Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 290: Eagle shot by arrow

Xiao Cheng took the letter and sat down slowly.

The dazzling light illuminated his handsome face, which gradually condensed into ice.

Feng Yun's handwriting was very beautiful, exactly the same as what he had seen before, soft and graceful, and extremely fluent, like a black butterfly dancing on the paper. Looking at the handwriting, it was like a person in front of him, with beautiful eyes looking sideways, and cheeks slightly red, and a natural beauty that could not be depicted by even the most skilled painters...


Such words, at this moment, were like sharp arrows.

Every word was aimed at Xiao Cheng's throat.

"I have no fate with you in this life, my sister is like you, and I want to accompany you, just like my heart."

He also said: "My sister is pitiful, we are both daughters of the Feng family, but we have become slaves. I hope you will pity me and fulfill my wish."

The words seemed to be affectionate, but they were actually all cold.

Xiao Cheng laughed, and his eyes turned red as he laughed.

Ah Yun knew him so well, and yet she didn't know him so well.

Knowing that he was in this situation, Daman had to accept it whether he wanted to or not.

He would rather let her manipulate him, not because he was stupid and ignorant, nor because he was lustful and reckless, but because he wanted to get her back too much, which was why she could easily take advantage of his weakness...

Xiao Cheng's knuckles gradually turned white as he held the letter, and he trembled slightly.

He crumpled the letter into a ball, but reluctantly spread it out and read it again.

This was written to him by Ayun.

This life, for the first time.

So precious.

Even if it was a knife, it was salt on the wound, he had to bear it.

Who made him owe her, betray her deep love, marry her, and make her beautiful and unlucky. As a husband, he failed to protect his wife. This was her hatred, and it was also the sin he deserved...

"Your Majesty..." Daman was frightened by his appearance.

As a woman who grew up in Taicheng, who didn't know the third son of Xiao? Although Daman didn't dare to covet Xiao Cheng like Feng Ying, how could a girl not like such a boy?

Daman had seen Xiao San passing through Yueya Lane countless times, either sitting upright on horseback or riding in a sedan chair, noble and upright, high above, like a reef in the sea, unmoved by wind and rain.

But just now...

She vaguely saw Xiao San's tears.

They lingered in his eyes, moistened, and could not flow out.

As an emperor, he collapsed and wanted to cry because of a letter.

Like an abandoned child, and like a dog that lost its home.

"What else does Ayun have to say?" Xiao Cheng raised his head with a sob, his eyes red.

Daman shook his head and looked at him with mixed feelings.

"Madam said that your majesty knows her and understands her, and everything is implied."

What an implied thing.

She burned his hope with a simple understatement, leaving him a mess that he had to clean up.

This woman...

She was cruel and crazy.

She was so cruel that she was ruthless and unrighteous to everyone, and only calculated.

She was so crazy that she knew he wanted her, but she still wanted to send a woman to his bed.

Xiao Cheng smiled with ferocious eyes and clenched his fists.

His parents were both dead, and he had been obsessed with power and status all his life, but when he really had it, he found that the dragon throne was cold, and he looked around, at a loss. Without Ayun, there would be no Yuchu.

His wife, his son, were all gone...

So what was the difference between him and his family now?

Did God let him be reborn just to suffer in this life?

"Your Majesty." Daman had always been hard-hearted and rarely felt sorry for others. But at this moment, she couldn't help but shed tears.

She felt sympathy for the emperor in front of her.

And for herself who was also like a lost dog.

"My sister said that fate is wasted and not as expected. But people have to look forward when they are alive. I also say this to your majesty. I hope your majesty is healthy."

Xiao Cheng's face became more and more pale.

With a bit of coldness in his eyes, he stared at her.

After dressing up specially, she had such a similar face...

Ayun knew how to hurt him and make him speechless.

Xiao Cheng asked: "Are you the daughter of Feng Jingting?"

Daman lowered his eyes, "I am not in the family tree, and there is no such person. I think the master will not recognize me."

Xiao Cheng ignored what she said and only asked his own doubts.

"If your mother is not Lu Sanniang, not Mrs. Chen, who is she?"

In the eyes of the world, Feng Jingting is already a rare love saint. When his ex-wife Lu Sanniang was alive, the couple loved each other and never took concubines. After marrying Chen, he dared not take concubines. He only had two women in his life, which was rare among the nobles.

If it weren't for Daman's face and Feng Yun's handwritten letter, Xiao Cheng would not dare to believe it.

"My mother's name is A Ling, she was originally a courtesan in the Feng Mansion..."

It is not surprising that aristocratic families raise singing and dancing girls for entertainment, but it is rare for them to give birth to children without recognizing them. Thinking of her poor mother, Daman burst into tears, her knees softened, and she knelt in front of Xiao Cheng.

"Please me."

She kowtowed, and the word brother-in-law touched Xiao Cheng's heart.

Daman is two months older than Feng Ying.

It is self-evident what this brother-in-law refers to.

She is very smart and knows that Xiao Cheng does not want a beautiful woman, he has no shortage of that.

Even if she looks like Feng Yun, she is not Feng Yun.

What Xiao Cheng wants is someone to give him emotional comfort. After losing Feng Yun, even a little comfort can make him feel a little relieved.

