Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 278 Don’t Dare to Disobey

"damn thing!"

In the courtyard next door, when he heard the prince cursing someone inside, Sanjiao thought for a moment that he was scolding himself. When he was about to step forward to apologize, he faintly realized that something was wrong.

The prince's voice was wrong.

Restraint, depression, and anger.

If you scold him, why does the prince need to do this?

If he was killed directly, no one would dare to say no.

Sanjiao was panic-stricken. He listened carefully, but there was no sound of curses in the room for a long time.

After waiting for about two quarters of an hour, the prince came out.

His face was flushed, and his eyes were blurred and filled with coldness and cruelty. Those eyes were pierced by the wind, as if he were seeing the enemy who killed his father.

"Go and ask Qu Ding to come."

Sanjiao lowered his head and answered cautiously.

"Mr. Qu has been sitting in the living room for a while, waiting for the prince."

Qu Ding sat upright and saw Chun Yuyan approaching with a sullen face, and his heart suddenly beat a small drum.

"Qu Ding."

With a low shout, Qu Ding was so frightened that he quickly stood up.

"Your Majesty."

Chun Yuyan asked: "Tell me the truth, did you leak those questions?"

Qu Ding groaned, stood up, raised the corner of his robe, walked to Chun Yuyan, and bowed deeply, "Your Majesty, I understand that although I love money, I can get it in a wise way. I don't dare to do anything that Your Majesty has not told me."

Chun Yuyan narrowed his eyes, his gaze was cold.

"It's really not you?"

Qu Ding wailed in his heart.

It was obvious that the prince wanted to do a smooth favor and did not give the favor away, but ended up blaming others for missing the question.

Sure enough, good-looking men are all arrogant.

"I swear to God."

Qu Ding raised his hand, gritted his teeth, and spoke a little more harshly.

"I swear on the lives of my whole family..."

"That's all." Chunyu Yan sat down with cold eyes and looked him up and down, making Qu Ding feel uncomfortable before speaking.

"Then where did your question come from?"


Qu Ding felt a little panicked.

He was afraid that this was exactly what Chunyu Yan was asking.

Unexpectedly, whatever you are afraid of will come.

After walking in front of Chun Yuyan for a long time, in order to gain trust, it is inevitable that he will blow his reputation more and more.

As time went by, everyone regarded him as a guest of the prince's family, a man of both political integrity and talent, a disciple of Guiguzi, who knew everything from astronomy to geography...

If you blow too much, you will be afraid.

This time when the question came up, Chun Yuyan found him, and Qu Ding had no choice but to bite the bullet.

It's not that he doesn't understand arithmetic, it's just that he's not as talented as the world thinks...

If this hadn't happened, he wouldn't have told the truth even if I beat him to death.

However, the situation was huge, especially when Feng Twelve Niang and the young man named Xingzhou easily defeated the famous Yan Buji. This was simply impossible. There must be something wrong in the middle.

The problem still comes from him...

I have to tell the truth.

"Half of the question comes from the book."

"Book?" Chun Yuyan raised his eyebrows and sneered, "What book?"

"A book called "Wonderful Mathematics". I came across it by chance many years ago. The mathematics in it was very interesting, so I memorized it." Qu Ding continued, "Could it be that Feng Twelve Niang also happened to read that book by chance? This book?"

Chunyu Yan thought for a moment, "It doesn't look like that."

His tone was hesitant, he didn't want to admit it, but he had to admit it.

"If Feng Twelve doesn't have real skills, even if she wins by chance, she won't be able to beat Yan Buqi in the next round when Xiao Cheng and I pose the question."

Qu Ding thought about it, and it was true. He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said, "Otherwise, the prince will ask Feng Twelve Niang?"

Chunyu Yan gouged him out.

Feng Twelve refused to pay attention to him. How could he tell him the truth?

He got up and went back to the house and ordered Sanjiao again.

"Close the door and no one should come looking."


The clouds stopped, the wind stopped, and the sound of rain faded. Feng Yun lay there motionless, as if he had just been fished out of the water, covered in fragrant sweat.

After breathing quietly for a while, she opened her eyes and stared at Pei Mang, her tone extremely aggrieved.

"Didn't you promise to pity me, you liar?"

Pei Ran remained silent.

A pair of black eyes flashed with flames, and one glance showed that he was not satisfied yet.

Feng Yun pretended not to see it, raised his chin and opened his mouth slightly, "Thirsty."

The little lady who has just been exposed to the rain and dew has a face like a peach blossom in March, charming and gorgeous, with a charming and angry look that seems to slap into people's hearts.

Pei Ran brought the water placed beside the couch and fed it to her mouth.

