let his family meet the Feng family, which is actually incredible...

"You and I have become husband and wife. Even if you don't like it, you have to accept it."

Pei Man glanced at her and went back to the bathroom to take a shower.

Feng Yun sat there holding the book, unable to read it.

Nothing can go around the family, and wherever you go there will be people tracing their origins...

The reason why her marriage to Pei Mang was often called "child's play" was because it lacked both parents' support and was not recognized by the clan.

Not recognizing the Feng family, and not allowing family members on both sides to cross paths, it was always a bit embarrassing in the eyes of outsiders.

So, what Pei Ran is doing now...

Are they planning to be a serious couple instead of disowning each other after the war?

Feng Yun sighed.

I really can't stand the book anymore.

She took off her hairpin and got into bed.

Ao Zai leaned against her on the edge of the couch.

Feng Yun touched its fur and said, "Sister built a nest for you over there..."

She pointed toward the corner.

Ao Zai was a little dissatisfied, his head hung on it, and he did not leave.

Feng Yun thought that Pei Madang would not come back so soon, so he let Ao Zai lie down on his side and closed his eyes.

The inner room was quiet, and the sound of rushing water came from the clean room.

She turned sideways, with her back facing the outside, but she still couldn't calm down. The man's broad shoulders and thin waist repeatedly appeared in her mind. He was clearly tall, slender, and well-proportioned with muscles. The whole figure was just right, but those words were so scary...

When Pei Madang came in, Feng Yun was not asleep, nor did he open his eyes. Instead, Ao Zai was lying there, opened his eyes and tilted him, then walked away dejectedly and went to sleep in the "cat nest" prepared by Feng Yun. .

Pei Ran explored the bed, looked at her back, and sat down by the couch.

"Fell asleep?"

He always asks this question.

If she's asleep, she won't respond.

Yes, but I didn’t fall asleep.

Feng Yun deliberately ignored him.

Sure enough, he sat quietly and looked at her for a moment, then sighed and lay down, folded his hands in front of him in a very regular manner, and closed his eyes in an upright sleeping posture.

The room was silent.

Breathing could be heard, and Feng Yun couldn't hold it in any longer.

She slowly opened her eyes.

There was no movement behind me.

She turned her head little by little and looked at his half-wet hair.

Pei Madang still didn't speak, and she slowly leaned over and pressed against his arm.

"Is the general angry?"

"Yeah." A deep word burst out from his throat. Pei Man's reaction was unexpectedly fast. He stretched out his long arms and hugged her waist. With a little force, Feng Yun's body suddenly became light, and he hugged her straight from inside. Roll into the soft brocade quilt.

The fragrance of laughing lotus comes to my face.

"Yunniang." He called her in a low voice, his voice mixed with hoarseness and especially emotional, "I can't hold it in anymore."

Feng Yun's throat tightened. Just when he was about to speak, he blocked him. Without a chance to refuse, his hot lips fell down, madly like a giant beast awakening, as if he wanted to swallow her in one gulp...

Their breaths touched each other, and they were panting rapidly. Feng Yun grabbed his arm and closed his eyes tightly. His heartbeat was like a drum, almost jumping out of his throat...

He held her so tightly that she couldn't breathe.

His body was so hot that on a cold day, even the charcoal burning in the stove was not as hot as his body. His skin was so hot that sparks would explode from it if he applied even the slightest force. The chill subsided, and her whole body felt warm, and the blood in her body made him ignite.

"General." She couldn't help but breathlessly called him in a trembling voice.

Pei Madang didn't speak, his breath fell on her slender neck and touched her collarbone. She was excited, and the big hand around her waist flexibly opened the loose and soft pajamas. When the palm of his hand came up, Incredibly gentle, Feng Yun sighed comfortably...

"Go and get..."

She made a sullen voice, with a hint of coquettishness.

He looked pointedly toward the window sill.

There was a dressing table there, with his restraints underneath.

Pei Ran said nothing and intertwined his fingers with hers.

"No need." He said in a low voice, "It won't hurt you."

A man's mouth is a liar. Feng Yuncai didn't believe this, so he put his hands around his neck and whispered in his ear.

"When I get better, the general can do whatever he wants. I can't let you go now. It's not light or heavy. If you give me a little bit of mercy, I won't get up to see the alliance between the two countries tomorrow. Tell me, do you miss me?" Go and flirt with that Queen Mother Li? "

Pei Man stopped, stiffened for a moment, and stared at her with a heavy breath. He didn't know what he thought of, but he fiercely rushed forward and hugged her and kissed her several times. The kiss made her face hot, and then he gritted his teeth and raised his arms.

"Just toss me."

"Unjustly accused!" Feng Yun stroked his strong shoulders and noticed that he was very tense, but he couldn't help but laugh, "For a man, it's just a moment, what's the difference..."

Pei Ran:......

She was frivolous and said whatever she wanted. She never cared about her virtues in front of him.

Pei Madang has long been used to it and never criticizes words.

But this time it was very unpleasant, and he couldn't help but pinch the tip of her nose hard.

"Next time you soak your feet, wrap them halfway before entering the water, and you will know the difference..."

This metaphor.

Feng Yun was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed softly. He didn't know what he thought of, but he laughed very happily. His body trembled, and the quilt fell off. His exquisite figure was like the peak of Jade Mountain, Pei Madang He became more and more jealous and stopped arguing with her. He went under the dressing table to fetch the things and came back and handed them to him.

"You come."

Feng Yun took one look and shrank back.

It wasn't that she meant to torment Pei Mad. It would definitely be more fun to do this kind of thing naturally than to be awkward, but the two of them were really mismatched. Once he went crazy, she would suffer a lot.

Feng Yun only wants to have fun, not hardship.

She no longer feels sorry for the man like she did in her previous life, and would rather suffer it silently than make the man unhappy.

Now she just depends on her own comfort level and makes herself happy, and doesn't want to wrong herself even a little bit more.

"Waist waist. Quick."

Pei Ran was urging her.

The voice was very shallow, with a bit of sexy hoarseness, as if it was full of many unfinished emotions.

Feng Yun hummed and turned his back.

Such a squeamish one!

Pei Madang looked at her for a moment, without saying anything, grabbed her waist, turned her over, and then pressed her up, looking at her with a pair of eyes as black as the abyss.

Feng Yun: "What, do you want to be violent..."

He lowered his head and kissed her.

Well! Feng Yun opened his eyes slightly.

No words.

He easily found her weak spot.

Maybe with a bit of anger, he obediently used the cloth strip, but he was not in a hurry to touch her, but as if to retaliate for her torture, he insisted on rubbing her until she was sore and numb, and the instep of her feet was tense. Begging him in a low voice.

"General... don't..."

She was helpless.

"Yes?" he asked.

"Well, stop making trouble." Feng Yun's voice almost came from his nasal cavity. He was soft and weak, and he pushed him helplessly.

Pei Man's arms were strong, and he easily strangled her hand, raising it above his head. His dark pupils were filled with crazy desire, and his beast-like predatory desire was unconcealed, but his eyes were filled with serious scrutiny.

"General..." Feng Yun was a little afraid of him like this.

The gaze was so hot that it seemed to burn people.

"Take it." He kissed her again, tirelessly and unsatisfied, breathing so fast as if he wanted to swallow her into his belly, until she softened like a puddle of mud, and then he began to attack the city.

Slow, hard. Feng Yun couldn't bear it. The threat of bulging veins when they overlapped made her subconsciously want to escape, but she kept him imprisoned there, like fish on the chopping board, letting him take her life and death until both of them let out a satisfied sigh... …(End of chapter)

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