Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 291: Beautiful Figure

The official ship was setting anchor and leaving the shore, and suddenly there were shouts.

"The Jin army is coming."

"Pei Madang is here with his troops."

The crowd was stunned, and saw the Jin army pouring over in black, almost all of them cavalry, like dark clouds, horses neighing, swords flashing, strong murderous intent like a raging flood, shouts echoing in the cold night sky, in a blink of an eye, The entire Zhuhe Ferry has been surrounded.

Pei Madang rode a horse roaring in front, wearing a dark robe covered with a black cloak, and his black white hooves stepped on the snow, carrying him at full speed, like a falcon cruising, and his clothes were hunting.

Ao Qi and Wen Xingsu followed closely behind, their straight backs and ring-headed swords in their hands suddenly igniting the cold atmosphere...

"What do you mean, General Pei?" Xie Congguang, who had not yet boarded the ship, rode up to meet him and snorted with a cold face.

“We made an alliance yesterday, and we’re going to break it today, right?”

Pei Madang held the reins in his hand, looked at the imperial ship standing quietly under the moonlight, and said coldly:

"Please Qi Jun come out and speak."

This means looking down on him.

Xie Congguang couldn't help but became angry immediately.

"Qi Jun has a new girl from the Feng family. I'm afraid he won't be able to summon the general now."

Xie Congguang, like other courtiers, was not willing to let Xiao Cheng bring Feng Yun back to Qi, no matter what method. I had just learned that the deal was done and I was furious, but when I used it to attack Pei Mad, I was unambiguous.

He even directly called "Feng family girl" and slapped Pei Madang in the face.

"General Xie, are you trying to force me to take action?"

"Hmph! General Pei leads the troops first, and I am behind to meet the enemy. Where is the reason to blame me?"

"General, there is no need to talk to him." Ao Qi was so impatient that his eyes were red and his face was almost blue with anger, and he galloped forward on horseback.

"If Qi Jun doesn't hand over his men, Ao Qi will take the lead."

Xie Congguang was slightly shocked when he saw that he had no worries and was about to use force when he came up.

As a general, he was already prepared to die in battle. He is not afraid of death, but he knows how hard-won this peace is.

If it is not necessary, of course I will choose not to fight if I can.

"General Pei Mingjian." Saying soft words will not kill anyone, Xie Congguang chose to back down, "I don't know who the general wants, but the general wants to see your majesty. I will wait a moment."

Pei Madang raised his eyes slightly and looked at the royal boat parked by the river.

"Excuse me, please pass the message."

He is more calm and steady than Ao Qi.

Xie Congguang breathed a sigh of relief, cupped his fists and raised his hands, turning his head to give some instructions to his entourage.

The entourage nodded and boarded the ship.

"Uncle." Ao Qi raised his brows and whispered: "They are stalling for time. They are clearly unwilling to hand over people. We must not give them another chance..."

Pei Ran: "It's not a chance for them, it's a face for your aunt."

Ao Qi immediately fell silent.

After a while, he said in a deep voice, "Uncle is still thoughtful."

The Feng family are all here. If they are willing to release him properly, they can be said to be "guests", and Feng Yun will look good. If she starts a war and recruits troops to rob people, Feng Yun will end up being criticized by the world, and she will be blamed for any disaster.

The Zhuhe Ferry at night is very quiet.

The officers and soldiers of the two armies looked at me and I looked at you. The two sides were facing each other and refused to give in to each other.

After a while, an auspicious figure appeared on the deck of the imperial ship.

"The person on the shore is General Pei?"

Isn't this asking knowingly?

In response, the auspicious voice came again across the water.

"Your Majesty is very happy today with the new beauty. Please wait a moment for General Pei and General Wen..."

Wen Xingsu glanced at Pei Ran, rode a few steps closer, cupped his hands and said, "Please inform Your Majesty that Wen Hui needs to see you in an urgent matter."

"General, please be considerate."

Jixiang bowed from afar.

"Your Majesty and your wife have rested, and they still need to freshen up before coming out to meet the guests."

It's easy to say "rest", but every word is like a knife.

After that, Ji Xiang smiled and waved, and saw several waiters in palace attire lined up in a row, holding trays in their hands, and filed off the boat.

"Your Majesty has prepared a wedding wine to entertain all distinguished guests. I hope that the distinguished guests will not dislike it and drink together and have fun together."

Wen Xingsu had no emotion on his face and watched the waiter approaching in silence.

Then his eyes turned to look at Pei Ran.

A gust of cold wind passed by, lifting the corners of Pei Madang's robe high.

The fragrance of green plum wine drifts along the wind.

He put his hand on the Piyong Sword and said in a deep voice: "There is no need for wine. If you can't see anyone, I can only get on the boat to invite you in person."

The tone was calm, but it contained a sharp edge. The Beiyong army moved quickly and was ready for battle. The Qi army was also ready and secretly prepared.

The conflict between the two armies seemed to last only a moment...

