Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 303 Where is the monster?

Xiaoman retreated and came back after a while, tremblingly:

"In reply to Madam, the general took the decoction and fell asleep. I don't dare to wake him up. Can you wait for a while before talking..."

"Wait? I can wait. Can Her Majesty the Queen Mother wait?" Feng Yun winked at Xiaoman, "Why don't you go call someone quickly?"

Xiaoman bowed his head and stepped back: "Here."

Feng Yun looked back at Li Sangruo, "This servant has no rules and makes His Highness laugh."

After saying that, he stood up, as if he was a different person, poured tea and water for Li Sangruo diligently, and said softly:

"It is a blessing to be a minister that the Queen Mother cares about her ministers. His Highness has come to the house in person, not to mention just taking medicine and sleeping, even if he is sick and cannot bear it, he must be carried out to pick him up. Otherwise, he is ignorant of what is good and bad. ”

Li Sangruo frowned, feeling uncomfortable.

Feng Yun's words may sound humble to you, but when you think about them carefully, they are all irony.

Moreover, the most uncomfortable thing for Li Sangruo was her attitude of treating herself as the mistress, as if she could make the final decision on Pei Madang's affairs...

"You're welcome, madam." Li Sangruo suppressed his emotions, picked up the tea cup, put it down again before it touched his lips, and gave Feng Yun a sideways glance.

"When the imperial edict from Zhongjing arrives, the general will be the first important minister in our Jin Dynasty to receive the gift of Jiuxi. Under one person, he is above ten thousand people. Except for your majesty, the general can avoid everyone."

"Is this... is your Highness serious about what he said?"

Feng Yun seemed to have just learned about it, as if he was frightened, his face was red, and his eyes were filled with panic.

"My husband has spent half his life in the army, fighting for the country, relying solely on his passion and bravery. How can he dare to ask for such extravagance? Besides, the talisman has been handed over here, and the imperial court has added Jiuxi. People who don't know it think it is The general is forcing me to do something, and he has a plan."

Li Sangruo stared at her pale face and was a little confused for a moment.

Which song did the Feng girl sing in?

Is it possible that Pei Madang is sincere about the talisman and the seal and no longer leads the army?

Li Sangruo felt that things were more and more strange, raised his lips slightly, and his smile did not reach his eyes.

"The general's merits can bear the gift of nine tins."

Feng Yun reluctantly pulled the corner of his mouth and smiled, looking a little confused.

Li Sangruo looked at her expression and said some indifferent words, feeling more and more weird about this matter.

She didn't believe that Pei Madang couldn't get out of bed because he was sick, let alone that he would sleep so hard that he couldn't wake up. She decided that Feng Yun was stalling for time. After sitting for a while, she became a little impatient, then stood up with a sullen face:

"It seems that I can't invite the general. Why don't the Aijia go and see him in person?"

Feng Yun stood up and said, "How can that be done? It's my husband's turn to pick him up. It would be too disrespectful to ask Her Majesty the Queen Mother to see him in person..."

"It doesn't matter." Li Sangruo was sure of his judgment and would not give Feng Yun a chance to refuse. He winked at the palace man and walked toward the backyard.

Feng Yun followed and said with a smile: "It's windy outside and it's cool. Your Highness is holding this hand stove."

Li Sangruo was on guard against her and refused to take a sip of water, so how could he take her things.

"No need. It's not cold in Aijia." She said and quickened her pace.

The yard is full of trees, which are lush and dark, especially when it has just snowed. The trees are covered with icebergs. A cold wind blows, and the snow on the trees falls down.

Feng Yun added: "The road is slippery, please be careful, Your Highness."

As he said this, he stepped forward to help him. Li Sangruo suddenly became alert and refused: "Madam, there is no need to be polite. The general and I have known each other since childhood. Regardless of the distance, we just go to see him. There is no need to accompany him. Madam Go get busy."

It is a bit shameless to go to other people's homes to see other people's husbands without letting other people's wives accompany them, relying on the dignity of the Queen Mother. After all, she is not a young woman, but a graceful beauty. Who else would be more comfortable?

This is clearly a provocation.

The servants all lowered their heads, but Feng Yun smiled.

"That's very good. The general has a bad temper and it would be terrible to be woken up. It would be great if the Queen Mother comes forward."

As she spoke, she really stopped and stood under the corridor, with no intention of following.

Li Sangruo had already intended to make her feel uncomfortable, so he was even more rude after hearing this.

He turned his head and said to the servant standing by his side: "Let's go."

The backyard was quiet and lush with vegetation. A fiery red shadow suddenly jumped out of the slanting thorns. It was as fast as the wind and had a weird shape. It rushed towards Li Sangruo menacingly and let out a low roar...

"Escort!" The servant was shocked, but it was already too late.

