Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 283: Murder of the Queen Mother

The principal took his seat and the show quickly began.

Shadow puppets, instrumental music, rap, acrobatics...

There were many family members of the envoys present, and there was no shortage of cheering people, and happy cheers could be heard from time to time.

One good show after another, it was very lively.

Under the stage shed opposite Feng Yun, a Jiaodian opera was being performed.

Two strong men, bare-chested, with long belts tied tightly around their waists, wearing a pair of wide-leg trousers, and wearing cocked-toed shoes, stood striding, fighting with their arms, throwing each other down, fighting, watching. It looks very brave and vigorous...

They roared continuously, like wild beasts in competition, and their rough breathing could be heard from a long distance away.

Nervous, exciting.

The female family members on the scene were blushing.

"Ah!" One man tightened his waist and abdomen, rushed forward and held the other tightly, pressing him under him. The air froze for a moment, and then enthusiastic applause broke out.

Feng Yun wiped his lips with a handkerchief and said, "Xiao Man, change your clothes."

She was a little tired of watching it.

It wasn't that these people didn't perform well, but that she suddenly disliked the gazes of these noble people.

In their eyes, these performers are not actually humans, and are no different from the monkeys held by monkey charmers on the streets...

She had also been a monkey and didn't want to watch it again.

After walking through the corridor, I saw Tang Shaogong outside the dressing room.

He stood there quietly, as if he was waiting for her.

"The general's wife."

Feng Yun approached with a smile, "Mr. Tang, what do you want from me?"

Tang Shaogong said: "The Queen Mother invites you. I wonder if it's convenient for you, Madam?"

Feng Yun was not surprised. He smiled naturally and said "honored", then followed Tang Shaogong around the corridor.

The crowd was all attracted by Baixi, and it was very quiet here.

There was no one around, and the high eaves blocked the skylight, making it look extremely dark and dull.

Feng Yun waited for a moment and saw Li Sangruo arriving late with two maids. He walked past her without blinking and pointed lightly.

"We'll talk from above."

There is a wooden observation deck overlooking the parliament building.

Talking on top can also prevent others from hearing you, and you can even avoid the eyes of the crowd just right.

Feng Yun designed it himself and knows the structure here very well.

She smiled lightly and followed Li Sangruo up the stairs.

The entourage was left under the observation tower, and Tang Shaogong stood firmly at the entrance of the steps. They were the only two on the stage.

Seeing that Feng Yun didn't take him to heart at all, Li Sangruo looked very relaxed and laughed suddenly.

"Ms. Feng. If you were not Pei Man's woman, the Ai family would like you and appreciate you."

There was no one else here, and Feng Yun was too lazy to act.

She looked directly at Li Sangruo, "So? Is jealousy all that's left now?"

Li Sangruo's expression changed slightly, "Why should the Ai family be jealous of you? The Ai family has something, but you don't."

Feng Yun pursed his lips gently and looked at her with a half-smile, "That's right, Her Majesty the Queen Mother holds great power and commands the world. How can I dare to compete with the sun and the moon for the light of my wife, the firefly?"

She said it politely, with disdain in her eyes.

Li Sangruo really admired her a little when he saw her like this.

There are probably few people in the world like Feng who can be so generous in front of her...


They must be enemies.

"I heard that you are happy. Is it true?" Li Sangruo looked at her coldly until Feng Yun showed a surprised expression on his face, then turned his head and said calmly:

"You shouldn't be pregnant with his child."

Feng Yun laughed, "What did the Queen Mother say? A court lady should not be pregnant with her husband's child, but whose child should she be pregnant with? A court woman is not as noble as the Queen Mother. She can have children with whomever she wants, including Song Shou'an, Whether it's Wei Zheng or any of the respectable sons of Tiqisi, as long as the Queen Mother is willing, regardless of whether they have wives or children at home, they will all be sent to the bed to have fun..."

Li Sangruo glanced over and landed on her face, gritting his teeth in anger.

"You are so brave! Did you know that with just these words, the Aijia can punish you?"

Feng Yun didn't even hesitate for a moment, smiling calmly and charmingly.

"The Queen Mother and I are not three-year-old children, so why bother playing riddles? If you had a way to punish me, you would have been punished long ago. If you don't punish me, is it because you don't want to? Let's be honest, you call me over, how are you going to deal with the murder of the Queen Mother? The blame falls on me?"

Li Sangruo was slightly startled, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

"I'm really falling in love with you more and more. Originally, I wanted to wait until you finished watching Baixixi. Since you can't wait, let's... let's do this..."

Before her voice fell, her eyes swiped across Feng Yun's face, and her expression suddenly changed. As if she was frightened, she staggered back a few steps and asked loudly:

"Ma'am, what are you doing?"

"You can't take the lives of the Ai family...ah..."

With a scream, Li Sangruo didn't give anyone a chance to react. Suddenly his legs went weak and he rolled down the stairs of the observation deck.

Screams were heard.

The group of palace attendants led by Tang Shaogong rushed over quickly, shouting loudly, but they were not seen to stop the Queen Mother's falling body. Only Daman and Xiaoman flew forward and stopped Li Sangruo.

