Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 288: Hatred for Many Years

The bloodstains on the wooden steps of the observation tower have been cleaned.

The Indian monk had a piece of green cloth covered on the stage, and an incense table was set up under the stage. Except for the monk's disciples, the crowd watching would be isolated by the imperial guards at least three meters away...

There were constant exclamations on the scene.

Every time Master Jiali unveiled the green cloth, the person on the stage was different, with different clothes, faces, and even genders. This was like a magic spell like psychic communication, which made the onlookers' hair stand on end and sweat coldly.

"Is there really an evil spirit?"

"It changes every time, it must be an evil spirit."

"Does it have to change ninety-nine eighty-one times before it can show its true form?"

"The Indian monk is really amazing. I have never seen such a powerful magic in ordinary ceremonies..."

"I feel uncomfortable when I think there are these dirty things in the council hall."

The onlookers were talking in a low voice. Ao Qi walked along the observation tower for a while and found that more and more people came to watch, but Feng Yun was not in the crowd.

He was getting more and more panicked. When he saw Ge Guang, he immediately rushed over and grabbed his arm.

"Where's the girl?"

Ge Guang startled him.

The tightness on his arm and Ao Qi's absent-minded voice made him confused.

"Master Tianzhu said that the evil spirit was from nowhere, and it was not known whether it was the queen mother or the girl who brought it. Both of them must go to the observation deck to force the evil spirit to show up. The queen mother just came down, and she called the girl up again..."

Ao Qi narrowed his eyes, "You mean, the girl is on the observation deck?"

"Yes." Ge Guang nodded.

Ao Qi's face changed immediately, "Why can't I see it?"

Ge Guang glanced at him and followed him to find someone.

There was a large piece of green cloth on the observation deck. From the bottom up, it was almost impossible to see the whole picture. Ge Guang stood on tiptoe, stretched his neck to look for a moment, and scratched his head.

"The one who was there just now, has he left? I'll go and ask."

Not good! Ao Qi looked at the Indian monk with a wooden face, and a bad premonition rose in his heart.

He took Ge Guang to ask for the person, but the Indian monk's disciples blocked them there and insisted that Feng Yun had left, but they didn't see anyone in the council hall.

Ao Qi was full of youthful vigor and nervous, and he led his soldiers to surround the watchtower without caring about anything.

The Indian monk's disciples saw that he was coming aggressively, asked the master for permission, and allowed him to go in to look for people.

There was no place to hide people in a palm-sized place.

Not only was Feng Yun not inside, but her two guards Daman and Xiaoman were also missing.

How could a living person disappear in front of everyone?

The crowd, who knew only half of the situation, was in an uproar.

"Something happened."

"The general's wife is missing."

"Could she be taken away by evil spirits?"

"Come with me!" Ao Qi gritted his teeth hard, and the sound burst out from between his teeth.

He didn't believe Xiao Cheng would be kind enough to help catch demons and ghosts from the beginning. Now that Feng Yun couldn't be found, he almost subconsciously felt that the matter was related to Xiao Cheng.

"Let's go to the Emperor of Qi to ask for someone."

Xiao Cheng was sitting in the small hall drinking tea and watching a variety of singing and dancing. Ao Qi rashly led his troops over, and a group of Qi army guards immediately blocked him.

"What are you doing? This is the residence of the Emperor of Qi. Anyone who trespasses will be killed."

Ao Qi sneered, "If it wasn't the residence of the Emperor of Qi, I wouldn't have come?"

The guard annoyed him and suddenly drew his sword, "Retreat!"

Young men are the most vulnerable to provocation. The guard's roar made Ao Qi furious, and his boiling blood rushed to his head. Without saying a word, he drew his ring-handled sword and pointed it directly at the man's face.

"What if you don't retreat?"

When they meet in battle, they are often just because of a momentary anger.

Seeing the Jin army so arrogant and bullying the emperor's door to make trouble, the guard could not bear it. He raised his knife to block Ao Qi's ring-handled knife, stepped forward and pushed his shoulder fiercely. As soon as he said "get out", his arm was grabbed by Ao Qi.

Ao Qi was incredibly strong. He took his blade with his bare hands and returned it to him the next moment...

The tip of the knife went straight into his waist and abdomen.

Blood splashed and flowed all over the ground.

Roars rose everywhere!

A group of Qi army guards surrounded him and drew their knives to fight.


The palace servant pushed the door open, and Xiao Cheng stood there with his hands behind his back.

His sword-like eyebrows were as green as a mountain. He was a prince from a noble family. His every move was not wild, but full of intimidation.

He glanced at the blood on the ground and the guards groaning in the pool of blood, and glanced at Xu Chi.

"Take him down for treatment."

Xu Chi was stunned for a moment before he answered yes.

Seeing this, the guards all got red-eyed and knelt down to beg.

"Your Majesty, the Jin army is bullying too much. I beg Your Majesty..."

Xiao Cheng interrupted them: "I know my limits. I will withdraw."

The guards said in unison, "Yes."

Xiao Cheng walked over slowly, stepped on the blood on the ground, looked at Ao Qi, who was as angry as a little wolf cub, and slowly raised the corners of his lips. On his calm face, only his eyes showed a fierce light.

"General Ao, it's better if he doesn't die. If he dies, you have to pay with your life."

Ao Qi snorted coldly, pulled off his helmet, raised his chin and looked at him directly, and was extremely anxious when he spoke.

"If you don't hand over Feng Shier Niang, let alone his life, I'm afraid your life, Qi Jun, will have to stay in Xinzhou."

