Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 293: Arguing Again and Again

Chun Yuyan's Zhuangzi is not far from here. The last time he appeared here was the last time he saw Pei Xiao arguing. They met by chance again. Of course it couldn't be a coincidence.

Xiao Cheng stood on the deck with his hands behind his back.

"Appreciate further details."

Pei Madang is sitting high on the horse's back, and the Piyong sword is full of cold light.

"Your Majesty, please stand far away to avoid blood splattering on you."

Chunyu Yan approached slowly, with a bit of a swaying leisurely attitude.

"Brother Wan doesn't want to hear the news about Feng Twelve?"

Pei Ran was impatient. He had determined that Feng Yun was on that ship.

If he wasn't there, Xiao Cheng wouldn't have to take such a big risk to recognize it, and there wouldn't be that piece of paper.

As for Chun Yuyan, a profit-seeking businessman who would help anyone who gave him a favor, Pei Madang never believed in him.

Chun Yuyan didn't know that Pei Madang had abandoned his military talisman. When he saw his dark eyes were cold and his face was full of suppressed rage, he was a little frightened, but his face didn't show any signs of it.

"You two are fighting to the death here. Feng Twelve might be crying in some nook and cranny right now, waiting for you to rescue him."

Feng Yun was there, but he said such things.

Ao Qi's face turned dark on the spot, "Is the prince here to see a joke?"

Chun Yuyan smiled lightly and raised the corners of his lips slightly, "Did you see clearly, General Ao? The person next to Your Majesty is not Feng Twelve, right?"

Ao Qi's expression changed.

He actually had doubts, but he was young and energetic. Without saying anything, Wen Xingsu and Pei Ran concluded that Feng Twelve Niang was on the ship. They wanted to get her back, so why did they care about that?

Hearing Chun Yuyan's teasing and seeing Pei Man's silence, he suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.


Pei Ran said nothing.

Xiao Cheng's eyes fell on Chun Yuyan's face, but he smiled.

"Which side is the prince on?"

Chunyu Yan smiled faintly, "I stand on the side of justice."

Then he cast a meaningful look at Mifune from a distance, "It can't be fake if it's true, and it can't be true if it's false. It's a human or a ghost. Can you come out and take a few steps to say a few words?"

Xiao Cheng glanced at him, with no emotion or edge, only a half-hearted smile.

"Ayun, come here and meet your old friends."

Daman was standing in the shadow behind her just now. After hearing the order, he slowly walked forward. The wind lantern was swaying. She stood under the lamp and looked at Pei Madang on the shore and bowed Yingying.

The lights at night reflected that face.

Someone whispered, "It's the general's wife."

Chun Yuyan smiled, "What crime do you deserve for pretending to be a general's wife?"

"I'm not the madam." Daman lowered his eyes slightly, with a look of horror on his face, "But I didn't mean to pretend, it's just that I had no choice but to ask your Majesty to forgive me..."

Xiao Cheng looked at her silently, "Where is Madam?"

Daman lowered his head and did not look into his eyes, "At the observation deck, Daman and his wife were separated. Fortunately, Daman was saved by His Majesty and survived, but his wife..."

There was a bit of sadness in her eyes.

"I don't know the whereabouts of Madam..."

This thing sounds mysterious. How could such a good person get separated at the observatory?

When Xiao Cheng heard that it was not Feng Yun, he acted too calmly.

Everyone was full of doubts and looked over.

Daman said in a low voice: "When Empress Dowager Li claimed that there was something evil at work, Madam became restless and fearful of something happening. Daman happened to be somewhat similar to Madam, so he volunteered to dress up like Madam on the pretext of protecting Madam... …”

She looked at everyone, took off the yellow flowers, and asked people to bring water to remove the makeup in front of everyone. Like magic, she had a face that looked like Feng Yun, changed the eyebrow shape, removed the eye makeup and nose shadow, and it was just like a magic trick. The remaining three to five points are similar.

"My wife foresaw the risk, but she didn't expect that she would actually encounter evil spirits..."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was surprised.

No one really believed that something evil was at work.

But after the person involved said it, people couldn't help but be curious.

"Where did the evil spirit come from? Tell me quickly, what happened?"

There was a bit of fear on Daman's face.

"Daman and Madam changed their clothes and makeup and went to the observation deck together. Madam and Xiaoman were waiting under the stage. Daman took Madam's place on the stage and waited for Master Jiafa to do the magic. When the green cloth came up, the Master asked Daman to close it His eyes felt dizzy at this moment, and then his whole body sank... When he regained consciousness, Daman got into the carriage, and when he opened his eyes again, he saw His Majesty..."

Master Jiafa belongs to Xiao Cheng. Wasn't it Xiao Cheng who took her away?

Where did the rescue come from?

It's just that Xiao Cheng thought that the person he took away was Feng Yun, but he didn't expect that the civet cat was replaced by the prince, so he got the wrong person.

Chun Yuyan raised his eyebrows and brought the topic back, "You really don't know where the general's wife has gone?"

Daman shook his head, "After Daman went to the observatory for Madam, he did not see Madam again. He also misunderstood His Majesty because he secretly disguised himself as Madam... Later, he did not dare to tell the truth, which led to this misunderstanding... "

The tone of her voice was weak, and after saying that, she knelt down in front of Xiao Cheng.

"I know I was wrong, please punish me."

