Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 286: Tooth for Tooth

Xiao Cheng was slightly startled, and his fatigue was swept away.

"What do you want me to do?"

Feng Yun smiled slightly, "It won't be too difficult for the Lord of Qi."

Xiao Cheng was silent for a long time before he hummed, "You say."

The two of them had been engaged since childhood, and in their previous life they were a real couple who had worshipped heaven and earth. In Xiao Cheng's heart, Feng Yun was his wife, an existence that no woman could replace.

Every moment he saw her by Pei Jue's side, for Xiao Cheng, was like a slow death, and the pain was unbearable.

At this time, no matter what Feng Yun asked him to do or what he helped with, Xiao Cheng was very happy, even if it would cost a great price...

Besides, what Feng Yun asked him to do was really just a little help.

The assassination of the Queen Mother of Jin was originally a matter of the State of Jin, and the Qi side was not convenient to intervene.

But what if the Feng family was slandered?

The Feng family not only came from the Xuzhou Feng family, but was also a royal relative...

Xiao Cheng went back and told Xu Chi.

"Let someone spread the word that the Queen Mother of Jin had a miscarriage, and put the blame on the general's wife, and that she had the intention of colluding with Qi, intending to provoke a dispute between the two countries..."

Xu Chi was shocked, "Your Majesty..."

Xiao Cheng frowned and sighed, "Go and do it."

Xu Chi glanced at the emperor's eyebrows and knew that he had made up his mind. He didn't say anything more and took the order and went down.

Xiao Cheng asked someone to call Feng Jingting again, and he scolded him harshly.

"As a father, if your daughter is slandered and defamed like this, Lord Feng will not only ruin Ayun's reputation, but also the reputation of the entire Xuzhou Feng family and the Qi clan. Is Lord Feng really going to sit back and do nothing?"

Feng Jingting was stunned by these words.

If it weren't for Chen's obstruction, he would still be willing to have a close relationship with Feng Yun.

Especially with the marriage to Pei Jue, it would be beneficial to him...

But Feng Jingyao is the boss of the Feng family, and he, as a father, has no say.

However, if the emperor personally issued an order, it would be different...

He hesitated in his heart, but still wanted to confirm it again, "Your Majesty, are you asking me to come forward and support Twelve Niang?"

Xiao Cheng glanced at him lightly.

"Behind you is the Xuzhou Feng family and the Qi State."

Feng Jingting understood, and a hint of joy flashed in his eyes, and he bowed.

"I obey your order."

Xiao Cheng looked cold, and then said:

"Your Madam is eloquent, take her with you."

Feng Jingting was slightly stunned, and his heart was chilled.

The emperor had an order, and Chen dared not disobey, but privately, his wife was of course reluctant to help Twelve Niang.

He had to bear the wrath that Chen had suffered.


Chen was talking to Feng Ying in the room.

Just now, when Xiao Cheng left the table to see Feng Yun, Ningxiu asked about the news. At this moment, Feng Ying had obviously cried, her eyes were red and tearful, and she looked even more pitiful.

"This vixen!"

Mrs. Chen gritted her teeth when she mentioned Feng Yun.

"You're already married, but you still won't stop. You're not satisfied until your marriage is ruined..."

"Mother, don't blame my elder sister." Feng Ying held Chen's hand, shook her head with red eyes and smiled bitterly, "It wasn't my marriage, I forced it, I can't blame her, and I can't blame your majesty..."

"You!" Mrs. Chen was angry, "What can I say about you..."

Looking at her daughter's crying look, the mother's heart was broken, but before she finished speaking, Chen's eyes were attracted by Feng Ying's face again.

"What's wrong with your face? Does it hurt?"

She reached out to touch it, but Feng Ying avoided it.

"I think it's because I put on heavy makeup today, so I feel uncomfortable. I just washed it off. It will be fine after two days of rest..."

Mrs. Chen narrowed her eyes, "How is it for you, Jin Guike?"

Feng Ying said, "My skin is indeed more delicate, but..."

She stroked her cheek, her eyelashes trembling slightly, "The place where my eldest sister scratched it that day is a little swollen."

Mrs. Chen felt that she was a little impatient.

No matter how good it is, the maid should use it for a while to see the effect. But as a mother, she understands her daughter best. Ah Ying wanted to get Xiao Cheng's attention and love so much that she didn't care about anything else.

She couldn't bear to be harsh, so she asked Ningxiu to bring the ointment and applied it to Feng Ying herself, and then she suppressed her dissatisfaction in her heart.

"If you put up with her for a few more days, you will go back to Taicheng with His Majesty. After you go back, you will be His Majesty's closest person. With your uncle in Beijing, no matter how many concubines enter the harem, they will not be able to surpass you..."

"Mother!" Feng Ying didn't know what she was thinking, her heart was beating hard, "Do you think His Majesty has made up his mind to take the eldest sister back?"

Hmph! Madam Chen sneered.

"Even if he wants to, what can he do? That slutty fox has seduced Pei Jue to death, and there is no way he can let go. Even if Xiao San wants it, can he still raise an army to rob her? You can rest assured."

Feng Ying agreed, but she was still angry in her heart.

The mother and daughter talked about private things, and they couldn't help but mention Wen Xingsu. Chen scolded him angrily again, and Feng Jingting came back.

"Pack up and come with me to see the Queen Mother of Jin."

