Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 285 What to doubt

Ji You left, but the people from the guard camp were still standing outside the wing. They were tall, brave, and dedicated to their duties. Neither the Forbidden Army nor the Tiqisi could take a step forward.

The confrontation between the two parties aroused countless speculations.

In the short period of time he was waiting for Ji You to send the message, Feng Yun's mind turned around and countless thoughts flashed through his mind. She was fully prepared for good, bad, and different endings. Unexpectedly, the people who followed Ji You back were not only Dr. Yao, but also Puyang Li, but not Pei Mad.

"Madam." Daman called her in a low voice, "The imperial doctor is here."

Feng Yun was in a daze for a moment, "Where is the general?"

Daman looked at Puyang Li, and the imperial doctor looked a little hesitant, but his words were correct, "Her Royal Highness the Queen Mother has lost too much blood and is still in a coma. All the ministers are waiting outside. General Pei arrived just in time, and the general I can’t leave at this moment, so I have to come here to consult my wife.”

General Pei has arrived?

Feng Yun pondered for a moment, then rolled up his sleeves with a smile.

"Then I'll need the doctor's order."

Puyang Li sat down and placed three fingers on Feng Yun's wrist.

Yao Ru stood on one side and said nothing.

After a moment, Puyang Li retracted his hand, glanced at Feng Yun while stroking his beard, and said calmly: "Madam is weak, with liver stagnation and spleen deficiency, which has also exhausted her mind. It will take time to recover, so there is no rush..."

Feng Yun didn't know if the phrase "can't be impatient" contained any other meaning, but he couldn't see any malice on Puyang Li's face, but he could inadvertently detect a trace of hidden worry.

His son became close to Pei Ran.

The person who was most afraid of Pei Man falling out with the court was the imperial physician Ling.

Feng Yun thanked him with a smile and asked coldly.

"I wonder where the Queen Mother was injured?"

As a suspect under house arrest, Feng Yun asked from a standpoint.

Puyang Li obviously hesitated.

He was not a good liar. His face became hot for a moment, his eyes flickered away, and he looked around.

"No vital parts were injured. If you take more rest, you should be fine."

Feng Yun didn't want it to end like this.

She frowned, as if concerned.

"When I came down the steps just now, I observed that the blood stain was dark red in color and the amount of bleeding was quite large. His Highness must have been seriously injured? But when I thought about it carefully, there were no sharp spikes on the wooden steps, even if there were scratches , Come to think of it, there shouldn’t have been so much blood, it still flowed out from under the skirt..."

She stared at Puyang Li, her graceful appearance and her eyes were clear enough to see through the essence.

"It looks like hemorrhage, but Her Royal Highness the Queen Mother has been a widow for many years..."

She shook her head and laughed, "I was talking nonsense."

Puyang Li lowered his eyes in embarrassment, shook his sleeves, and saluted Feng Yun.

"There's nothing wrong with Madam, so I'll take the first step."

Feng Yun refused to let him go, "The imperial doctor ordered him to proceed slowly."

Although Puyang Li didn't say anything, Feng Yun already understood it completely.

As soon as Puyang Li left, Yao Ru stepped forward and apologized, "Yao is incompetent and did not help my wife."

"Dr. Yao, you're welcome." Feng Yun looked at him.

"According to your opinion, the Queen Mother suffered from minor labor hemorrhage?"

Yao Ru nodded, "It's almost the same."

Feng Yun suddenly felt cold all over.

An unformed child, just in front of her, in Li Sanruo's belly, became the victim of her mother's calculations.

He is unlucky. He was lucky again.

There is no need to come to this world and see the principles and morals fall into disarray.

"The Queen Mother really wanted to kill two birds with one stone by doing this cruel move. She really wanted to kill me."

The house is full of people.

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere was depressing and everyone's expression was condensed.

Ge Guang looked at Feng Yun and said: "General Pei came here in a hurry. He thought he had heard something, and his face was very ugly, so he called the general directly."

Yao Ru confirmed, "The little guy was over there just now, and he happened to see it."

Pei Chong was loyal to the Jin Dynasty, and there was no way he would allow Pei Mad to act recklessly. Especially in their eyes, Pei Mad's drastic changes in behavior were all because of her, a vixen...

Ah! The Pei family came at a really bad time.

Several people were talking, and footsteps came from outside the wing.

Ge Guang took a look and said, "Madam, the Imperial Army has withdrawn."

Feng Yun's eyes flashed slightly, and just as he was wondering what was going on, Ye Chuang came in.

He told Feng Yun with a happy face.

"The Queen Mother regained consciousness and said that it was a misunderstanding on the observation deck just now. It was because she was nervous and palpitated, accidentally slipped and fell, and misunderstood Madam."


With an understatement, the design frame-up was wiped away.

Feng Yun smiled.