Feng Yun was not polite and took a few sips from his hand, then pushed it away. Pei Ran pecked her forehead comfortingly and stared at her. His eyes became extremely soft at this moment, "Eat more? I Hey you."

Feng Yun's face turned red.

He had said exactly the same thing just now.

Just coax her, eat more, feed her more...

He knew clearly that he was talking about the water in the porcelain cup, but Feng Yun couldn't help but think wildly. His cheeks were slightly red, his hair was drooping, but his body was subconsciously shrinking back.

"No, you drink."

Pei Madang glanced at her and said nothing. He stood up and drank the water she hadn't finished drinking. He raised his chin and drank it in one gulp.

He drank very quickly, very urgently, his Adam's apple rolled out into sexy edges, and the texture of his waist and abdomen opened and relaxed in accordance with the rhythm of his drinking...

Feng Yun subconsciously raised his hand and pressed on the muscle. It was unintentional, but the girl's warm fingertips seemed to be touching with a call. Pei Man's eyes suddenly darkened, and he put down the porcelain cup and grabbed her. With his hand, he pressed the person into the quilt, arched his waist slightly, and looked at her with flickering eyes.

"How dare you provoke me?"

Feng Yunjiao's face was stained with rouge, she shook her head, and just when she was about to speak, Pei Ran lowered his head and slowly rubbed her neck down, which was so painful that it aroused an itch, and a burning heat spread to all her limbs in an instant... …

His mind went blank for a while, and Feng Yun instinctively wrapped around him, vibrating smoothly, and his throat unconsciously emitted small moans. There was no reason left, until the man breathed low and hoarsely and led the troops into the city again...

"Pei Gou, you did it on purpose..." Feng Yun's ears were numb, and his whole body was as soft as a puddle of water. He was angry that he didn't know enough, and he hated himself for not living up to expectations.

"Master Husband." Pei Ran corrected her. He exerted a little force on his narrow waist, gasped twice and then raised his arms, looking down at her, "It was you who seduced me."

"The evil one will complain first!" Feng Yun's body felt as if it was burning. He used his last bit of reason to push him hard.

"No more... I have to get up early tomorrow."

Pei Mang held her waist to prevent her from moving. He looked down and his eyes suddenly turned scarlet.

The spring dew on the jade pot is light and red, the willow waist is unable to cover the fragrant quilt, and the gentle beauty's nest is the burial place of the hero. How could he receive such stimulation, rubbing slowly and slowly, forcing her to breathe faster, and her soul swayed out of the body, Unsatisfied and unsatisfied, like countless ants crawling around the body, and finally defeated.

"Pei Gou, Pei's really hateful."

The tone of the scolding changed, it was no longer intimidating, more like coquettishness.

Pei Ran stroked her back with one hand. Seeing how delicate and weak she was, he kissed her again, slowly kissing her.


The next day, both Jin and Qi parties were present.

The signing of the covenant went more smoothly than expected.

In front of everyone, Xiao Cheng did not ask Jin to "return his legitimate wife" as expected, but asked Jin to open the three waterfront cities of Xinzhou, Andu and Wanning after the peace negotiation. At the same time, Qi also The three places of Bingzhou and Fuzhou will be liberalized to facilitate trade between the two sides.

"The Queen Mother of Jin please consider your agreement."

This condition surprised the Jin envoy.

Li Sangruo couldn't believe it.

It was a great opportunity. Even if he did not ask for the return of Feng Yun, he should still propose to embarrass Jin and benefit Qi.

And now this condition...

Rather than saying that this is beneficial to the Qi side, it is better to say that it is a win-win situation and provides great benefits to the Jin side.

Li Sangruo stared at the magnificent King of Qi and slowly narrowed his eyes.

"Qi Jun, have you thought about it?"

Xiao Chengdao: "This is the result of a consensus between me and all my ministers. After years of war, all industries have been depressed, and the people's livelihood has been even more dilapidated. The current peace talks between Jin and Qi are a good time to regain confidence. I can't think of anything better than this." more important……"

The words were spoken calmly, but they were like a stormy sea, hitting people's hearts.

Even the Jin envoy admired Xiao Cheng's overall layout.

Ao Zheng stood up first and bowed deeply to him.

"Qi Jun has such a big heart, which is a blessing to the people of the world."

Xiao Cheng looked calm and said, "The host has given you too much praise."

His eyes turned to Chun Yuyan again, and he said slowly and calmly: "If you all have no objections, I would like to ask Prince Chun Yu to sign the peace agreement."

Chunyu Yan gently raised the corner of his mouth and signaled his servants to bring up the proposal.

"Don't dare disobey." (End of Chapter)

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