Chen was still angry, and squinted coldly, "Why should I see her?"

Yingchuan Chen is a century-old family, a family of scholars and officials. Madam Chen always looked down on ordinary noble families. Even though Li Sangruo was the queen mother, in her eyes, she was just a small branch of the Longxi Li family, a small family...

Feng Jingting saw her madness and felt that Xiao Cheng was right.

If she wanted to cause trouble, she had to bring her wife with her.

"Go and support Twelve Lady."

After hearing what he said, Madam Chen exploded on the spot.

"That little bitch is causing trouble for herself, but didn't she say she would not have any contact with her family? Why, now she has to rely on us? No matter what, whoever wants to go can go..."

Feng Jingting's eyes darkened slightly.

"Madam, this is an imperial edict."

Mrs. Chen choked up and almost passed out.

She could look down on the Queen Mother of Jin, but she didn't dare to ignore the imperial edict of the Emperor of Qi...

"Go, mother." Feng Ying struggled with her eyes, and her voice was as gentle and gentle as possible, "My eldest sister was bullied, and it was also the face of the Xuzhou Feng family... Even if there is no such relationship, father, as a minister, must make His Majesty feel at ease, right?"

Xiao Cheng felt at ease, so he would not miss Feng Yun.

Mrs. Chen looked at her daughter and her anger was released.

"I really owe her!"


A quarter of an hour later, Feng Jingting and his wife went to visit the Queen Mother Jin with the order of the Emperor of Qi and two doctors of Qi. They said:

"I heard that my daughter offended the Queen Mother, so I came here to apologize. I followed the order of the Emperor of Qi and brought the best doctor of Qi to see the Queen Mother."

He was very polite in his official career.

Mrs. Chen was different. She played her fierce role and was a good mother.

She was still outside the door when her high voice came in.

"It's all over the place. It's said that my daughter pushed the Queen Mother of Jin off the lookout? Ha! I thought it was just jealousy in the backyard, but the rumor has spread and it has become that the daughter of Feng from Qi assassinated the Queen Mother of Jin. This is terrible. If we don't figure it out, how can our Feng family survive in the future? Do you really have no face?" "Today, no matter what, we have to give our Feng family an explanation." A shrew has her own way of getting angry. As soon as the voice came out, there was silence around, and no one dared to answer. After all, they were not from Jin. No matter how majestic the Queen Mother of Jin was, she couldn't beat up the envoy and his wife from Qi who came to visit her, right? The soundproofing of the wing room here was not good. Li Sangruo heard Chen's voice clearly without anyone else telling her. "What's going on?" She was so angry that she almost fainted. She looked at Tang Shaogong weakly and gritted her teeth. "Didn't they say... that once the matter is over, there will be no further investigation? What's wrong with the Feng family..."

Tang Shaogong frowned.

Who would have thought that Feng Jingting would interfere?

Listening to Chen's sour words, Li Sangruo was so angry that she clutched the quilt tightly, and her arms were shaking.

"I am willing to make peace with her, but she won't let me go. What's the reason? Where is the general..."

She looked around, her eyes full of mist.

Waking up in pain, she was extremely weak both mentally and physically at this moment, and the person she wanted to see most was Pei Jue.

"Uncle Shaogong, didn't you say that the general would come to see me?"

Tang Shaogong's eyes were cold, and there was no warmth in her pain.

"When your highness was unconscious, the general came to see you."

Li Sangruo was overjoyed, "Really?"

Tang Shaogong nodded, "Ao Qi took General Pei to Mingquan, and they want to talk. I'm afraid he can't come for a while..."

Li Sangruo was so angry that his throat tightened, "How should we deal with the Feng family? Just let them make a fuss there?"

Before Tang Shaogong could answer, Chen Xi came in with a pale face.

"Your highness... the general's wife is here."

Li Sangruo was angry when she heard Feng Yun's name, "What is she doing here? Does she still have the face to come to see me?"

Chen Xi bit her lower lip, and was somewhat afraid to speak in the wrath of the Queen Mother Li.

Tang Shaogong was still calm, "Speak."

Chen Xi responded, bowed and said, "The general's wife also brought a doctor, saying that...she wants to confront your highness in court, restore the truth, and restore her reputation."

It's not enough to apologize privately, but she also needs to issue an order to admit her mistakes?

Li Sangruo didn't even think about it, "Let her go! Who is she? Is she worthy of confronting me in court?"

Chen Xi was so scared that his legs went limp and he almost knelt down on the spot.

Tang Shaogong pondered, "She is a first-rank lady of the state."

Li Sangruo was speechless in an instant.

The boundless hatred spread to her mouth, and her teeth were almost sore.

Step by step, the daughter of the Feng family pushed her too hard.

Chen Xi bravely said: "The Feng family is overbearing and refuses to give up. Madam Chen has a loud voice, and has attracted many people at this time. There are people outside, and someone is saying..."

"What are they saying?"

"It is said that the doctor saw the blood stains on the observation tower, which is very strange. It is suspected that the Queen Mother had a miscarriage..."

Li Sangruo's mind was blank in an instant, and her eyes were bloodshot.

It turned out that issuing an order to admit the mistake was not Feng Yun's purpose.

The daughter of the Feng family also wanted to make her lose her reputation and suffer the ridicule and accusations of the world...

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