Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 280 Extremely Difficult

While the maids were cleaning up, someone came from the outer courtyard to say that the great man was here and had guests.

In Xinzhou, apart from brothers Shentu Jiong, Yang Qi and others, Wen Xingsu only had those people he fished out from prison when the Beiyong Army broke into Xinzhou.

Could it be that the Feng family is here?

Feng Yun thought about it and called Xiaoman over, "Patch up my makeup."

She thought that she couldn't be inferior in front of the Feng family, and she must show up to people in good spirits.

After hearing this, Pei Madang picked up the Piyong Sword and went out.

Feng Yun was surprised, "What are you going to do, general?"

Pei Madang: "Practice your sword."

Feng Yun said nothing and ignored him. This man was full of energy, so it was good to vent his anger, so as not to bother her again at night.

A group of people appeared in Chunyu Courtyard. Wen Xingsu rode a horse, followed by a carriage and seven or eight followers, and drove into the courtyard in a mighty manner.

The curtain of the carriage was lifted, the maids supported each other, and the beauty smiled.

Who is it if it’s not Pu Yangyi?

"Ayun." Puyangyi became familiar with Feng Yun. When he saw her at the door, he glanced at Wen Xingsu and rushed to hug her.

"Let me see you."

What does she have to see?

Feng Yun glanced at her, but did not reveal her little intentions, and smiled angrily.

"If I had known it was the Lord of Pingyuan County, I wouldn't have dressed up."

The two of them talked and laughed and walked in together. Wen Xingsu followed him silently and entered the flower hall together.

The maid brought tea and the three of them sat around and drank slowly.

Pu Yangyi looked around.

"This house is very well-kept, Ayun, you are very discerning..."

Feng Yun said with a smile: "I didn't clean it up, it was all arranged by my eldest brother before."

Puyangyi felt a little warm in her heart when she looked at Wen Xingsu sitting quietly.

Calm and dignified, elegant and graceful, General Wen not only matched her aesthetic taste, but the furnishings of his house also suited her.

But the sense of distance is too strong.

He will remain gentle but give no heat…

She felt a little sad for such a man.

A good husband is hard to find.

The two talked for a while, but Wen Xingsu remained silent.

Feng Yun took in all his expressions.

"Brother, did you meet Mrs. Chen today? But what did she say about you?"

Mrs. Chen was also at Mingquan today. Feng Yun saw her calling Wen Xingsu away. Looking at her face, did the mother and son have trouble again?

Wen Xingsu raised his head with gentle eyes.

"Let me get a wife."

His smile was shallow and distant, and it was hard to tell whether he was happy or angry.

Everyone has to get married, and Wen Xingsu should have started a family at this age.

In fact, Feng Yun thought so too.

But Mrs. Chen's temperament will definitely not follow Wen Xingsu's preferences. When choosing a wife, she must choose a daughter from an aristocratic family, something that is beneficial to her and the family...

Thinking about himself and looking at his eldest brother, Feng Yun really felt that Pu Yangyi was a good match for his eldest brother.

She slowly leaned forward and filled Wen Xingsu's cup with hot tea.

"What do you think, brother?"

Wen Xingsu lowered his eyes.

"Let it happen."

Puyangyi didn't look at him. Before Wen Xingsu answered, her heart was beating wildly and she kept holding her breath. After he answered, she secretly exhaled and felt that she was okay again - wasn't she Wen Xingsu's? Fate?

"General Wen, there is something I don't know whether to say or not."

Wen Xingsu pursed his lips slightly and said, "Your Majesty, please speak."

Pu Yangyi said: "General Wen may think that men put family and country first, and love is a trivial matter, but I am a person who has been there, and I understand best..."

He gritted his teeth secretly again, looked directly at Wen Xingsu and said.

"Hate between husband and wife lasts longer and ruins a life."