This name and this gesture are very imaginative.

Xiao Cheng favored her without knowing it, so she was the emperor's woman, so anything wrong would depend on the emperor's wishes.

Xiao Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly and glanced at Feng Jingting who was silent at the other end.

"I will punish you later..."

After saying that, he glanced at Chunyu Yan briefly and asked Pei Ran again.

"Since it's a misunderstanding, is it important for General Pei to find his wife?"

Pei Madang's expression did not change, he looked at Daman, with a hint of suppressed coldness in his voice.

"Where did you get that piece of paper?"

Daman lowered her head, not daring to look at Pei Jue. "Just now, the maid was afraid of being discovered by the general, so she didn't dare to speak. She had no choice but to imitate the lady's handwriting."


Pei Jue looked through the night, and Daman's face was blurry.

In fact, he didn't believe that she was Feng Yun at the beginning. It was the piece of paper that made him make the judgment.

"Before I come back, please wait for me, Mr. Qi."

Although they said please, so many people gathered here, clearly not wanting Xiao Cheng to leave.

It just so happened that Xiao Cheng didn't mean to leave, and smiled gently.

"General, please do as you please."

Pei Jue turned his horse's head and walked towards Chunyu Yan, with a complicated look.

"According to what the prince said, where is Yunniang?"

When their eyes met, Chunyu Yan saw inquiry and suspicion in his eyes, and said calmly: "Didn't the wild grass spirit say that it was taken away by some big house demon in the council hall? If it is a house demon, how far can it go? Will it still be in the council hall?"

Ao Qi couldn't stand his nonsense.

"I almost turned the council hall upside down, where can it hide people?"

Chunyu Yan smiled, "In such a large council hall, there must be some places that General Ao can't find, right?"

"Thank you for your reminder, Prince Chunyu!"

Pei Jue snorted lightly, and I don't know if he heard it. He passed by him without saying a word and galloped away on his horse.

The Beiyong Army's iron cavalry also split into two, like a stream of water, one part followed Pei Jue, and the other part stayed. The whole process was strictly disciplined, and even without seeing Pei Jue's excessive command, they quietly completed the handover and arrangement...

Xiao Cheng looked at the dark group of people, and his heart was slightly cold.

It was a close call just now!

Chunyu Yan was also watching.

Only then did he realize the strangeness of the situation.

"I seem to have missed something?"

Xiao Cheng smiled slightly, "Does the prince want to have a drink on the boat?"

Chunyu Yan raised his eyebrows: "Isn't it the Hongmen Banquet?"

Xiao Cheng said: "Whether it is or not, what is there to fear, prince?"

Chunyu Yan stared at Xiao Cheng with his eyes, his voice was low and smiling.

"Okay. Then this prince will accompany Qi Jun to have a drink and congratulate Qi Jun on his new beauty."

Xiao Cheng did not comment, "Please."


Li Sangruo changed her clothes and lay on the bed. She felt a pain in her lower abdomen. She bit her lower lip and held back her groans. She let the maid help her turn sideways and lie on the couch. She still felt uncomfortable and couldn't help but get angry.

"Is the general not back yet?"

The maid did not answer.

The door was pushed open, and the person who came in was Tang Shaogong, who stared at her with a gloomy face.

Li Sangruo was startled, "Why does Uncle Shaogong look at me like this?"

Tang Shaogong lowered his eyes, unable to hide the disgust on his face, "Your Highness shouldn't have ordered Pei Jue to take away his military token behind my back."

Li Sangruo pursed her lips, suppressed her anger and said, "This is not entirely my intention, but that of General Pei. The general did not listen to the advice and raised troops against the Emperor of Qi, destroying the alliance between the two countries for a woman. If I sit back and do nothing, what am I doing as the Queen Mother?"

"General Pei is General Pei, and General Pei is General Pei." Tang Shaogong retorted unceremoniously, "Your Highness, have you forgotten who is in charge of the Beiyong Army now?"

"Of course, I listen to the command of the court. Without the military token, how can Pei Jue command the army?"

Hearing her naive remarks, Tang Shaogong's face froze.

"Your Highness, have you ever thought that General Pei was just being polite, or maybe he was testing you?"

Li Sangruo had thought about it, but Pei Chong pushed the wheelchair in front of her and apologized repeatedly, which was not a lie.

"After all, I did nothing wrong this time. In any case, I prevented the conflict between the Jin and Qi armies..."

Before she finished her voice, she saw Chen Xi rushing over with two eunuchs pushing and shoving behind him. He seemed to be frightened and stuttered.

"Your Highness... General Pei brought people in and said they wanted to... search, search... No, not search, but to find the general's wife."

"How unreasonable!" Li Sangruo ignored the pain in her body, turned over and sat up, and said with a pale face:

"Is he going to rebel? How dare he come to my house to look for someone?"

Chen Xi wanted to say that he might really dare to rebel.

In a blink of an eye, he swallowed his words back and lowered his head in silence.

"The general was anxious to find his wife, and at the Zhuhe Ferry, he had a big fight with the King of Qi..."

He had already ignored everything.

Chen Xi didn't dare to say the rest, and he didn't have the chance to say it anymore. He only heard a maid scream in the inner room, and then someone ran out.

"Your Highness, no, it's bad, the general's wife... is hiding, in your Highness's trunk." (End of this chapter)

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