Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 292 Pei Cong wants to rebel

The moon was sparse and the stars were dim, and the firelight dimly fell on the two of them. It was hard to see clearly, but at first glance, the woman looked exactly like Feng Yun. The two were leaning on each other. They seemed to be a perfect match, and there was no need to worry about their affection.

Pei Madang asked Wen Xingsu sideways.

"What did eldest brother say?"

Wen Xingsu smiled bitterly in his heart.

He came here today just to see what happened.

Feng Yun once said categorically that it was impossible to follow Xiao Cheng again, let alone return to Qi. This change was too fast. He didn't believe that it was Feng Yun who made the decision, and he would not allow Xiao Cheng to force her.

But as Xiao Cheng said...

After all, he was the husband she had loved since she was young.

Who says she can't change her mind?

He said: "I have no other words, but I need to hear it from my own mouth."

It's wonderful in person.

They all have doubts.

Pei Ran pursed his lips slightly and said, "Okay."

"Waist and waist." Wen Xingsu raised his head, his eyebrows raised high in the night, his eyes full of anxiety and concern, "Do you really want to go back?"

His doubts were obvious.

How could a person who tried every means to persuade him to stay in Jin suddenly change his mind and leave him without saying a word because of something unexpected?

Wen Xingsu couldn't figure it out.

The woman on the boat did not say anything. She stood for a moment, bowed slightly to Wen Xingsu and Pei Madang on the shore, saluted, and then turned around and left.

The surrounding area was silent, and everyone's eyes fell on Pei Lang's face.

Pei Ran looked deeply at the figure from behind and rode forward without saying a word.

He was so tall that the lights seemed to block him in shadow.


Facing the royal ship, Pei Madang called her in a deep voice.

"Turn around and talk to me."

The pretty figure leaving was slightly startled, as if she couldn't stand firm, and almost fell down. She was helped by the maid, and Xiao Cheng walked over and took her into his arms.

"Are you okay?"

She shook her head, turned her back to Pei Madang, and rested her forehead on Xiao Cheng's shoulder.

They looked like an ordinary couple, deeply in love and trusting each other, but also as if they were ashamed to face their former husband...

Others see no problem. Pei Madang's expression was actually a little gentler than before.

He looked at the slightly trembling pretty shoulders, his dark eyes were deep and his expression was indistinguishable.

"We are a husband and wife. What do you have to say that you dare not say to me face to face?"

The firelight fell on the woman's back, and her body became even more tense, almost falling into Xiao Cheng's arms.

Ao Qi's eyes turned red and he was furious.

"Auntie!" he shouted, "Are they threatening you? Don't be afraid, uncle and I will definitely save you at all costs..."

"Don't be silent!"

Xiao Cheng snorted coldly, his eyes filled with coldness.


After a moment, Ji Xiang hurriedly walked off the deck, came to the shore, and presented a letter to Pei Madang with both hands.

"General Pei, my wife refuses to see guests. This handwritten letter is my wife's intention."

Zuo Zhong glanced at Pei Ran, reached out to take the letter, and then handed it over.

Pei Ran lowered his head to look.

There were only ten words written on a piece of plain white paper.

"If we don't meet each other in this life, we will regret it forever."

Xiao Cheng saw with his own eyes that Pei Madang's face was cracked inch by inch under the light.

At that moment, he was extremely happy.

The pain and despair that rainy night at the Zhuhe Ferry should be the same for Pei Madang at this moment.

"The general has seen it. It's not that I wanted to keep anyone, but Ayun chose me. General, why don't you show your noble hand and let everyone be happy?"

Pei Ran said nothing.

When he saw the figure just now, he was actually a little confused.

That's not Feng Yun, it can't be Feng Yun.

However, when he saw this piece of paper, he could no longer convince himself.

That's not Feng Yun, and that's what Feng Yun wants to express.

Destiny has gone round and round, but in the end, it has embarked on the cycle of fate.

In the last life, she teamed up with her sweetheart, attacked his city, took his life, incited his brothers to rebel, abandoned him and fled to Qi State, leaving only a piece of plain paper for him.

The sentence "If we don't meet each other in this life, we will regret it forever", wiped out every bit of three years...

Cruel and unfeeling.

She has never changed, she is still the ruthless Feng Yun...


Pei Ran looked at the firelight of the imperial ship.

The grievances and grievances of a lifetime include feelings, hatred and dissatisfaction. In fact, he can't tell the difference clearly.

But this time he will not let her go again, and he will not let the tragedy happen again...

Pei Ran didn't speak for a long time, and everyone around him was worried. The entire Zhuhe Ferry was looking at him. The shadow of war was like a sword hanging above their heads, and everyone clenched their hands.

"Don't blame me for being heartless."

Pei Madang slowly raised his bow and arrow and pointed it in Xiao Cheng's direction.

"Uncle!" Ao Qi whispered, "Don't hurt aunt!"

Xiao Cheng was slightly startled, moved the woman in his arms to one side, and protected his front with his big sleeves. Then he raised the corners of his lips slightly, looked at Pei Ran and asked:

"General, is this arrow successful?"

Pei Ran said: "It's enough to take your life."

The smile disappeared from Xiao Cheng's lips, "Assassinating Emperor Qi and destroying the alliance between the two countries is a crime that the general cannot bear."

Pei Ran: "It is not trustworthy to make an alliance with a villain. I will bear all the responsibility for any crime."

What a strong-willed man.


"As a subject of others, you often have no control over yourself."

Xiao Cheng smiled and had mixed feelings.

He has also been a minister and knows the constraints and helplessness.

