Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 281: Various kinds of entertainment

The Zhuhe River is misty and shrouded in light mist when it's still cold. At first glance, I thought I was back on the Jiangnan waterway.

The boat passed the ferry, and he jumped down safely. He turned around with an umbrella and respectfully asked Xiao Cheng.

"His Majesty."

Xiao Cheng glanced at him and said, "Your injury has not healed yet, why don't you rest for a few more days?"

He looked sideways at Ji Xiang and said, "Come here."

Ji Xiang glanced at the loneliness in Ping An's eyes, lowered his head, bowed to take the umbrella, held it on the emperor's head, kept a distance and respectful attitude, and moved forward silently.

Xiao Cheng was dressed in a loose casual robe and had a straight posture. He asked the guards as he walked.

"Did the scout tell her what her illness was?"

Xu Chi shook his head, "The guard camp left the city in the middle of the night and went straight to Andu to pick up someone. Some people speculated that the lady was happy..."

Xiao Cheng stiffened slightly, paused, and looked back sharply.

"There are Puyang and his son in Xinzhou City. How can we go to Andu and hire another doctor?"

There must be some reason why this should not be revealed to others.

Xu Chi made the emperor glare, but he suddenly became enlightened.

"The scout said it was Doctor Yao appointed by Madam..."

Xiao Cheng frowned: "Ayun?"

Her temperament is that she doesn't like to cause trouble to others. If she can tolerate anything, she will tolerate it and let it go. Even if she really catches cold, she will never deny Puyang Jiu and Puyang Li a doctor. They go to Andu to ask for a doctor. possible.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

Xiao Cheng seemed to have thought of something, his brows darkened, and he suddenly clenched his fists...

Could it be that she was really pregnant, and she didn't want Puyang and his son to know about it, and then be poisoned by Li Sangruo, so she turned to Dr. Yao, whom she knew well?

Thinking of this possibility, Xiao Cheng's heart suddenly burned.

In her previous life, Qu'er was also conceived three years later. Are she going to have a baby with Pei Ran now in this life?

He quickened his pace, as if he couldn't feel the mist and rain above his head at all. Jixiang held an umbrella and couldn't keep up even at a trot, and kept calling "Your Majesty."

Gongsun Jiong and Xu Chi were also stunned.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, the chariot is here, this way..."

"Where are you going, Your Majesty? The holy monk Jialu is waiting for you at Songya..."

Xiao Cheng didn't seem to hear him, and he was running in the cold wind and rain with long strides. But in a blink of an eye, half of his clothes were wet...


Yao Ru arrived at Xinzhou just before dawn.

The carriage was swaying and almost cost him half his life.

When he entered, Puyang Jiu was already inside.

Pei Ran sat beside the wooden couch, holding her hand around her and saying nothing. Feng Yun was lying on the bed with his eyes closed tightly, his cheeks flushed, but his lips were abnormally white.

Xiaoman called "Madam" twice, but she didn't respond, which made the little girl's eyes red with fear.

Pei Madang was also a little nervous, with a cold face.

"What's going on, madam?"

Puyang Jiu arrived just now.

Knowing that he had called Dr. Yao from Andu, Puyang Jiu was not in a happy mood and did not want to say more. He glanced at Yao Ru to see what he had to say.

Unexpectedly, Yao Ru glanced at Feng Yun and answered without checking his pulse.

"Reply to the general, Madam is just tired and fell into a deep sleep. It would be better to rest a little longer."

Puyang Jiu glanced at him, his eyes no longer showing contempt.

"My wife complained of palpitation and shortness of breath. I felt her pulse, which was heavy, thin, and weak. It was clearly due to stagnation of liver qi and disorder of qi and blood..."

Yao Ru cupped his hands towards him and smiled slightly.

"Master, when you take a pulse, you notice that Madam Cun Guan Chi's three pulses are smooth, fluent, and full of Qi and blood..."

Puyang Jiu raised his eyebrows, "So what?"

Yao Ru said: "Madam, this is the time when the Guishui River is coming. She feels unwell and gets tired easily."

Puyang Jiu smiled and said: "Doctor Yao is amazing if he can know a person's illness without knowing his pulse."

Yao Ru looked at the young man in front of him, his eyes changing again and again. It was obvious that he was extremely suspicious of him. He smiled softly and said gently:

"This is not really a skill, it's just because I have consulted with Madam and remember her childhood days."

Puyang made a sound of "Oh" and was also observing Yao Ru, who was dressed in plain clothes. I saw that his brows were soft, and his demeanor was not that of ordinary barefoot folk, and I couldn't help but be curious.

"May I ask, sir, where did you learn from him?"

Yao Ru calmly replied: "Father."

Puyang Jiu smiled, "It turns out that my husband has been practicing medicine for generations. Where are your ancestors?"

Yao Ru said calmly: "Walking from house to house just to have enough food is not considered a high achievement."

Puyang Jiu didn't quite believe it, but he was blocked and it would be rude to ask again.

He responded and clasped his fists at Yao Ru in an upright manner.

"Pingcheng Puyang Jiu, nice to meet you sir."

Yao Ru was slightly startled and returned the greeting with a smile.

"Nice to meet Mr. Puyang."

The two of them exchanged a few polite words and bowed in unison to say goodbye.

Puyang Jiu went home, and Yao Ru was arranged to stay in the guest room by Daman, who said he would consult the doctor after the girl woke up.