Wen Xingsu's expression changed slightly, and the melancholy that flashed slightly in his eyes was quickly caught by Pu Yangyi, and then quickly disappeared, and then he smiled and politely held his hand towards her.

"Thank you very much Mr. Wen from Pingyuan County for reminding you. I will keep it in mind."

Pu Yangyi twitched the corners of his mouth, smiled awkwardly, and couldn't continue talking.

Wen Xingsu sat for a while longer, then stood up and left. The emotion in his eyes was well hidden. When he said "goodbye", he smiled gently at Pu Yangyi.


When he turned around, Puyangyi saw that those eyes were cold, even more distant than before...

She can't get into his heart.

This made her a little frustrated.

However, Feng Yun asked directly after Wen Xingsui left.

"The county prince is still interested in my eldest brother?"

Pu Yangyi's eyes flashed white, "But he's not interested in me. Even if it doesn't taste sweet, I can't even try to twist..."

Feng Yun looked sideways, watching the shadow gradually disappearing in the courtyard, and sighed silently.

"Then you come here, don't you really just want to see me?"

Pu Yangyi narrowed his eyes and smiled lazily: "Those who want to see it won't see it with me. They can only see you."

Feng Yun pursed his lips and smiled, lowered his head to drink tea, and asked casually as if he thought of something:

"When traveling to Xinzhou, I remember that you came with a mission. Why, Queen Mother Li didn't ask you to accompany her today?"

"She..." Pu Yangyi said this, paused, and added a smile to her tone, "I ate something bad, and I have been very unwell for the past two days. I don't want anyone to accompany me, so I got comfortable. , you don’t have to follow her all day long, look at that clear face, it seems like you owe her money..."

Being familiar with Feng Yun, Pu Yangyi dared to speak.

Feng Yun smiled and said, "What's wrong with Her Majesty the Queen Mother?"

Pu Yangyi shook his head, "Who knows? She often sees her gagging and her face looks very ugly, can ask my uncle, he took the Queen Mother's pulse."

Her great-uncle was the imperial physician Ling Puyang Li.

After sitting for about a while with a cup of tea, Puyang Yi took the people away.

Feng Yun returned to his room. There was no one else in the room except Da Man and Xiao Man. Ao Zai was taking a nap by the fire. His fur was washed clean. The food had been improved recently. He seemed to have gained weight, became stronger, and looked more shiny. Shine.


Feng Yun leaned forward and thought carefully about the incident, stroking Ao Zai's fur, reading and thinking.

Pei Ran was practicing in the yard.

Through a beautifully carved flower window, one can see his tall and tall figure dimly dimmed in the night, and the Piyong Sword seems to come alive in his hands. Each move, each move, like a dragon emerging from the water, vigorous and fierce, the man and sword merge into one, full of power and beauty...

He seemed tireless.

again and again.

How much energy is there that can’t be vented?


When Pei Madang came in, Feng Yun had already washed herself and was sitting in front of the makeup mirror. Her black hair was slightly hanging down and her pajamas were half taken off. She tilted her head and turned her face sideways, checking the marks on her neck in the mirror. Her whole body was incredibly soft.

"Why aren't you sleeping yet?" he asked.

Feng Yun didn't look back: "I don't feel well."

Pei Madang stiffened slightly and slowly walked closer to look at her in the mirror.

"What's wrong?"

Feng Yunfei raised a glance, "What do you think?"

Pei Man lowered his eyes and his eyes fell on the red mark on her neck. His eyes were slightly hot. He held her in front of him and probed his forehead. He didn't see any heat. Then he lowered his head and looked into her eyes.

"Where do you feel uncomfortable? Do you want Puyang Jiu to come and take a look?"

"No need..." Feng Yun hesitated, looking a little absent-minded.

"I'm just a little flustered and short of breath, nothing else. I took Dr. Yao's medicine at that time and felt pretty good. After leaving Andu, I haven't seen Dr. Yao for a long time. I'm afraid I have a heart problem..."

