Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 287: Counterattack

"No, I can't go out! I can't see the doctor they brought."

Li Sangruo lost his composure. His sharp gaze swept over everyone's face, showing panic, and his body was shaking constantly because of his weakness.

"Uncle Shao Gong, you speak, you speak."

When you are desperate, what you fear most is responsibility. At this moment, she wished that someone would stand in front of her and take the responsibility for the whole thing.

"Didn't you agree? You also said that this is a good plan. Not only can it separate Feng and the general, but it can also make the general pity me more and feel sorry for me... Why, why does it become like this?"

Tang Shaogong's eyes were cold and there was no wave on his face.

"Your Highness, calm down."

"Calm down? How do you tell Yijia to calm down?"

It's one thing to raise a face in private, but it's another thing to blame Mrs. Yipinguo for being pregnant and having a miscarriage, leading to Qi Fang being held accountable.

How will she meet the ministers and face her little emperor in the future?

Li Sangruo stared at Tang Shaogong.

"Uncle Shao Gong, aren't you the most resourceful? Please tell me how we can calm down the incident so that Feng Twelfth Mother will no longer be entangled..."

"Your Highness." Tang Shaogong looked at Li Sangruo's panic and thought of Pei Madang's inhumane face.

Indifferent, heartless, and not giving any face.

After he confessed frankly, there was still only one sentence.

"For the sake of morality and justice, you are still unwilling to give in, let alone my wife? If you are wronged, you must punish it."

Tang Shaogong agreed with the plan of killing two birds with one stone.

But the development of the situation was not what he imagined.

Pei Ran accepted death and was unmoved at all.

His cognition only has two sides.

On one side is Feng Twelve Niang.

On the other side is someone other than Feng Twelve Niang.

When Feng Twelve Niang is not involved, he is Pei Mad. Pei Mad is sober and will consider the overall situation.

When it comes to Feng Twelve Niang, his logic revolves around that woman and excludes all other factors...

There was a confrontation just now. If Pei Chong hadn't arrived just in time, Pei Madang would have led his troops to break in on the spot, making it impossible for Li Sangruo to get off the stage.

Tang Shaogong's mood was fluctuating, and seeing Li Sangruo going crazy, he even had a headache.

"The matter has come to this, and it will not help His Highness to cry. It is better to retreat and settle for the next best thing..."

Li Sangruo glared at him, his expression as ferocious as an angry female animal.

"How do you want the Aijia to retreat? I have already apologized to her, with my face on the ground, what else do you want from me? She took away my Pei Lang and forced me to grant her the title of First-Rank Lady. She has already gained so much So much, why are you still not satisfied? Do you have to sacrifice your life to pay for it?”

Her shame was visible to the naked eye.

Jealousy too.

Under Tang Shaogong's cold gaze, there was nothing to hide.

All said and done, what she cared about the most was not being able to marry Pei Ran.

"Your Highness, please be patient for now." Tang Shaogong said: "No matter what she gets, there is one thing that she cannot take away. The bond between the general and His Highness is unparalleled..."

Love, love.

What's the relationship?

Li Sangruo himself didn’t believe it.

"How long do you want to coax me? If the general really cares about me, how can he be so aggressive that he will force me to death?"

"The general is unwilling to let His Highness die." Tang Shaogong looked at Li Sangruo, with a rare gentleness in his eyes, and his voice was much softer, "Your Highness, calm down and think about it, you have done so many things to Feng Twelve Niang, General. Apart from being angry, have you really done anything to His Highness?"

Li Sangruo was startled.

Tang Shaogong saw her calm down and lowered his eyes.

"The general will take care of the relationship."

Li Sangruo couldn't see any trace of lying on Tang Shaogong's face, and he felt relaxed.

"Then what should the Ai family do now?"

Tang Shaogong said: "Your Highness, dress up well and don't let anyone see any flaws. Just bow your head to the Feng family and act small, it will give the Feng family enough face."

Li Sangruo gritted his teeth, "Delusion..."