Although Dr. Yao and Puyang Jiu both said that Feng Yun was fine, but he was tired due to many worries and the menstrual period was approaching, so he lost energy and blood and fell into an especially deep sleep, they were not reassured.

Pei Madang didn't say much...

Because if it goes any further, he is the culprit.

Puyang Jiu and Yao Ru just saved face for him.

He caressed Feng Yun's sleeping face and kissed her forehead. His eyes curled up for a long time without making a sound.

She is always unable to control herself, and her self-control breaks down when she encounters her...

"General." Zuo Zhong coughed softly outside the door.

"Cuiyu sent someone to invite you, saying that Mr. Qi is having a banquet in Mingquan Town today. Please invite the general and his wife to go with him."

Pei Jue frowned, looking at Feng Yun who was sleeping soundly in the quilt, with only her little face exposed. He wanted to refuse her to attend, but when he thought about what she said last night, he swallowed his words back.

"I know."

Wait until she wakes up and decide for herself.


At dawn, the mist and rain dissipated, and the weather was exceptionally clear.

The golden sunlight shone down, and the earth looked like it had just been washed.

God gave both Jin and Qi a great gift.

The street outside the meeting hall was crowded with people, and each shop was busy with business. In the open space farther away, there were also sheds and stalls set up by locals, selling snacks and drinks, shouting hard under the warm winter sun.

It was a thriving and beautiful scene.

After Feng Yun woke up, she found out that Puyang Jiu and Yao Ru had both come to see her, and then they unanimously diagnosed that she was so tired that she fell asleep. At that time, she wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

"Where is Pei Jue?"

The name and surname almost scared Xiao Man.

Xiaoman bowed, "The general went out before dawn and said that the lady woke up and sent someone to tell him."

"No need to tell him. Let him die." Feng Yun sat up, hissed, supported her waist, and called Xiaoman after a while.

"Help me."

Xiaoman looked at her weakly.

"Miss, won't you take a rest for a while?"

"We are going to Mingquan today, why do we need to rest?" Feng Yun's voice was full of anger, which was the frustration of Pei Gou being too hard on her but not being able to find the real owner.

Xiaoman didn't dare to provoke her, so she helped her get up and change clothes, and said:

"Miss, should your makeup be more colorful today?"

This is the only way to cover up the fatigue.

Unexpectedly, Feng Yun flatly refused, "No, today's makeup should be more...sickly."

Sickly makeup?

This was a bit difficult for Xiaoman.

She called Daman, and the two of them struggled for half an hour before they helped a sickly Xi Shi beauty onto the carriage.

Feng Yun didn't wait for Pei Jue to come back, and went straight to Mingquan Town.

She made an appointment with Cong Wentian to go to see the sugar factory under construction today.

The wooden workshop was built very quickly, but Feng Yun had high requirements, which delayed the time.

She was not in a hurry. It would not be officially put into production until next year, and she had to finish this winter anyway. She reminded Cong Wentian of some details and slowly took a carriage back to the restaurant in Mingquan.

The sun fell on the wine flag at the door of the restaurant, and it was hot. The store was busy.

Nan Kui and Chai Ying were looking at the door, and they greeted Feng Yun with a smile when they saw her.

"Come on, Madam, come and see."

Feng Yun looked around and found that everyone on the street was looking like them.

"What are you looking at?" She was a little suspicious.

Nan Kui said: "Today, Qi Jun is hosting a banquet, and there are various entertainments, and everyone is having fun..."

Entertainments are popular in the south, with all kinds of strange costumes, lion dances, fire-breathing ceiling lights and music and dance performances.

Since it is called "Hundred Plays", there are all kinds of performances. From the palace to the people, everyone is enthusiastic.

Feng Yun looked at the excitement of the crowd and said nothing more. Just as she was about to turn around and go back to the house, she heard someone shouting "Here they come". She turned her head and saw a number of flat-headed carts passing through Yiguan Street, all pulled by props covered with blue cloth, and groups of performing artists were being sent to Yiguan.

"I heard that the King of Qi invited a monk from Tianzhu, who has many amazing skills."

"The monk can cut off his tongue, show it to everyone, and it can grow again."

"He can also cut off the head and put it back..."

"This is nothing, I have seen a great transformation in Jiangnan, the person in front of him flew away without blinking an eye..."

The crowd was talking enthusiastically and arguing loudly.

Nan Kui sneered: "These people are really, one by one, they speak as if they saw it with their own eyes."

Chai Ying said: "Madam will go to the banquet later. If she sees it, she will come back and tell us in detail. Then we will know whether it is true or not."

Feng Yun did not respond. She looked in the direction of the meeting hall and saw a thin figure in the crowd.

Tang Shaogong has a unique temperament. No matter where he stands, no matter how cheerful and enthusiastic the crowd is, he is surrounded by gloom, as if wrapped in a layer of ice that cannot be melted.

It's still early before the banquet. Why are you here so early?

Feng Yun lazily changed his sitting posture and said lightly: "Bring me my Yuanhen Mianmian and brew a cup."

Nan Kui and Chai Ying were watching the fun and didn't notice anything else. Jiang Yin was careful. She looked at Feng Yun and said:

"Madam doesn't look good today, but she is not feeling well. Why don't I make you a cup of health tea?"

Feng Yun smiled, "Okay."

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