"Queen Mother!"

The shouts startled the crowd in the distance.

Soon there was an uproar.

Feng Yun stood motionless, watching the farce.

Li Sangruo just rolled a few steps, and blood gushed out from under his skirt. Not only that, blood also overflowed from his lips, and in an instant, his clothes were stained.

"Hurry and declare the imperial physician!"

"The Queen Mother is injured!"

Amid everyone's frightened shouts, Li Sangruo pointed at Feng Yun.

"It was...she...pushed me."

"Catch her! Catch her quickly..." Li Sangruo was in heart-wrenching pain. His expression as he pressed his lower abdomen to endure the pain was full of madness and hatred. Along with the lines of tears flowing down his face, he was as crazy as a demon. .

"Where's Wei Zheng? Come quickly...catch her...and send her to Tiqisi for interrogation..."

"Ask her...ask her why she wanted to murder the Ai family..."

Feng Yun looked at her embarrassing performance indifferently, and then looked at the Imperial Army striding towards this direction, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips.

Pei Madang walked quickly in front of Ye Chuang and other guards. Without looking at the busy people on Li Sangruo's side, he walked straight to the observation deck and held Feng Yun's hand.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine." Feng Yun said.

Pei Madang frowned, "Your hands are very cold."

"My heart is even colder." Feng Yun thought for a while and looked at him sideways, focusing on his deep black pupils, with a hint of inquiry in his eyes, "She said she was pregnant with a child, yours."

Pei Ran asked: "Do you believe it?"

Feng Yun shook his head: "I don't believe it. I told him that you can't do it."

Pei Ran:......

He seemed to take a breath before saying: "Thank you."

"You're welcome. You were just joking." Feng Yun watched Li Sangruo being carried into the wing, and Pu Yangli hurried over with a medicine box, and suddenly smiled, "But our Queen Mother may really have one. A queen mother who is in court has to appear in front of people every day. If she is really pregnant, she will find an opportunity to have a baby to avoid being falsely accused, and by the way, she will use me as a scapegoat. It is simply killing two birds with one stone. "

She looked at Pei Ran, "I guess no one would believe that the Queen Mother would risk her own life and roll down the steps in order to frame me, right?"

Pei Ran looked at her quietly.

"Knowing this, you still came."

Feng Yun straightened his sleeves and his eyes were very sharp.

"The Queen Mother invites you, I can't refuse."

Of course she could have refused, but she didn't.

Pei Madang pursed his lips tightly and looked at her, "How are you going to end it?"

Feng Yun smiled and said, "You should ask Queen Mother Li about this, she was the one who started it..."

"But it's what you want to see." Pei Ran's eyes were very bright, but his eyes were so deep that they were almost opaque. "You pushed yourself into a desperate situation. Do you want to see how Xiao San behaves, or do you want to see me move for you?" war?"

He'd never said it that bluntly.

Feng Yun looked back at those eyes.

At this moment, I suddenly felt that Pei Madang had never been a rough and tumble person.

He has seen through everything.

"Are you unhappy then?" Feng Yun asked.

"You are my wife." Pei Ran frowned and looked at her, "You are me."

Husband and wife are one, both prosperous and destroyed.

Behind Li Sangruo is the Jin Dynasty, and what she challenges is secular authority.

Of course Feng Yun knew this, otherwise he wouldn't have done this.

"But she always wants to frame me, your wife. Even if I don't fight, can the general tolerate it?" Feng Yun smiled half-smilingly and raised his eyebrows, "It's better to remain silent, in order to maintain the dignity of the Queen Mother and the authority of the royal family. , a woman who sacrifices herself.”

This was the case in my previous life.

In this life, she wanted to hear what Pei Ran had to say.

"Will the general hand me over?"

She was smiling calmly, but in fact there was no trace of care on her face, but her almond-shaped eyes looked at him with eyes full of eyes.

"Let's go." Pei Ran held her hand tightly and slowly walked down the observation deck in full view of everyone.

At this time, more and more people are coming here.

The news that the Queen Mother was attacked spread quickly.

Some people say that the queen mother and the general's wife had a dispute, and the general's wife pushed the queen mother down the steps in a rage.

Now the Queen Mother is unconscious and may be in danger of her life...

The crowd was buzzing.

Pei Ran calmly held Feng Yun's hand and walked down facing those eyes.

The imperial army, Tiqisi, didn't take it seriously at all.

Feng Yun was leaning on his arm and was walking very steadily at first. But when he passed by the pool of blood left by Li Sangruo, he just glanced at it, and his heart palpitated for no reason. His mind went blank as if he was dizzy, and he subconsciously grabbed Pei Man's arm. .

"Yunniang?" Pei Ran's expression changed and he helped her steady, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay..." Feng Yun's sickly makeup today made her look weak. Let alone pushing people, she would probably fall down if the wind blew.

"General, it's important to go see the Queen Mother..."

At this point, her eyes were full of worry again.

"Doctor Yao is a master of wound medicine. He prepared the wound medicine that was delivered to Bingzhou last time. General, please send someone quickly to ask Dr. Yao to come and treat the Queen Mother..."

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