I also firmly believe that Pei Madang will never be able to escape the shackles of imperial power in his life.

Sure enough, before he could finish his voice, he saw several people running towards him on the official road.

Before the horse arrives, the sound has already arrived.

"The Queen Mother has a decree, please ask the general to hand over the military talisman and return to the city to see you!"

The person who announced the decree was Chen Xi in front of the Queen Mother, and with him was Pei Chong's long follower, Duan Weixiao.

Without waiting for Pei Madang to speak, he jumped off the horse, knelt down on one knee in front of Pei Madang, held his fist in a salute, and whispered anxiously:

"General, withdraw your troops quickly, don't act rashly..."

Xiao Cheng smiled slightly.

At this moment, he seemed to understand Feng Yun's intention.

As cunning as a fox, he kills two eagles with one arrow, forcing not only him, but also Pei Mang, and dealing with not only him, but also Li Sangruo and the Jin Dynasty. Xiao Cheng once again wondered why A Yun became like this...

Let’s see how Pei Ran copes with it.

"Tell father that your son is unfilial." Pei Madang's face was solemn and his tone was calm. Looking at Duan Weixiao's nervous face, he suddenly dismounted from his horse and bowed three times in the direction of Xinzhou.

"Fortunately, thanks to the protection of my ancestors, I was able to get promoted to a high position, lead the Northern Yong Army, and achieved great honor for a while. Now I know the holy will and insist on going my own way. I am ashamed of the spirit of my ancestors, I am ashamed of the teachings of my loving father, and I am not worthy of the post of general." "

Before his voice fell, he took out the military talisman from his arms and handed it to Duan Weixiao.

"The Qi State did not abide by the agreement, broke the alliance, and took my wife and family captive - I will kill them."

"General!" Duan Weixiao's eyes widened and he didn't dare to accept the military talisman, let alone block it.

I saw Pei Man turning his head and getting on his horse, "Guard camp, follow me to take down the enemy leader and rescue my wife."

Pei Madang's tone was full of solemnity, like thunder on the ground, hitting everyone's hearts.

The guard battalion, his personal entourage, responded in unison.

The Beiyong Army does not follow him personally. If he hands over the military talisman, he may not even be under his control...

But the three thousand armors actually responded in unison.

"I am willing to be sent by the general!"

"We and the general share weal and woe, life and death!"

Ao Qi took the lead and killed them.

The war broke out, as if in the blink of an eye, three thousand cavalrymen came out with swords and guns, and swept toward the ferry like a strong wind...

The Qi army hurriedly responded to the challenge.

The light of fire, the light of swords. The sounds of people and horses were in chaos.

Chen Xi was so frightened that he changed his color and said, "General Pei, are you going to rebel because you don't respect the Queen Mother's order?"

"So what?" Pei Ran turned and looked directly at him, his dark eyes like bright sharp knives. Chen Xi was so frightened that he immediately swayed and almost fell down, and his voice softened.

"General... the Queen Mother and General Pei are still waiting for you in the meeting hall... please don't act on your own initiative."

Pei Madang's face was cold and he didn't look at him, let alone Duan Weixiao.


The guard camp shouted, "Kill!"

Ao Qi shouted loudly: "Young son of Beiyong Army, follow me and kill him to save my wife!"

A group of soldiers followed Pei Madang through wind and rain, eating from the same stove and drinking from the same pot, trusting each other with their lives. This kind of friendship cannot be controlled by the tiger talisman.

The blood is ignited, the military soul is condensed, and the three thousand cavalry attack in a group, indestructible and unstoppable. The Qi army shouted and blocked the bow of the ship, set up their formation, and shouted loudly!

"Escort, escort!"

"Protect Your Majesty!"

The Beiyong Army was the elite of the Jin State.

These three thousand cavalry are also the armor of the Northern Yong Army.

He would disembowel his wife, regardless of his life, just to take away the shame of his wife.

Pei Madang was no longer restrained by the Jin court, and the Northern Yong army was completely obedient to his orders. A catastrophe was about to happen again, and no one expected it to develop to this point.

Even Xiao Cheng didn't expect that Pei Madang would reach this point...

"Pei mad rebel."

He smiled lowly and said to Daman:

"Is this the result your master wants?"

Daman frowned, "Master doesn't want the two countries to have another dispute..."

The flames of war have burned out, and history books will definitely record this event in great detail. If she doesn't want to, what's the use? Even if she is the one who plays chess, she cannot cover everything.

Xiao Cheng looked at the iron armor of the Beiyong Army who were fighting like a tide, and sighed lightly.

"Speak! Tell Pei Ran the truth."

The dark crowd crowded the shore. Under the attacks of the Beiyong Army one after another, the Qi army was unable to resist.

Daman breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Xiao Cheng's instructions. Just as he was about to step forward, the crowd suddenly shouted.

"Prince Yunchuan is here."

"Look, it's Prince Yunchuan."

The person who came was indeed Chun Yuyan. Gorgeous horses, gorgeous robes, and a lazy smile on his face, just like when he was watching a performance of a hundred operas outside the world, without the slightest emotion about the things in front of him. After a while, he raised his voice casually.

"My lord is a little late! Everyone, please call a truce and listen to me."

Update first, I'll take a look again, maybe there will be some corrections...

Feng Yun: It’s all my fault. My poor performance made it difficult for my mother to write.

Xiao Cheng: Darling, I don’t blame you, blame me. I want to see Pei Madang go crazy...

Chunyu Yan: No, blame me for being late.

Pei Madang: ...If I kill you, no one will be blamed.

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