Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 279: Enjoy and fulfill your duties

Feng Ying heard that the maid who inquired about the news said that Xiao Cheng did not ask Jin for Feng Yun. She was so happy that she suddenly felt relieved after holding in for a long time, and took the maid to change clothes.

When she came out of the dressing room refreshed, she found Li Sangruo blocking the door, with a cold face and dark eyes.

"Close the door and no one is allowed in or out."

She looked at Feng Ying, but these words were not addressed to Feng Ying, but to the guards behind her.

The guard promised to go down, and Li Sangruo took two steps closer to Feng Ying, twitching the corners of his mouth, and he was smiling.

"Mrs. Feng, don't you miss your eldest sister very much and look forward to family reunion? Why don't you persuade Your Majesty to let your eldest sister return to the country?"

Only then did Feng Ying realize that this crazy woman was blocking here to cause trouble.

"Queen Mother, please calm down." She smiled warmly and did not refute Li Sangruo, nor was she angry at the harshness of her words. She just said aggrievedly: "How can I, a lady who has not yet been named a concubine, have the dignity to propose such a proposal in front of His Majesty?" Require……"

She slowly bowed and bowed to Li Sangruo.

"A Ying's eldest sister is also a hard-working woman. If she offends the Queen Mother in any way, I hope the Queen Mother will forgive her. The eldest sister is alone and has no family or parents. It is inevitable that she will act inappropriately."

Li Sangruo sneered twice.

When we met yesterday, she hinted to Feng Ying and persuaded Xiao Cheng to take Feng Yun back so that she could round and flatten it in her own hands.

She thought that this woman really understood what Feng Ying said at that time, but she didn't expect... She was a fool and actually regarded Feng Yun as her sister.

"Mrs. Feng is indeed a pure and kind person."

He lazily walked to the window again and looked at some rough warriors laughing and talking in the corridor. He frowned slightly and then laughed again.

"Alone outside, without family or parents... Mrs. Feng reminded the Ai family. What does it matter whether I go back or not?"

After saying that, she flicked her sleeves and opened the door to go out.

"Your Highness." Feng Ying suddenly called her.

"There is something that I don't know if His Highness knows about it."

Li Sangruo raised his eyebrows and looked back at her coldly.

"If Mrs. Feng has anything to say, you might as well say it directly."

Feng Ying looked at Li Sangruo with a worried expression, her movements were shy, her voice was vague and low, "There is one thing that I didn't want to tell His Highness, but seeing that Your Highness is sincere towards General Pei, His Highness and I are extremely It's a coincidence, I really can't bear to hide it..."

Li Sangruo had a somewhat depressed temper.

After I became pregnant, my temper became even worse. I felt upset when I heard these roundabout words.

"Mrs. Feng has seen the situation of the Ai family. What else can make the Ai family angry?"

Feng Ying seemed relieved.

"That being the case, A-Ying will tell her directly. The Pei family has prepared a gift and wants to come to Xinzhou to meet my family... Alas, no one took the eldest sister's marriage seriously, but the Pei family wants to recognize their daughter-in-law. Although my family can't bear it, My eldest sister is getting married far away, so I don't dare to refuse the opportunity of peace talks. Besides, my son-in-law is a general of the Jin Dynasty, and he is also the eldest son of the family. Hearing what my father and uncle discussed last night, I have to prepare a courtesy to welcome him..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Sangruo's expression changed.

"Why did you give this to me?"

Feng Ying suddenly smiled bitterly, slowly approached Li Sanruo, looked into her eyes, and said softly:

"I feel sorry for my eldest sister, who can no longer be reunited with the one I love. I also feel sorry for Your Highness... Just like A Ying, you can't love but can't get it."

Li Sangruo looked at her with red eyes and sneered.

"The Ai family is different from Mrs. Feng. You are so cowardly and incompetent, how can you be compared with the Ai family?"

Feng Ying lowered her eyes, "Her Majesty the Queen Mother taught you a lesson. But A Ying is a weak woman, unlike the Queen Mother who holds great power and is just living a living, so what can she do? I just hope that Your Majesty will have some mercy."

After saying that, he said, "His Majesty is hosting a banquet tomorrow, and the eldest sister will also come. A Ying has to go back and make preparations, and she must not embarrass Your Majesty. Your Majesty, Your Majesty, take leave."

Li Sangruo watched her leave coldly and slowly rolled up his sleeves.

"It'll be great to have a banquet tomorrow."

Everyone left, and there was silence in the dressing room.

After a while, I saw a partition being pushed open.

A beautiful girl walked out of it, smiling like a green tree in a water village.

“That’s the good thing about a house that you build yourself.”

He knows all the structures inside and knows where to hide people.

"Girl." Xiao Man followed her and sighed innocently.

"I didn't expect Mrs. Feng to be so protective of you in private..."

Feng Yun looked at her sideways.

Xiaoman's smiling eyes sent chills down her spine.

