Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 294 Chaos is coming

Li Sangruo's face turned pale. Even if he had a miscarriage and rolled down the wooden steps, he would not be as frightened as he was right now.

My brain seemed to have stopped functioning, and my heart was pounding so hard that it almost jumped out of my chest.

"Why is Mrs. Feng in my suitcase? Hurry...stop the general..."


The wooden door was kicked open from the outside.

How could a few servants stop Pei Madang's guard camp? As if he had come specially to catch the current one, Pei Madang rushed in without waiting for a message.

The two maids were hurriedly untying Feng Yun, their movements were extremely panicky...

Feng Yun was huddled in the suitcase, his face was bloodless, his mouth was stuffed with balled up rags, his hands were tied behind his back with hemp rope, and his black hair hung down messily, blocking his fair face, and half of his eyes were hidden. The silk is bright.

Fragile, pitiful, dying...


Ao Qi was shocked and angry.

"Uncle, it's her! It's her!"

Pei Madang jumped in front, waved away the maid, and took Feng Yun out of the suitcase.


The maid turned pale with fright, trembled and dared not say anything.

"General, what are you doing?" Li Sangruo came over with an angry look on his face, supported by the palace servants. When he saw Feng Yun's haggard appearance, he was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

She looked at her in disbelief, her lips moving for a long time before she exhaled.

"What's going on? Why is Feng here?"

Pei Man wrapped Feng Yun in his arms with his cloak, rubbed her forehead with his chin, then hugged her tightly in front of him, slowly turned around, and met Li Sangruo's gaze.

"I was just about to ask Your Highness, why is my wife here?"

Li Sangruo took a step back with a look of astonishment on his face.

Looking around, Tang Shaogong was nowhere to be seen, and then looking at Pei Madang's cold and heartless face, she clearly didn't do anything, but she didn't have the confidence to answer, and her heart was pounding wildly.

"The Ai family doesn't know why she is here, but she is a general who broke into the Ai family's residence privately. Who gave her the courage..."

Pei Madang hugged Feng Yun and stepped forward without hesitation, without any courtesy from a monarch or a minister.

"Please give me an explanation, Your Highness."

The window lattice was not closed, and the cold wind suddenly rushed in, blowing on Li Sangruo's body.

Li Sangruo felt cold.

Word by word, there was no anger in Pei Man's voice, but it was like a knife scraping bones.

"You want to ask for an explanation from the Ai family. Who should the Ai family go to?" Li Sangruo was going crazy. She stared at the woman in Pei Madang's arms. She saw her small face was pale, her eyes were closed tightly, and her head was leaning against Pei Madang's. There was a faint breath on the arm, and the appearance was shocking under the firelight.

She couldn't explain it even if she had millions of mouths.

Moreover, Pei Ran didn't seem to want to hear her explanation.

He was just taking advantage of this opportunity to legitimately cut off from the Li family.

Li Sangruo sensed the danger and even sensed that he had fallen into a trap.

But what was even more terrifying than this realization was that her opponent had predicted the outcome in advance and prepared the outcome, leaving her speechless.

This is Feng Yun's conspiracy.

The most important part of this conspiracy is not the truth, but Pei Madang's cognition and Pei Madang's feelings.

Whoever the scale in his heart favors will be the winner.

She had no chance to win, not only because Feng Yun had dug a hole and set the stage, but also because Pei Madang was blind and his heart was biased...

Since he was ruthless, what could she do to win?

"Uncle Shao Gong..."

Li Sangruo's lips trembled and he yelled like he was breaking down, his voice was trembling.

"Uncle Gong, where is he?"

Tang Shaogong just came over, and Li Sangruo suddenly felt like he saw a life-saving straw.

"Tell me, tell me, what is going on?"

Tang Shaogong glanced at Pei Mang lightly, cupped his hands and lowered his eyes.

"General, why should we be upset? Why don't we wait until Madam wakes up? It's more important to save people."