"Your Highness!" Tang Shaogong looked over coldly and reminded her, "Your Highness, the more you show weakness, the more the general will feel sorry for you and the more he will hate Feng. Thinking of this, does the anger go smoothly?"

A quarter of an hour later, Li Sangruo met with the Feng family.

She was wearing neat makeup and sitting on a soft couch. She looked slightly tired, but there was no sign of a miscarriage.

Facing the questioning from the Feng family, her attitude was even more sincere.

"The Aijia seemed to be possessed by evil spirits at that time. There was a voice in my head repeatedly, which kept saying, it was the general's wife who pushed me down..."

When you can't explain clearly, you blame everything on ghosts and evil spirits.

As for whether it was a miscarriage or not, as long as Puyang Li keeps her mouth shut and she doesn't admit it, no one can blame her.

"I misunderstood you, madam. It's the Ai family's fault. Mr. Feng, I'm sorry."

In front of the Feng family, Li Sangruo stood up again, walked to Feng Yun, and bowed deeply.

"Madam, please forgive Ai Jia for being temporarily lost in thought and talking nonsense."

The empress dowager, who is so majestic in court, has such a low profile, and if she continues to pursue her, she is the fault of the Feng family.

Feng Jingting looked over, a little embarrassed.

Even Mrs. Chen shut up, her anger had nowhere to vent.

No one thought that a person as proud and arrogant as Li Sangruo could bow his head like this.

"Your Highness the Queen Mother shames me. How can a woman afford Your Highness to apologize so little?" Feng Yun said guiltily, hurriedly supported Li Sangruo, and said in a more humble and weak tone than her:

"It doesn't matter if others misunderstand my wife. My wife has a bad reputation, and it hasn't lasted for a day or two. Let's just let this matter go. No one should mention it again..."

Li Sangruo breathed a sigh of relief, and Feng Yun frowned.

He looked around with a nagging look in his eyes.

"However, you should not be careless when it comes to evil spirits."

She looked at Tang Shaogong again, her eyes so clear that there was no trace of falsehood.

"How dare the evil spirit come to the Queen Mother's body. If it is not eliminated, it will probably affect the country! Your Highness, this evil spirit must be eliminated!"

Push the boat along with the current and turn an army against him.

Feng Jingting was drinking tea with his head down and almost choked when he heard the sound.

Everyone knows that "being evil" is just an excuse that Li Sangruo gave himself.

Not only Li Sangruo, but also Feng Jingting did not expect that Twelve Niang would be such a vengeful person.

He coughed twice and asked cooperatively, "Does Ayun have any clever ideas?"

"Father is confused!" Feng Yun looked at her angrily, and then looked at Li Sangruo sincerely, "Your Highness must have heard that Qi Jun invited an eminent monk from Tianzhu with boundless power. As long as he is here, no evil spirit can be revealed quickly. ?”

Remove the tricks as you see them, and then make new ones.

Underneath Feng Yun's calm tone was cold persecution.

The most feared thing in the world is ghosts and evil spirits. This is how her mother was forced to death by them...

Li Sangruo also wants to use evil spirits to escape? Don't even think about it!

When Feng Jingting heard this, he smiled and said that he would immediately report to the King of Qi and respectfully ask Master Jiafa to do something to eliminate evil spirits from the Jin Kingdom.

Li Sangruo and Tang Shaogong knocked out their teeth and swallowed them, so they had no choice but to accept the offer.

As soon as the Feng family left, Li Sangruo cursed loudly.

"Why is Ms. Feng Twelve like a dog, biting and refusing to let go..."

Tang Shaogong lowered his eyes and said, "Your Highness, please be patient. You have no worries in your heart, so why are you afraid of Master Jiafa?"

Li Sangruo choked.

Terrified, I lay softly on the couch and cried silently.

"Where is the general? Why haven't you come to see me yet..."


Pei Madang and Pei Chong were talking in the back room, and the door was closed tightly, making it airtight.

No one knows what the father and son said.

Ao Qi accompanied her mother and waited in the outer room. The longer she waited, the more impatient she became.

"How long will grandpa and uncle continue to talk? Why haven't they come out yet?"

Mrs. Ao frowned and looked at her irritable son.