Li Sangruo didn't even have time to react before he was clawed and stomped on the face by the "monster" descending from above his head. He closed his eyes and screamed in fear. When he ran away, he stepped on the slippery road and fell to the ground... …

However, the ferocious beast did not let go. It turned its head with a grin and pounced on her again.

"Ah!" Li Sangruo exclaimed, so frightened that he peed his pants. He held his head in his hands and shrank into the frost-covered grass on the flower bed, shivering. The monster jumped up the tree after a few ups and downs, and the falling snow hit Li Sangruo. One body, but it disappeared in an instant.

"Your Highness, let's go. The monster is gone."

Li Sangruo looked back at the palace attendant, fell to the ground, and cursed loudly.

"Let the Ai family check what that thing was just now..."

The monster arrived unexpectedly and moved extremely quickly. The palace people were in a hurry to protect the queen mother. They were also afraid in their hearts and did not see it clearly.

A maid said: "That monster has red hair all over its body, sharp teeth, a round and big head, and scary eyes. I have never seen anything like this before..."

Saying this is equivalent to not saying it.

But other servants, including Li Sangruo himself, also had the same impression. A fiery red demonic beast was very fast, like an afterimage, and it disappeared before they could see it clearly.

"Your Highness, Your Highness, what is going on?"

Feng Yun came over after hearing the sound, and his eyes widened in shock when he saw Li Sangruo, soaked and dirty, in such a miserable state.

"What kind of blind thing has become so bold that it dares to be disrespectful to His Highness... Hurry, help His Highness in quickly."

After saying that, he smiled and said: "The general woke up and was very happy to learn that His Highness came to visit..."


Li Sangruo was filled with hatred.

How could she go to see Pei Madang like this?

She suspected that the "monster" was under Feng Yun's instigation, but she had no basis for it. She couldn't make accusations out of thin air, and she couldn't act recklessly against Feng Yun like before.

The mute was eating coptis, and she had nowhere to vent her resentment. She clenched her palms slightly, suppressed her anger, and shook her soaked clothes, "It's not convenient for the Ai family to visit the doctor like this, so I'll go back and change clothes first. The general is not feeling well, so let him be miserable." Recuperate. I'll come visit you in two days."

Feng Yun was stunned, looking disappointed, and personally walked Li Sangruo to the door and bowed deeply.

"Your Majesty, please slow down. The snow is heavy and the road is slippery."

Then he handed over the hand stove with a sympathetic smile, "Take it, don't freeze your body."

Li Sangruo looked at her smiling face, turned around and got into the carriage.

When I returned to Cuiyu, I saw the bird Chun Yuyan had given me hanging in the house, and suddenly I felt angry.

"Who dared to hang it here? Take it out."

The maids lowered their heads and agreed in unison.

It was originally the Queen Mother's intention to take this bird with her.

But they dared not say another word.


Snow and wind covered Xinzhou City, and the temperature suddenly dropped at night. Feng Yun huddled in the bed, his hands and feet were freezing from the cold, and the ground dragon burned all night long, unable to warm his body.

Ao Zai was lying next to the couch. Suddenly he seemed to be alerted to something. He listened for a moment with his head tilted, then slowly got up and walked to the other side.

There is a "big cat nest" there, which Feng Yun prepared for it.

Ao Zai usually doesn't use it, unless... Pei Madang comes.

Feng Yun was startled, lifted the quilt and looked over.

A tall figure appeared outside the door, a faint silhouette falling on the curtain.

He asked, "Is Madam asleep?"

Xiaoman's voice was full of irresistible surprise.

"General, Madam just went to bed."

Pei Ran hummed, walked over and slowly opened the door, and saw the little lady standing by the door, like a cedar tree behind the spring rain, spotless, with a pale and indifferent face, looking straight at His eyes were as bright as the stars in the dark night, extremely dazzling.


There was a layer of red under his eyes, and there was stubble on his chin that had not been repaired in time. He was tired to the naked eye and covered with dust. Only his eyes were dark and bright. Even if he didn't say anything, you could still imagine him braving the wind and snow in the dark night. Running wildly, how anxious it is to return home like an arrow.

She slightly red-eyed, "I'm back now. If I don't come back, I don't know how to deal with it."

Before her voice fell, her soft body fell into his arms. Pei Man's chest sank heavily. He put his arms around her, stroked her back gently, and patted her twice.

"It's okay, it's okay."

He was very cold, and the chill penetrated his clothes and seemed to come up from the soles of his feet. Feng Yun shivered.

"Is everything going well?"

"It went well." Pei Man narrowed his eyes and lowered his eyebrows, staring at her, "Yunniang has lost weight."

How can I lose weight in just two or three days?

Feng Yun glared at him, eager to know the outcome of the matter, but Pei Manang was not in a hurry. He led her and sat by the stove, tilted his neck to drink a cup of hot tea, calmly held her on his lap, and buried his head in her neck. Breathing hot.

"Go and talk on the couch." (End of Chapter)

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