Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 297 Pei flags everywhere

"I hope the general will think twice."

Tang Shaogong's face was covered with snow. Under his furrowed brows, there were a pair of dark eyes and lips that were purple from the cold.

He knelt in front of the door, not daring to accept the official seal, and simply passed out.

He was carried back to Cuiyu by the guards.

After returning to Cuiyu, he opened his eyes and asked to see Li Sangruo with a clear head.

"A servant must live up to his trust, and a general must not bear the talisman of his troops."

Li Sangruo sneered and asked questions.

"My father often said that Uncle Shao Gong is the jade of Jingshan Mountain and has eight talents. According to Yi Ai's family, no one can match his ability to fake his own death."

The recent confrontation between the two of them was full of smoke.

Tang Shaogong was Li Zongxun's spy placed next to Li Sangruo. If Li Sangruo is a puppet, a marionette on a string, then Tang Shaogong is the string in Li Zongxun's hand, the mouthpiece of the power struggle between their father and daughter.

Li Sangruo was angry and did not dare to vent to Li Zongxun, so he had to show his temper in front of Tang Shaogong.

However, Tang Shaogong completely ignored her harshness.

He cupped his fists and said coldly:

"There is nothing we can do this time. Your Highness must make preparations in advance."

Li Sangruo didn't want to know what Tang Shaogong was feeling after spending a hard night in the wind and rain at the Spring Palace, let alone what the civil and military officials in the court would think of her when they saw such a ridiculous situation. He didn’t even have time to think about the embarrassing and terrifying situation he would face…

She can only hate, complain, and be unwilling to accept——

He was clearly her husband, the man she had admired and admired since childhood, and he had clearly said in person that he would support her and Kuang'er to build a prosperous country and share prosperity and peace.

Why did such a change suddenly occur in less than three years?

Just because Feng Jingting dedicated a daughter to him?

Is the world-famous General Pei really deceived by women?

Li Sangruo didn't believe it and refused to believe it.

She suspected something was fishy, ​​but she couldn't figure out what the problem was.

"What can the Ai family prepare?" She lay weakly on the couch and looked at Tang Shaogong coldly with a sneer on her face.

"Didn't my father often say that Pei Madang would respect his own troops? This day has finally come, isn't it exactly what he wanted? Isn't it what my father wants for him to hand over the military talisman and resign from office?"

Tang Shaogong left her speechless.

He looked at her without saying a word for a while, then he calmed down and slowly handed her over.

"Please ask the Queen Mother to issue an edict to appease the general's anger."

Li Sangruo smiled.

His eyes turned red as he laughed, like a ghost.

"Did Uncle Shao Gong get angry with the Prime Minister? Have you decided to put the blame on a woman like me? Sacrifice me to clear your name?"

Tang Shaogong lowered his eyes, bowed and cupped his hands, his voice was low and slow.

"My servant dare not. Your Highness, if you think about it carefully, you will know that the Prime Minister is working hard."

If things were really as simple as Li Sangruo thought, everyone would be happy just by "handing over a military talisman and unlocking an official seal". How could there be such a thing as "supporting soldiers with self-respect and great achievements will overwhelm the master"?

Li Zongxun didn't have to work hard and plan for many years.

In the troubled times when rituals and music have collapsed, there are no monarchs, only tyrants.

Kings and kingdoms were all obtained through coups and forceful seizure of power.

Jin and Qi, their previous dynasties and their previous dynasties, were without exception.

In this context, a person's strength is greater than that of royal blood. People's attachment to their families and ancestral halls is far greater than the individual countries that were born out of the ups and downs.

Does the emperor have any kind? Those with strong soldiers and horses will do it.

With a strong military force, there will be money, food, mines and territory, and there will be fewer constraints on the imperial power, and it will even be unable to control...

This is the relationship between Jin Ting and Pei Ran.

When his reputation, strength, and influence can replace the imperial power, it is better to rely on his own loyalty to fulfill his duties than to be bound by huge interests.

This is also the reason why Li Zongxun went from wining over to strangulation. When strangulation failed, he had to bow down and show his kindness.

In the final analysis, it is the fear of those who support the army and respect themselves, fearing that Pei Madang will usurp the throne and seize power.

Tang Shaogong looked at Li Sangruo holding the hand warmer blankly, frowning and saying nothing. He didn't know if she had understood it, and then said:

"Your Highness, there is no need to worry. From what I see, the general is angry, but it is not yet ready for a military confrontation. As long as Your Highness sincerely goes up the stairs, the general will surely soften his heart and follow the trend..."

Li Sangruo stared at him and asked quietly:

"As long as he is willing to accept the military talisman, this storm will be over, right?"

Tang Shaogong looked at her, "That's right."

"Okay, I'll write." Tears welled up in Li Sangruo's eyes. He called the maid to comb his hair and change clothes. He knelt down in front of the wooden desk and cried bitterly when he picked up the pen. His tears blurred the handwriting.


At noon that day, the Empress Dowager of Jin issued an edict at the Xinzhou Palace to blame herself, reflect on herself, take the blame for this incident on herself, and implore "the wise men of the country" to "gratify the late emperor for his kindness, never forget his sincere heart, and be considerate." When the people are in dire straits, we must secure our land and defend our borders, and do not let the country be uneasy or the country's fate be bumpy..."