A group of Qi envoys, headed by Feng Jingyao, hurried to the imperial ship and cried out in grief.

"Your Majesty, think twice!"

"Please hand over the general's wife to calm the matter."

Xiao Cheng sat alone at the dining table, drinking from a cup and feeling slightly drunk.

More than ten feet behind him, there was a moon-white hanging curtain, isolated from the lights, swaying lightly in the wind.

I can't see the woman's face, I can only see her graceful and graceful figure...

The Jin army led its troops outside. There was a mess outside, and the emperor was still drinking and having fun.

All the ministers felt a chill in their hearts.

This group of people respect Xiao Cheng. The most important thing is that he is calm and composed, has the bearing of a king, and is brave and resourceful. He is not the kind of mediocre person who would be deceived by beauty and mislead the country and the people.

Who would have thought that when he became emperor, he would be just like Xiao Jue?

There have always been disputes in the court of Qi State, and Feng Jingyao and Sun Shicai are not very good at getting along. But at this moment, they are united and persuade the emperor to release the man, fearing that he will ruin the country because of women.

Xiao Cheng looked at them calmly.

"I only have the girl of the Feng family here, where is the general's wife?"

Isn't the girl of the Feng family the general's wife?

Seeing that the emperor refused to admit it and refused to release the man, the ministers were panicked and worried.

These people usually eat and drink, and they talk about everything, but in the real war, no one wants to damage their own interests, not to mention that the Qi army has been tested on the battlefield against the Beiyong army...

There was a whisper, and the ministers were in a mess.

"Your Majesty!" Feng Jingyao slowly stood up and stared at Xiao Cheng: "The country and the people of Qi are not as good as a woman?"

Xiao Cheng smiled carelessly, without any panic.

"I will meet General Pei and confess my crime in person."

The scene when Xiao Cheng and Pei Jue met was calmer than everyone expected.

There was no quarrel, not even a tense confrontation.

The two armies retreated dozens of steps, leaving only Pei Xiaowen'ao and a group of ministers facing each other across the water.

Xiao Cheng said kindly, "That day in Zhuhe, the general said that if Ayun was willing to go with me, you would not stop me. I wonder if this still counts now?"

"It doesn't count." Pei Jue said coldly, "I gave her a chance that day, and she made a choice."

"People will change." Xiao Cheng raised his sleeves lightly and said lightly: "A teenage girl has an undetermined mind. She had some misunderstandings about me that day. Now that the misunderstandings have been cleared up, she has changed her mind. I am happy to accept it. Please help me, General."

Pei Jue sat upright on the horse.

"What if I don't agree?"

Xiao Cheng said: "For a woman, the general wants to start a war again?"

Pei Jue: "No war, I will only kill people."

Xiao Cheng smiled, "It's understandable that the general is reluctant to part with the beauty. But the general should also respect the beauty's feelings. A weak woman, away from home, far away in a foreign country, how homesick she is, how long she lives? She has given up everything for the general, but the general can't protect him..."

After a slight pause, he looked at Pei Jue.

"Rather than saying that I took her away, it's better to say that this time she was trapped in danger and had no choice but to save herself... She just wanted to survive and find a way out. If the general is sincere, why not give her all her heart and let her go free?"

The voice was neither light nor heavy, but it was like thunder rolling over.

"That's between me and her." Pei Jue stood tall and looked directly at Xiao Cheng, "If you have anything to say, let her say it herself."

Xiao Cheng smiled gently.

"General, do you know how many years Ayun has waited for me to marry her?"

"Do you know that she once said that she would wait for me to take her home."

"A gentleman helps others to achieve their goals, not to achieve their goals. Why do you force it, General?"

Pei Jue was silent for a moment, and said coldly: "Bring the bow."

Ji You presented the crossbow.

He silently bent the bow and put the arrow, pointing at Xiao Cheng on the deck, staring with narrowed eyes.

"King Qi has a quarter of an hour left, you can hesitate."

There was an uproar around.

That is to say, if Xiao Cheng did not hand over the person after a quarter of an hour, Pei Jue would use force.

The envoys of Qi looked at each other, and when they were about to step forward, they were all glared back by Xiao Cheng's cold eyes.

He slowly walked forward towards the direction of Pei Jue's arrow.

"Your Majesty!" The ministers whispered.

The air froze instantly.

Xiao Cheng and Pei Jue looked at each other from a distance, and their sight seemed to penetrate the darkness, stringing together every bit of their past and present lives.

This killing posture, unruly and cold, is very pleasing to girls, right?

Is this what Ah Yun likes? Handsome, handsome, a warrior.

"Jixiang." Xiao Cheng turned his head lightly and called the servant, "Go ask the lady if she is willing to come out to see the general..."

Jixiang went in.

After a while, a graceful figure appeared on the deck of the imperial ship, walked to Xiao Cheng's side like a shadow, and naturally leaned against him. Xiao Cheng also lazily took her into his arms. (End of this chapter)

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