Pei Ran lowered his head and glanced at Feng Yun, then glanced coldly at Li Sangruo. His eyes changed rapidly, from feeling pity and pity for Feng Yun to feeling a bone-chilling chill when he looked at Li Sangruo, in just a blink of an eye.

"It's best she's okay."

The door was opened and closed with a bang.

Pei Madang hugged Feng Yun and walked away.

Li Sangruo stood there in disbelief, trembling with anger, "Who are you losing your temper with? He's rebelling, he's rebelling, he's really rebelling."

Tang Shaogong said in a deep voice: "Your Highness, be careful what you say."

Li Sangruo suddenly turned around and looked at him, furious, "Did the Ai family make a mistake? Do you think any official is as arrogant as him..."

"Your Highness." Tang Shaogong lowered his head, looked into Li Sangruo's eyes, and asked in a low voice: "Does Your Highness really want to force the general to rebel?"

Li Sangruo was startled.

The confused mind slowly calmed down.

"You mean, the general will really rebel?"

Tang Shaogong frowned slightly, glanced at her, and said in a calm tone, "Does Your Highness really think that someone will devote himself to the imperial power and die?"

Li Sangruo felt like he was struck by lightning, and he broke out in a cold sweat.

She was angry, jealous, and angry, but she didn't want to really fall out with Pei Mad, and she never thought that if she was as loyal as Pei Mad, she would really betray the court and commit treason...

"Did Aijia do something wrong? Aijia didn't do anything?"

Tang Shaogong glanced at her and turned back to ask Chen Xi.

"Where are the military symbols?"

Chen Xi shook his head and lowered his head, offering it with both hands.

"At that time, the general handed it to Duan Weixiao, but Duan Weixiao refused to accept it. The general threw the military talisman on the dirt. The villain was in a dilemma, so he had to pick it up..."

Li Sangruo was overjoyed, "Bring it and present the military talisman to the Ai family."

With the military talisman, you can command thousands of troops.

With military symbols, you can have real and absolute power.

With the military talisman, she and her son can become the true masters of the Jin Dynasty, and they no longer have to look at anyone's face to act...

Li Sangruo picked up the soldier talisman with almost trembling hands.

A hand reached out to stop her.

Tang Shaogong picked up the military talisman from Chen Xi's palm, took a look at it, and put it in his palm.

"Your Highness lies down and rests while I go find the general. I hope this crisis can be resolved."

Li Sangruo was stunned.

Tang Shaogong's eyes were not only cold, but also contemptuous.

It's like looking at an ignorant stupid woman.

Li Sangruo staggered, watched him leave, and then looked at his empty palms. He was stunned for a moment before falling to the edge of the couch as if he had fallen apart.

Sitting alone, her body was cold and tears rolled down her face.

She felt wronged, embarrassed, and even more resentful.

She was the Queen Mother, so Pei Madang just wanted to show off to him. Who was Tang Shaogong, and he dared to be so lukewarm to her?

Why, why should they...

The maid offered the hand stove, and she was so angry that she fell to the ground with a thud.

"It's so hot. Do you want to hurt Aijia to death?"

The maid knelt on the ground.

Li Sangruo cried silently with a cold face.

"Get out! Get out of here!"

A person who sits on the supreme throne but does not have the ability to control everything can only be reduced to a decoration and a puppet.

She is the Queen Mother and the mother of a three-year-old child.

She is her son's support, and his son is her support. But in the final analysis, she has to rely on Li Zongxun and Pei Mad...

A thought rises and a thought falls, her fate is never in her own hands.

She didn't want to sit around and wait for death, so she had to have something real to hold on to.

She wanted to catch Pei Madang before, but now...

What should she do? -

Dark clouds were rolling in the sky, as if a heavy rain was coming.

Puyang Jiu was about to go to diagnose and treat Feng Yun. As soon as he took out the medicine box, he was stopped by Puyang Li.

"Ajiu, come here." Puyang Li sat behind the wooden desk, a look of fatigue on his face.

Puyang Jiu walked over and realized that the cup in his father's hand was not tea, but wine.

"Father, what's wrong?"

