Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 284 Who wants to force the emperor to abdicate?

Doctor Yao arrived faster than Feng Yun expected. She was still sitting on the wooden couch in the wing, drinking the health tea brewed by Jiang Yin, and arrived at the meeting hall.

Feng Yun asked Xiao Man to call him over, rejected everyone, and explained a few words before letting Ye Chuang take him there.

Something happened to the Empress Dowager of Jin, her life or death was uncertain, and the banquet could no longer be performed.

There was no more singing and dancing, no more noise and laughter, and the atmosphere in the entire assembly hall became extremely solemn.

A group of Jin envoys were guarding outside Li Sangruo's wing, walking back and forth from time to time.

Qi State also sent people to ask what happened...

In front of Qi Fang, Jin Fang remained tight-lipped and didn't say much. But what happened at that time was shouted so loudly, how could it be hidden from anyone?

The crowd spread rumors.

Some people say that the general's wife is seeking personal revenge.

Some people say that the general's wife was in the Jin camp and assassinated the Queen Mother.

Some people even said that Queen Mother Li died of serious injuries and was dying...

Wei Zheng led Tiqisi's spies and asked about the situation.

The followers of Jiafu Hall said in unison: "It was the general's wife who pushed Her Royal Highness the Queen Mother off the observation tower..."

Pushing someone down the steps is a crime of murder.

The person she wanted to kill was the Queen Mother.

Wei Zheng couldn't pretend not to hear, he came over to ask for a meeting, but was rejected.

Zuo Zhong told him, "Madam is frightened and refuses to see anyone at this time. The general has said that if Master Wei has anything to do, he should go directly to him."

Is there anything Wei Zheng can't hear?

In the face of the dispute, Pei Ran chose Feng Yun and did not hesitate to confront the Queen Mother and the court.

This is not the first time, but the situation is obviously more serious than last time in Cuiyu.

There are envoys from the two countries here, and the Queen Mother's life is at stake.

Wei Zheng personally saw the blood on the wooden steps. It was so dazzling that it couldn't be fake...

No matter how crazy Li Sangruo is, he will not be in trouble with his own life.

He had the same idea as others, thinking that Li Sangruo said something to irritate Feng Yun, which caused her to accidentally push him...

But if things continue to develop, it will no longer be a matter of pushing people.

The Forbidden Army was guarding the corridor, and the guards of the Northern Yong Army were standing ready. Outside the assembly hall, there were a large number of Imperial Army and the Northern Yong Army stationed there.

The atmosphere was so tense that the air seemed to be filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke, and if there was even the slightest fire, it would explode.

I'm just afraid that a storm is coming.

Wei Zheng cupped his hands and lowered his eyes, "Then let the general's wife rest first, and Wei will conduct further verification."

Feng Yun heard the noise coming from outside from time to time.

She looked at Pei Ran and smiled, "He left. He was scared away by the general."

Pei Ran stood in front of the window with his back to her, his face not as relaxed as Feng Yun.

"I'll go over and take a look." After saying this, he was about to walk out, but seemed to think of something again and looked back at her, "Where is the dagger I gave you?"

"Jianshui?" Feng Yun smiled and lifted up his skirt and pulled out a delicate knife from his tied trouser legs.

It was the handful of water that Pei Madang had given him.

"I love it very much, so of course I have to carry it with me." Feng Yun smiled, stuffed it back, looked at Pei Ran calmly and said, "General, don't worry, I will take care of myself."

Pei Ran looked directly at her. For a moment, he raised his hand to lift her hair behind her ears, and then gently rubbed her cheek, feeling the warmth of his hand.

"Have you ever killed anyone?" he asked.

Feng Yun put his face into his palm, "Not before."

In other words, it cannot be ruled out that it will happen in the future.

Pei Ran said, "I'll teach you."

The two looked at each other.

It was only a short moment, but it was extremely long.

They saw the change of Xiao Qiang in each other's eyes, and the blood flowed like a river.

"Yes." Feng Yun pursed his lips slightly, with a gentle smile on his brows and eyes, "It may not be okay to kill others, but I can definitely do it to kill myself."

Pei Ran's face darkened slightly and he looked at her coldly, "No matter how dangerous it is, don't even think about that. As long as you are alive, I will come to save you."

Feng Yun hugged his neck and kissed him on the lips.

"Go ahead and I'll live well."

"No joking." Pei Madang was serious and stared at her, his eyes as sharp as ice.

Feng Yun suppressed his smile and nodded, "I took note of it."

Pei Ran then untied her hand and left. Feng Yun didn't know what he would do, but from the moment he personally took her down from the observation tower, she knew that Pei Madang would not let her go, at least not now.

The trajectory of this life is different after all...

Then, he would have to face many more storms than she would.

Li Zongxun was not in Xinzhou, but he sent Tang Shaogong, and there were many of his followers among the envoys. At a small scale, this matter is a dispute between women; at a larger scale, it is an "assassination of the Queen Mother" that will shake the foundation of the country...

A single move affects the whole body.

If Pei Madang insists on protecting her, Party Li will not tolerate it. From now on, there is no turning back. Splattering blood on the council is a trivial matter. What follows is likely to lead to endless killings and internal strife.

Pei Madang had predicted the risks and warned her in advance of the price she might have to pay.

Some roads, once walked, there is no turning back.


Outside Li Sangruo's wing, Yao Ru stood there without moving.

As soon as Pei Madang arrived, Ye Chuang came over and whispered softly.