"Girl, yes, is Xiaoman wrong?"

Feng Yun had a cold look on his face, "You're right. She really protects me."

Xiao Man groaned, feeling something was wrong, but couldn't tell what was wrong.

Daman stepped forward and said respectfully: "Mrs. Feng has been wearing a curtain hat for the past two days. Is it because her face has not healed yet?"

Xiaoman was surprised, "The girl wasn't beaten that hard that day. If I were to beat her, she wouldn't be able to go out. She would have to lie at home for half a month."

Daman glared at her.

Xiaoman then thought about the embarrassing incident that day when she didn't dare to hit Feng Ying, and stuck out her tongue.

Daman said: "A dog that can't bark bites people much more severely than one that can bark."

Feng Yun was already walking in front, and Daman followed her.

Xiaoman tilted his head and thought for a moment, then followed with a vague understanding.

"Qi Jun is hosting a banquet tomorrow. Do you really want to go?"

No one answered her.

Feng Yun walked faster and faster, and Daman did not look back.


After the agreement was signed, Xiao Cheng indeed said that he would hold a banquet in Mingquan Town tomorrow and invite the Jin envoys and their families to congratulate the two countries on their alliance and forge a century-long good relationship.

Jin readily agreed.

On Feng Yun's way back to Xinzhou, cheering crowds could be seen everywhere.

Everyone in Nagato was also very happy.

The two countries have established trade ties and signed trade deals, which is a huge benefit to Nagato.

Wherever there are docks and ferries, land prices will skyrocket.

Especially Mingquan Town.

After the peace negotiation, that parliament building will become the commercial center of Dajin, and it is adjacent to the ferry. The land has increased with the tide, more than ten times the amount before the peace negotiation.

And Feng Yun has hundreds of acres of cheap land.

After receiving the news, Xing Dalang beat his chest and felt upset.

"If I had known this, I should have cleared out all the food and grass and used it all to buy land."

At that time, the war was in chaos, and both gold, silver and five-baht coins had greatly depreciated in value. Feng Yun moved all the five-baht coins that Feng Jingting could not take away. It was only enough to buy the land, but the food, grass, cloth and silk were hard. Currency, if you are willing to exchange some at that time, you can buy more...

After hearing this, Feng Yun strongly disagreed.

"Nothing is absolute."

She looked over again and warned Xing Dalang seriously.

"You have to remember, no matter how much profit you have, you should never gamble with all your money. If you use your spare money or extra money, you will lose it. You can't gamble easily with your money or life."

This is a successful peace negotiation and an agreement on trade.

What if something unexpected happens midway through the peace talks and war breaks out again?

Wouldn’t that mean losing everything? Food is the first thing to save life in troubled times.

"Without food and grass, I bring so many people with me, will I turn into a bandit?"

Xing Dalang was ashamed after being taught this, and saluted Feng Yun with a red face.

"Young man, please remember your lady's instructions and don't dare to talk nonsense again."

Feng Yun looked at him and smiled, without being harsh, and even encouraged him a few words, and then Xing Dalang went down happily.

The young boy is very talented and smart, and Feng Yun plans to train him well.

Daman came over and asked Fu Shenxiang: "Qi Jun is hosting a banquet tomorrow. Madam, are you going?"

Feng Yun showed no expression, "It depends on the general's arrangement."

When did you listen to the general like this?

Daman pursed his lips and said nothing.

Feng Yun glanced at him and waited until Xing Dalang walked away before asking.


Daman carried someone on his back, took out a letter from his sleeve and presented it to Feng Yun.

"Mrs. Chen gave it to me."

Feng Yun did not rush to open the letter, but stared at her.

"Who gave it to you?"

Daman stood beside him, hearing her cold and emotionless voice, and his heart was agitated.

"Dad Jiang secretly slipped it to me when we were in the assembly hall today."

Daman's eyes were full of worry, but at this moment they were extremely bright.

Feng Yun smiled, lowered his head with dark eyes, opened the letter, read the contents and handed it to Daman.

"After reading... it will be burned."


The sky gradually darkened.

Pei Ran came back very early today. He did not come and go in a hurry as usual. Instead, he stayed at Chunyu Pavilion and had a night meal with Feng Yun.

What's even more surprising is that when the general entered the house, Ji You led a few guards, each holding a box and cage, and brought the general's clothes and belongings over.

"Madam, where do you put the general's things?"

Xiaoman reported to Feng Yun with a smile.

When the general comes to live, the left guard can see him every day.

She was almost going crazy with joy.

Feng Yun glanced at her and said, "Put it in my room first."

Pei Madang didn't have many things and didn't take up much of her space. His life was simple and he didn't have so many strange hobbies, so it didn't have much impact on her.


She thought this was strange.

What if the fake couple they agreed to only have fun but not fulfill their responsibilities?

The second update is a little later, I'm a bit handicapped today, and then the telecommunications staff come to fix the network, which delays it again. What~

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