Puyang Li pursed his lips tightly and stared at her without saying a word.

"Father?" Puyang Jiu was a little anxious, "Waiting for me, I'm going to see my wife for medical treatment. What do you want me to do?"

Puyang Li slowly put down the cup and placed his hands on his folded knees. There was a faint dark light in his chaotic eyes, hiding thousands of words, but he could only sigh when he spoke.

"You have grown up and have made your own decisions. As a father, you shouldn't say too much, but in times of hardship, there are turbulences. If you and I make one wrong move, we will be in doom."

Puyang Jiu was stunned for a moment, "Father is saying..."

Puyang Li did not respond.

After a moment, he said: "My Puyang family has been practicing medicine for several generations. I have no love for power or involvement in government affairs. Only then have I ensured that my children and grandchildren are prosperous and their lives are safe. As a father, I don't ask you to be a general or a prime minister. I only hope that you will be safe and stable." Be a healer..."

Puyang Jiu was silent for a moment, then lowered his head and handed over his hands.

"Father, I have never wanted to fight for power, let alone be a master..."

"But my son is already in a whirlpool and doesn't know it."

Puyang Li stared at him without blinking.

Today's events were like a wake-up call, forcing him to make a decision for his family's livelihood.

"My father is going to resign and go into seclusion and go back to Pingcheng to farm. When you come back, we will pack our bags and go."

"Father..." Puyang Jiucao was stunned.

Even if you have to resign and return to work, there's no need to be so anxious, right?

Puyang Li closed his eyes slightly and sighed, "A great chaos is coming. My son must take care of himself. The lives of more than a hundred members of the Puyang family depend on your thoughts."

Puyang Jiu put down the medicine box, knelt down in front of Puyang Li, and kowtowed solemnly.

"Father, don't worry. My son understands that he will only practice medicine and do good deeds throughout his life, and will not touch power."

Puyang Li smiled bitterly and waved his hand, "Go ahead."

The son is young and does not yet know the cruelty and bloodshed of the struggle for power.

Kill without blood, and countless people will become victims.

The relationship between Li Zongxun and Pei Madang is already deadlocked. Even if they don't break up tonight, they will definitely do so tomorrow. Caught in the middle, if you can't get it right, it might affect the whole family.

He has to go.

The sooner the better.


Pei Madang did not stop at the meeting hall and took Feng Yun, who was unconscious, back to Chunyu Hall.

When Tang Shaogong and his people arrived, there were heavy guards inside and outside the Chunyu Pavilion.

Tang Shaogong asked to see General Pei outside the door, but was directly rejected by the concierge.

"There is no general here. Sir, you went to the wrong place."

Pei Madang refused to see Tang Shaogong, let alone receive the military talisman again.

As a result, the soldier talisman became a hot potato.

I can’t give it away, it’s too hot to hold…

No one knew what Pei Ran was thinking.

Shinshu City sank into darkness shrouded in dark clouds, and became unusually quiet.

"Without the military talisman, do you really want to break with the Jin court and fight against each other?"

"Pei Madang had no intention of rebelling. It was the Queen Mother of Jin who was ignorant, disregarded the overall situation, and was jealous, forcing her to rebel."

"The Beiyong army has more than 120,000 troops, and the Chen army is in Xinzhou. Pei Madang is really rebellious, why not take advantage of the chaos to attack? What is he hesitating about?"

"What does it mean to hold on to the Queen Mother of Jin? The master of the Jin Dynasty is in Zhongjing, and he is a three-year-old child in the Jinluan Palace."

"The teacher is unknown, the position is not right, the time has not come yet."

"I bet Pei Madang will rebel."

"I guess Pei Ran won't resist."

That night, the moon was in the sky, and the Chunchung Pavilion was silent. On the imperial boat at the Zhuhe Ferry, Xiao Cheng and Chunyu Yan sat opposite each other and drank, watching the gray moon appear and disappear in the clouds, chatting about the world, not knowing that the trajectory of fate had quietly changed that night, and history was about to open a new page... (End of this chapter)

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