Whoever wins the emperor's heart will take the initiative.

Daman knows the purpose of Feng Yun sending her to Xiao Cheng.

Fulfilling her is only one aspect.

What he really wants to do is to disgust Feng Ying and her daughter, and place his own people around Xiao Cheng.

After taking this step from Daman, she was destined to stand on the opposite side of Feng Ying's mother and daughter. She could only be tightly tied to Feng Yun, and she could only rely on the emperor in front of her...

Xiao Cheng will not fall in love with her.

If there is a third favorite, it will only be for Feng Yun.

Daman has learned nothing in vain these days by Feng Yun's side.

She understands a lot of truths between men and women, and she also knows what she wants...

At this moment, she looked at Xiao Cheng with firm eyes.

There is no desire for love between men and women, let alone those infatuated women who seduce with sex.

This was Feng Yun's warning and her epiphany.

It just happened to suit Xiao Cheng's heart.

"Get up." Xiao Cheng looked sideways, his handsome silhouette against the dim light of the fire, his expression looking cold and lonely.

"I agree to whatever she says."

"Thank you for your great kindness, Your Majesty." Daman bowed to the ground heavily, and his tense heart was completely relaxed at this moment.

Feng Yun didn't lie to her, he didn't ask her to die, he really gave her glory and wealth, and fulfilled her and her mother's wishes.

The lifelong longing of mother and daughter came to an end at this moment. They were so full of love that they couldn't control themselves. The suppressed cries escaped from their throats, disappearing and appearing, and their whole bodies were shaking violently.

Xiao Cheng didn't help her, he just glanced at the woman kneeling and sobbing, then slowly walked over and pulled down the curtain.

He calmly ordered the outside guards.

"Don't disturb each other."

Ping An and Ji Xiang looked at each other and said yes, walking a little further away.

Xiao Cheng came back and stared at Daman condescendingly.

"You call me brother-in-law and you will remember your identity."

Daman touched his forehead to the ground and said, "Servant, take orders."


On the official ship, Feng Ying looked at the lights in the curtain of the official ship and fell to the ground.

The two ships are not too far apart to see clearly, but enough to make people imagine...

The woman's sobs came out just once or twice, which made her heartbroken.

He has never been willing to give her a favor, but he can't wait for Feng Yun. Is this a cold gentleman who doesn't like women?

She was shaky, laughing and crying, her shoulders shaking.

After a while, Feng Jingting came over, shuffling his steps and shaking his head at Mrs. Feng who was full of expectations.

"Your Majesty, please take a rest and report again tomorrow."

After resting at this point, they moved the entourage away again. Why? No need for Feng Jingting to say more. Chen and Feng Ying were able to come up with countless ideas on their own.

"This naughty fox..." Mrs. Chen gritted her teeth, ignoring the two little ones beside her and insulting her in a low voice.

"You come here to attract your husband regardless of the occasion. Can't you wait to return to the palace?"

Feng Jingting sighed and sat down.

"In any case, His Majesty has taken her in, so we should make some preparations..."

Mrs. Chen sneered, "How are you going to prepare? Tell the world that your good daughter no longer wants to be the wife of the general of the Jin Dynasty, but has eloped back with Qi Jun, so you want to make a big deal and let her enter the palace and become the queen?"

With a sigh, Mrs. Chen spat:

"You are shameless, but I still want shame."

Feng Jingting's face was pale and uneven, which made Chen get angry with curses, but the tit-for-tat words were all in his throat, and he couldn't spit them out, so he could only sigh.

"What a mess... Sigh! Let's see how your Majesty will end this. Jin State also needs to give an explanation."

Mrs. Chen squinted and snorted: "No wonder the fortune tellers say she is a monster who is causing harm to the country. Just wait and see. Sooner or later, Pei Madang will find her. If war breaks out between the two countries again, you, Feng Jingting, gave birth to this monster, and you are also guilty... …”

Feng Jingting lowered his eyes and remained silent.

On the royal boat, the tent was hung low, and Xiao Cheng sat beside the wooden table, quietly watching the shadows of the scenery reflected in the water, swinging around in circles...

The Imperial Guards on the shore are leading the horses to the boat, preparing to leave the shore...

Daman sat on his knees and warmed the wine, telling him in detail about Feng Yun's daily routine. He loved to listen, and occasionally he would smile a little, making people dizzy with his handsomeness.

"His Majesty!"

The voice of the guard chief Xu Zhi sounded outside, a little anxious.

Xiao Cheng had ordered not to disturb each other, but he did not dare to retaliate unless he had to.

Xiao Cheng opened the curtain and took a look.

There are torches burning on the shore and the sound of horse hooves.

The corners of his lips curled up slightly, "Is Pei Ran here?"

Xu Chi stood outside the door and tensed up when he heard the emperor's calm voice.

Xu Zhi held up his hands and said, "Back to Your Majesty, Pei Madang has brought three thousand soldiers and horses. And... General Wen is here too."

Xiao Cheng smiled slightly and said, "Well done."

Finally got the chance to let Pei Madang feel the pain of heartache.

The eagles under the arrows, pecking each other like this, is what Ayun wants, right? (End of chapter)

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