It goes without saying why a widowed young empress dowager lowered her posture.

After the Queen Mother issued an edict, many people thought that things would be settled.

However, Chunyu Pavilion was silent as usual, and Pei Madang said nothing.

However, the memorial of resignation was still forwarded to Cuiyu.

The memorial said that the wife was seriously ill and had to rest and not be disturbed in the slightest. He guarded her day and night and worked hard. She was no longer able to assume the important task of general. Please ask the court to find another good minister.

When Li Sangruo received the news, he was so weak that he became confused and cried and laughed in the palace.

But even in this situation, the imperial physician Puyang Li also fell ill overnight. Not only could he not come to see her, but he also begged to resign and retire.


Everyone wants to abandon her?

Li Sangruo yelled in exasperation.

"Resigning at this time means sincerely opposing me. I will kill his entire family and his nine clans."

No matter how angry she was, Puyang Li was too sick to get out of bed.

His son Puyang Jiu had to serve soup and medicine and take care of his seriously ill father, so he could not spare time. He just asked the servants to present the prescription for conditioning as a job.

Puyang Yi came, bringing the gift list of the eldest princess, to visit the patient.

She smiled: "Aunt is the empress dowager, what sons do you want? Why do you have to compete for favor with a minister?"

Li Sangruo was so angry that she could not really order the Puyang family to be killed.

The eldest princess stood there, and those angry words were just talk.

So she swallowed her anger and comforted the imperial physician to take good care of her illness, while she continued to go crazy in the palace.


The next day, Zhongjing sent the emperor's edict to the express horse.

The ritual officer and the eunuch read the edict outside the closed Chunchung Pavilion in the cold wind.

It said: Feng, the wife of General Pei Jue, is talented and virtuous, gentle, gentle, virtuous, and virtuous. She is granted the title of the first-class lady of the state and rewarded with good fields, cloth, gold and silver utensils, etc.

If Feng Yun accepts the reward, she will be the "wife of the general", and Pei Jue will still be the general of Jin.

This is to fulfill the promise, and it is also a roundabout way.

The ritual officer and the eunuch who announced the edict waited outside the door for a full half an hour.

However, the edict was brought back the same way it was delivered.

Pei Jue did not come out to receive the imperial edict, saying that he had caught a cold and was not feeling well, and then he directly "declined on behalf of his beloved wife", saying that the couple was trembling with fear and treading on thin ice, and dared not accept this reward.

Now, the trembling and treading on thin ice became the ceremonial officer and the envoy of the Jin Dynasty.

He did not accept the apology, and even more so the reward.

What did he want?

In just one day, the relief brought about by the Jin Queen Mother's edict of self-criticism disappeared. The overwhelming accusations intensified, and all kinds of rebellious words surged.

Rumors were like tigers, and in a moment they caused a lot of noise in the Beiyong Army and even the Hu Ben and Long Ji Armies.

A man fought in the battlefield and died on horseback. If he looked back and found that he could not even protect his wife and children, who would be willing to devote himself to the cause?

If the general was like this, what about ordinary soldiers?

The Beiyong Army had already harbored resentment towards the imperial court due to the earlier incidents of food and winter clothes. Now, they were even more convinced that the imperial court wanted Pei Cong to hand over the military token in order to seize his military power and kill him.

The death of the rabbit made the fox mourn, and the crowd was indignant.

Rumors spread in the army, and people's minds changed.

The old generals and old subordinates who were loyal to Pei Cong were even more eager to make a move, and they all raised the "Pei" flag in the barracks to support Pei Cong.

For a time, the "Pei" flag was everywhere, with great ambitions and ambitions, and the posture of reaching the sky.

When the news came out, the eyes of the whole world fell on Xinzhou and Chunchung Pavilion.

The focus of attention was Pei Cong, and even more so the "long-term bedridden" Feng Shier Niang.

Is the peace that was hard to come by going to be destroyed?

"Since ancient times, beautiful women have caused many disasters, and they really misled the country and the people."

In Cuiyu, the envoys gathered outside the Queen Mother's bedroom and discussed the matter until dawn, but still did not come up with a charter.

After a long sigh, the last words came to "women ruin the country" and "beauties are the source of disaster".

Then, there was a long silence.

From the initial suspicion and the fluke, until now, they have finally understood it completely.

Pei Cong was not unwilling to take back the general's military token, nor did he just want Li Sangruo to admit his mistake and give him a face-saving step.

But... he wanted more.

With a vast country and a bright future, who doesn't want to leave their own mark in the history books? -

Li Sangruo fell ill.

The weakness of the miscarriage, coupled with sleepless nights, crying, and complaining, finally made her haggard and unrecognizable.

"What does he want me to do?"

"Does he really want to be the emperor?"

In the soft red tent, Queen Mother Li lay quietly, looking listless.

"Uncle Shaogong, is this what you said, the general has deep feelings for me and can't bear to see me suffer?"

Tang Shaogong stood outside the tent with a blank expression.

Slowly, he bowed and saluted.

"Please, Queen Mother, grant General Pei the Nine Gifts to show the favor of the royal family."

Li Sangruo was shocked and stared at Tang Shaogong with wide eyes.

"What did you say?"

Tang Shaogong said: "Please, Queen Mother, grant General Pei the Nine Gifts."

Li Sangruo's face turned pale, without a trace of blood.

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