Pei Ran knew about Dr. Yao Ru, the neighbor of Huaxi Changmenyuan.

He didn't say anything more, turned around and went out.

When he came back, he told him, "I ordered people to go to Andu and pick up Dr. Yao at night."

Feng Yun groaned, as if he had only realized what he was doing.

"Why are you so domineering?"

Pei Madang looked at her deeply, his dark eyes were deep, with obvious scrutiny, but he didn't ask a single word. He took a change of clothes and went to the clean room. He didn't call Qian Sanniu to wait on him, and washed himself. When he came out, Feng Yun was still in front of the makeup mirror, with a frown on his face.

He walked over and said, "Go to sleep."

Feng Yun saw that his face was sullen and his body was very tense, so he curled up his red lips.

"General, I have a question..."

Pei Ran said calmly: "You can go if you want, without my consent."

Feng Yun was stunned for a moment, and then realized what he was talking about.

"General, you think I want to talk about tomorrow's banquet?"

Pei Ran looked sideways at her without saying a word, but "Isn't it" written on his face?

This expression made Feng Yun slightly lift his lips, "I want to go, but it's definitely not to see Xiao Cheng..."

He put his hands around his waist again and looked up, "Aren't you afraid that Queen Mother Li will force you to stay?"

Pei Madang saw her pretending, and suddenly bent down to pull her up, lifted her chin, and kissed her hard.

Before Feng Yun finished speaking, he was a little reluctant and beat him gently.

The door was not bolted.

Daman and Xiaoman may come in at any time...

The man was a little selfless and kept kissing her until she was breathless. Then he picked her up and placed her on the soft couch, entangled her fiercely.

At first, she was still somewhat rational, but soon she softened, running her fingers through his hair randomly, trembling uncontrollably...

"want you."

She didn't say she wanted me, but she wanted you. That possessive, a bit wanton emotion made Pei Madang narrow his eyes slightly.

"Isn't it uncomfortable?"

"It would be nice if there was an antidote." She put her head on his neck and rubbed it weakly. When he didn't move, she bit him angrily.

She was very delicate, and his bite didn't hurt, but Pei Madang made her unbearable, so he kissed her comfortingly and said, "Wait."

This time he was very self-conscious. Without her urging, he closed the door and found a piece of cloth. Without bothering her much, he released the already wild beast into the jungle, playing in the mountains and entangled in the dense streams.

However, the bitter consequences of insufficient preparation soon came.

This time it was very difficult. Feng Yun was shaking all over, frowning, and kept beating him.

"It's almost done, it's almost done." Pei Man lowered his head and kissed her soothingly, sweat dripping from his forehead. It took him a while to make up his mind, and in the midst of her low, animal-like scolding, he worked hard...

Feng Yun gave a soft cry, and his hands dropped weakly, no longer grabbing him, but his body felt as hot as anything.

"I seem to... really have a fever."

"Well..." His eyes were red, which really made her feel hot.

The girl tonight was particularly affectionate, the temperature seemed to melt him, and she wouldn't let go. He shook unconsciously twice before restraining himself, until she raised her neck and screamed again, hitting him and scolding him. Pei Gou then pressed her hand, clasped his fingers together, and gave her crazily and lustfully.

"Waist waist..."

Feng Yun responded vaguely, hearing him panting and shaking badly.

"Pei Ran... you are going to die, so..."

Her curse choked his mouth, leaving only hoarse sobs.

The lights were dim and the vision gradually blurred.

In that tidal wave of impact, Feng Yun lost all consciousness in his mind. He only saw the Piyong sword placed beside the couch. In the cold silver light, there seemed to be infinite power thrust into his heart...

This chapter was very difficult to write...

Feng Yun: It’s more difficult for me.

Pei Jue: It’s harder for me.

Chun Yu Yan: Who has it harder than me?

Ao Qi: Isn’t it harder for me who doesn’t appear in 10,000 chapters?

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