Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 304 Pei Gou's Rage

This voice was alluring and moving, and every word seemed to be a desire suppressed under the tip of the tongue, coaxing Feng Yun's ears.

Feng Yun's cheeks flushed slightly, and she patted his back.

"Why are you so anxious? Will I run away?"

Pei Zhuo didn't speak, his eyes were full of long-accumulated desire, his eyes were hot, and he pulled her fair little hand down, and said in a hoarse voice: "Look at what I'm anxious about?"

Yang dryness tortured him, and he raised his head high, and a big bag swelled up.

Feng Yun suddenly retracted her hand and said angrily:

"You just came back and you're so reckless. I missed you in vain."

Pei Zhuo stared at her, his eyes were red.

"What are you worried about?"

"You've suffered a lot outside, right? Look at this face, this stubble, how long have you not closed your eyes?"

Pei Zhuo stretched out his hand, clasped the back of Feng Yun's head, and his arm slightly retracted, his eyes seemed to be branded on her face.

After a moment, he lowered his head with rapid breathing, "Not bitter."

The rough palms were burning, but his stomach "gurgled" at an inopportune time.

Feng Yun heard it and felt that Pei Gou was really risking his life for this matter.

"Are you hungry?" Feng Yun smiled and pushed him, "There are night snacks on the stove, let them heat it up for you."

Pei Jue bowed his head, brushed away the broken hair on her cheek, and kissed her, "Just eat Yun Niang."

"There are a lot of delicious food." Feng Yun's voice was soft, and the wild eyes made his scalp numb, "I don't know when the general will come back, so I told them to keep it ready, so that there will be food whenever he comes back. They are all the general's favorites, including fairy duck, donkey rolls..."

Pei Jue hummed and kissed the corner of her mouth.

"Donkey rolls are not as good as human rolls."

"..."Feng Yun made him so angry that he wanted to laugh.

Can't avoid it, can only bear it.

He hadn't taken care of his appearance in the past few days, so it was hard to tell from his face. He was still a handsome and valiant general, but the light stubble on Feng Yun's delicate face was a little tingling and uncomfortable.

She pushed him and bit him.

He seemed to be completely unaware of it. His body, which had been deprived of comfort for a long time, was as hard as iron. He sucked her hard and breathed hard, as if he really wanted to eat her into his stomach. Feng Yun was so nervous that her hair stood on end and her mind was in a mess.

"It's snowing heavily, it's frosty and snowy, and it's cold and hungry. Don't you want your body anymore?"

"No. All for you." Pei Jue held her waist and tore open her pajamas, but felt it was not enough. He took off his robe with one hand, revealing a strong body. He leaned down and supported his long arms on her side. The visible abdominal muscles rose and fell as if they could breathe, which made Feng Yun's eyes hot.

"Go wash." This was Feng Yun's last stubbornness.

"Okay." The rough palm fell down, pinched her waist like a water snake, rubbed it hard a few times, and took a few bites with great satisfaction, and then jumped up.

"Wait for me."

It was snowing heavily outside, and the world was so quiet that many sounds could be clearly distinguished.

The snow pressed on the branches, gurgling, the whistling wind and the heavy breathing, one after another, one after another, like a drumbeat on the heart, bringing endless numbness and endless reverie.

Pei Jue did not take the cloth strip, and Feng Yun forgot to remind him.

The lingering without restraint and suppression was something Pei Jue had thought about for a long time in his dream. However, he was so eager for it, facing the beauty blooming like a flower, he still hesitated and did not dare to play with her wantonly...

Feng Yun was in a daze, tense to the extreme.

He hummed, a refreshing aftertaste emerged from his throat, veins on his forehead popped up, as if he had used all his strength, but he still didn't want to hurt her. He fed her to a comfortable position, and then dared not go forward.

This was his pity.

Feng Yun was full for the first time in a long time.

"General..." She raised her wet eyes and looked at the man with red eyes. She wanted to twist her body to make him back off, but he mistook her for impatience, and panted twice and ruthlessly bumped into her.

She groaned, straightened her waist, trembled slightly, and raised her head to oh softly in an uncontrollable numbness.

Shadows were dim in the curtain, and pearls and jade were swaying.

Aozai turned his head and lay down, burying his head in his claws.

Xiaoman retreated to the outer room, but still felt that the distance was not enough, so he opened the door and went out, and saw Zuo Zhong standing in the wind and snow.

When their eyes met, Xiaoman's ears suddenly blushed.

A servant shouldn't think about the master's affairs, but at her age, she was just in the period of naivety and yearning. The voice came to her ears intermittently, soft and trembling, making her heart beat like thunder. If she looked at Zuo Zhong for a second longer, she would wish she could find a crack in the ground to hide...

Zuo Zhong turned his back and stood straight, like a tall pine tree.

He was at the wind outlet under the eaves.

