Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 282 Everyone has their own agenda

The weather was fine, and everyone seemed to be in a good mood.

Cuiyu, Li Sangruo was still dressing up.

The breeze blew across her slightly pale face. She looked at herself in the bronze mirror for a moment, and then pointed at her cheekbones, "Put some more rouge here to make her look more complexion."

After being pregnant, she didn't eat well, didn't sleep well, and was anxious. She lost weight and looked sick.

Wherever Li Sangruo went, she had to have a delicate makeup. Even the red nail polish on her nails could not be wrong. The makeup girl was very careful.

"Where is the parrot sent by the prince?"

The queen mother suddenly asked, and the maid was stunned for a moment before she reacted.

"It's kept in the garden."

Li Sangruo lowered her eyes slightly, "Bring it to me."

On the night of the Cuiyu Night Banquet, the queen mother lost face, and she also disliked the bird sent by Chunyu Yan. She hadn't looked at it for so many days, but now she remembered it?

The maid didn't dare to ask more, and went out in response, and quickly brought the red-billed parrot over.

Li Sangruo didn't touch it, just took a look and said with a smile:

"It's lively and clever. Let's take it to Mingquan later."

The maid couldn't see through the Queen Mother's thoughts, so she picked up the bird cage and put it by the door, covering the cage with a layer of black cloth.

Chen Xi came over and talked about Mingquan Town, and the "Hundred Plays" prepared by the Emperor of Qi, and what fun things there were. Li Sangruo sneered at the things of the Southern Dynasty, but was somewhat interested in the Indian monk.

"Then I have to watch carefully, how he reforms."

Chen Xi smiled and agreed. Li Sangruo looked at him for a few more times and thought of Fang Fucai.

Fang Fucai had never said a word against her after being imprisoned in the Tiqi Division for so long.

Li Sangruo's desire to save him became stronger and stronger.

So he thought of Tang Shaogong, frowned, and asked Chen Xi.

Chen Xi said, "Mr. Tang went to Mingquan very early. He said that there were many people today, so he should see it clearly first."

Li Sangruo's eyes darkened slightly, and his palm unconsciously stroked his lower abdomen. Thinking of the plan that Tang Shaogong said last night, he couldn't help laughing.

"Why don't you go and prepare the car? I also want to go early to see the excitement."

Chen Xi responded and went down. Before he went out, he heard Li Sangruo calling him again.

"Wait! Is there any news about the general?"

Chen Xi turned around and looked at Li Sangruo with an awkward face, hesitating to speak.

"Dog slave." Li Sangruo hated his stupidity. He didn't have Fang Fucai's intelligence at all. "If you have anything to say, just say it. Be careful that I will cut your tongue."

Chen Xi felt a chill on his back and lowered his head in fear.

Others might say cutting the tongue is a joke, but the queen mother will take it seriously.

"I got the news that Chunchu Pavilion invited a doctor last night. It seems that the general's wife is pregnant. The general was very happy. He entered the camp early this morning and ordered to give the soldiers extra meals..."

He hesitated, and it was not right to say it, and it was not right not to say it. His heart was pounding with fear.

However, Li Sangruo was probably in a really good mood. He was not angry, nor did he blame. His eyes were dark and full of unpredictable smiles.

"She is pregnant, so I really have to congratulate her."


A stage was built on the south side of the middle dam of the meeting hall.

When Feng Yun built it, he thought that the meeting hall could be used later after the alliance was signed, and it just came in handy now.

Once the alliance was signed, it was rare to relax.

People from ten miles and eight villages all flocked here.

Even if they couldn't enter the venue to see what was going on, it was good to watch the excitement outside.

The imperial guards surrounded it with three layers inside and three layers outside.

Nan Kui and Chai Ying were both very curious, so Feng Yun specially brought them and Jiang Yin along, and there were a total of ten people including the entourage.

When Pei Jue came over, she was already ready, sitting weakly on the soft chair, which scared people.

Her little face was pale, without a trace of blood, and she looked like she had been ill for a long time.

"Why don't you rest at home?"

He didn't blame her in his tone, but Feng Yun pretended to be dissatisfied and gave him a look of self-understanding, with two rows of feather eyelashes trembling and brows frowning.

"General doesn't want me to go?"

Pei Jue looked at the entourage beside her.

With a cold glance, everyone bowed their heads in unison.

Pei Jue stood quietly without speaking. Feng Yun was a little breathless, raised her eyes to look at him, and supported herself, "I forgot to salute the general..."

Pei Jue bent down and pressed her shoulders, his eyes like torches.

"Are you really going?"

Their eyes met.

The sky was clear, his eyes were very bright, standing in the light and shadow, as if he could see into her heart.

After staring at each other quietly for a moment, Feng Yun kept smiling.

He loosened his palm, "Let's go."


The Hundred Operas on Zhongba was left empty. The surrounding corridors were all viewing areas, and the meeting hall was arranged as a music and banquet area. Singers and dancers shuttled in the side rooms from time to time, and everyone had a smile on their faces, which was very harmonious.

The banquet was still being prepared in the hall, and the Hundred Operas were about to begin.