No wonder everyone is sharpening their heads and climbing up. Because when you reach a certain status, it is no longer difficult to mistake a deer for a horse and confuse right and wrong.

Behind Ye Chuang, there was also Chen Xi of Xiaohuangmen. He was holding a sandalwood tray with a brocade box inside.

He raised his hands and said respectfully:

"His Highness heard that Madam was frightened, so he specially asked the villain to bring two century-old ginseng roots to replenish Madam's health. He also said that there was a misunderstanding just now due to impatience. Madam, please don't take it off. He would just take it as an apology to Madam. "

Feng Yun smiled slowly, "How can I blame Her Majesty the Queen Mother?"

Chen Xi didn't say much, smiled awkwardly, put down his things and left.

"Madam." Daman said softly: "What should I do now?"

Feng Yun smiled softly.

Obviously, Queen Mother Li is not the kind of person who is willing to make concessions.

Unless, she had to settle the matter and be forced to do so.

Beyond her sight, they must have reached some kind of tacit understanding -

If she was sensible, she should have let this matter go.

But she was not such a sensible person...

Feng Yun slowly stood up and walked to the window, and lifted the curtain slightly, only to see people coming and going outside, and a cool breeze blew on her cheeks, chilling.

"Don't worry."

She raised her hand slightly, and her fingertips gently pressed on her tied hair.

"I will definitely do what I promised you."


The Queen Mother woke up, and the Jin envoy made a special trip to Qi Fang to apologize for delaying the banquet, as if the "assassination incident" just now had never happened.

Qi Fang naturally congratulated.

The banquet's dishes had already been prepared, and the singing, dancing and musical instruments were also ready. Once the news came out, the performance went on as usual, and a small episode passed silently.

Feng Yun walked out bathed in the light of the corridor and found that the sky was dark and the sun had disappeared. The whole meeting hall was lit up, and it was far away and near, and it was full of mist.

She was a little dazed, and the sounds around her became blurred. Even Xiaoman's voice seemed to come from a very far away place in her ears...

From a distance, Xiao Cheng stood at the other end of the corridor and looked at her.

His handsome and tall face was indifferent.

He didn't seem to care about the situation of the two at this time. He lifted the corner of his robe and slowly walked towards Feng Yun.

Feng Yun didn't move and looked at him.

She found that the man in front of her had changed a lot.

In his previous life, the third son of Xiao was like a cloud in the sky, handsome but distant, like a banished immortal who did not fall into the mortal world. But at this moment, he was close to the fireworks of the world and had a human touch. But as an emperor, he seemed much more distant than others, indifferent, the whole person was indifferent, but there was an indistinct smile on his lips...

At this moment, Feng Yun thought a lot.

Until the scent of Xiao Cheng mixed with ambergris drifted into her nose, she realized that the peerless Xiao Sangongzi was in front of her.

"Lord Qi." She bowed.

Xiao Cheng looked at her, and ripples appeared in his black eyes, as if he was tenderly attached.

"Go back to Qi. A foreign land is not your hometown, and others are not old friends."

Feng Yun lowered his eyes slightly, full of mockery, but he couldn't laugh, and he didn't have much strength.

"Are you happy to see me laugh?"

Xiao Cheng was wearing a loose brocade robe, and his sleeves swayed slightly in the cold wind. He smiled calmly, as if he couldn't hear her sarcasm, and said softly: "If you don't want to follow me, you don't have to enter the palace. Whether you return to the Feng family or start your own business, I will do whatever you want."

Feng Yun was secretly shocked and raised his head.

This man looks gentle and elegant, but he is actually very domineering and self-centered. He is used to others obeying him, so how can he be submissive?

"You don't have to doubt anything." Xiao Cheng sighed tiredly, "I will return to Taicheng in a few days. Once I leave, if you stay in Jin, we will never see each other again..."

At this point, his throat choked and his eyes were lonely.

"Let's put aside the grudges between you and me for now. You have to think about it. Do you really want to leave your homeland and live under someone else's roof in Jin?"

Feng Yun looked at him and stood silently.

This face full of care is beautiful and extraordinary.

In her previous life, when she was treated coldly and insulted in Jin, she suddenly heard the care from her old friend and was moved to tears by this person's words...

But now it is hard to believe it.

"Mr. Qi is wrong." Feng Yun just smiled, her face was gentle, but every word was sharp. "In Mingquan Town, even if I wanted to, how could Mr. Qi take me away without anyone noticing, without causing Pei Cong's anger and causing disputes between the two countries?"

Xiao Cheng stood up straight and looked down from top to bottom.

"As long as Ah Yun is willing, I have my own way."

"Really?" Feng Yun heard the certainty in his tone. In the silence that was almost suffocating, Xiao Cheng held his breath and stared at her face intently, waiting for her answer.

Feng Yun slowly opened his lips after a long time, "If Mr. Qi is willing, why not help a little?"

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