The wind was so loud that it could cover the ripples that shouldn't have been generated.

Xiao Man looked at his tall back and turned around silently.

A gust of cold wind blew in her face, and she felt itchy in her nose and sneezed...

She gathered her clothes and prepared to go back to the house.

But thinking that Zuo Zhong was still there, her heart softened inexplicably.

Xiao Man went back to the house and took a hand warmer, walked over silently, and handed it to Zuo Zhong.

Zuo Zhong looked at the girl's evasive eyes and moved his lips.

"Thank you."

Xiao Man got closer and found that his eyelashes were wet. He must have been cold, and felt distressed for some reason.

"Why doesn't Guard Zuo go inside to guard?"

The general was very strict, but he was very kind to people like Zuo Zhong and Ji You. In such a cold day, there were already guards patrolling the garden, and Zuo Zhong was not a big deal.

Even if he didn't wait here, the general wouldn't blame him.

Zuo Zhong said, "I'm fine. Go in quickly."

Xiao Man pursed her lips, "I'll stand for a while."

Zuo Zhong: "It's cold outside."

Xiao Man raised his eyebrows, "Why aren't you afraid of the cold?"

Zuo Zhong was silent for a moment, "I have been trained."

"Me too." Xiaoman raised his chin proudly, "I'm not an ordinary maid, I know martial arts."

Zuo Zhong stopped talking and let her go.

Such silence made Xiao Man feel a little embarrassed. Looking at Zuo Zhong's ice sculpture-like face, a surge of hot blood suddenly poured into his head uncontrollably.

At this moment, she swore that her mind was blank, she had no obscene intentions, and she didn't think about anything. She just couldn't help but stand on tiptoes and stretched out her hand to touch Zuo Zhong's forehead.

The warm touch shocked Zuo Zhong.

Xiaoman was also shocked by the coldness.

Just for a moment, he quickly took it back.

"I, I thought, thought you weren't really cold, but you were actually very cold."

Xiaoman didn't know what he was talking about, so he turned his head furiously, opened the door and walked into the room.

Zuo Zhong held the waist knife and looked at it quietly without making a sound.

Feng Yun leaned on Pei Man's chest, his mind was empty, he was extremely tired, and he fell asleep quickly.

I don't know how long it took, but there was a rush of footsteps outside.

Feng Yun was very sleepy and couldn't open her eyes, so she turned over and continued to sleep. Pei Mant tucked the quilt in, patted her, and asked in a deep voice:

"What's the matter?"

Outside the window, Zuo Zhong's voice seemed to have some restrained excitement, rapid and low.

"Report to the general, eight hundred miles from the capital."

Pei Madang gave a low response, put on his clothes, stood up, and gently opened the door. For fear of startling Feng Yun, he signaled Zuo Zhong to go farther away, and then said:

"Say it."

Zuo Zhong saw that he was disheveled but his face was extremely cold and solemn. He lowered his eyes and handed over a secret military report.

"Your Majesty was caught by the wind and cold at night, and the dragon's body was in disharmony. At this moment, the herald has arrived at Cuiyu."

After a pause, he looked up again, and there seemed to be fire burning in his eyes.

"At the same time as the news arrived, there was also a decree from the imperial court to reward the general with the gift of nine tins."

Pei Ran took it and didn't take a closer look.


A calm voice, without any ripples.

But the wind on the snowy night was too deep and solemn. Zuo Zhong felt his heart palpitate inexplicably, as if a storm was coming. He was nervous and anxious.

"The Queen Mother should summon the General soon."

Pei Ran had a dull expression on his face and hummed, "Go down. Rest for a while."

Zuo Zhong lowered his head and said, "Yes."

The two people spoke very softly. Feng Yun wrapped himself in the quilt and listened for a moment. He moved and turned over. As soon as he opened his eyes, Pei Ran came in.

He lowered his head and kissed her forehead gently.

"Woke you up?"

Feng Yun didn't open his eyes, and tied his arms across his waist, his voice a little confused.

"The Queen Mother summons you, will you go?"

Pei Ran: "Go."

Feng Yun said nothing again.

He leaned down, his dark eyes were hot, "But there's no rush, you can do it again."

His breath fell on the base of his ears, burning. Feng Yun felt that Pei Madang was much more like Meng Lang than in his previous life. He raised the corners of his lips and smiled all over his face, but he no longer opened his eyes.

"Go and prepare. Don't let the Queen Mother down."

Pei Ran snorted, held her waist and said nothing.

Feng Yun got a little angry when he saw him being so taciturn.

"The general's mouth is of no use. It's just a matter of sex."

When Pei Man heard the delicate and soft voice, he felt an itch in the seam of his bones for no apparent reason.

He greedily took a deep breath in the crook of her neck and said in a low voice: "Isn't this the antidote to thirst? I'll feed you." (End of Chapter)

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