The Feng family came early, bringing Feng Zhen, Feng Liang, and Feng Jingyao's two concubines, sitting under the corridor. The female family members looked happy.

The families of other envoys who could come also came.

In such occasions, Mrs. Chen was the most versatile, smiling at everyone she saw, and everyone praised her for her way of dealing with people.

When Feng Yun and Pei Jue entered the meeting hall, servants came to lead them, and the male and female guests sat separately. Pei Jue glanced at Feng Yun, hesitated, and Feng Yun smiled at him.

"I'll go say hello."

She was talking about the Feng family.

Pei Jue nodded, glanced at Ye Chuang, and left with the others.

Ye Chuang and several guards followed Feng Yun, Nan Kui, Chai Ying, and Jiang Yin.

The beauties were all good-looking, and when they appeared in front of the public, they attracted countless eyes.

Madam Feng stood up first and greeted Feng Yun with a smile without waiting for him to approach.

"Oh, my sweetheart, mother finally sees you, why do you look so bad..."

Before she finished speaking, she looked at the beauties behind Feng Yun, frowning slightly with dissatisfaction.

"These are all the general's concubines, right? You are really, why do you still carry these indecent things when you go out? Don't you pollute your eyes..."

"Madam." Nan Kui saw Feng Yun was silent, suddenly smiled, and bowed to her, "We are not the general's concubines, we are the lady's maids..."

Madam Chen's face was slightly gloomy, not looking good.

She just deliberately spoke so loudly just to embarrass Feng Yun, but she didn't expect to be choked back by Nan Kui.

"How dare you! Do you have the right to speak here?"

Feng Yun said, "It's not Madam Chen's turn to criticize my people."

She smiled and looked at the group of people in the Feng family. "Madam is showing off her power in her own family and not allowing my father to take a concubine, but she is very attentive to my uncle's concubines?"

The two concubines are very popular with Feng Jingyao.

As far as Feng Yun knows, they were given to my uncle by Madam Chen.

"Madam, you should take care of your own family. Don't worry about the affairs of the general's mansion."

When she looked at Madam Chen, her voice was very low, slow and light. Her tone was not very serious, but her tone was very cold. When everyone looked over, she smiled again, and Yingying weakly took Madam Feng's arm and personally sent her back to her seat, coughing as she walked.

"I caught a cold last night. I'm afraid that I will pass the disease to Madam, so I won't say more to Madam..."

After that, she bowed politely and walked towards the side of Jin Fang's family.

Who wouldn't say she has a good temper, is dignified and generous, and has talent and virtue?

She is a person who has made great contributions to the State of Jin. Although the imperial decree of the first-class lady of the state has not yet been issued, it is a foregone conclusion. Several women immediately stood up, saluted her, and called her "Lady of the State" with great respect.

Feng Yun smiled and gestured, "Everyone sit down, sit down and talk, don't be polite."

The women all laughed, "Madam is kind."

Feng Yun smiled but did not answer, and was led to the front facing the center of the stage.

Madam Chen's eyes turned red, and she gritted her teeth secretly.

Today's Feng Yun is no longer the female captive offered by Qi.

Apart from the identity of the general's wife, she is also a first-class lady of Jin, and no one can surpass her.

And her daughter...

Thinking of Feng Ying, Madam Chen felt a little headache, and her eyes subconsciously glanced at Daman.

Daman had originally lowered his head, and seemed to feel her gaze and looked over here.

The two looked at each other, she nodded slightly, and quickly avoided it.

Mrs. Chen felt relieved.

The little hoof's mother was in her hand, how could she dare not obey?

Looking at Feng Yun's paper-white face again, she raised the corners of her lips, and her fingers unconsciously followed the drum beats of the musical instruments and tapped twice...

"The King of Qi has arrived."

"The Queen Mother of Jin has arrived!"

Two shouts rang out one after the other.

Then, Xiao Cheng and Li Sangruo appeared together.

The two saluted each other, said a few polite words, and walked in side by side, followed by a group of servants.

Feng Ying walked behind Xiao Cheng. She was not as flamboyant as Li Sangruo, but gentle and virtuous. She lowered her head and did not wear a veil. From a distance, the makeup on her face seemed particularly thick, and both cheeks were painted red...

This is not the dress of a girl from the Feng family.

It seems that the golden boudoir guest has used it?

Feng Yun coughed lightly, and Daman immediately reacted and lowered his head to pour tea in front of her.

"Do you want to save your mother?" Feng Yun asked.

Daman's hands were shaking a little, and the tea spilled out. "Yes, the maid does."

Feng Yun asked again: "Do you want to be a legitimate girl of the Feng family?"

Daman hummed, her heart beating fast, "Yes."

Feng Yun said: "Then you have to do whatever I ask you to do today, are you willing?"

Daman lowered his head, not looking at others, his eyes staring at the tea soup, gradually getting hot.

"I am willing."

Today is the last day of January, see you in February~

Feng Yun: The New Year is coming, thank you sisters for the New Year gifts. I don't have much to thank you, you look at the people around me, who do you like, pick whoever you like?

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