"No entry allowed."

Pei Madang frowned slightly, "Who is not allowed in?"

Ye Chuang turned around and his eyes fell on Tang Shaogong.

Needless to say, he must have been the one standing in the way.

Pei Madang looked over coldly, "Can you afford to delay the Queen Mother's treatment?"

"General, stay calm."

Tang Shaogong looked over calmly, as if he was not frightened by Pei Madang's aura.

"The Imperial Physician is currently treating His Highness. There is no need for these charlatans for the time being..."

Yao Ru was not upset when someone said he was a charlatan to his face, he just smiled and held his hand in front of him.

Pei Ran snorted coldly, "Tang Shaogong, you are so brave."

This sound was so overwhelming that the imperial guards guarding the door tensed up in fear.

"How dare you despise Dr. Yao, who has treated thousands of Northern Yong soldiers? Get out of the way! I am going to meet the Queen Mother, otherwise..."

In full view of everyone, he put his hand on the hilt of the sword and stared coldly at Tang Shaogong.

"I suspect that you have bad intentions and intend to force you to marry me!"

The envoys were in an uproar.

The stalemate was broken by Pei Madang's actions.

What you say is not important, what you do is important.

The general came with his doctor and so many soldiers. He was not here to treat the Queen Mother. It was obvious that he was here to force her to marry.

Tang Shaogong looked at Pei Madang's solemn face and remained motionless.

"General, please forgive me. The Queen Mother has not yet awakened and cannot meet with you..."

"Hmph!" Pei Madang drew the sword so fast that Tang Shaogong felt his eyes flashing. Before he could see clearly, his neck felt cold and stinging.

"General..." Tang Shaogong took a deep breath, "Can you lend me a moment to speak?"

Pei Madang stared coldly and saw his chest rising and falling. He was nervous but did not lose his composure. He waved his hand.

"You guys stand down."

The guards stepped back more than ten steps, but Tang Shaogong still seemed to feel that it was not enough. He walked to one side, then turned around and held his hands. He waited for Pei Ran to come over and then quietly raised his head.

"What is the purpose of the general bringing the doctor here?"

Pei Madang stared at him and asked, "Why don't you let the doctor consult the Queen Mother?"

The two people looked at each other steadily.

After a moment, Tang Shaogong slowly spoke.

"It seems that the general has made a decision in his mind."

With Pei Man's temper, he never thought that he would go into such a big fight and insisted on embarrassing Li Sangruo.

"Are you doing this to support Madam?"

Pei Ran looked at him without saying a word, "Who are you?"

A diner at the Prime Minister's Mansion was indeed not qualified to question him. Tang Shaogong pursed his lips lightly, with a smile in his gloomy eyes.

"A servant is nothing. In his early years, he served as a consultant and joined the army under General Xie Xian, and he was quite trustworthy."

Pei Ran's eyes sharpened, and his expression instantly turned cold.

"Why surrender to Li Zongxun?"

"Didn't the general also become the general of the Jin court?"

After Tang Shaogong finished speaking in an understatement, he lowered his eyes and did not look at him.

"The blood feud has not been avenged, how can the general mess up his position for a woman?"

He glanced slowly over and stared at Pei Madang motionlessly.

"The general can hurt anyone, but never hurt Queen Mother Li."


Waiting is the most excruciating thing.

Everything in the wing was quiet. Feng Yun drank two cups of ginseng tea and his whole body felt like burning up.

"Ge Guang." She called her people, "Is there any news over there?"

Ge Guang hesitated for a moment, looked at the guards and the imperial guards outside the window, and said in a low voice: "Madam, I can't go out for the time being, but I just waited and looked, and there was no movement. I think the Queen Mother hasn't woken up yet..."

No movement?

Feng Yun's mind recalled Pei Ran's appearance when he left.

After a moment's hesitation, she stood up, gathered her clothes, and called the maid.

"Come and change with me."

When he got out of the door, he was blocked by the imperial army.

They didn't dare to obey orders and capture Feng Yun, but they also refused to let her leave. When they heard that she needed convenience, they went straight to bring her a pail.

"Madam is not allowed to leave here without an order from Her Majesty the Queen Mother."

Feng Yun's heart suddenly sank.

She was vaguely aware that something had changed.

But if you choose this path, the prelude has already begun, and sooner or later there will be a bloody storm. Li Sangruo would rather use her own life and the young life in her belly to persecute her, so it would be useless for her to lie dormant and fearful. She could only move forward slowly step by step...

Feng Yun lightly covered his stomach and forced a smile.

"Guard Ji."

Ji You was confronting the group of forbidden soldiers with angry expressions. When he heard the sound, he turned around and said, "Madam."

Feng Yun's face was pale and he said in a trembling voice: "I am extremely unwell. Could you please ask Guard Ji to tell the general, please, ask the doctor to come..."

Ji You's pupils dimmed, "Madam, wait a moment!"

See you tomorrow, sisters~~

Preview the third update tomorrow, first make up for the chapter I owed!

Feng Yun: Okay, speed up the pace, otherwise you will be torn apart by your readers!

Erjin: Then you can act it yourself.

Feng Yun: ...did I not act well? No wonder no one loves me.

Chunyu Yan: I’m not a human being?

Ao Qi: You are right, you are not human.

Chunyu Yan: ...Where is Pei Gou?

Feng Yun: He rebelled. Let’s change the male lead.

Pei Ran:......

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