"Why are you in a hurry? Just wait and see."

Ao Qi is a junior and has a high authority, so he will not be able to leave no matter how much he suffers.

"Grandpa doesn't want to punish uncle, does he?"

"Take care of yourself." Mrs. Ao had a sullen face, vaguely guessing her son's worries, "That aunt of yours is not a worry-free person. She usually acts recklessly, but she dared to push the Queen Mother. I think she is eating it. A bear’s heart but a leopard’s courage…”

"She didn't push it." Ao Qi frowned and looked at her mother with disapproval, "My aunt is kind-hearted and would not take human life. What's more, she is not stupid..."

Seeing that her mother's face was getting more and more ugly, Ao Qi's voice became quieter and quieter.

But he did not stop talking and responded stubbornly: "Even a person as stupid as a pig knows that there is no good fruit in pushing the Queen Mother, let alone her? How can she find trouble for herself if she is so smart?"

"Humph!" Mrs. Ao was always wary of Feng Yun who seduced her son. She was even more annoyed when her son spoke for her. "Just watch, I don't know how much trouble this will cause for your uncle..."

What Mrs. Ao is most worried about is not that Feng Yun causes trouble...

Instead, Pei Ran stood on her side, his ears so soft that he might not be able to control his family.

If she and her father hadn't arrived in time, he would have led his troops to break into the Queen Mother's residence.

What a heinous crime this is...

Mrs. Ao was slightly scared.

"If you are a hen in the morning, your family will be ruined."

Ao Qi suddenly changed his expression, startling Mrs. Ao, thinking that he didn't like hearing what she said about Feng Yun. Unexpectedly, he suddenly turned around, suddenly went over and opened the door, and called the two servants in the corridor with a dark face. female.

"Come here."

The two maids were startled.

Looking at each other, they walked respectfully to Ao Qi and saluted.

"General Ao."

Ao Qi asked: "What are you talking about?"

The maid lowered her head, "Said... said that the Queen Mother rolled down the observation tower because there was something evil at work. The general's wife asked Mr. Qi to come forward and asked Master Jiafa to help catch the ghost..."

Ao Qi still didn't know what happened to Queen Mother Li. After listening to the maid's words, he realized that Feng Yun had borrowed Xiao San's help.

"I gonna go see."

His face was ashen, and his eyes were as sharp as that little wolf cub's, shining brightly.

The two maids were quarreling and did not dare to say anything, but Mrs. Ao was furious.

"Nie Zhang, stop right here!"

"Mom!" Ao Qi frowned and turned around, "It's simply unreasonable for you to take my uncle away and let her deal with the Queen Mother alone. I have to help her!"

"Do I need your help? What is your identity?" Mrs. Ao stared, wishing to dig out the donkey's brain and clean it thoroughly.

"Xiao Qi, you are not a child anymore, and you can no longer be so willful in doing things. You have to think about yourself instead of your parents' face. If your little thoughts are spread, no decent girl will dare to marry in the future. Come to Ao’s house?”

"I have no intention of marrying! I am not the only one who wants to marry. I am not the only son in the Ao family. If we want to continue the family line, don't we also have Zuo?" Ao Qi didn't listen to his mother's words at all. After saying it fiercely, he didn't Seeing Mrs. Ao's furious expression, she opened the door forcefully and rushed out like the wind.

He was very nervous.

Feng Yun was not in the wing.

The guard told him, "Madam has gone to see Master Jiafa to catch ghosts."

Ao Qi's heart trembled, and he felt that the direction of the incident was a bit strange.

Feng Yun hated Xiao Cheng so much, why would he join forces with Xiao Cheng?

And if Xiao Cheng didn't have any benefit, how could he help?

Thinking of this, he was flustered and couldn't help but speed up his pace.

The third update is here, a little late...

Feng Yun: I counted, there are six points at this point.

Ao Qi: Don't be afraid, girl, I'm here to help you.

Xiao Cheng: What's the point of you coming here, can you catch ghosts or exorcise evil spirits?

Ao Qi: I think you are a ghost, and you have something to hide!

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