Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 296: Deep Love Between Husband and Wife

There is a strong medicinal smell in the nose, which permeates the room and is a bit depressing.

There was a Tang Pozi tucked into the quilt, which was very warm. As the firelight flickered, Feng Yun was in a trance for a moment.

She had a long nightmare.

Everything in her previous life was like a catastrophe. She once thought she was trapped in a nightmare and would never be able to get out again...


She is still alive.

Across the curtain, a vague shadow sat there, tall and tall, falling on the curtain, real and close, she felt at ease.


Her voice lacked its usual clearness, it sounded like a broken gong, and it hurt her to death when she opened her mouth.

He coughed immediately.

The curtain was opened by someone.

Pei Madang looked at her and called Qian Sanniu.

"Please, Doctor Yao."

Feng Yun raised his eyes weakly, "What's wrong with me?"

With a calm expression, Pei Ran slowly sat down and placed the back of his hand on her forehead, which was as cold as ice. He stayed for a moment and loosened her quilt.

"You're having a fever."

His voice was low and no emotion could be heard.

Feng Yun wasn't sure how much he knew, and looked at him with bated breath, as if there were stars hidden in his eyes.

"But I'm cold."

Pei Ran lowered his head, tucked the loose quilt back, and wrapped her tightly.

Feng Yun took advantage of his arm to reach over and held him softly.

Pei Ran looked over and said nothing.

She pursed her lips and said nothing, then slowly crawled her fingers to his neck, pulled him lower and pressed against his face, "It's really hot."

There were footsteps outside. Pei Ran remembered that Feng Yun wouldn't let him go. He pulled him and wrapped it around his neck. Pei Ran's breath was slightly stagnant, his body suddenly stiffened, and his breathing became rapid.

The bed tent swayed, and Yao Ru followed Zuo Zhong over. Seeing the two entangled in the tent, he quickly turned his back.

Zuo Zhong coughed lightly.

"General, Doctor Yao is here."

Pei Madang stared at those cunning eyes with his black eyes, slowly pulled her hand away, and stood up.

"come in."

Yao Ru lowered his head and approached, took his pulse, and said the same thing as Puyang Jiu, except that he was suffering from physical damage and needed to be recuperated.

Pei Madang asked someone to bring the prepared soup to Feng Yun.

Feng Yun didn't want to use it, but Pei Ran stood there with a cold face, not looking very good. She sighed secretly and swallowed most of it with bitterness.

Just as I was about to put the bowl down, I heard him say: "Drink up."

Isn’t it okay to do both of these?

Feng Yun knew that he was very unhappy at the moment, so he hesitated and handed the soup bowl to him.

There was an outsider nearby, so Pei Ran didn't say much. He circled her with one hand and picked up the medicine bowl with the other. With a clever move, he grabbed her chin and forced her to drink the medicine.

Feng Yun:......

Gulu Gulu drank all the wine and saw Yao Ru and Zuo Zhong holding back their laughter. She was speechless and was even more bitter. She was speechless for a moment, only gasping and staring.

Yao Ru smiled and cupped his hands and said, "Madam, eat something and sleep again. The more you sleep, the faster you will get better."

Feng Yun's stiff face softened slightly and he thanked him, but his voice was hoarse.

Yao Ru bowed and went out.

There was silence in the room.

The light and shadow cast on Pei Man's face, showing no emotion or anger, only the cold expression remained unchanged.

Feng Yun didn't know how long it was, let alone what the current situation was, but he knew something about Pei Madang's temperament.

If she didn't take the initiative to speak, Pei Madang could probably stand there for the rest of his life.

"The General is angry with me?"

Pei Ran was silent and looked over.

Feng Yun was forced to breathe a little hard by his gaze, and then he heard him say:

"I'm no longer a general."

Feng Yun was slightly startled, his heart pounding rapidly.

The voice that came out again was so vague that it was slightly distorted.

"What happened?"

Pei Ran said: "Isn't it all what Yun Niang expected?"