Xiao Cheng looked at him seriously.

In the past, Ao Qi followed his uncle and his brilliance was covered up.

At this time, he was wearing a dark blue general robe, his handsome face was stubborn and sharp, his hair was black and his hairpin was black, his eye bags were red, his eyebrows were sharp and his eyes were clear, his nose was straight, and he was full of youthfulness and murderous aura.

He was at the age when he did everything without considering the consequences.

Xiao Cheng suddenly laughed.

"What General Ao is looking for is your aunt?"

He used the word aunt in a teasing tone.

Sure enough, just one title made the young Ao Qi change his face slightly.

The young man couldn't stand the judgment of those eyes.

Ao Qi looked angry, ashamed and annoyed, "Stop talking nonsense and hand the person over!"

Xiao Cheng looked at him steadily, half-smiling but not smiling, "I don't have General Ao's aunt here."

He slowly turned sideways so that Ao Qi could see the open door.

"If General Ao doesn't believe it, you can come in and search."

"Your Majesty!" Ji Xiang said anxiously, "This is against the rules."

Even if he is not the emperor, but just an ordinary envoy of Qi State, there is absolutely no reason for the Jin army to enter the house and search.

Xiao Cheng was completely indifferent and very calm.

"It doesn't matter. There are no secrets here that cannot be revealed to others. As long as it can dispel General Ao's concerns, why not?"

He smiled again and extended his hand, "General Ao, please."

He stared at Ao Qi.

Their eyes met in the air.

There was fire burning in the young man's eyes, and there was a fierce struggle in his heart.

He tried his best to suppress it, and his hand holding the knife tightened again and again, but he still didn't take that step.

He is not a completely ignorant martial artist, he is arrogant but also measured. Killing a guard can be said to be an impulsive mistake. The worst he can do is apologize to Qi Fang, but leading troops to search Qi Emperor's house is an insult to Qi State. The two countries have just entered into an alliance. If there is another dispute because of him, it will be a heinous crime.

How insidious Xiao San is.

That door was not a sign of weakness, but a soft knife that was meant to push him into the abyss.

"I'm offended." Ao Qi glanced at the room, turned around and left with the others.

Ji Xiang looked at Xiao Cheng who was silent and snorted angrily.

"How could Your Majesty spare him so lightly?"

Xiao Cheng said: "I will spare him, but the Jin court cannot spare him."

Ji Xiang and Ping An looked at each other and closed their mouths.

Xiao Cheng straightened his back, looked into the distance calmly, and murmured in a low voice.

"It's better to be a teenager."

I hate many young people, they have feelings but no plans.


The situation fell into chaos, and the only life-saving straw Ao Qi could think of was Pei Madang. he

When he took the people back, he happened to catch up with Pei Mang who was about to go out in a hurry.

Pei Chong was sitting in a wheelchair, with a cold face and said nothing. Mrs. Ao held Pei Chong's arm and whispered something.

"Uncle!" Ao Qi rushed in, his eyes full of anger.

"She's gone, why are you still lingering here?"

Pei Ran pursed his lips tightly and said nothing, but Mrs. Ao had already glared at her fiercely.

"Shut up! As a junior, it's not your turn to speak here."

Ao Qi was angry, "Mom! Do you understand what happened? It was Xiao Cheng's people who performed a trick on the observation tower and secretly took my aunt away. They also said that there was some evil behind it..."

"Yes." Pei Ran responded in a low voice and pulled away Mrs. Ao's hand, "take care of father."

Before the voice fell, he walked past Ao Qi and left in stride.

Ao Qi was stunned for a moment, and just as he was about to rush out to chase after him, there was a loud shout from behind.


Ao Qi's back stiffened and he stood upright.

Slowly, he turned his head and looked at the gray-haired old man in the wheelchair.


Pei Chong was a famous general of his generation. He fought with silver spears and white horses to show off his heroic demeanor, and made great contributions to the Jin Dynasty. In the battle of Bingzhou, Xie Jiajun, the most valiant army in Qi State, was completely wiped out. Xie Xian, a generation of heroes, was also defeated by him, and his family was destroyed.

Pei Chong's deeds are well-known in the Jin Dynasty, and he is praised by many people.

Ao Qi had always been afraid of his grandfather. Although Pei Chong was very kind to Ao Qi and had almost never been rude, the natural repression coming from his bloodline made him dare not act as arrogantly in front of Pei Chong as he did in front of his parents.

"Grandpa, my grandson was wrong." He clenched his fingers and followed the old routine, first bowing his head to admit his mistake and begging for forgiveness, and then making a request, "They planned to take away my aunt, and they didn't take our Pei family and Ao family seriously. Sun I can’t swallow that breath.”

The anger in Pei Chong's eyes subsided and he looked at his little grandson again, feeling much kinder.

"Let your uncle handle it. You acted impulsively today and almost caused a big disaster. Go and get your punishment."

"My grandson understands." Ao Qi cupped his hands, and suddenly raised his drooping head, his eyes twinkling, "Can you wait until your grandson finds your aunt first, and then receive the punishment?"

Mrs. Ao was so angry that she wanted to strangle this great boy to death herself.

"You bastard, you don't think it's embarrassing enough, do you?"

Pei Chong looked coldly and said nothing.

Ao Qi knelt down with red eyes.

"Grandpa, grandma, when I get him back, I will punish my grandson no matter what. You just want me to bow my head now... I don't accept it. Otherwise, you will beat me to death, otherwise, you will allow your grandson to be unbridled." "

Before Pei Chong could speak, he kowtowed three times, got up and rushed out.

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