Feng Yun looked at the sharpness in his eyes, and no matter how hard he tried to hide it, he could not help but reveal a hint of embarrassment.

Eyes facing each other.

There was an unpredictable depth in those black eyes, and Feng Yun didn't know how to answer.

When she was taken out of Li Sangruo's room by Pei Madang, she was conscious and could not pretend not to know anything, nor could she lie to him face to face.

"Does the general know?"

"I can pretend not to know." Pei Ran's eyes were burning, and he slowly bent down and clasped her shoulders, "Lie down and rest."

The skin that touched him was as hot as fire.

Feng Yun's heart tightened as if he was suffocating, and he stood up stubbornly, facing the cold eyes, looking up and looking back, "If you are angry in your heart, just say it, there is no need to hide it. If you also think that I deserve to be punished by others, Framed and once counterattacked, it would be treacherous and I have nothing to say.”

Pei Ran stared down at her, "Are you right?"

"No." Feng Yun looked directly at him.

Pei Madang's dark eyes were deep, and there seemed to be a sad emotion in his eyes, which made Feng Yun breathless.

After a moment, he let go of his hand and put her back.

Then get up and leave.

"Pei Ran, stop!"

Feng Yun called him by his first name and last name.

Pei Ran looked back.

His eyes were as dark as an ancient well, calm but extremely cold.

Feng Yun was not as afraid of him as he was in his previous life, but when he stood in front of him so coldly and ruthlessly, looking at him without saying a word, he still felt heart palpitations.

"say something."

Pei Ran: "You told me to stop, didn't you mean it?"

Feng Yun's lips moved, and for some reason, he suddenly felt that this situation was a bit funny.

The two of them are like a young couple who are fighting and fighting. Neither one is willing to bow his head or admit his fault, and both want the other to speak first.

Thinking of the way he kicked open the door and rushed in, and thought of the slightly frightened "Yun Niang", Feng Yun's heart softened inexplicably, and the strength and spikes he had endured slowly collapsed.

She hummed lowly.

"What woman can still say something when being stared at by such a handsome and handsome man? Aren't you making things difficult for me?"

The corner of Pei Man's eyes twitched slightly, he stood for a moment, walked back without saying a word, hung up the tent with a golden hook, bent down to support her, touched her back with his palms, noticed a trace of sweat, and took a clean towel Come and wipe it for her.

Feng Yun knew that he was not angry anymore.

Pei Gou in this life is a little too easy to coax.

"What is this doing?"

She sighed softly, "You can't even hear two soft words. Your ears are so shallow. How will you be deceived by this woman when I'm gone?"

Pei Ran lowered his head and glared at her coldly, then wrapped his fingers around her hair, awkwardly rolled up the black hair and fixed it with a hairpin.

"When you are sick, stop talking nonsense."

Feng Yun leaned forward lazily.

"Okay, I won't say it, you do it."

Pei Man glanced sideways and put a soft pillow on her back.

Feng Yun chuckled, "I am very serious and have no evil thoughts."

It would be really serious if I didn't add this sentence.

Pei Ran ignored her and said, "Sit down. I'll have someone pass the food around."

Seeing that he was about to turn around, Feng Yun hugged him with both hands, hugged him tightly around the waist, and pressed his face against his back.

"You eat with me."

Pei Ran lowered his head and looked at the soft thin wrist. After a long while, he untied it and called for the food. After Feng Yun chewed half the bowl slowly, frowned and said no, he sat down silently.

"Why don't you tell me the truth and let me make the decision?"

After being at odds for so long, are you finally willing to have a heart-to-heart relationship?

Feng Yun said: "First, I don't know if the fish will take the bait. Second, I don't know what choice the general will make. How can I tell him?"

After she had a fever, her face was unusually rosy and her eyes were particularly dark and bright, rippling like spring water. She was obviously serious, but seemed to be hiding thousands of deep feelings.

"If the general knew about it in advance, he would be my accomplice. Aren't you forcing the general to make a decision?"

"What's different now?"

"It's different." Feng Yun said softly: "The general doesn't know anything about what I do. There is still a chance to draw a clear line between him and me. All it takes is a letter of divorce and no one else can blame you..."


Pei Ran remained motionless, looking at her calm face.

"Yunniang has dug a hole, how can she not jump for her husband?"

Feng Yun frowned slightly, wanting to explain something, but when she thought about it carefully, when she cast the big net, Pei Madang was just like them. It was not certain whether he could catch it, but he was indeed one of the prey.

After pondering for a moment, she said in a hoarse voice:

"I don't have the confidence to bet on the deep love between husband and wife and share weal and woe, let alone expect that the general will throw himself into a trap..."

Pei Madang looked at her coldly, "If I don't come, how will you get out of trouble?"

Feng Yun was silent.

She does have an element of gambling.

But her judgment was that Pei Ran would come.

Thinking about it now, this move was indeed dangerous, and she was indeed crazy for daring to do it.

Pei Man bent down and came closer, the sharp light in his eyes falling on her face.

"If I don't come, do you want Xiao Cheng or Chun Yuyan to come?"

Feng Yun's figure froze for a moment.

He chuckled again and looked back seriously.

"Only you will come."

Pei Ran's face was expressionless.

Feng Yun said: "Xiao Cheng has some thoughts about me, but he will not fall out with the Jin Dynasty on the day after signing the alliance for my sake, and then drag Qi into the vortex of war. Chunyu Yan is very cunning and only seeks one benefit. Words. He knew about the design of the watchtower early on, but kept silent until the situation was serious before he came out to be a good person. He did everything he wanted and wouldn't offend anyone. How could such a person come to Li Sangruo's house to look for me? people?"

Pei Ran asked: "Then who am I?"

Feng Yun pursed his lips slightly, looked at his slightly red eyes, put his forehead on his chin, and hugged him gently.

"My dog ​​man."

Pei Madang's face darkened.

The person was just leaning in front of her, sticky and greasy, as if he didn't have any bones. She always used this trick to pinch him, and if she wasn't careful, she would lead him away.

Anger is real, and hate is also real.

I was so angry and resentful that I couldn't bear to leave.

"Don't pester me." Pei Madang lowered his head, "I'm sick. The next time I do something, you call me a beast."

Feng Yun raised her eyes to look at him. He was still a cold and indifferent man, but the beast was awake and could be provoked, so she leaned over him ruthlessly and laughed softly.

"If you don't do anything, aren't you just a beast?"

The two looked at each other, with thousands of emotions jumping in each other's eyes, and their breaths were hot.

"Yes." Pei Ran stroked her sweaty back with his palm, slowly hugged her over, leaned over and looked at her closely.

"From today on, Pei Madang is an ambitious thief who steals the country. He is a shameless young man. How is he any different from a beast?"

Feng Yun felt a little pity in his heart.

She had never seen Pei Ran speak like this.

My heart was ups and downs for a moment, I couldn't tell whether it was guilt or something else, but I looked at him stubbornly with a smile in my eyes.

"Then I will be a thief from now on."

Heavy snow filled the sky and the earth, and Xinzhou City was completely white, as if it was sealed in the snow-white world.

The sky was getting brighter, and Tang Shaogong stood in the wind and snow, his wind cloak stiff with the cold, and finally waited for the door of Laichungu Pavilion to open.

Zuo Zhong came out holding a tray.

The above memorial to the Queen Mother of Jin and the official seal.

He glanced at Tang Shaogong, walked closer and bowed.

"Sir, please go back. The general has resigned his official seal. From now on, he is no longer a minister of the Great Jin Dynasty. I dare not accept your courtesy again."

Feng Yun: I chose Pei Jue mainly because he is easy to coax...

Ao Qi: I am easier to coax.

Chun Yu Yan: I am also easy to coax.

Xiao Cheng: I don't need to coax.

Pei Jue: I don't have any other advantages?

Feng Yun: Ah this... advantages... um... a little bit.

Crowd: ??? Where are they?

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